MTL - Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!-v5 Chapter 732 732 Moon into the Heart of the King: The Family

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Chapter 732: Moon into the Heart of the King

Lu Zhaoying naturally had no opinion on Pan Mingyue's arrangement, but glanced at Shi Liming, and asked him to help look after Pan Mingyue.

After listening, Shi Liming said quietly, "Lu Shao, aren't you serious about this sentence?"

Regarding the value of Pan Mingyue's force, Shi Liming felt that she was suffocating against her.

Lu Zhaoying's hand reached his lips, rest assured, "Okay, then I'll go to the city first, what about Uncle Qin?"

He made two laps without seeing Qin Hanqiu.

"Mr. Qin seems to be seeing the workers." Shi Liming looked at the end of the road.

Holding the car key, Lu Zhaoying told Pan Mingyue that he had to leave. Hearing here, he looked at Shi Liming in wonder: "What worker?"

"Unclear." Shi Liming still looked at the end.

"Okay, you take good care of these two people." There should be no danger here. Lu Zhaoying told Pan Mingyue before driving to the city.

Shi Liming and Pan Mingyue waited another five minutes before Qin Hanqiu led a middle-aged man out.

The middle-aged man has dark skin.

He was wearing grey clothes and a hard hat in his hand.

Qin Hanqiu wore custom-made L's clothes and patted the middle-aged man's arm with a bit of disappointment.

Pan Mingyue greeted Zhou Dajian.

Shi Liming was frightened by Qin Hanqiu's "best expression", and quickly and respectfully said, "Hello."

As an instructor for a long time, Shi Liming's momentum is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Zhou Dajian's inner fear.

"Don't be restrained," Qin Hanqiu said, and said to Zhou Dajian, "Don't look at him like this, he won't move bricks."

"Really?" Zhou Dajian relaxed a lot instantly, only glancing at Shi Liming with an expression of "you don't even move bricks".

Shi Liming: "..."

"How's your brother? I heard that your biological parents are gone, don't be sad, just have an excellent brother, oh," Zhou Dajian looked around and didn't see Qin Yan, "I was the champion in that year When she got out, the mayor didn't talk to anyone. Why didn't she come back? "

Another person named "记住", Shi Liming remembered.

"Yi is busy." Qin Hanqiu said.

Zhou Dajian understands, "She is really busy graduating this year."

Qin Hanqiu nodded and looked regretfully at Zhou Dajian, "Why don't you come to Beijing?"

Qin Yue got married, Zhou Dajian happened to be engaged in a project, and he did not go to send a red envelope to Qin Yue.

Later Qin Hanqiu contacted Zhou Dajian and invited him several times, but the other party refused to come to Beijing.

Zhou Dajian waved his hand. "If you don't come, you can't move bricks in Beijing. I can only move bricks. How can my old family live in Beijing. I don't have a brother and a smart daughter like you."

Qin Xiu's affairs must not be found on the Internet. Qin Xiuchen had a variety show with Qin Ling. Many people in the town knew that Qin Hanqiu's younger brother was Qin Xiuchen.

However, these ordinary people basically do not know that Qin Xiuchen is a member of the Qin family. After all, Qin Xiuchen's identity is also known in the circle.

As for netizens, I dare not mention it now.


The group said, Pan Mingyue, who was waiting for her cousin at the intersection, was waiting.

A silver van stopped in front of Pan Mingyue, the girl in the driver's seat came down, compared the photos on the phone, and immediately recognized Pan Mingyue. She was a little shy: "Are you cousin Mingyue?"

She has pigtails and looks beautiful and lively.

"Xiangxiang." Pan Mingyue smiled. She always had photos of her uncle's family in her hand. Naturally, it was her cousin Pan Xiangxiang.

Pan Mingyue is not as difficult to access as Qin Yun, especially in the past two years, she has a lot of gentleness, and is even more gentle when she laughs.

Possibly because of kinship, Pan Xiangxiang liked this beautiful-looking cousin very much. "Sister, you look so good. No wonder my dad said I didn't inherit his perfect genes."

"Where do I look good?" Pan Mingyue shook her head and smiled.

The relationship between the two of them instantly got a lot closer.

Pan Xiangxiang thought that Pan Mingyue was modest and couldn't help covering his mouth and smiling. Under the introduction of Pan Mingyue, he met Qin Hanqiu and Zhou Dajian again.

Qin Hanqiu never appeared to the public again. No one could connect him with Qin Xiu Qin Xiuchen, except for people he knew before, and Pan Xiangxiang didn't know.

"Then I'll go to you in two days, and drink two glasses with my brother tonight." Qin Hanqiu said to Pan Mingyue.

The two men and women separated at the intersection.

Pan Mingyue followed Pan Xiangxiang to their home.

Pan Xiangxiang's home is a little far from Ninghai Township. In a village, it is a two-story small building with a white courtyard.

When the car stopped, Pan Mingyue saw an Audi parked at the door.

In this village, Audi is still quite rare.

"This is the car of my brother's girlfriend's house. My sister-in-law and her mother are here. My parents are at the reception, otherwise my father will pick you up." Pan Xiangxiang whispered.

Seeing Pan Mingyue didn't mind her parents not picking her up, she was relieved.

Take Pan Mingyue in.

