MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 492 Fake?

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  Chapter 492 Fake?

  Luke finished dealing with the FBI and drove to the police station.

   Walking into the office of a squadron, he met Xiao Hei who was walking towards him with a coffee cup.

  Xiao Hei joked, "Captain, I saw you on the news. Just one night later, you solved another kidnapping case. It's like Sherlock Holmes in Los Angeles."

   "I wanted to keep a low profile, but Anthony insisted on pulling me into an interview." Luke shrugged, showing an expression that I didn't really want to show off.

  Jackson asked curiously, "Captain, you have been investigating the kidnapping of Isa Redman with us, and you don't even have time to sleep.

  Why Anthony said that you provided the key clue to solve the case. "

  “It’s a bit far away to talk about this matter. At that time, I was still traveling in Hawaii. Director Reid called to talk about the kidnapping case and wanted me to return to Los Angeles to participate in the investigation of the case.

  I didn't agree immediately, I need to discuss it with my family.

  After I talked to my family, although they were a little bit sad, they still supported me to return to Los Angeles to investigate the case.

   And at this time, my ID card in the hotel was stolen.

  I assisted the local police in catching the thief who claimed to have been sent to the hotel to steal my ID.

   I drew a sketch portrait of that person.

  At first, I thought that the person in the sketch was related to Isa Redman’s kidnapping case, and I also asked Isa Redman’s parents, but they didn’t know the person in the portrait.

  Later, I gave the sketched portrait to Anthony. He found the person in the portrait, interrogated him, and learned that Gary Sane Jr.'s mother had hired him.

   Then, we followed this clue to find Gary Sane Jr. "

  Xiao Hei asked, "Why did the mother of Gary Sane Jr. prevent you from returning to Los Angeles? And what you said was to find, not rescue. Is there something else hidden in this case?"

Luke said, "You guessed it right, this case is not a real kidnapping case, but Gary Sane Jr. killed a woman attending a party. In order to avoid being investigated by the police, he directed and acted out a kidnapping case." farce.

  The FBI is now salvaging the woman's body at sea. "

  Xiao Hei pouted, "It's really a sad story, but I'm not surprised that these things happened to those rich people."

  Luke glanced across the office, "Where's the deputy team? Why didn't you see him?"

  Jackson replied, "I am preparing to report to you.

  Sophia's stepmother, Kelly Lux, is here.

   Also, I found a nanny who took care of Sophia.

  Because you were not there at the time, the deputy team went to Chief Red.

   They took Kelly Lux and the nanny to meet Sofia. "

  Xiao Hei smiled and said, "Shall we go and have a look?"

   Luke yawned, "Go to yourself, I don't like this kind of scene."

  Luke returned to the captain's office, ready to catch up on sleep.


  Robbery and Murder Division, a conference room.

  Jenny pushed open the door of the conference room, escorted Sophia to the table in the conference room, and opened her handcuffs.

  Jenny warned, "Hey, there are cops out there, don't try to escape, be smart."

  Sofia rubbed her wrist, "I told everything I know. What the **** are you going to do?"

  Jenny eased her tone, "We didn't call you here today for an interrogation, but for you to meet two people."


   "You'll find out soon."

Not long after, the door of the conference room was opened again, the deputy team and Reid walked into the conference room together, followed by two women, one of them was 'Sophia''s stepmother, Kelly Lacus, and the other was a middle-aged Asian women.

   Four people came in at once, Sophia showed a vigilant look, her eyes passed over the deputy team and Rhett, and landed on Kelly Lux and the Asian woman.

   Meanwhile, Kelly Lux and Asian women have been eyeing Sophia.

  Rett greeted, "Everyone sit down and talk."

  The Asian woman sat across from Sophia, stared at Sophia without blinking, and asked softly, "What's your name?"


  The Asian woman looked a little moved, "Son, do you know me?"

  Sophia shook her head, "I don't know.

   But I feel your voice is very kind. "

   "My name is Sara Santos, do you still remember my name? Think again."

  Sofia pinched her forehead and recalled carefully for a while, "I really can't remember." Sophia asked back, "Do you know me? In my memory, I should have never seen you."

  The deputy team reminded Sara Santos in a low voice, "Sofia suffered a head injury, and I have forgotten everything before the age of ten."

   "God, this is terrible." Sarah Santos had red eyes and looked at Sofia with pity. "Can I see your right arm?"

  Sophia had a complicated look on her face. She vaguely guessed something. After hesitating for a while, she rolled up her sleeves, revealing her right arm.

  Sara Santos grabbed Sophia's arm, and there was a scratch on her forearm, "That's right, this is the position. When you were young, you had a personality like a boy. When you saw other people skateboarding, you also wanted to skateboard.

  This wound is when you accidentally fell when learning to skateboard. "

   "Who the **** are you? Why do you know that I have this scar on my body. Even I don't know how I got this scar. Do you know me before?"

   "Yes, ten years ago, I worked as a nanny in your house. At that time, I often made seafood fried rice. Every time you ate it very clean, do you still have the impression?"

