MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 926 7th Party・Moon Thunder

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As the wedding date of her brother and sister-in-law approached, Gao Lingwei certainly did not want to miss such an important day.

Without further ado, Gao Lingwei and Xu Fenghua took the opportunity together and rushed to Manlie Manor to join Rong Taotao's body.

Gao Lingwei had no intention of bothering Xu Fenghua, but of course she had to tell her mother about such important matters.

For Xu Fenghua, collecting the treasures is an incredible event!

At such an important moment, Xu Fenghua must of course accompany the child.

When the two arrived, Rong Taotao and others just came out of the vortex on the top of the cloud, and the timing was perfect!

It seems that God knew that the four members of the Rong family had important events to attend, and gave the Rong family the green light all the way. This trip to the Leiteng Vortex went smoothly and abnormally.

On June 16, a helicopter hovered over the northeast side of Remo Island, but did not dare to approach.

Inside the helicopter, Rong Taotao clawed at the hatch with one hand and looked up at the violent thunder vortex high in the sky. The gust of wind blew his clothes, causing the natural curls of his head to fly randomly.

Rong Taotao: "You come to me?"

"I have experience." Gao Lingwei looked at the parents in the opposite seat with a look of exploration, but the joy in the girl's eyes couldn't be hidden. Seeing Xu Fenghua couldn't help laughing, she nodded lightly.

"Let's go!" Gao Lingwei couldn't hold back the joy in her heart, she wrapped Rong Taotao's body with one hand, and held Xu Fenghua's cold palm with the other.

Rong Yuanshan took his wife's hand on his own, and the group of four fell out of the helicopter in a series.

"Yohoo~" Rong Taotao let out a strange cry, the intense weightlessness made his heart beat faster, and then his body was wrapped in a lotus flower.

Nine-petal lotus · Royal lotus!

The group of four quickly adjusted their positions while falling, with Rong Taotao as the center, surrounded by three people, and the lotus drill rushed to the sky!

"I'm looking forward to it, Lightning Dharma Wang Wei?" Rong Taotao smiled and looked at the girl in his arms, the royal lotus flower was cold, only the girl's breath was hot, and it was a little itchy on his neck.

Thunder and lightning gather in all directions!

My big pillow is finally going to complete the ultimate evolution, and clear the Lei Teng attribute!

It's so comfortable.

If I was bullied before, it would always be "you go home and find my mother", and I am twenty years old and still looking for my parents, is it shameful?

From now on, I will not complain to my mother!

Hmm...I'm going to complain to my girlfriend...

"Shh." Gao Lingwei gave a silent command and said in a slightly resentful tone, "Concentrate!"

Thunder and lightning Wang Wei?

Mom and Dad are by my side, it's a shame to say this name.

In the midst of embarrassment, Gao Lingwei dived around Rong Taotao's body, then turned back up, and entered the current waterfall...


The lotus drill flew nearly a kilometer in the vortex, and after getting away from the gap in the vortex, it smashed into the ground heavily.

Returning to this scorched earth world again, Rong Taotao was also full of emotion.

It was still dark and thunderous, but such an apocalyptic scene seemed a lot more "cute" in Rong Taotao's eyes.

Rong Taotao held up the imperial lotus umbrella and sheltered the family of four.

Gao Lingwei closed her eyes and felt it for a while, then said, "The distance is a little far, let's dig a cellar first and take a rest."

"Okay." Rong Taotao responded while waving the snow mist, preparing to summon the Snow Ghost Hand.

It was the first time that Xu Fenghua and Rong Yuanshan entered the Lei Teng Vortex, and it was a blessing for a pair of children, so that the two of them could stand safely in this world of natural disasters.

The two looked around curiously, only to feel endless depression.

For ordinary people, the northern snow is a hell, and in that world of snow and wind, there is only the word bitter cold.

And this Lei Teng vortex, not to mention too much!

The couple looked at each other, and while admiring in their hearts, they couldn't help but feel a little distressed about their children.

Gao Lingwei didn't come here to play every once in a while, she was stationed here all the time. A search is months, night and day.

How much determination and perseverance does this take?

The Four Seasons of Pine Soul·Autumn·Professor Zheng Qianqiu once said: Experience hardships in the world, and experience the soul in the snow.

This sentence is widely circulated, because Professor Zheng wrote these words specifically to Rong Taotao.

Now it seems that Professor Zheng's words are true.

Those who can really come out of the vast wind and snow have already experienced the loneliness and suffering in the world. No matter where they go in the future, they will survive very strong.

