MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 902 Run over!

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Run over?

Such unreasonable practices rarely appear in Rong Taotao's body.

Even in the arena, the two sides had to start a fair fight, and Rong Taotao would do his best to ridicule and gain a fighting advantage from another level.

Not to mention the normal execution of tasks.

Now that he has the initiative, then according to Rong Taotao's character, he naturally has to do some operations to get the maximum results at the minimum cost as much as possible.

Did Rong Taotao win the huge first empire in the snow vortex?


He sneaked into the emperor's bedroom late at night, directly turned against the emperor Jinyu, and handed over power peacefully at the least cost.

Rong Taotao's mouth is very rough, but his behavior has always been stable!

And tonight, at a quarter past four in the morning, Rong Taotao's military vehicle did not stop at the military camp in Dongcheng District, but drove directly to the city center, towards the location of the owner of Lei Teng Treasure.


Um... my mom said let me run over it!

Whether it is an enemy or a friend, there is no need to investigate in advance.

Battle plan, no need to deploy in advance!

Whether it is a war or a peace, just wait for us to step on each other's face and make a decision after the on-the-spot interrogation!

Of course, everyone has a steel scale in their hearts.

This mysterious soul warrior is very difficult to be an ally. At the most turbulent moment of the lava vortex, what kind of good thing can such a person lie in ambush and hide in Starfire City?

"Slow down." On the co-pilot, Gao Lingwei closed her eyes tightly, "Dad and Aunt Nancheng's car is not far behind us, and they are about to catch up."

Xu Fenghua suddenly said, "Is there any news about other treasures?"

"No, Mom, this is the only one." Gao Lingwei pursed her lips, "Let me tell you about this person's physical characteristics?"

Xu Fenghua: "Speak."

Gao Lingwei: "Male, tall and thin, a little hunched, he feels like an old man. He is awake now. He just made himself a hot drink and is sitting on the sofa watching TV."

Xu Fenghua: "Where exactly do you live?"

Gao Lingwei: "In a commercial and residential complex in the city center."

The girl closed her eyes and said these words, and Wan Chengyan was stunned when she heard it...

There are many names of Gao Lingwei, such as Gao University, Zhongsoul School, the former commander-in-chief of the expeditionary army, the current commander of the Qingshan Military Division, and so on.

But Gao Lingwei is still a humanoid radar, which is something Wan Chengyan never expected!

Gao Lingwei: "He lives on the 16th floor of the top floor, alone."

Rong Taotao hurriedly said, "I'll go through the window!"

Through Gao Lingwei's description, the two quickly formulated an arrest plan. There was no traffic jam in Starfire City in the early morning, and the two military vehicles were unimpeded and finally stopped on the east side of the complex.

"Fenghua?" Rong Yuanshan jumped out of the car immediately and looked at his wife and children, with some doubts and dissatisfaction in his slightly raised voice.

Nancheng strode forward: "The Soul General is dealing with the note, and he has not returned to the team when he receives your message. I will let Liu Soul General and Professor Zhang sit in the military camp and guard our Snow Realm Dragon Clan."

Xu Fenghua glanced at Rong Yuanshan, Nan Cheng, Ye Nanxi and others who got out of the car, and nodded lightly: "Enough."

Nancheng hurriedly said, "Where is the target?"

Gao Lingwei raised her hand and pointed to the top: "East side, that is, the outermost side near us, the penthouse."


During the exchange of people, Rong Taotao's body was covered with frost and snow, and a huge goddess statue appeared quietly.

Rong Taotao has snow lotus in his body, no matter where he is, Jin Yu and other snow soul pets can live well.

But after coming out of Rong Taotao's body, the situation took a turn for the worse.

As calm as Jinyu, she could not help frowning deeply. Although this was the first time Jinyu had tasted the taste of lava elements, the restraint of attributes in the rules made her whole person unwell.

"Tao Tao?" Jin Yu squatted down, looking ugly, "Where is this place?"

"Go back and explain, let's grab someone first." Rong Taotao reached out and shook Jinyu's huge finger to appease.

Rong Yuanshan said solemnly: "This is the end of the matter, so let's act. After all, it is a special period, and special events are handled specially."

Xu Fenghua said softly: "The soldiers are very fast, distant mountains, command."

Rong Yuanshan glanced at the Wan Cheng brothers and sisters who brought everyone here, and said, "The two of you are here to watch. After everything is over, you will contact all parties, and the aftermath will be discussed later."



Rong Yuanshan: "I am with Nanxi, the east wall. Fenghua and Lingwei are in the group, the north window. Taotao and Nanhunjiang are in the group, the south window.

We entered the house at the same time, regardless of the identity of the other party, and immediately controlled the target.

Jinyu demon, open your silk mist clothes.