  Sophia shook her head slowly, "No, but I see you have a familiar feeling."

  Kelly Lux interrupted their conversation and asked Sophia, "Do you still know me?"

  Sophia carefully observed Kelly Lux, shaking her head, "I have no impression."

   "Your name is Sophia?"


   "What's your last name?"

   “I once suffered a head injury and lost my memory.”

   "Do you remember your father?"

  Sophia nodded, "In my impression, my father is tall and very gentleman...I can't remember the rest."

   "For every child, the father is tall." After Kelly Lux finished speaking, she took out three photos from her pocket and placed them in front of Sophia, "Who do you think looks like your father?"

  Sofia looked down at the photos and shook her head, "These photos are not the same as my father's image in my impression."

  The deputy team took the three photos and looked at them, frowning, "There is no photo of Sophia's father in these three photos. Mrs. Lacus, your way of asking questions is not very friendly."

   "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure she wasn't really 'Sophia'."

  The deputy team handed the photo back, "What about your result?"

Kelly Lux took the photo, put it in the LV backpack, and glanced at Sofia again, "She is not like the Sofia I remembered." After finishing speaking, she looked at Sarah Santos, "You Get in touch with Sophia more, what do you think?"

  Sara Santos intertwined her hands and looked a little nervous. After thinking for a moment, she said to Sofia, "Can I see your back?"

   "No, I refuse.

   I was brought here by you in a daze, and examined like an animal.

   Until now I don't know what you guys want to do, you said, you used to be my nanny. Sophia looked at Kelly Lux again, "Then who are you?"

  Do you know my father? Where is he? "

  Kelly Lux said, "Once we confirm your identity, we will naturally tell you."

  Sophia said firmly, "Impossible, if you don't make it clear, I won't cooperate with you anymore, and you don't want to hear a single word from me."

  Rett sighed softly, "Let me explain."

   "No, let me do it." The deputy team interrupted Reid, recalling, "Ten years ago, there was a kidnapping case in Los Angeles. The FBI was responsible for investigating the case, and our police department assisted in the investigation.

  The kidnapped hostage was a ten-year-old girl who disappeared after school in a community park near her home.

   Not long after, his father received a blackmail call from the kidnapper, who demanded five million dollars worth of diamonds from the girl's father.

  The girl's father was worried about his daughter's safety, so he chose to call the police.

  FBI began to investigate the kidnapping case.

  The next day, the kidnapper called again and told the detailed time and place of the transaction.

  Under the protection of the FBI, the girl's father put diamonds worth five million dollars in the agreed place.

  Not long after the girl’s father left, someone went to the trading place and took away the diamonds. The FBI immediately arrested that person. After interrogation, the other party did not admit that he was a kidnapper, but claimed to be a black market dealer selling diamonds.

   Later, after a lot of investigation, this person was indeed a black market dealer.

  Before the kidnapping happened, someone found him to sell a batch of diamonds worth five million dollars, and the trading place was exactly the place agreed by the kidnappers.

  But the black market dealers didn't know where the kidnappers were, and couldn't contact them.

  After that, neither the black market dealer nor the family members of the kidnapper received any calls from the kidnapper, and no one saw the little girl again. "

  Sofia frowned tightly, and muttered, "The kidnapping case you mentioned is very similar to our modus operandi.

  But this case has nothing to do with me, I was only ten years old at that time, how could I participate in..."

   Speaking of this, Sophia stopped, as if thinking of something, "You... Could it be... I am the kidnapped little girl you mentioned?"

  The deputy team nodded, "Ten years ago, the little girl who was kidnapped was also named Sophia."

  Sophia seemed a little confused, with a face full of disbelief, "How could this be? I was actually kidnapped?

   And was kidnapped in the same way? Why is there such a coincidence?

   Are you kidding me? "

  The deputy team said, "It's true what we say.

   This woman is the stepmother of the kidnapped girl.

   That Asian lady is Sophia's nanny.

   They're here to identify you? "

   Sophia asked, "What about my father?"

  The deputy team sighed, "Three years after the kidnapping, your father died of illness due to excessive grief."

  Sophia's eyes were moist, "In other words, I was also a victim of a kidnapping case, and then I was trained as a new kidnapper, is that so?"

  Rett said, "Your situation is quite special, I believe the judge will reduce the sentence as appropriate.

  As long as you are willing to assist the police investigation, we will also help you obtain a favorable plea deal. "

  Sophia was a little confused, "Am I really that kidnapped girl?"

  The deputy team replied, "We have already conducted a DNA sample comparison, that's why we asked Kelly Lux and Sarah Santos to identify you, and I hope you can cooperate with us.

  I believe that you should also want to retrieve your past memories and figure out who you are? "

   "Yes, I have always wanted to retrieve my memory and find my father. Is he really dead?"

  The deputy team nodded.

Sophia was a little sad, "Since my father has passed away, what's the use of getting back my memories?" Sophia looked at Kelly Lux again, "Are you my stepmother? Then my biological mother is here where?"

