MTL - Martial Dao of Longevity: I Use Qi and Blood To Add Points Infinitely-Chapter 80 The mystery of the physical body, opening the ancestral pattern of the human race (big ten thousand characters)

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  Chapter 80 Mystery of the physical body, opening the ancestral pattern of the human race (big chapter)

The fighters in the entire state who are close to the current area are exerting their strength, but those who can really exert a little effect must at least be above Duling, because the distance is too high, and the attack range of the world-suppressing powerhouse is also limited. The high altitude has been weakened a lot.

   "Your Highness, let's retreat quickly. Judging by the situation, this big state may inevitably be hit."

   "Your Highness is a body of gold, there must be no mistakes."

  Qin Muxue clenched her fists tightly, bleeding from her silver teeth.

   "It's hateful, as the princess of Daqin, I actually want to watch the people of Daqin suffer such a disaster."

   "Princess, you don't have to blame yourself. Even the Suyun Sect's Sect Master Liu, the strong man from the other side, can't change this situation. There is nothing we can do if we stay. You have done your best."

   "Everything is Da Zhou's fault."

   "Damn the remaining members of the Great Zhou Dynasty, sooner or later, this Palace will kill you to pieces!"

   Just when everyone was about to leave, a guard suddenly pointed to a distant direction and shouted:

   "Your Highness, look over there."

  Qin Muxue and the rest of the guards immediately cast their gazes over, and when they saw that place, they couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

  In that place, four kinds of light of blue, yellow, black, and red emerged at this moment, intertwined and flowing with each other, like divine light.

   Immediately after that, a dragon and an elephant were materialized, and the sound of dragons and elephants exploded and spread, resounding through the heaven and earth, shocking the mind.

  Everyone's heart beat wildly.

   "What a powerful force! This breath is much, much better than that of Sect Master Liu."

   "Is it a secret realm of supernatural powers? It must be a strong man in a secret realm of supernatural powers!"

   "Supernatural power. Secret realm."

  Qin Muxue was shocked, and her heart began to beat wildly.

It's not that Daqin doesn't have a mystical realm. The current emperor, her father, and those old people in the palace have all reached the mystical realm. She has seen their aura before, but this aura is completely different from their breath.

  When did another strong man with supernatural powers appear in Daqin?

   It is Lu Wangchuan who is accumulating strength at this time and wants to test his current strength.

  The Four Emperors' Dharma is running behind his back, and the four emperors' Dharma forms circulate endlessly, rotating each other in a positive clockwise direction, like a huge stone clock.

  The aura of heaven and earth around him was quickly absorbed into his body, because the absorption was too fast, the aura around him had already liquefied, and faint ice crystals actually condensed on his body surface.

   That was the aura that couldn't enter his body all at once, because it was too thick and accumulated on the surface of the skin, and it solidified into a solid aura.

  The true law of the Great Sun Dragon and Elephant was also used to the extreme by him. The giant dragon has exceeded two hundred meters, and the giant elephant has also exceeded a height of one hundred meters, just like a hill.

   In a year and a half, when he shattered the nine peaks of the Nine Peaks Sect, he had hit with all his strength, but now he is facing dozens of peaks, which is several times stronger than the Nine Peaks Sect.

   But Lu Wangchuan is not without confidence. In the later stage of breaking through the realm of the other side, his true method of the Great Sun Dragon and Elephant has reached the level of the 23rd level, and its power is much greater than that of the same level.

  In the late stage of the other side, he went all out to cultivate the top true method, and now he is only capped at the fifteenth level at most, and he can't reach his current level at all.

  Only a strong man in the mystical realm can hope to break through to his level in the cultivation of top-level true methods.

  His current blow with all his strength, even if he can't match the strongest blow of the supernatural powers, it can still withstand the ordinary blows of the supernatural powers.

   And the ordinary blow of this supernatural secret realm powerhouse has already surpassed the strength of the entire heavenly and human secret realm!