When the two entered, there were several people sitting in the Pan's hall, and the atmosphere seemed not so good.

"Dad, cousin is here." Pan Xiangxiang said excitedly as he entered.

"Mingyue?" As soon as the man sitting on the chair heard it, he immediately lowered the tea cup, came over excitedly, and looked at Pan Mingyue carefully. "Sure enough, it was carved with your mother almost a mold ..."

Pan Mingyue couldn't help seeing the tears in her eyes. Her mother said that she was very good to her mother when she was young.

"Since you have guests coming, I'll go first, Pan Pan's affairs, we will talk tomorrow." The middle-aged woman sitting opposite stood up.

The middle-aged woman looks a bit imposing, with a designer bag in her hand, which looks a bit out of place with Pan's facilities.

This is Pan's future mother-in-law?

Pan Yan is Pan Mingyue's cousin.

Pan Mingyue's inspection, she can naturally see the change in expression at the moment, she looked at each other calmly.

Pan Xiangxiang took Pan Mingyue very upstairs and went upstairs: "Cousin, I'll take you to see my room. You can sleep with me at night."

When he got upstairs, Pan Xiangxiang closed the door and said, "That's my sister-in-law's mother. The sister-in-law is also very good. He was with my brother from high school, and the two of them passed S. Together. My sister-in-law's family. It's the company. "

Pan Xiangxiang liked Pan Mingyue very much and talked to her.

Pan Mingyue nodded.

When she saw the car, she guessed that the Audi at the door belonged to Pan's girlfriend.

Downstairs, the kitchen.

"You look at the fire, I go upstairs to see Mingyue." Auntie threw the rag and looked bad.

He sighed, "Even if it was for Xiao Jin to forgive one forbearance, you see Xiao Jin being more filial to you, just like your second daughter. You do n’t like the Jin family, so you do n’t have much contact in the future, anyway, they will live in the future."

"Xiao Jin is Xiao Jin, her mother is her mother, I can tell clearly," mentioning Pan Yan's girlfriend, she has a lot of mother tongue, untied her apron and let me go to cook, "I will go to you tomorrow, I don't go to their house, I'll take Mingyue Xiangxiang to go shopping! "

"Okay." I was helpless.

Seeing that Pan's family had a headache with Pan Pan, it seemed that he would go out tomorrow. Pan Mingyue didn't say anything about Lu Zhaoying for a while, and let him not use it.


The next day, the aunt really asked Pan Xiangxiang to drive, and the three women went to the mall.

My aunt bought a lot of clothes for Pan Mingyue, so that Pan Xiangxiang read more than once that she was not born.

"Finally found by you?" Aunt glanced at her.

Pan Xiangxiang: "..."

My aunt kept saying that she wouldn't go to Jin's banquet at noon, but she finally called her.

She could not bear to refuse, and finally took two girls with her.

At Yunding Hotel.

This is the birthday feast of the Jin family.

The Jin family of the Pan family has been settled, and the wedding is also being planned. It makes sense that the father and mother of the Pan should all come.

When Pan Mingyue and his party went, the crowd was almost full. She saw the uncle sitting on the table near the door of the box. There was no one at this table.

"Auntie, Xiangxiang, Mingyue's sister." When they saw Pan Mingyue coming over, the woman standing next to her hurriedly greeted them.

"Xiao Jin, it's okay. You are busy with you. I don't know anyone in your dad's mall. It's fine here." He waved and said to Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin was very polite and greeted Pan Mingyue, and after a while he entertained before leaving. Turning his face changed, it seemed to bear the anger.

"Don't be sensible, the main seat is your father's leader, what does it look like for the Pan family to sit up?" Jin mother glanced at Xiao Jin and lowered her voice and warned, "What if you offend your father's leader? Especially President Jiang, your dad managed to come here, and the Pan family said nothing. "

"Then I get married? Would you like to let your uncle and aunt sit in the ordinary seat?"

Mother Kim took care of her bag. "They don't want to sit and can let them go back."

After that, Mother Jin left directly.

Xiao Jin's eyes were red.

Holding back tears again, he went back to entertain Pan Mingyue and his party.

For a meal, I ate for more than half an hour, during which only Xiao Jin was with them.

Before the meeting was over, the person sitting on the Lord seemed to have received any news. He put down the chopsticks, and the father and mother quickly got up and went to the box gate: "General Jiang, walk slowly."

This expression is completely different from the face of the Pan family.

The crowded Jiang was not drinking a lot. He was serious and indifferent, but when he was at the door, he seemed to see a familiar person. He couldn't help but pause.

"Mr. Jiang?" A bunch of people in the Jin family were careful.

President Jiang looked at the table at the door, hesitating, "Miss Pan ...?"

Pan Mingyue raised her head with chopsticks and recognized that it was Jiang Dongye's confidant, but she could nod his head slightly, not remembering his name.

"Miss Pan, don't say a word when you come to Yuncheng, Jiang Shao knows I'm dead. Where do you live? Right," the general manager came over, muttering, one Qin Yuan, one Pan Mingyue, Jiang Dong Yedu Paying special attention to this, President Jiang was talking and thinking about it, his face changed: "Is it ... Yuncheng side ..."

What happened?

He thought about the recent bombing of Beijing streets inside the Jiang family, and his heart was tight.



(End of this chapter)