MTL - Magic Love Ring-Chapter 2109 the host

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next moment.

Song Yan's gaze fell on the three little foxes. The collars on their necks were banned. If they were severely damaged, the collars would burst and hurt the three of them.

"This lord, as long as you let go of the little demon, the little demon will take the forbidden circle from them!"

Said the woman in a blood robe.

"No need to!"

Song Yan smiled, let the system scan the other party directly, and then found a method to manipulate the Yuan Yuan circle.

I saw his fingers flipping and hitting a trick, and the three collars flew from the necks of the three, and they followed their humanoid shapes.

"Thank you, benefactor, and saved us again!"

Jinyi girl thanked.

The blood robe woman was in despair, and his last dependence was lost.


Song Xuan forced the woman in the blood robe to learn that this place is still 100,000 miles away from the outside world. This blood ship is a magic weapon for flying. It only takes two hours to fly out of the forest.

Of course, it is mainly because the forest has a natural magnetic field, otherwise the blood ship will fly faster.

In an instant, two hours passed.

A large **** ship flew out of the forest and landed on a grassland.

Feeling the strong vitality between the heavens and the earth, the corner of Song Ming's mouth could not help showing a knowing smile.

In these two hours.

From the mouth of the woman in the blood robe, he obtained a lot of useful information about this world.

They are now in the territory of the Great Chu Dynasty.

Don't look at it just as a dynasty, but the territory has been more than ten times larger than that of the kingdom of Yan.

At the same time, the Dachu dynasty was also a country of practitioners.

Today's Emperor Dachu is a monk who transforms into the pinnacle of the gods. If he is combined with the Golden Dragon of Fortune, he can even fight against the fierce powerhouse.

After Yuan Ying was transformed into a god, there was a hole above it.

After the hole is empty, it is the robbery period. After the calamity, you can achieve the position of immortal.

It is said that the emperor of the dynasty was a fairy-like powerhouse.

In Yan country, gas transportation is invisible and invisible, but in this world, to build a country, you need to collect gas transportation to a certain degree, and then perform sacrifice to heaven, and heaven ’s permission will lower two heavens Golden light, a heavenly golden light will fall into the jade seal, with the power to suppress the national movement.

At the same time, the imperial decree of the jade seal covered with the golden light of the heavens will also have some power.

Another heavenly golden light will merge with the national air transport to form the golden air transport.

Qiyun Jinlong has the role of guarding the kingdom. At the same time, the emperor can also merge with Qiyun Jinlong to give the emperor the ability to kill the enemy.

There are also levels of national dynasty.

The weakest is the dynasty, upwards is the dynasty, above the dynasty is the dynasty, above the dynasty is the immortal dynasty, there is a **** dynasty above the immortal dynasty!

The current kingdom of the Dachu dynasty is the Dajin dynasty.

The topic turned back to the Dachu Dynasty.

In this dynasty, there were many practice schools, but these practice schools would send people to serve in the court and serve the court.

Because only the martial arts that have been banned by the imperial court are famous, and the unmarried ones are evil cults that everyone can win.

At the same time, being protected by the imperial court can also be favored by the dynasty air transport. The stronger the power of air transport, the stronger the speed of practice.

Therefore, there is a saying in this world, called back to the court to practice well.

A non-disciplined practitioner like Song Yong is a casual practitioner.

The status is far worse than those of the disciples who are famous.

As for the woman in the blood robe, it was an elder of Wan Yaozong, one of the top ten schools of the Dachu dynasty, and their suzerain had the initial cultivation of God.

The three fox demons he rescued were originally princesses of Qingqiu Kingdom. A thousand years ago, the Dachu Dynasty and the Qingqiu Kingdom fought. In that battle, the Dachu Dynasty achieved victory. Today, the territory of Qingqiu Kingdom Already incorporated into the Dachu dynasty.

With the strength of the Dachu dynasty, among the hundreds of dynasties under the Dajin dynasty, it barely entered the upstream.

The Daikin Dynasty was strong.

Strong enough to send out a dynasty iron army to destroy the Chu dynasty.

"Master, the little demon has told you everything you know, can you let me go?"

The woman in a blood robe begged.

"Let you wait for you to kill me with a master of Wan Yaozong?" Song Yan said, looking at her.

The woman in the blood robe quickly said: "Master, the little demon is afraid, the little demon can swear by heaven. As long as the adult lets me go, the little devil will perform revenge, otherwise, it will be destroyed!"

"Benefactor, don't let her go!"

The girl in Jinyi resentfully said that the woman in front of her was her mother-in-law.

"Benefactor, as long as you are willing to give her to us, our three sisters are willing to be slaves to slaves!" The girl in red gritted her teeth.

As soon as this word came out, the woman in the blood robe changed her face suddenly.

Suddenly, she moved in her heart and shouted, "Sir, the little demon has a great secret. As long as the adult lets me go, the little demon is willing to present this secret!"

"You might as well talk!"

Song Song said.

"Is the adult willing to let go of the little demon?" The woman in the blood robe revealed a hint of surprise.

"Speak first, if your secret is big enough to interest me, I won't kill you!" Song Kun said.

After hearing that, the woman in the blood robe showed a sense of reassurance. In her opinion, a big man such as Song Yan disdain to lie, so he said: "Sir, goblins go after their mother in search of the key to open the treasure of Qingqiu! "

Song Zheng glanced at her and motioned her to continue.

The woman in the blood robe said: "The treasure of Qingqiu was left by the royal family of Qingqiu Kingdom. It is said that there are a lot of elixir and elixir in it. Most of all, the jade seal of Qingqiu Kingdom is also in that treasure. The jade seal of Qingqiu Kingdom is made of a special kind of fairy jade. It is a treasure in itself, not to mention that there is still the heavenly golden light inside. If it can absorb the heavenly golden light inside, it will be of great benefit to the soul. "

"That's the case. Did you find the key?" Song Yan asked again.

The woman in the blood robe shook her head in disappointment: "No, my sister would rather die than give up the key to the treasure!"

Suddenly, Song Ye glanced at the three fox girls and smiled, "They're not easy to identify!"

The woman in the blood robe changed her face slightly and gritted her teeth: "The grown-up really looks like a torch. The three of them are not my sister's own daughter, but the princess of the Qingqiu Kingdom. On you! "

Song Yan smiled secretly, this woman is not honest, if he did not see that these three women are different from ordinary monsters, she would not say their true identity.

"Sir, the little demon told you everything, can you let me go?"

The woman in a blood robe begged.

"Don't worry, since I promise not to kill you, I will keep my promise, but if they don't kill you, I don't know!"

While talking, Song Ye waved her hand, and the blood robe girl was thrown out of the blood vessel.

She looked blank, and then ran away desperately.

It's a pity that she was confiscated. How could she run past the three daughters of Jindan Period with her physical body?

The three women followed him without hesitation.

After half a while, the three daughters returned and fell to their knees directly in front of Song Yan:

"Jiner meets the master!"

"Binger meets his master!"

"Yuer meets his master!"

[Author off topic]: Second more complete