MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 423 Take your pick

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The latest website: Li Hao immediately received congratulations from Principal Long, and asked him to make persistent efforts to climb the peak. He dare not say anything about the peak, at least he has the ticket to go back. Down to pray.

Li Hao happily came to the place where he met Ayouyou, but Tita and Su Yu were also there, which also...

"Why, seeing our resentful looks, it seems that Captain Li has a problem with us." Su Yu joked with a smile.

"Then let's go?" Tita stood up, "It seems that we are no longer worthy of being with the top four..."

"Oh, what are you talking about, it's my honor, I'm just too shocked."

The humble little Lizi went online in an instant, so he couldn't afford to offend him, not to mention Zuo Xiaotang's matter, he still has a headache, how can he be rounded up when the time comes.

Su Yu looked at Li Hao with emotion, this kid actually won Vulcan, so unbelievable, entered the top four, Tianjing Jiwu, something that she dared not even dream about, but she couldn't feel it from Li Hao What excitement, is this what it should be?

"Li Hao, when will my things arrive? You have been delaying for a long time." Su Yu asked.

Li Hao was stunned for a moment before he remembered it. Before he could speak, Tita beside him became interested, "What is it? It's mysterious."

"My heart of the ocean." Su Yu was full of expectations. After all, the cowhide was blown out. Their circle is more important than face, especially those competitors who have to say something from time to time. She has such a good face. How can she bear it? Now the arrow is on the line. If Li Hao can't get it, she will use Ayouyou's to show off.

"What!" Tita was startled, "Li Hao, can you get this?"

Li Hao waved his hands helplessly, "This is not..."

"Li Hao, we are good sisters. I will not help you when you are in trouble. Now is the time to test our friendship..."

"Sister Tita, Li Hao is just trying, this matter is very small." Ayouyou hurriedly solved Li Hao's troubles, they couldn't get it, and heard that there was something wrong with Kepler, now about Kepler All resources are priceless, not to mention the heart of the ocean.

"Ayouyo, it's your fault. You don't know Li Hao too well. This man is unfathomable and can do things that ordinary people can't. Li Hao, it's time to test you." How can Tita let it go, after seeing Ah She was so excited about Yoyo that she couldn't sleep for several days, the girl couldn't resist it at all, but if it was someone else, she would have already taken that one off.

"It's not impossible. Give me some time. It should be fine after the S game is over." Li Hao said, in fact, when he killed the lord last time, he hid two fragments of the Heart of the Ocean, only during the S game He can't expend energy to bring things back to Earth.

This time it was the three girls' turn to be speechless. Tita stared at Li Hao dumbfounded. She was just yelling and envious. She didn't expect that Li Hao could really get it. This thing was not bought with money. It's fun to tease Li Hao and see how he looks embarrassed.

But this...

Su Yu grabbed Li Hao's hand, "You mean the goods will arrive after the S match? Are you sure?"

"It shouldn't be a problem, but it's not as big as Ayouyo's. This is something you can't ask for."

"Do I have it too?" Tita pointed to herself.

"Ahem, there are just two of them this time, and if there are more, it will be gone." Li Hao didn't dare to brag, what about seven aunts, eight aunts and four sisters, where would he go to find a lord? This is not a life-threatening thing.

Tita gave Li Hao a charming white look, and held Ayouyo's arm, "What's the matter, Ayouyo, how is your luck so good, you can pick up Li Hao if you go to Tianjing for a trip, next time If there is such a good thing, bring me one."

Su Yu is also grinning from ear to ear. She can't wait to see the faces of those plastic sisters. Li Hao has advantages, but he doesn't talk nonsense. She still has a little judgment on this, whether he is a capable person , she still has this vision.

Under the table, Li Hao and Ayouyou's hands were already locked together, and they gently shook Ayouyou's little hand to reassure her.

Soft food is hard to eat.

Su Yu and Tita will not let go of the opportunity to tease the two single dogs. As long as Li Hao grasps the scale, Su Yu will not care about it, not to mention the short hand of the man, Tita actually cares more about the semi-finals In this situation, Li Hao is going for the championship.

"How is your preparation for the semi-finals? Are you confident?" Tita asked while eating.

"Ah, what are you preparing?" Li Hao ate quite well, and he wondered whether he should treat him.

"Aren't you ready?"

"With the lucky star of Ayouyo, you will win!"

"Damn, then why did I lose, look at you two."

"Li Hao is right. Ayouyo can indeed bring luck. You are too weak. Half of the credit for Tianjing Jiwu's ability to enter the top four is Ayouyo." As long as it is a compliment to Ayouyo, Su Jade is accepted in full.

"Indeed, Ayoyo has too many fans. We can advance to the semi-finals this time because of her." Li Hao said.

Ayouyou pushed Li Hao lightly, "What are you talking about, it's so nasty."

