MTL - Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!-v5 Chapter 741 741 Moon into the heart of the king: finally a normal person

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Chapter 741: Moon into the King's Heart: Finally, a normal person

Marriage is not an easy task.

I came with my aunt, Pan Ye and Pan Xiangxiang were not at the same time because they were still at work and school, and they had to go to the day before the wedding.

At eleven, the two arrived at the Beijing Airport.

The two people who came to the airport to meet them were Lu Zhaoying and Lu's mother. When they saw the two, Lu Zhaoying raised his hand directly: "Oh, aunt!"

"Xiaolu, they said they would not be used for picking up. You are so busy." The two walked over.

"You two come to Beijing for the first time, why can't you pick it up?" Lu Zhaoying took the box in his hand and explained with a smile: "Mingyue has something to do with the company today. It can't come."

The three men spoke as they walked towards the parking lot.

The car is not the last one, but a black one.

The car logo Aunt didn't study this, couldn't recognize it, only knew that the car looked expensive.

"Go to my house first." Lu Zhaoying took the car key and opened the door for the two to get in first.

The two are about to get married. Even if Lu Zhaoying doesn't say, they plan to visit the Lu family tomorrow to discuss the details of the marriage and see how Pan Mingyue's future mother-in-law and father-in-law are.

The main thing is that Lu Zhaoying is not an ordinary person at first glance.

Lu Zhaoying's car slowly drove towards the sea of ​​people. There was a little traffic jam on the road. When it was close to 12 o'clock, it slowly entered a special road.

This is not the neighborhood they have seen. The scattered places are scattered villas.

The two actually knew that when Lu Zhaoying came to Pan's house, they were not ordinary, so they were not surprised.

Two minutes later, I saw the sentry at the gate.

My aunt was startled and glanced quickly.

Although Xun was also scared, he was calmer than his aunt and patted her hands to keep her nervous.

Actually his hand was shaking a little.

Finally arrived at Lu's house, far away I saw Lu's mother with a housekeeper waiting at the gate.

When she saw Lu Zhaoying's car approaching, she blinked.

The housekeeper helped open the back door.

"Moon Yue, aunt, come in quickly," Ms. Lu was wearing a dark cheongsam, with light makeup on her face, her temperament was quite good, her face was missing and stubborn, her tone was very enthusiastic, "Lunch is good. "

My aunt wanted to land her parents if she was having trouble getting along the way.

Seeing Lu's enthusiasm so quickly, she was half relieved.

Entering with the landing mother, seeing Lu's luxurious manor, half of her heart was a little tangled.

"The two are Mingyue's closest relatives. Don't be restrained." Mother Lu was good at communication, and she calmed down the two with a few words.

Seeing Lu's mother's attitude, she should be quite satisfied with Mingyue. She didn't look down on their family, nor was she a wicked grandma. The aunt's heart let go instantly.

She brought home specialties to the Lu family, and some of the supplements were bought according to Pan Yan's orders.

"As for the banquet, I have already confirmed with Mingyue. It's enough to hand over the whole wedding process to the wedding," Ms. Lu soothed her aunt, "we don't have to worry too much."

Originally, Lu's mother also wanted to worry about it, but Lu Zhaoying said half of it was given to Cheng Jin and they managed it.

The Lu family left the house and took care of the guests.

However, in the face of aunt, mother Lu didn't dare to say that she should be handed over to others, for fear that the two would think they were perfunctory.

After Lu's dinner, Lu's mother and Lu Zhaoying originally wanted to stay with the Lu family, but they refused.

Lu Zhaoying had to send them to the place where Pan Mingyue and Song Luting lived.

Approaching the wedding, Lu Zhaoying had other things to do, and hurried out with the two at Pan Mingyue's house for a while.

When he was gone, the aunt who had been struggling finally came over.

She looked at the two of them, "I originally thought that with the makeup of the Jin family, I should still be able to pass ..."

Look at the Lu family ...

The two felt that it was still too far apart.

"Daddy Xiaolu, is ... an officer, right?" Auntie remembered the sentry and guards she saw at noon, and said quietly.

Nodding his head, he sat on the sofa, and he was a bit slow: "How did Mingyue find Xiaolu?"

They were worried about Cai Li.

At five in the afternoon, Pan Mingyue finally returned.

"Well, aunt," Pan Mingyue changed shoes at the door. "Let's go out to eat at night. I'll take you to visit Beijing University. You don't always want to see."

"You don't have to be so troublesome, you can do it for you," I stood up. "Your aunt just looked at the refrigerator and she made something to eat at night."

The two were worried about Pan Mingyue's gift, but they did not show it.

Aunt is busy cooking in the kitchen.

Pan Mingyue thought about it, and did not stop her aunt, she went in to help: "Then we will eat and then go shopping. Beijing University is in the street next to us. It will take a few minutes to walk. You do n’t have to do anything else. I'll show you around in two days. "

She wondered, if there was no time, let Lin Siran take them to help.

As I said, the doorbell rang.

The uncle who was idle in the hall opened the door.

There was a middle-aged man outside the door, and he said: "First, sir, who are you looking for?"

"Miss Pan." The man returned very politely.

Pan Mingyue in the kitchen is out.

She wiped her hands with paper and came out to see, "Butler Zhou, why are you here?"

"I'm here to give you something." This is Mr. Zhou's housekeeper. He smiled and let the people behind him carry the big box in.

After the delivery, Zhou steward left.

"Who is this person to help you make up?" Auntie brought out the dishes and looked at the box on the ground, surprised.

Pan Mingyue thought about it, "A principal of my school is very kind to me."

"You principal is so good." Nodding, pleased.

He said as he saw Pan Mingyue opening the box.

Inside is a box of jewelry.

Bian: "..."

The aunt didn't know what kind of mood she was eating, and someone came knocking on the door.

"Just came back from my brother." This is Jie Long. He greeted me with a smile and threw the key directly to Pan Mingyue. "The car is in the garage. I have to go to Qin's house and go Now, talk again in two days. "

He didn't give Pan Mingyue potato chips a chance.

Aunt looked at the car key in Pan Mingyue's hand: "This is it?"

"Is my teacher's car?" Pan Mingyue was not sure.

Aunt: "..."

The two did not respond, and someone knocked on the door again.

"Mingyue," headed by Qin Xiuchen's agent. When he saw Pan Mingyue, he smiled. "This is what Qin Yingdi and Madam Yingdi gave you."

Then, he waved.

The five people behind each carried a box and carried things into the hall.

"Just don't disturb the three." The agent still left very gently.

"Mingyue, this ..." Aunt looked at the boxes all over the floor, her hair a little faint.

Pan Mingyue didn't know what was going on.

But I also found a reason to explain it, just explained half.

The door rang again.

This time she opened the door herself.

Lou Yue is outside the door, and Qing Lin is followed.

"Miss Pan, the boss is here to give you something." Qinglin smiled and handed the quaint box to Pan Mingyue.

"I still have something to do." Lou Yue himself hasn't talked much, so they talked a lot with Qin Yue, just nodded towards Auntie, and left with Qinglin.

Clean and neat.

After Lou Yue left, her aunt looked at the box in Pan Mingyue's hand, and the two looked at each other, and they saw that the other side was relieved: finally a normal person came.



(End of this chapter)