The first time we entered the house, you should cover the north, south, east, and the top of the building as much as possible without damaging the building. "

Of course Jinyu knew that this was the master's father, so she nodded slightly.

Immediately, mist was entangled at the foot of Mount Rongyuan and slowly floated up.

Seeing this scene, Rong Taotao's feet also rose up with clouds and mist, and a vortex of thunder and fog swept under Gao Lingwei's feet, and they all flew up.

The three of them, with a comrade in arms, quickly flew up against the wall and went straight to the top floor of the 16th floor.

Below, the Wan Cheng brothers and sisters looked at the group of three scattered on the roof, and a heart was raised in their throats.

The brothers and sisters knew that it was difficult for the people in the house to be law-abiding people.

It is impossible for a soul warrior with a thunderbolt treasure to not be recorded.

Therefore, the other party could neither be a Chinese military police officer, nor a citizen of Huaxia Hunwu.

Under this premise, the other party can only come from a foreign country.

The problem also arises. If the other party enters the country according to the normal route, it is impossible for such a powerful soul martial artist to have no information at all, and this person must be observed as a key object!



"Crash!" In an instant, the windows on three sides of the top-floor residence shattered at the same time!

In front of the Wan Zhai brothers and sisters, the statue of the goddess was gently twisting the invisible long skirt with her jade fingers. She followed the three groups of people to the skirt on the top floor, and also wrapped the four directions of east, south, north, and up in a very short time. .

Rong Yuanshan said, try not to destroy the building.

Otherwise, Jinyu, the mythical-level Silk Mist Clothes, would be like a machete, cutting the residence on the top floor squarely, wrapping it directly, and holding it in the air.

The Jinyu outside the building has a strong execution force and has completed the task given by the commander. At this time, in the 16-story penthouse...

On the sofa in the living room, a scrawny old man had a look of horror on his face, looking at the silhouettes emerging from the living room window, the dining room, and the bathroom, he was speechless!

This old man was so thin that he was almost skinny, but his eyes were so big that he actually gave him the feeling of a "skeleton"...

From the beginning to the end, the old man did not have the slightest soul power fluctuation!

The dry palm was trembling, and the coffee was splashed on the ground with the porcelain cup in his hand.

"What are you...what are you doing?" The old man's voice was hoarse, speaking English in his mouth, and his shivering appearance looked like a frightened ordinary civilian.

Or, should he be called a foreign tourist?

Rong Taotao snorted coldly in his heart, this old guy is still pretending?

A strange foreign old man, and his beloved big pillow, who would Rong Taotao believe?

The answer is obvious.

In Rong Taotao's mind, this foreign old man was nothing more than another snake.

In the Xue Ran Army Twelfth Regiment, the captain of the snake is no different from ordinary people.

Aunt Snake passed you by, the dagger in her hand has already wiped your neck, you probably haven't reacted yet...

"Hi~ Hello?" Rong Taotao said hello.

The jagged old man immediately turned his head to look.


In just an instant, the mental barrier in the old man's mind was shattered!

Rong Taotao's eyes narrowed, and Fenghuaxueyue didn't drag the other party into the illusion for the first time!

The old skeleton, the mental barrier level is not low? Pretend you are an ordinary civilian?

Sensing that he was revealing himself, the old skeleton slammed his eyes shut, and circles of current halos quickly spread out from his body!

Thunderbolt Soul Skill Electric Lock Ring!

The quality of the electric lock ring is very easy to distinguish. The electric lock ring that starts at the hall level has a radius of 5 meters.

And the legendary electric lock ring, the radius is doubled to 10 meters.

The first electric lock ring of the old skeleton spread out, and everyone with rich experience already knew that this person's Thunder Soul Magic level was at least 6 stars!

"Drop!" Gao Lingwei shouted immediately!

Bafang Thunderbolt · Muffled Thunder!

For a time, everyone's brains were buzzing...

A buzzing head doesn't mean you're incapacitated. You must know that the people present either have spiritual barriers or spiritual treasures.

But the old skeleton suffered!

Because he had just been broken through by Rong Taotao's romance, Gao Rong's output was simply a combination of skills, seamlessly connected.

The moment Gao Lingwei opened her mouth and shouted, Nan Cheng's foot collapsed, and the knees were covered with cold stars, and a flying knee had hit it!

No kidding, Nancheng's ruthless flying knee doesn't look like a human being attacking at all, as if a mountain is crushing it!

The panicked old skeleton was saved by Gao Lingwei instead?

He subconsciously retreated and fled, not to hide from Nancheng's flying knees, but his body's natural reaction after being shocked by Gao Lingwei.


Nancheng hit it, attached to the sofa and with the thick wall behind, and was directly smashed by Nancheng to break a big hole.

Nan Cheng's figure also disappeared in the living room and blasted into the bedroom behind the wall...