"Dad." In the underground shelter, Rong Taotao sprinkled a bunch of small moons and looked at his father.

"What?" Rong Yuanshan did not turn on Huang Yun, and his mentality was still normal.

In front of the combination of Rong Taotao + Dalia + Ekaterina, Rong Yuanshan dared to open the yellow cloud, and has survived tenaciously.

But in front of the combination of Rong Taotao + Xu Fenghua + Gao Lingwei, Rong Yuanshan did not intend to compete with himself...

To try to challenge the "authority" of the three of Xu Gaorong, at least wait until they return to Xuejing's home and are safe.

After all, this is the extremely dangerous Leiteng Vortex, and Rong Yuanshan is afraid that he will drag the team back.

Rong Taotao asked softly: "You said, after collecting the treasures, will my devil master show up?"

For a time, several people looked at Mount Rongyuan.

Rong Yuanshan shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know more than you. And after you gathered the nine-petal lotus, didn't you have a special contact with her?"

Rong Taotao nodded: "She asked me to look for lotus pods in a dream, after having lotus pods, can you really collect lotus flowers?

Now Dawei is about to gather all the thunder and lightning from all directions. Maybe the devil master will appear and give us some information? About this magical world? "

Rong Yuanshan hesitated for a moment, and under the eyes of the children, he said, "I am skeptical."

Rong Taotao: "Why?"

Rong Yuanshan gestured to Gao Lingwei: "She is not the chosen one, she is just an ordinary person like me.

And it is difficult for people like us to be qualified to join the game of gods. "

Gao Lingwei suddenly said, "Games?"

Rong Yuanshan nodded lightly: "The function of the inner vision soul map is to assist the growth of the target, so I think the so-called 'chosen person' is more like a chess piece in the hands of the gods.

At a higher level, this group of people is used by the gods to play games.

If it's low-end, maybe Taotao is just some high-level creatures for entertainment and to pass the time? "

After hearing some words, everyone's thoughts were heavy, and the underground shelter became quiet.

After a long time, Rong Taotao pouted: "If I was pinched by Master and used to play, I will spit her high and low when I see her again!

Even if her **** blooms, I will slap her a few words!

I struggled for so long and suffered so much, and the result was a plaything in her hand? "

Gao Lingwei persuaded softly, "You still have to be in awe of people at that level.

Even if we really have ideas in our hearts, at least we don't show them until we don't have absolute strength. "

Rong Yuanshan looked at Gao Lingwei with a look of relief: "It should be so. In any case, your strength is improving rapidly, and one day the mystery of those people will be revealed.

Even if Ling Wei is not the chosen one, it is always right to keep arming herself. "

"Yes, Dad." Gao Lingwei nodded in agreement.

Indeed, for a true soul warrior, becoming stronger is their only way out.

With a slight smile on Xu Fenghua's face, he looked at the well-behaved girl and said softly, "After absorbing Lei Teng's treasure this time, while Yangyang and Chunxi get married, you should have a good rest."

The girl feels the care of her parents here, while Rong Taotao has broken thoughts.

I saw Rong Taotao leaning on his knees with his elbows and his face on one hand, looking very distressed: "Damn, why do you have to wait for the 22-year-old to get the certificate?

This is not in line with the principles of soul martial arts at all. Many soul martial artists will die before the age of 22. "

Gao Lingwei: ? ? ?

While speaking, Rong Taotao raised his eyes, his eyes shuttled between the figures of his parents, his face full of resentment.

He didn't say anything, but he seemed to say everything.

As long as the two of you have something serious and let me give birth two years earlier, have Dawei and I already received the certificate?

And I can still have childhood sweethearts with Dawei!

You must know that he was the king of Guanwai at that time, and he gave a speech on the stage as a representative of outstanding freshmen! I'm just a small character, standing like a **** at the opening ceremony.

Xu Fenghua suddenly approached Rong Taotao with one hand.

Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment. He didn't quite understand what his mother meant. He reached out to hold it, but Xu Fenghua grabbed his wrist with one hand and pulled it into his arms.

In the confusion, Rong Taotao only felt one hand on his head, and also pressed his side face on Xu Fenghua's knee.

Rong Taotao:! !

"Mom, mom! I was wrong... don't!" Rong Taotao watched Xu Fenghua reach for the waistband with one hand, and in panic, the belt had already been pulled out.


Crisp and loud!

"I'm Professor Song Hunrong, and I have contributed to the cause of Hunwu..."


"I am the deputy commander of Qingshan, and I have shed blood for the Snow Burning Army..."