  As for such a powerful impact, it would definitely not be able to bear it in the later stage of any other realm, but Lu Wangchuan is different. He is practicing health-preserving skills, so his physical strength is far greater than that of the same realm.

Other people's cultivation techniques do not improve the physical body very much, they are all assisted by pills, but he is purely improving the strength of the physical body every minute, and his current physical strength is not much stronger than that of the strong in the mysterious realm Let, only he can withstand the powerful force of leapfrogging!

  If he can't smash these dozens of giant peaks, then no one can smash them now, and this entire state, together with the two or three surrounding states, will surely suffer a catastrophe.

  The little unicorn beside him began to tremble as he felt this force.

   "Master, take it easy, I'm still on your shoulders!"

When the energy was concentrated to the extreme, Lu Wangchuan took a deep breath, with the same mind, and exerted force directly, the earth immediately cracked, within a range of ten miles in diameter, all the land collapsed, the powerful energy caused thunder and lightning to overflow, and sparks splashed everywhere. With the help of this recoil force, Lu Wangchuan completely rose into the air.

  His strength has been raised to the limit, and a radiant brilliance blooms, reaching the sky.

  Blessed by the Dharma of the Four Emperors, dragons and elephants screamed to the left and right, and Lu Wangchuan slammed into the falling body comparable to dozens of giant peaks with supreme strength.


The moment the two collided, the falling body that was bombed by several fighters without stagnation was stopped on the spot. A huge explosion sounded, and it directly blasted a quarter of the body, That is already equivalent to the volume of more than ten mountain peaks.

   "So strong!"

  At this moment, countless warriors couldn't help but let out an exclamation, worshiping this majestic power from the bottom of their hearts.

   But there are still three quarters behind, which is comparable to the volume of more than forty mountain peaks, and has not been broken. As if a falling body is stagnant, Lu Wangchuan's strength is also stagnant, reaching a limit.

   If this continues, the falling body will still fall when one's strength is exhausted.

  However, he feels that he has not reached his limit.

  The powerful thoughts are constantly transmitted to all parts of the body, and the feedback from the body, there seems to be a force in the blood that has never existed before, but with some familiar power, it is activated by this thought.

  At this moment, there was a slight change in Lu Wangchuan's pupils. In each pupil, a layer of light golden circular marks appeared, covering the pupils.

  Little Qilin was shocked when he saw this scene.

   "Human Ancestral Pattern!"

  Human ancestral pattern?

Lu Wangchuan has never heard of this saying, but now is not the time to think about it. He feels that the power in his body has been regenerated, and it seems to have doubled directly. At this moment, his strength that can be unleashed is definitely not inferior to the number one in the mysterious realm of supernatural powers. A full blow at the initial stage!

  The dragon elephant roared, and under this stalwart power, the remaining mountain became like tofu, completely smashed, and was crushed inch by inch by Lu Wangchuan until it was completely broken!

   boom boom boom

Countless scattered stones fell into the ground, and the ground began to tremble. Countless weak people who were powerless still could not escape death, but more survived. Compared with the previous situation where the entire state would be destroyed, it is simply not better. How many times!

  The surrounding states also avoided disaster. This time, Lu Wangchuan saved countless human races.

  Countless people of the human race began to worship above the sky, thanking the strong human race who saved them.

   And the moment he broke through the boulder, Lu Wangchuan quickly left here.

   Afterwards, he flicked his sleeves and left, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

  The real strong never care about those false names and glory.

  After he left, several spirit-crossing experts, including the fourth princess Qin Muxue, all rushed over, but here, they only saw Liu Changsheng, the lord of Suyun Sect, who had rushed over earlier.

  Seeing Qin Muxue coming, Liu Changsheng cupped his hands and said:

   "I have seen Her Royal Highness the Fourth Princess."

  Qin Muxue didn't hold her back either, she folded her arms in return and said:

   "Senior Liu, may I ask if you have seen the senior who shot just now?"

   Liu Changsheng shook his head.

