MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 418 Glazed Divine Liquid!

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  Chapter 418 Glazed Divine Liquid!

  The Golden Dragon Peak occupied by the ancient golden dragon is right next to the Chilong Peak that Wu Feng swept before. The level of this ancient golden dragon is also about the same as that of the ancient red dragon.

  Actually, in the forbidden extermination land at the junction of country 062 and country 052, there are all kinds of dragons everywhere, which is why this forbidden land is called Dragon Valley!

   It turned out that Wu Feng launched the Nine Dragons cart yesterday, and when he patrolled the territory, many sub-dragons from the Dragon Valley came to join Wu Feng.

  Nine dragons correspond to different categories of dragons. Among them, there are more white dragons who come to join. This is because among the nine dragons, both the blue-eyed white dragon and the little white dragon can increase the probability of the white dragons coming to join.

  So the sub-dragons among the white dragons came to defect the most, which made Wu Feng's territory have an extra circle of orange and legendary dragon mounts.

  They can become the mounts of various knight heroes, orange dragons, and can transform some knight units into dragon knights.

  In the various peaks of the Dragon Valley, there are real giant dragons entrenched, but they have no intention of coming to join them. Instead, they think that the heroes of the Dragon Alliance are the lackeys of other lords.

   It wasn't until the third dragon gate in the koi pond appeared that the situation changed. In the Dragon Valley, countless dragons have already felt the temptation of the dragon gate.

  Like the legendary ordinary dragons, if they can jump over the dragon gate, their bloodline ability will be greatly improved, and they will grow into ancient dragons faster.

   Even if they are already the existence of ancient dragons, they can use this to purify their dragon blood, so that they may take a new step.

  Under such circumstances, an ancient golden dragon brought a group of ordinary golden dragons to join him. Wu Feng was overjoyed when he saw it!

   "Very good. After winning country 062, I was planning to sweep up the Dragon Valley and open up passages with other countries. Now a dragon family from Jinlongfeng came to join me, which saved me a lot of effort."

   "Tell the ancient golden dragon that he and his little brothers can join our territory and enjoy the all-round cultivation of the evolutionary blood pool and koi pond!"

  The golden holy dragon received the ancient golden dragon and his party instead of Wu Feng. As the same clan, they communicated better.

  So the ancient golden dragon brought a group of golden dragons to lie down in front of the golden holy dragon, and obtained the approval of the golden holy dragon, and the two sides became the relationship between the commander and his subordinates.

  Dragon heroes already have the ability to command dragons. If Wu Feng uses the hero identity card to transform the ancient golden dragon into a hero, he should become a member of the Dragon Alliance just like the Tyrannosaurus.

   After Wu Feng agreed with the ancient golden dragons to join, they flew near the main base. If they were not already citizens of the territory, they would have been bombarded and killed by various attacks on the way.

  The ancient golden dragon came to the koi pond smoothly, and its eyes lit up: "Little ones, the lord's koi pond is our creation!"

"I brought you here for the koi pond. Originally, it took you more than a hundred years to grow into an ancient dragon, but with this koi pond, you may only need a hundred days to evolve. !"

   "This opportunity, you have to take good advantage of it, don't waste this opportunity!"

  After the ancient golden dragon finished speaking, he jumped into the koi pond by himself, and he turned into a little golden dragon, and quickly swam to the distant dragon gate.

  The golden koi in the koi pond, after seeing the ancient golden dragon, looked at it curiously. This guy is also covered in gold, very similar to them!

  The other golden dragons followed the example of the ancient golden dragons and jumped directly into the koi pond. There were 15 ordinary golden dragons in total, making the koi pond golden.

  They followed the ancient golden dragons to attack the triple dragon gate. Among them, the ancient golden dragon and 5 golden dragons jumped over the triple dragon gate, and the rest of the golden dragons jumped over the double dragon gate.

   Now the talent gap among the Golden Dragons can be discerned. It is clear at a glance who has more potential!

  After the ancient golden dragon set an example, Wu Feng mobilized Wei Gusi and asked her to go to the Dragon Valley, and first clear the Dragon Peak in an area.

  In Dragon Valley, Chilong Peak and Jinlong Peak are just one of the tall peaks. In Dragon Valley, there are many such peaks.

   Almost all of them are inhabited by various dragons. They are all an ancient dragon with a group of ordinary dragons. This is a combination of an epic boss and a group of legendary bosses.