"Well." Xu Fenghua finally let go of his hand and lowered his head to fasten the belt.

Once upon a time, there was a spirit warrior who was rampant, and then he pulled out seven wolves...

People may not believe it when they say it, but the most happy person is actually Mount Rongyuan who is watching the battle!

It's like drinking a cup of iced sour plum soup on a hot summer day!

Although he didn't do anything, his body and mind were very comfortable...

The last time he was so hearty was when he kicked Rong Taotao to the gate of Manlie Castle.

Rong Taotao sat upright against the wall, watching Xu Fenghua bow his head and tie his belt, he also staggered his eyes.

Gao Lingwei, who was beside her, had a smile at the corner of her mouth. She leaned slightly, bumped Rong Taotao's shoulder lightly, and turned on Song Xue Wuyan: "I knew this day would come."

Rong Taotao grinned, and also replied with Song Xue speechless: "You are only on the first floor, and I am on the second floor."

Gao Lingwei raised her eyebrows slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Children who can cry only eat, you don't understand." Rong Taotao sighed softly, "This is called belated love..."

Gao Lingwei's smile is weird, it is not ruled out that Rong Taotao is hard-mouthed, but he can indeed do such a thing.

Neither the Gao family nor the Rong family are normal families.

Although every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, these two families are not difficult to read scriptures because of trivial matters.


The underground shelter was not quiet, Gao Lingwei played the role of her daughter very well, and took the initiative to open up the topic, talking about the marriage of her brother and sister-in-law.

The family of four was happily chatting softly. In this apocalyptic planet, chatting in such a small and stable environment, a few people enjoyed it quite a bit.

It's like a storm, lightning and thunder outside the house, and you're in a warm home, curled up under the covers and looking at your phone. Is it quite similar?

Until 9 pm, Yu Leiwei finally came back.

The current of the big stocks not only shuttled back quickly, but also returned safely with the unabsorbed Leiteng Zhibao!

Gao Rong and the two asked their parents to wait in the underground shelter temporarily, while Rong Taotao walked out with Gao Lingwei with the imperial lotus umbrella.

In fact, Rong Taotao should not go out, just because there is a treasure that has not been absorbed, it will not be integrated into Gao Lingwei's body along with the current.

In order to avoid the accidental loss of the treasure, it is better for Rong Taotao to help him watch.

The two came to a position about one kilometer away from the shelter, listening to the sound of lightning and thunder above their heads getting louder and louder, and Rong Taotao also knew how to stay away from right and wrong.

As Xue Jizuan fled quickly, an incomparably thick electric current fell down like a waterfall, engulfing Gao Lingwei.

"Tsk." Rong Taotao tilted his head slightly, looking like he couldn't bear to look directly.

Although the big throw pillow is accepting the gift of nature, but in the eyes of outsiders, it seems to be experiencing a catastrophe?

Eh? that is?

Rong Taotao's eyes Xue Ji drilled again, and hurried out.

This thunder and lightning treasure seemed to have no entity, but it was collapsed and flew far away.


Rong Taotao's prison lotus buds bloomed in one hand, and while swallowing the little moon, he hurriedly opened the imperial lotus buds to wrap his whole body, daring not to slack off.


After a few seconds, Rong Taotao only felt the spiritual ocean in his mind surge!

Good guy~ A bit irritable?

You know, Rong Taotao has many spiritual treasures!

Black Cloud, Zhu Lian, Evil Fire!

The rich spiritual ocean in his mind is not something that ordinary people can set off a storm.

Now he can even look at Beauty Frost, not frightened by her fascinating eyes.

Rong Taotao landed steadily, only to feel a violent wave of soul power coming from a distance!

He turned his head to look, and couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, is the big pillow going to be promoted?

The violent current waterfall poured down and the dazzling electric lights flickered. The girl stood proudly on the scorched earth, and a huge deep pit had been blasted around her body!

"Yes, that's it." Rong Taotao secretly inflated the big pillow in his heart, and the prison lotus in his hand dissipated.

Immediately, a small moon in the shape of a virtual projection floated in mid-air, but Rong Taotao knew that it was just very deceptive and must have a substance.

Seeing the bursts of current on the surface of the little moon, Rong Taotao endured and endured, but still stretched out a finger and poked it carefully.

"Clap" a crisp sound!

Rong Taotao was directly bounced off by the electricity, and a message also came from the inner vision soul map:

"Found Lei Teng, Bafang Thunder, Seventh Party, Yuelei. Is it absorbed?"


The name is interesting, huh?