Rong Yuanshan, Rong Taotao, Ye Nanxi and others couldn't get in at all, because Xu Fenghua's figure stabbing forward with extreme speed drew an "x" shape with Nancheng.

Under the permeation of the jade dragon's gift, the snow halberd in her hand stabbed the old man, the sharp halberd tip penetrated the thigh of the old skeleton instantly, and the floor immediately shattered.

Before the crowd came back to their senses, the old skeleton had been pierced by the snow halberd and nailed to the ground!

"Fuck..." Rong Taotao was really stunned, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to swear in front of his parents.

Simply too fast!

This is no longer a question of whether others can intervene.

Rong Taotao even thought that if Xu Fenghua didn't take care of Nancheng, then before Nancheng smashed the sofa and smashed the wall, Xu Fenghua should have nailed the old skeleton to the ground...

"Ah ah ah!!" The old skeleton screamed loudly, in shock, he didn't even care to reshape the mental barrier, raising his hand was a knife!


The blade made by thunder and lightning suddenly took shape, scattered with astonishing soul power, and slammed upwards!

No matter what kind of soul skill this lightning blade is, it cannot let this blade touch the body, not even Fang Tianhuaji.

Most of Lei Teng's soul skills are irritable, even if the blade rubs against the target a little, the endless backhand soul skills will be released.

Just to give an example: Thunder Blade Chain!

The lightning blade chain that shuttles away will connect everyone in the house in an instant. With the high-quality soul magic of this old skeleton, the damage output of the lightning blade chain is definitely not low.

This is just the Thunder Blade Chain, there are more Thunder Soul Skills to choose from, and the old skeleton can even detonate the entire apartment!


On the side of Xu Fenghua's body, the jade hand flicked, and the side of the snow-colored halberd crooked.

Under the understatement of the action, the sizzling thunder and lightning blade actually stuck to the gap between the halberd and her front, and directly lifted it up, without touching anything...

Really divine!

And Xu Fenghua is not only dodging, her attacking actions are also executed synchronously.

While she was turning sideways, the military boots were wrapped with strong soul power, and the toe of the boots kicked directly at the head of the old skeleton!

"Boom" sound!

That was the sound of the toe kicking the old skeleton's temple.

Another muffled sound of "Boom"!

It was the sound of the old skeleton hitting the cracked wall with his head.

In the dust, Nan Cheng clawed at the thick wall with one hand, and when he returned to the living room, there was an old skeleton covered in blood and almost unconscious.

Just... it's over?

Ye Nanxi blinked, but there was a murmur in his heart, as if there was a room full of people, and he had never done anything with Taotao and Rongyuanshan?

Ye Nanxi guessed wrong.

Rong Taotao is still very useful, after all, he was the first to drive, and it was he who smashed the mental barrier of the old skeleton, and then only Gao Lingwei, who was seamlessly connected, shouted fiercely.

As for the two mothers taking over the battlefield...

That's true, no one can get in on it.

Xu Fenghua grabbed the collar of the old skull, held him in front of him, opened his eyelids with one hand, and looked at his dull eyes.

Snow Realm Soul Skill · Mind Controlling Soul!

"Are you from Usail?" Xu Fenghua's voice was cold.

Rong Taotao guessed right, she looked like a flat lake, but the anger in her heart was unimaginable for ordinary people.

Obviously, Xu Fenghua doesn't like his son being threatened, and he doesn't want his son to be nailed to the pillar of How angry is Xu Fenghua?

As calm as her, let Rong Taotao run over directly...

The old skeleton was full of blood, but there was no pain on his face, and his hazy eyes became extremely empty: "I'm not from Usaiel."

Xu Fenghua's expression froze, and he tightened his collar.

Old Skeleton: "I am his partner, his companion."

Xu Fenghua narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is your Lei Teng treasure a spiritual type?"


Xu Fenghua loosened his palm and threw the old skeleton on the ground: "Break your forehead and eyeballs, and wipe the blood off your body."



Inadvertently, Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua's eyes were intertwined, and he had never seen his mother with such sharp eyes.

Rarely, Rong Taotao avoided her sight, and happened to see the time displayed in the upper right corner of the TV that was still running normally.

At three o'clock in the morning, Rong Taotao saw Usail for the first time.

At 4:5 in the morning, Rong Taotao received a threatening letter from Usail.

At four-fifty-nine in the morning, Xu Fenghua found out Usaiel's accomplice and tamed a servant.

If nothing else, there will be a big counterattack next.

And Usaiel's team will inevitably usher in a **** storm...

Between the exploding soul orbs trembling, Rong Taotao cautiously looked around, and also saw Xu Fenghua's complexion covered in frost, looking down at the old skeleton.

Perhaps, she is consolidating the control of the mind control soul over the slave.


Rong Taotao couldn't help grinning, this is called... run over, right?


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