  Going deeper into the Dragon Valley, there is still a situation where several ancient dragons gather together, so Wu Feng asked Wei Gusi to clean out the surrounding Dragon Peak first.

   After Weigus entered a green mountain, the green dragons living in it flew out, and they immediately warned Weigus.

"Dirty succubus! You have broken into the territory of our green dragon clan, get out of here, or we will kill you!" From Vigus, the group of green dragons sensed a dangerous aura, so they behaved first and then fought .

  Otherwise, if ordinary enemies come in, the proud dragon clan would have breathed the dragon's breath long ago.

   Before Vigus could speak, Varnao, who was guarding her, roared angrily: "Little thing, who are you talking to?"

  Varnao has been transformed into a loyal subordinate of Vigus. Seeing that the green dragon dared to disrespect Mrs. Vigus, it almost blew up.

  The extremely tall Varnao brought a great sense of oppression to the green dragon, not to mention that behind Varnao there were equally ferocious ancient red dragons.

  This green dragon can't figure it out. It's incredible how a succubus can be followed by so many ancient red dragons.

  Could it be that the Red Dragon Clan has degenerated to the point of being dogs of the succubus?

In this case, an ancient green dragon flew over with other green dragons. The ancient green dragon in the head should be familiar with Varnao. When it saw Varnao, it roared angrily: "Varnao , you came to my Green Dragon Peak to play wild again?"

  Varnao sneered: "Wild? I can even crush your Green Dragon Peak!"

The two were very angry, Wei Gusi was accompanied by a poisonous dragon, this epic hero who also evolved from a green dragon stood up and said: "This man, we are of the same race, so we have something to say , we are here this time, hoping that you can join our territory."

   "In the territory of the lord, there are triple dragon gates, and there are a lot of dragon blood..."

  Before the highly poisonous dragon finished speaking, the ancient green dragon interrupted it with a roar: "Shut up, great dragon clan, you are willing to be a lackey for other lords, and you still come here to instigate me!"

   "I am the great Olgoro! Don't you think of rebelling against me! Dragons will never be slaves!"

  Olgro roared for a while, and then it couldn't roar, because Vigus lightly whipped the Queen's whip, and then hooked her fingers at it.

   "Since this is the case, then you can be my puppy obediently! Be my slave!"

  The Poisonous Demon Dragon is the first lobbyist. If the Green Dragon can persuade the green dragon to join, then it is naturally the best. If not, then Wei Gusi will directly activate the ability.

  After she possessed the mythical-level Supreme Beauty Ring, the upper limit of the enchanted enemy's level reached 220. A 200-level fifth-tier epic boss like this is naturally within the range of being charmed by her.

   It's just that there is an upper limit to the number of bosses that Wei Gusi can charm, and it takes a day to completely transform the charming bosses into one's own combat power.

  That's why Vigus expected the poisonous dragon to succeed. Now that she can't convince the other party, she can only use charm!

  Vegus's charm this time was much smoother than when she dealt with Varnao. She successfully charmed Olgro and his little brothers once.

   Now, an ancient green dragon and 14 adult green dragons have become Wei Gusi's subordinates, and the dragons will never be slaves? It's just that there is no food and shelter.

   Wei Gusi had a bag of food and lodging, and the group of green dragons joined.

   However, the number of bosses that Wei Gusi charmed was 1/3 full at once, and she can handle the dragon clan of three peaks at most in one day.

Wu Feng also appeared by Wei's side at this time. He threw out the Fantian Seal and swallowed the Green Dragon Peak directly. Now the Chilong Peak and the Green Dragon Peak disappeared, and Wu Feng turned the mountain into a plain. Only the mountain on the other side is missing, and you can get through the country No. 052.

  In this case, Wei Gusi continued to deal with the two dragon peaks, and took down a black dragon peak and a white dragon peak.

  Vigus has a large number of epic dragons under her command. So many dragons can help Weigus pass the higher-level **** difficulty trial.

   At the same time, these dragons can jump the dragon gate, which can greatly increase their strength. With so many dragons, Wu Feng's territory has become a kingdom of dragons.

  As a large number of dragons joined the territory, a hidden attribute appeared in the Dragon Alliance, which will only be revealed when the number of dragons meets a certain requirement.