Li Hao quickly told the story of motivating Zuo Xiaotang, and it would definitely not be a problem to have a meal, but the problem was how to not bring trouble to Ayouyou as an Arths.

"I also know it's very difficult, please help me find a way." Li Hao said, "Once the Zuo Xiaotang pigeon is released, the semi-finals will definitely collapse."

Zuo Xiaotang has become Tianjing Jiwu's most reliable nerve knife, as long as the madness comes up, he can kill whoever he sees.

"That's all?" Su Yu was stunned for a moment, "You are also strange, you are smart when you look stupid, but you are a bit stupid when you think you are smart, let Tian Xing Jiwu have a dinner with you, Arths Can't you go, anyway, your relationship has always been very good."

Li Hao showed adoring eyes, "Auntie is amazing!"

"Brat, even I dare to tease you, okay, it's none of my business, I'll go first, Ayoyo go back early!"

Before leaving, Su Yu, who was satisfied, did not forget to tell him that she would turn a blind eye when seeing this kid on the road like this.

After Su Yu left, Tita also found an excuse to leave. Finally, there were only two people left, their eyes met...

"Want to hear my new song?" Ayouyou bit her lips lightly.


Happy night, the grouping of the semi-finals came out on the second day.

Sea Dragon Team Vs North Carolina Rossai Team Tianjing Jiwu Team Vs Galaxy Team These four teams are also unprecedentedly distinctive. The Sea Dragon Team is dubbed the Krypton Gold Team by fans. Hillian once again verified that money can do whatever it wants. The ability directly lifted the Sea Dragon team into the semi-finals, and he hadn't played much yet, only facing North Carolina Rose, leaving him with little time.

The Nine-headed Dragon in North Carolina has always been known as the uncrowned king. For Chao Qinglong, this time is really an excellent opportunity. The outside world generally believes that Hai Long is weaker than the other three. Tianjing After colliding with the Milky Way, whoever enters the finals will be peeled off, and the North Carolina Rose has become the favorite to win the championship.

Tianjing Jiwu and Galaxy, before the start of the S match, it would be an insult to the Galaxy to talk about these two teams together, but now, even Galaxy's supporters dare not say that they are sure of victory.

Tianjing Jiwu has become the biggest dark horse in history, known by fans as a dark force, killing the king all the way, and met the hot Galactic team in the semi-finals, the dark horses in the past are often lucky, The opponents are either not strong enough, or suffer from injuries, but this time Tianjing Jiwu has come all the way, and they have met first-class strongmen. Looking at them now, they are really terrifying. If they can break through the galaxy again At this level, everyone doesn't know what to say.

The current injury situation, Galaxy is full of health and can play at full strength, Tianjing's Musashi can come back in time for the semi-finals, but the state will definitely be affected to a certain extent, the situation is actually not optimistic, let's not talk about it The advantage of the Galaxy team at home, the **** of war Maxis is invincible when he is healthy, his championship gold content is much higher than that of Van Lewitt, and these people are also defeated by him, this year Galaxy's lineup is also unprecedentedly strong , was not affected too much in the previous games

Rationally speaking, it is really difficult for Tianjing Jiwu to break through.

Unless... Li Hao and his team members can still create miracles, everyone, including the earth, is the same. From the paper strength, the Galaxy team is indeed the most terrifying, but Li Hao seems to be very good at dealing with this kind of thing. I can only say, This is a game where no one knows the outcome.

Team Galaxy has the best logistics system, and has analyzed the characteristics of each member of Tianjing Jiwu to the point of every detail. The only thing that cannot be determined is Li Hao.

Machine warfare is a battle of heroes, Vulcan's final defeat has a lot to do with Busta's failure, this is also an important factor for Tianjing Wu to succeed, UU reading www.uukanshu. Can Li Hao defeat God of War Maxis?

In the battle room of the Galaxy team, the three-dimensional images of Li Hao, Cheng Konghai and others are suspended in the air one by one, next to various data analysis, the team leader and tactical analysis is Zola who has been preparing this detailed plan for a long time.

Maxis, Weijia, Taichen, Zizi, Mendoza, and Kuixing have no experience with their opponents in the semifinals, or they knew it would be like this. Zola has already made a prediction, and their opponent in the semifinals is Tian. Jingjiwu, in fact, Zola tried to change his fortune. The future is uncertain and there will be variables. If they had a choice, they would like to meet North Carolina Luo Sai, but their fate could not be shaken at all. They had to face Tianjing Jiwu.

Zola is also a member of the Apocalypse, and has a relatively unique ability. Although he is a non-combatant, he can produce an effect far exceeding that of Tita when combined with a set of ancient algorithms in his predictive ability.

The Vulcan team gave them a good demonstration. If Tianjing Jiwu cannot be eliminated in the heads-up match, then it is very necessary to preserve their strength and enter the team battle. Busta is already close to victory, but In fact, even if Busta gave up the fifth game, the team battle may not be able to win, but it can let the Galaxy team see more things.


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