   Kelly Lux replied, "Your biological mother died when you were very young."

   "So that's why I don't have an impression of her." Sophia looked at Sarah Santos and Kelly Lacus again, her voice choked up,

   "Am I really the one you guys are looking for?"

   Kelly Lux didn't speak, but looked at Sarah Santos.

  Sara Santos hesitated for a while, and said, "You have the same scar on your arm as Sophia.

   But it's been ten years and Sofia has grown up, I'm not sure...

   I'd like to see your back if I may. "

  Sophia hesitated for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

  Afterwards, Reid and the deputy team left the meeting room.

  Sofia lifted her blouse, revealing her fair back.

  Sara Santos looked very carefully, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

  Kelly Lux also showed concern, "Sarah Santos, you must look carefully and see clearly."

   After a while, after Sara Santos checked his back, Jenny opened the door and asked Rhett and the deputy team to come in.

  Sara Santos looked a little nervous when she saw everyone staring at her, and said softly, "I don't think she should be Sofia."

  The deputy team showed a surprised look, "How do you judge?"

  Sara Santos replied, "I remember Sophia has a red mole on the upper left of her back, but there is nothing behind her."

  The deputy team confirmed, "Are you sure?"

"should be."

  The deputy team felt that Sarah Santos' tone was not sure, "Do you have any other impressions of Sofia?"

  Sara Santos was silent for a moment, then shook her head, "Ten years have passed, and I can't remember exactly."

  Red also looked at Kelly Lux with a sullen face, "Do you think she is your stepdaughter Sophia?"

  Kelly Lux said firmly, "She doesn't look like the Sophia I remember."

  The deputy team and Reid looked at each other, originally thought that this meeting would be a sure thing, but unexpectedly it turned out to be this result.

   Could it be that the DNA test results were wrong?


   "Boom boom."

  A knock on the door woke Luke awake.

  He yawned and slowly opened his eyes, "Come in."

  The door opened, and the deputy team walked in, seeing Luke in a daze, "You actually sleep at this time, this **** biological clock should be changed."

   Luke laughed, "Who provoked you, you are so grumpy."

  The deputy team sighed and sat down on the chair, "The recognition failed.

  Kelly Lux and the nanny don't think Sofia was the victim of a kidnapping a decade ago. Could it be that there is a problem with the DNA identification? "

  Luke touched his chin, "Can the two of them be sure?"

  The deputy team snorted, "Judging from Kelly Lux's attitude, he had prejudice against Sofia from the very beginning, so he probably doesn't really want to recognize this stepdaughter.

  The nanny actively identified it. First, she saw the scar on Sophia's arm, which was consistent with what she remembered.

   But later, the nanny asked to look at Sophia's back. According to her, the victim Sophia ten years ago should have a red mole on the upper left of her back, but this Sophia did not.

  So she also felt that Sophia was not the person she was looking for, but I think her tone was not sure.

  After so many years, maybe her memory has been confused. "

   "Where are Kelly Lux and the nanny now?" Luke wanted to meet them in person.

   "The director told them to go back first."

  Luke pressed, "Did they come together?"

   "No, Kelly Lux came first, and the nanny arrived ten minutes later."

   "How does their relationship look like now that they're here?"

   "They don't communicate much."

Luke thought about asking Daisy to dinner at a French restaurant last night and seeing Kelly Lux eating with an Asian woman. There is also a photo of the babysitter in the FBI file, but the photo is small and has passed In ten years, the age, appearance, and temperament have all changed, so Luke couldn't be sure at the time whether the Asian woman was a nanny.

  Now that I think about it, this possibility is very high.

  Luke investigated the surveillance video in the meeting room and found a frontal photo of the nanny Sarah Santos, who was indeed the Asian woman he saw last night.

  The deputy team asked, "Luke, is there a question?"

   "Last night, I went to a French restaurant for dinner, and saw Kelly Lux and Sarah Santos sitting together to eat, and the two of them chatted for a long time."

   "You think the two of them are colluding and deliberately denying Sophia." After the deputy team finished speaking, they speculated along this line of thought,

   "This possibility is not uncommon, Sophia's father was a successful diamond businessman, very rich, and he left a large amount of inheritance after his death.

  Although I don't know the specific will, Sophia, as his only daughter, is definitely the heir to the estate, and may even be the main heir to the estate.

   Sophia has not been found before, and she is probably dead.

   Then these inheritances should be inherited by Kelly Lux.

   Now that Sophia is suddenly found, those inheritances will be re-divided.

  If I were Kelly Lux, I would probably be unhappy. "

  Luke said, "This is just our speculation, and we need to find tangible evidence, otherwise, even if we talk to them, we won't admit it."

  The deputy team took the initiative to propose, "If Sara Santos is colluding with Kelly Lacus, then she must have something to ask for.

  The biggest possibility is that Kelly Lux used money to buy Sarah Santos.

  I check their finances to see if there is a big money change. "

   Happy Friday everyone!



  (end of this chapter)