   Dragon Alliance: Legendary hero organization, currently has 9 members, which can increase the chance of summoning Dragon Alliance heroes by an additional 18%.

  Epic level (9 players): Dragon Soul Gunner, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Diamond Demon Dragon, Little White Dragon, Nether Bone Dragon, Poisonous Demon Dragon, Frost Demon Dragon, Golden Holy Dragon, Battle Tyrannosaurus.

  Legendary level (0 people): .

  According to the member's quality, activate 18 layers of organizational power (mythical quality increases by 4 layers, epic quality increases by 2 layers, legendary quality increases by 1 layer, and perfect quality increases by 0.5 layers).

  The organization provides attribute bonuses: all attributes of all employees are increased by 180%.

  The organization provides bond bonuses: the awakening degree of the dragon bloodline is increased by 18%, the age of the dragon is increased by 18 years, the age of the dragon is increased by an additional 50 years, and the full attributes of the dragon creatures in the territory are increased by an additional 90%.

   "The Dragon Alliance can also enhance the attributes of dragon creatures. If we get the Dragon Blood Pool, it will be even more perfect!" Wu Feng rubbed his chin, thinking of the Dragon Blood Pool he got in the simulation game.

  If he got the dragon blood pool now, he could cultivate more powerful dragons, but if he had enough dragon blood, he could also create a manual dragon blood pool, which could also cultivate dragons.

   Wu Feng then threw the corpse of the dracolich lord obtained in the dungeon into the evolutionary blood pool, and extracted a batch of dragon blood from his corpse, which could be distributed to many giant dragons to increase their strength.

   But with the increase in the number of dragons in Wu Feng's hands, such a small amount of dragon blood is a drop in the bucket no matter how you look at it.

"Fortunately, in the infinite trial, you can often get the corpse of the void dragon, and you can also extract the holy blood of the dragon clan. In the trials of the heroes, you also have the opportunity to get the corpse of the dragon clan boss. You have to find a way to come up with more A lot of dragon boss corpses will do."

  Wu Feng thought of this, and he noticed that Vigus, Chris and others had all entered the hero trial, and they had reached the hidden level in the difficulty of hell.

  【Ding... The hero Holy Succubus (Vigus) cleared the 90th wave of **** difficulty in the trial dungeon, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and wave (90 waves), all attributes will be permanently increased by 900 points. 】

[Ding... the hero Holy Succubus (Vigus) cleared the 90th wave of Hell difficulty in the trial dungeon, and obtained the ultimate clearance reward. According to the difficulty (Hell), permanently increase all attributes by 1000 points, successfully cleared the 90th wave 3 times in a row, Open the hidden level of **** difficulty. 】


  Wei Gusi, Chris, Bai Qi, Fengyun and others all entered the hidden checkpoint, and the number of boss corpses produced by this wave of hidden checkpoints has increased a lot.

   There will always be some corpses of dragon bosses among them, and all of them can pass the third level and even the fourth level!

  Like Wei Gusi, the first 3 levels of the hidden level are not difficult for her. She reserved a few places, and she can directly charm the bosses of the first 3 levels, which is instant pass!

  The only problem with this operation is that there is no boss corpse, but for Wei Gusi, more boss subordinates are more meaningful.

  So Vigus easily reached the fourth level of the hidden level!

[Ding... The hero of the holy succubus (Vigus) cleared the trial copy of the first level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (first level), permanently increase all attributes by 1000 points . 】


[Ding... The hero of the holy succubus (Vigus) cleared the trial copy of the second level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (the second level), permanently increase all attributes by 1200 points . 】


[Ding... The hero of the holy succubi (Vigus) cleared the trial copy of the third level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (third level), permanently increase all attributes by 1500 points . 】


  The content of the fourth level is the sixth-level epic boss at level 220. Compared with the fifth-level epic boss in the third level, its level is higher and more difficult.

   But Wei Gusi stretched out his hand, and this sixth-level boss became Wei Gusi's subordinate. This is also Wei Gusi's first sixth-level epic boss! Its significance is very important!

  I saw that the sixth-level titan lowered its body and let Weigus stand on his shoulders. Weigus was lifted by the titan and stood on the giant's shoulders.

   Behind Vigus, there are a large number of dragons of various types. This combination is enough to blow up any enemy within the sixth rank!