"The suzerain didn't see it. When he came, he had already left. But I can see that what he used seems to be the true method of the big sun dragon and elephant that was recorded in the ancient books of the sect. It is not inferior to the royal family. It is the top true method in the world."

  Qin Muxue's heart was shaken, the true law of the Great Sun Dragon Elephant, could it be the one who killed the prince of Beiwu in the ruins of the ancient battlefield?

   But if it is that senior, it has only been a few short years, and his cultivation base at that time should not be very low, so how did he enter the ancient battlefield site?

  The ancient battlefield site has become very unstable these years. There is no way to enter the ancient battlefield site above the other shore. How did he get in?

   There is also the identity of that senior. This big state has never heard of such a senior. If it is not him, then who is it?

   Could it be him?

  Qin Muxue's mind flashed to the guy he met recently. He had killed Wu Jingzhi without injury in the ruins of the ancient battlefield, and helped him find the body of his mother and concubine.

  His cultivation is definitely on the rise in the middle stage of the realm of the other side.

   It is also very possible to kill Prince Bei Wuwu. Could it be that he did all these things?

   Otherwise, Qin Muxue really couldn't figure out who could do this.

  If it's him, it's no wonder that he doesn't like the conditions he offered. After all, the powerhouses in the mysterious realm of supernatural powers are not so easy to invite, and their status is almost the same as that of his father's generation.

  But this also made her feel very sorry. If he could be invited, it would be of great benefit to the improvement of the strength of the entire Daqin.

  The next time I see him again, I must increase my bargaining chips several times, and strive to invite him into the royal family.

  Lu Wangchuan didn't know Qin Muxue's obsession with him. At this time, he had already left a distance of a hundred miles, and was studying the new special power he had just comprehended.

   "What exactly is the ancestral pattern?"

"Master, the so-called ancestral pattern is the imprint hidden in the deepest part of the bloodline power of a race. Since its creation, each race has its own individual imprint. Growth, the reproduction and integration of races, continues to improve continuously.

  Every race has ancestral patterns, and so do our beasts, and the stronger the bloodline, the easier it is to open the ancestral patterns.

There are many benefits of opening the ancestral pattern, such as strengthening the racial ability to the individual, for example, the racial ability of your human beings is to learn, which means that the master's talent will be higher, and the understanding will be better. After practicing, the level of skills will be higher Quickly upgrade.

  When the master unfolds the ancestral pattern to fight, its power will be much stronger. The more ancestral patterns are deployed, the stronger its power will be!

  Since ancient times, there have been very few people who have been able to open the ancestral pattern. All kinds of conditions are indispensable, such as character, standing, hard work, strength, qualification, talent, and opportunity.

  The master can open the ancestral pattern, which means that he has reached a new level, and his future achievements will definitely not be low.

No, no, under normal circumstances, the age to open the ancestral pattern is very high. Even if you are a human race, being able to open the ancestral pattern within a hundred years old is considered a gift from heaven, and most people will not be able to open it in their entire lives. Ancestral pattern.

  As the master is so young, he is expected to open more ancestral patterns in the future, which is stronger than other human races, which also means that the master's future will go further. "

"I see."

  The little unicorn can't deceive itself, and it certainly won't lie. Its knowledge comes from the improvement of its cultivation base, and the memories awakened from its blood are all true.

  Then it seems that this ancestral pattern is really powerful. After all, I have experienced it personally in the battle just now, and the power of the attack is directly doubled.

  But that’s all there is to it. As Little Qilin said, it will strengthen the learning ability of the human race, but it seems useless to me.

Why do you say that?

  Because he can improve his skill level by adding points to the light curtain. In this regard, no talent can match it.

  As long as you have good health-preserving inner skills and sufficient resources, no matter how good your talent is, you have to cultivate it yourself, and if you have enough energy and blood, you can directly improve it.

  For example, if I casually retreat for a year, the qi and blood I get can be quickly blessed to the level of the exercises.

