MTL - Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again-Chapter 3992 She won't be the queen of the hermit family anymore.

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  After Chapter 3992, she is no longer the Queen of the Hermit Family

  When Moxi and the others were leaving, they happened to meet Shadow who had hurried back after receiving a call from Mr. Xue in M ​​State, and a few of Nie Qingru's cronies.

   As soon as the two parties meet.

   The air is full of violent factors.

  Moxie slowed down, pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, stopped the subordinates behind him who were about to step forward, and looked at the messy shadow with his eyes.

   "Put your guns away if you don't want to fight here, or..."

  Shadow was covered in scars, his throat rolled, he turned his head to signal his men to put away their guns, and then turned his head to look back, with a hoarse voice: "What are you doing to the Queen?"

"It's delicious and delicious, and there's no missing arm or leg." Moxi said lazily, and took the time to look down at the time on the watch, and then said to him: "You guys are lucky this time, next time you The empress of the family is not so lucky. After all... this time, the hidden family will support her, and she will have to rely on herself next time!"

  Shadow frowned, his eyes flickered, and he wasn't sure about the meaning of Moxi's words.

  Moxi didn't intend to explain to him, and beckoned him to leave first.

  People from the Hermit Family saw them getting into the car, and only the exhaust gas was left after the car drove away, so someone stood up and asked Shadow: "Master Shadow, don't we chase after?"

  Shadow's face twitched, suppressing the aggrieved feeling in his heart, and said with anger, "Don't chase."

"let's go!"

   Those people immediately followed him to the manor.

  They just talk, they don't really want to chase.

  Otherwise, they would have opened their mouths when Moxi made a provocative statement, instead of waiting for the person to leave before asking whether to pursue him or not.

   Chasing or not is just to comfort myself psychologically, to save face for myself.


  Shadow returned to the manor, arranged for the few remaining people to take over the work of maintaining the safety of the manor, and then went to find Nie Qingru.

  He asked the servant where Nie Qingru was.

  Then went straight to the second floor, stood outside Nie Qingru's bedroom door, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

   "Knock knock."

  The door rang twice.

  Shadow stepped back in a very orderly manner, stood respectfully on the spot, and whispered to the people inside: "Queen, it's me. Can I go in?"

  After a long time, voices came to mind.

"Come in."

  Shadow took a deep breath and held the doorknob, unscrewed it, opened the door and walked inside.

   When I entered my eyes, I saw Nie Qingru coming back from the balcony wrapped in a nightgown, with a mobile phone in his hand, and he should have just finished calling someone.

  Shadow didn't dare to take a closer look, so he immediately lowered his head, and when Nie Qingru walked in front of him, he could see the toes of the other party very close at hand.

  He confessed his mistake in a low voice: "Queen, it's my subordinates' ineffectiveness that caused you to get involved in danger. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise 10,000 deaths of subordinates would not be enough to atone for your sins!"

  Nie Qingru did not scold him this time, and said in a low voice, "This time it has nothing to do with you. No one would have thought that that evil person would come back so soon. And Ye Wangchuan..."

   "Hmph!" Nie Qingru sneered and squeezed out from between his teeth: "He's fine!"

  I have never suffered such a big loss.

   Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan are both great!

   Today's young people have less and less awareness of respecting their elders and filial piety, and they are more open-minded than them in doing things.

Shadow hesitated whether to tell her what Moxi said before he left. Seeing Nie Qingru's angry face, he hesitated for a moment, and said slowly: "Empress, in fact, Ye Wangchuan's people said very strange things to their subordinates before they left. Feeling a little uneasy."

  Nie Qingru looked over: "What did he say?"

   "This..." Shadow quickly made a decision, met Nie Qingru's sharp eyes, and said in a low voice: "He provoked his subordinates and said that you will not be the queen of the hidden family in the future."

  (end of this chapter)