[Ding... the hero of the holy succubi (Vigus) cleared the trial copy of the fourth level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (level 4), permanently increase all attributes by 2400 points . 】

  Vigus's 4th level is instant pass, enter the 5th level, facing the boss with a level up to 240, Weigus only needs to beckon, and let the Titan lead the ancient dragons to rush.

  The behemoth Behemoth in level 5, when he saw dozens of epic bosses surrounding him, was completely confused!

   Are you all still human? Don't talk about martial arts at all! In this trial dungeon, he actually played Legion Combat! This is still a group of people besieging it!

  Even if the Behemoth's level was higher than that of the Titan and the ancient dragon, he couldn't bear the ravages and was quickly killed.

   The huge body of the Behemoth was eventually smashed to pieces. It was a very miserable death from being besieged.

  The boss of level 6 had the same fate. Facing the siege of a group of epic bosses, he didn't survive 10 minutes at all!

[Ding... The hero of the holy succubus (Vigus) cleared the trial copy of the fifth level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (level 5), permanently increase all attributes by 3200 points . 】


[Ding... The hero of the holy succubus (Vigus) cleared the trial copy of the sixth level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (level 6), permanently increase all attributes by 4200 points . 】


   It wasn't until Wei Gusi reached the 7th level and encountered the peak sixth-order epic boss at level 270, it was relatively difficult. This is an ancient ice dragon, and it is also the dragon epic boss that Wu Feng needs.

  Seeing this boss, Wu Feng felt as if he had seen the holy blood of the Dragon Clan. He smiled and said, "Wei Gusi, you are lucky to have met the Dragon Clan boss."

   "I hope that Chris and the others can also meet the dragon boss! Only then can the amount of dragon blood be barely enough."

  In Wu Feng's eyes, this ancient ice dragon already represented the holy blood of the dragon clan, but the ancient ice dragon didn't have this feeling. It looked down on a group of ancient giant dragons under Wei Gusi's command.

   "You youngsters, you still want to counterattack and deal with me? I am much stronger than you, and my age is above you! Alas!"

  The ancient ice dragon was clamoring, and was attacked by Varnao rushing up with a mouthful of dragon's breath. The ancient ice dragon didn't expect these young people to be so ignorant of martial arts.

  The other ancient giant dragons behind were even more immoral. They rushed forward one by one, completely suppressing the ancient ice dragon, and made it feel like a big man.

  There are so many ancient dragons, even if they are one level behind, they are not something that the ancient ice dragon can fight against. This epic boss was quickly killed and became Vigus's trophy.

[Ding... The hero of the holy succubus (Vigus) cleared the level 7 of the hidden level of **** difficulty in the trial dungeon, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (level 7), permanently increase all attributes by 6000 points . 】


   After clearing the seventh level, in the eighth level, Vigus encountered the epic boss of level 7 and 300. Varnao and the Titan led a wave of people.

   It turned out that this wave encountered a seventh-level Hydra. After Varnao was almost killed, Wei Gusi decisively stopped the loss and gave up the challenge first.

Wei Gusi's current combat power is probably around level 7, which is about the same as Chris and Bai Qi. They are also epic-level bosses who can kill the peak of the sixth level. When dealing with level 7, it is a bit dangerous .

   Only Qingluan and Fengyun have the strength to challenge the 8th level.

  Qingluan relied on self-detonation to forcibly consume the ancient golden dragon in the 8th level. This seventh-level boss was severely injured by Qingluan's self-detonation, and then killed by the revived Qingluan.

   Qingluan can even rely on this level in the future to carry out Nirvana rebirth stably, which is also a very outrageous thing.

  【Ding...Undead Tianfeng (Qingluan), the hero under his command, cleared the 8th level of the hidden level of **** difficulty in the trial dungeon, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (8th level), permanently increase all attributes by 10,000 points. 】

  The rewards for clearing the 8th level are indeed extremely rich. Qingluan can not only be resurrected through Nirvana rebirth to increase his strength, but also get rewards for clearing the dungeon. With double growth, the hero trial is really a blessing for Qingluan.

Another combination that can pass the 8th level is Fengyun. The two of them can easily kill through the trial dungeon. The two of them have one sword and one sword. With the unlimited Moko Wuliang and the sixth-order epic boss, they can't hold it. They cut twice!

  In this case, if they clear the dungeon, they can also get Moco's infinite two-way increase!

