MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 893 Holy Land Rebellion!

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The test result is very satisfied. Although there are no more than fifty finished products and peace activists for such strong people as Air, it is an artificial product. It can be mass produced!

The problem of quantity is the least problem.

He gasped away the five old stars, and turned silently, ordering his subordinates to bandage his wounds and asked.

"If you don't go back to the front line to sit in town, what time is wasted with your husband?"

Behind him, the crane stood beside, heard the words look dark, and shook his head.

"Nothing ... just want to see how you are doing."

"Hum, my husband is not old enough to need you to worry!"

Hukong snorted coldly, then the corners of his mouth were raised, slowing his tone.

"Go back, don't worry about everything here, everything is mine."

Do you have everything ...?

Xi He shook his head with a bitter smile and bowed to salute.


Before Xun took two steps, Kong suddenly opened up and stopped her: "Yes, take the green pheasant ... Now that you are awake, go to the old man's front line! The cat lost the navy in the hospital!"

Xun Wenyan said, Hexin was shocked, but his expression was unmoved, and he nodded.

"Yes, I understand."

He watched Kong as he bandaged and instructed the soldiers to send the pacifists around the sacred place to defend, Crane clenched his fist, gave him a deep look, and then turned and strode away.

Uh ...

鹤 Ron can think of the problem, Crane also wants to get it.

Orec and Kedo's next goal is undoubtedly the only "holy place" Mary Joa.

The old five stars also thought about it, so they couldn't wait to order Bega Punk to send the finished product pacifists to strengthen the holy land defense.


Will it be so smooth?

It is night and the stars are rare.

The holy place above the clouds on the top of the red soil was silent. The war began to the present, and the people have become accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the sea.

I have to say that humans are indeed highly adaptable species. As long as they have a chance to live, they can adapt to things they are not accustomed to.

The tall buildings of Mary Joa are now empty buildings. Every now and then, the shock and vibration make everyone dare not put themselves on top of the high buildings. Even Pangu City and the World Government Building are the same. The group of officials who had feared death had already moved out of the office.

"Kalifa, what's the matter?"

In an inconspicuous room in the corner of the Holy Land, Rob Luigi, wearing an owl mask, sat at the table and looked up at the same white-collared colleague by the window.

中 Among the cp9 companions of that year, the person who was second only to him was Kaku, but now the one who has gone the farthest is Carly Law, which nobody likes.

She is not a talent in combat, but she is not inferior to anyone in the way of handling things. The secret agents recruited during the Zero Period are often entrusted with even a bald head today.

But the farther and deeper he went, the more difficult it was for Kalifia to leave, which was why Rob Luci found her tonight.

"As long as General Cang Long speaks for us, the total growth of Zero must sell him a face."

It does n’t work if you do n’t sell it. Canglong is not a red dog. His status today is equal to that of five old stars, and he has no right to refuse.

He heard that, and Kalifa was silent for a long time, said.

"Captain, do you think the Holy Land can't stay long?"

"Exactly, we have no reason to stay here."

Robrucci replied calmly.

"Since the adults of the Tianlong people died unfortunately, there was a faint message from the Five Stars to dissolve cp0. We are the minions of Tianlong people, the running dogs of Tianlong people, but now the owner has disappeared ..."

"The navy's assassination unit is our best destination."

Lu Qi was reluctant to talk about the pesky things that the Tianlong people did, and shifted the topic: "There are still some imperfections in the reorganization of the assassination forces. Lieutenant-general Tea Dolphin and former general 'Black Wrist' Zefa were pulled by Canglong to help Now, join us now to be valued ... "

而且 "And there is a golden sign asylum in Canglong, even if someone wants to be against us, they dare not act."

Cp0 does not invite people to hate?

Look at the Navy's previous attitude towards them.

They are a group of eagle dogs who are weak and fierce inside and outside, I don't know how many people hate their teeth.

"I can see it clearly, Canglong's guy will never be willing to be the status quo ... Last time he refused to be a five-star, not unwilling, but the timing was not."

"This time he returned with victory and everything is ready ... as long as the war is over, the government is bound to change."

Hiss ...!

Qian Ying at the window turned back in shock, and Kalifa widened her eyes.

"What do you mean ?!"

"I don't know if Canglong is loyal to the government and don't care ... but I'm sure he will never agree that the other four old guys share the same right with him!"

Remembering the violent means and leadership temperament that Canglong showed when he first met in the capital of Qishui that year, Luo Luqi narrowed his eyes.

"This vortex of struggle, we must choose to stand in line."

否则 "Otherwise, which side do you think can tolerate us?"

No matter who wins or loses, cp0 without the master is so annoying ... unless they choose one side and support him to win.

But then it is bound to become the eye of the other party.

As a result, Robluki was even more straightforward and directly invested in the assassination forces. In this way, they belonged to the rising faction of the Naval Headquarters, but they could protect themselves in the struggle for rights.

"Not to say how good it is, I just don't want to ... so boring!"

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar Robluch in front of him, Kalifa was silent for a long time and nodded.

"I see, I will inform Kaku them and take them away."

"Well, when Canglong comes back, I will go to him to explain the situation. During this time, we try not to go to the task, everything is mine."

叮铃 哐 当 ...

In the street outside the house, several drunkards walked forward, and the residents of the holy place generally did not want to provoke the Tianlong people and the nobles, and it was easy to survive.

"Hahahaha, come, keep drinking!"

"I'm drunk today, who knows if I can't survive tomorrow."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, if this was heard by the secret agents, it would be nice for you."

"Cut, what are they afraid of? They are so talented that they don't go to the front to help? A bunch of litter in the nest!"

就是 "That is, we can't migrate all over the city thanks to the navy!"


Suddenly, a drunk man rubbed his eyes and looked at the dark shadow across the street: "So big! Whose slave was thrown out?"

He was wearing a tattered white prisoner suit with an explosive necklace hanging around his neck. His tall figure with a bruise on his face stood calmly in the middle of the street.

This dress is only the slaves of the arena and the dragon family.


A slight vibration sounded ~ ~ Hearing the sound coming from here, the reformer of px-0, also known as "Basolomi bear" raised his head, the eyes behind the sunglasses lit with scarlet lights, and his mouth was cold He said.

"Supreme authority, clear all living creatures of Mary Joa, is being executed."

Bear paw shock!

熊 Under the horrified gaze of the drunks, Xiong raised his hand silently and pushed forward.

Uh ...

Rumble! !! !!

The explosion suddenly awakened more than half a street, and when the smoke passed, Robluzi appeared with Kalifa on the edge of the pit where the drunks were killed. He looked at the killed drunks coldly, and he turned and frowned.

"Erase all living creatures from Mary Joa? Px-0, who has to order ?!"

"The visitor has insufficient permissions to answer."

Saying that, the bear pushed the palm again, and the cute bubbles of the meat ball of the bear's paw flew over slowly, and then exploded again.

Huh! call out! call out!

A series of golden lasers cut through the night sky, bringing fire and noise to this supreme land. The boiling noise made some elderly people can't help sounding the fire that night more than twenty years ago.

"Oh no, the pacifists are out of control!"

"be careful!!"

Listening to the movement in his ear, Rob Lu Qi's pupils shrink.

"Bega Punk? !!!"