[Ding... the hero in the wind (Nie Feng) clears the trial copy of the first level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and gets the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (first level), permanently increase all attributes by 1000 points . 】


[Ding... The hero under his command does not cry Death (Bu Jingyun) clears the trial copy of the first level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and gets the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (first level), permanently increase all attributes by 1000 points . 】


When clearing the dungeon, Feng Yun and Fengyun can not only enter the dungeon at the same time, but also get dungeon rewards. One dungeon is rewarded twice, and they can also download dungeons twice a day. This growth rate is the highest among all heroes .

  The two of them work together, and the efficiency of clearing the seventh level of the hidden dungeon is almost the same as that of Vigus, and the previous levels are also almost instant.

  As soon as the legendary boss appears, the combined attack of the two can severely damage and instantly kill it. The efficiency makes Chris cry.

  Only from the 8th level, they encountered a little trouble. When facing the ancient black dragon, they also needed to use some means to deal with it.

   After all, it is impossible for them to defeat this seventh-order epic boss in seconds, so they used the evasion ability and lightness skill bonus of the Fengshen Boots to tease the ancient black dragon the whole time.

  The attacks of the two of them were able to easily leave wounds on the body of the ancient black dragon. With the two combined attacks many times, the ancient black dragon was finally unable to hold on and was killed by them!

  Fengyun also cleared the 8th level in one fell swoop!

[Ding... The hero of the wind **** (Nie Feng) cleared the trial copy of the 8th level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (8th level), permanently increase all attributes by 10000 points . 】


[Ding... The hero under his command does not cry Death (Bu Jingyun) clears the trial copy of the 8th level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and gets the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (8th level), permanently increase all attributes by 10,000 points . 】


  Both of them can get rewards for clearing the level, and after they killed the boss of the 8th level, they didn't leave the instance like Qingluan.

   After Qingluan blew himself up once, his level had to be upgraded to level 46 again, in order to maximize each resurrection.

  Qingluan blew herself up and cleared the 8th level, and she was not suitable to pass the 9th level, but Fengyun didn't have any problems, the two of them teamed up, and they could pass the 9th level with conventional means.

   It’s just the boss of the 9th level. It’s replaced by a level 320 epic boss, which is even more difficult to deal with!

  Fengyun and Fengyun were very calm. This seventh-level dark demon king also had no way to deal with Fengyun who could fly around the field, but was defeated by the joint attack of the two of them!

   Under such circumstances, Feng Yun and Feng Yun also passed the ninth level in one fell swoop after spending a while!

[Ding... The hero of the wind **** (Nie Feng) cleared the trial copy of the ninth level of the hidden level of **** difficulty, and obtained the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (level 9), permanently increase all attributes by 15000 points . 】


[Ding... The hero under his command does not cry Death (Bu Jingyun) clears the level 9 of the hidden level of **** difficulty in the trial copy, and gets the clearance reward. According to the difficulty (hell) and the hidden wave (level 9), permanently increase all attributes by 15,000 points . 】


  Fengyun became the member with the most difficult challenge among all mythical heroes, but when they entered the 10th level, they discovered that this was already the last level of the hidden level.

   This also makes the difficulty of this level directly full. What Fengyun has to face is actually a 350-level seventh-level mythical boss!

   This is already the peak seventh-level boss. As soon as Feng Yun and the others saw it, they were almost killed by this giant titan with hundreds of eyes.

   Fortunately, the two of them have Moco Wuliang, and their attributes have been greatly improved, so they have the opportunity to quit the instance.

  After seeing the difficulty of the 10th level, Wu Feng also shook his head: "I'm afraid that within a period of time, even the combination of wind and cloud will not be able to pass the 10th level of this hidden level."

   A hero who wants to single-handedly fight against a seventh-level mythical boss, who can stand up to this!

  Even if the wind and the clouds are perfect, it is an impossible task! If they were equipped with divine weapons and their levels were raised to the fourth or fifth rank, then it would be more or less the same!

   As a result, Fengyun came to another wave of trial dungeons, and they left the dungeon directly after clearing the 9th level.

   After one round of dungeons, Feng Yun and his team added more than 50,000 attributes! This is equivalent to absorbing 50 drops of legendary evolutionary holy blood!

   Sure enough, if the strength is sufficient, this customs clearance trial copy is much stronger than absorbing the evolutionary holy blood!

  The evolutionary holy blood absorbed by the two of them every day has not been slowed down. This growth rate is the highest among all mythical heroes.

   Besides, they cleared the dungeon, not only for their own growth, but also for the boss corpses they killed. After this round, Wu Feng got several seventh-order epic boss corpses.

   Among them, there are three dragons, the ancient black dragon, the ancient golden dragon and the ancient red dragon. These are all priceless things!

[Ding... The evolution blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (ancient black dragon). According to its level (level 7, 320), the evolution blood output of the evolution blood pool increases by 320 drops/day, and the output of evolution holy blood increases 16 drops/day, you get 1600 drops of evolutionary blood (orange quality), 80 evolutionary holy blood (legendary quality), 20 evolutionary holy blood (epic quality). 】

  【Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (ancient black dragon), and according to its quality (epic) and race (ancient dragon), you get 40 drops of dragon blood (epic quality). 】


  Three seventh-order epic-level dragons can provide 120 drops of dragon blood, plus the dragon blood provided by other dragon bosses, Wu Feng gets more than 200 drops of this kind of blood every day.

   This can meet the needs of the 9 dragon alliance heroes in the territory, plus the needs of many ancient dragons!

  After putting all the Dragon Clan on the fast track of growth, Wu Feng took out the random hero summoning cards he had in hand. Now he has a total of 5 such summoning cards, and he can summon a wave of epic heroes.

  Considering that he might go to the 796th and 798th floors to expand his territory in the past two days, Wu Feng summoned all these summoning cards.

  Wu Feng planned to use the Lord Clone Card to support the clone with an epic hero that had never appeared in front of outsiders.

   At that time, heroes such as Bull Demon King and Bai Qi will be able to try. Epic heroes also need such a group of powerful heroes.

   Only in this way can the relationship between the avatar and the main body be separated. If Vigus is asked to support the avatar in its expansion, people will recognize it in minutes.

The new epic-level heroes summoned now are prepared for this purpose. Wu Feng is also because of the lucky golden lotus that has reached six petals, and his luck is on the rise. It is this simple lottery that allows him to draw the one that will help him the most. hero.

  The first random hero summoning card draws out a hero named Shushan Sword Immortal Zhou Qingyun! This is the female sword fairy who is on par with Li Yingqiong, and the two of them can also activate the combination of two swords!

   This turned out to be a superb hero with great potential, and Wu Feng was very satisfied with this.

   Now, the number of members of Wan Jianzong can be increased by one more, and during this period of time, Li Jianshen has transformed Shabuye and Kadis into members of Wan Jianzong.

  They also learned Wanjianjue, and they can use Wanjianjue to fight against the enemy. The organizational strength of Wanjianzong has been greatly improved immediately.

  Wan Jianzong: Legendary hero organization, currently has 9 members, increases the chance of summoning Wan Jianzong heroes by 35%.

  Mythical Hero (1 person): One-armed Sword God·Li Sword God

Epic Heroes (6 people): Emei Sword Immortal Li Yingqiong, Shushan Sword Immortal Xuantianzong, Shushan Sword Immortal Yu Yingnan, Shushan Sword Immortal Zhou Qingyun, Ghost Swordsman Shabuye, Mind-Eyes Swordmaster Kadi s.

  Legendary hero (1 person): Wine Sword Immortal.

  Perfect level hero (1 person): Qingcheng Sword Immortal.

  According to the quality of members, activate 17.5 layers of organizational power (mythical quality increases by 4 layers, epic quality increases by 2 layers, legendary quality increases by 1 layer, and perfect quality increases by 0.5 layers).

  The organization provides attribute bonuses: All attributes of Wanjianzong disciples are increased by 350%.

The organization provides bond bonuses: Wan Jianzong's disciple's sword energy has been improved for 175 years, Wan Jianzong's sword energy damage and attack distance +100%, mythical sword repair, can transform other heroes who use sword weapons into Wanjian A disciple of Jianzong.

   After the sword **** surnamed Li taught Shabuye and Kadiswan the sword art, his next target was Bai Qi, Bu Jingyun and others.

  If these mythical level sword heroes also learn Wanjianjue, Wanjianzong will really usher in a huge improvement and expansion.

After seeing the Sword God surnamed Li going to 'sell' Wan Jianjue to Bu Jingyun, Wu Feng then drew the second random hero summoning card, and then he drew a member of the Demon League, whose name was Venerable Poison Dragon. Jie Jie Jie has added another member.

   It's funny to say, the three monsters Wu Feng owns now, all of them speak the mantra of Jie Jie Jie, and when the three of them get together, Geralt is already calling him!

  Blood God Son Deng Yin: "Jie Jie Jie..."

   Yaoshi Guchen: "Jie Jie Jie..."

  Green-robed Patriarch: "Jie Jie Jie..."

  Now good guy, another one has been added, Venerable Poison Dragon: "Jie Jie Jie..."

  Wu Feng simply tied the four of them together and asked them to shoot together when they acted. It was really magical and made people think that they had entered hell.

  The effect of this random hero summoning card also made Wu Feng discover that with the gradual activation of his hero organization, almost all the heroes summoned with this kind of props are 'owned' heroes.

   Almost all of them can quickly join a certain hero organization, which is awesome!

  Then the third random hero summoning card, just as Wu Feng imagined, he summoned the demon Dong Zhuo in one fell swoop! This hero of the Three Kingdoms gave Wu Feng the hope of activating the power of the 100-layer organization!

   "If the demon Guan Yu, the demon Zhuge Liang, and the demon Zhang Jiao are taken back, then my Wushuang Three Kingdoms will soon break through the 100-level organizational strength."

   "At that time, this hero organization will definitely be stronger than other hero organizations! When I distribute the holy blood, almost all the heroes I borrowed will be taken back."

Wu Feng is already planning to take back the borrowed heroes, so he needs to help his allies cultivate new epic heroes. For example, the legendary hero organization summoning card dug up by [Jianghu Veteran] was taken away by [Tenpeng Marshal] and [Blue Enchantress] The two snatched it away.

  In addition to the dragon blood that Wu Feng obtained later, the dragon heroes they summoned successfully evolved to the epic level, and they have returned Mo Lu Bu and Mo Zhang Jiao.

   By the end of today, the other borrowed heroes will almost be able to be taken back. The Warriors of the Three Kingdoms will break through the 100-level organizational power, and it is just around the corner!

   "The effect of this random hero summoning card is no less than that of the designated summoning card! Let's try again!" Wu Feng also drew the last two random hero summoning cards.

   As a result, they summoned Xianqin Ganluo and Xianwu Wuming respectively!

  One is a member of the Xianqin Empire, the other is a member of Jianghu Knights, Xianwu Jianghu, and the protagonist of Destiny, and Wuming is known as the Sword Master!

   "This is the nameless senior who is full of blood playing the erhu, and the blood is everywhere?" Wu Feng saw Wuming with his hands on his back, and his eyes lit up. This is also a good young man who specializes in swordsmanship!

  Bu Jingyun saw Wuming, and his eyes lit up: "Senior Wuming, you also joined the Lord Lord's territory?"

  Wu Ming was also very surprised when he saw Bu Jingyun: "Bu Jingyun? I haven't seen you for a while, but you are so strong! Your swordsmanship is not inferior to mine!"

  Nie Feng was stunned for a moment, isn't the magic skill not under me exclusive to me? Why the nameless senior also started to use it.

  The Sword God surnamed Li, who was promoting Wanjianjue, saw Wuming, and he was also happy to see Lie: "Your Excellency is full of sword intent, would you like to learn Wanjianjue from me?"

  Wu Ming stretched out his hand and made a move, which meant Wan Jian returned to the sect. He smiled slightly: "But this Wan Jian returns to the sect?"

  The Sword God surnamed Li was very surprised: "Hey, you actually know my sword?"

  The two well-known invincible masters of the sword immediately began to communicate. They have both been immersed in the sword for many years, and they also have a lot in common.

  Suddenly, Wu Feng's territory was full of sword intent, so he gave Xianqin Ganluo to the First Emperor. The current First Emperor has already collected three Great Qin Prime Ministers.

  He was thinking, how many prime ministers does Brother Zheng need to collect before he can give up? Will Lu Buwei be summoned next time?

  The five random hero summoning cards were all used up, and Wu Feng's income was still very good. He was going to take a rest, but before the rest, he took out the glass jade purification bottle.

   "After I unify the country No. 062, it will be possible to produce a mythical spiritual liquid. This glazed liquid is simply a divine thing!"

  (end of this chapter)