   But it’s still a good thing after all. For example, when the ancestral pattern is suddenly activated during a battle, you can take advantage of it to catch someone off guard, and your combat power will suddenly double.

  In short, this shot still got an unexpected surprise, which is still very good.

  Perhaps it is precisely because at this extreme moment, it is easier for him to arouse some power beyond his own, but Lu Wangchuan will not go out of his way to find more things that need to fight to the limit because of this.

   This time it was purely because even if he failed, he would be fine. At most, the falling body would fall and kill others, but not him.

  He wouldn't be so stupid as to find a magical place, give him a face, and then let him push his limits.

  That could lead to a total cold out.

   After a few more days, Lu Wangchuan finally came to Shengdan City.

   Looking at it from a distance, it is a huge monster standing on the ground. The size of this city is beyond Lu Wangchuan's imagination.

  It is many times larger than the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty. In the center of the city, a tall tower was built, reaching directly to Tianting, like a sky pillar connecting the ground and the sky.

  Such a big city is too laborious to build, especially the tall tower, if you encounter two masters fighting, it will be demolished in minutes, right?

  However, every place has its own characteristics. Shengdan City is not a fool. They must have their own reasons for building it like this. Lu Wangchuan knows that no culture can be underestimated at will.

  Thinking in this way, Lu Wangchuan walked towards the gate of the city. There was a long queue at the gate of the huge city, and those were all forces who came to buy the elixir.

   But the city gate is very wide, and many avenues have been made. The soldiers of Shengdan City inspect the warriors who come and go one by one, register their identities, and hand in some spirit stones when they go in.

  I remember that when I went to the capital of the Great Qin Dynasty, I had to pay spirit stones. These big cities have good resources, attract talents continuously, and can also take the opportunity to charge a fee. I am not afraid that others will not come.

   After registering his identity and handing in the spirit stone, Lu Wangchuan got a booklet and followed the flow of people into Shengdan City.

The pamphlet is about precautions after entering the Holy Pill City, for example, don’t make troubles in the city, and abide by the trading rules of the Holy Pill City. will be severely punished.

  Every place has its own rules. Of course, the rules are for ordinary people, not for experts like Lu Wangchuan.

   But Lu Wangchuan would not deliberately do high-profile things in public, that is not in line with his personality.

  Everything is still based on stability.

And after entering the Holy Pill City, Lu Wangchuan felt that he had come to the right place. Standing on the street and taking a breath, there was a strong fragrance of pills. It is said that almost every household can make alchemy, and even some children can do alchemy.

  This is the holy land of alchemists, which condenses the dreams of countless alchemists. Only those alchemists who can't get along here will go to the outer sect to station. Of course, there are also very few people who were invited to the past.

  In this kind of place, it is definitely easier to find true spirit-level pills.

  According to Li Suwu's letter of recommendation, Lu Wangchuan came to the mansion of a friend of an alchemist he once knew. This alchemist has quite a status in the holy alchemy city. He can't be regarded as the top, but he is also a deacon.

   Came to the mansion, knocked on the door, and two Dantongs opened the door.

   "Who are you looking for?"

   "I'm looking for Master Ge Rongchun Ge."

   "Is there any recommendation? My master will not follow outsiders."


  Lu Wangchuan took out Li Suwu's recommendation letter, and slipped in two spirit stones by the way. When the two Dantong saw the spirit stones, they naturally smiled and sent the letter.

   "You wait, we will hand it over to Master right away."

  Sophisticated people are easy to use everywhere. Although he is now a master, he can control the opponent with just a simple illusion, but he doesn't want to do things that are arrogant and bullying.

  A master does not compete with grass.

   Soon, Dantong ran out to welcome him in. Lu Wangchuan saw an old man with white beard and hair in the hall.

  Although her beard and hair are white, she has a childlike face with white hair, rosy cheeks, and energetic eyes, as if she is full of energy and blood.

Lu Wangchuan guessed that his age should be about the same as Li Suwu's, both over a hundred years old, and his cultivation was far inferior to Li Suwu's. He was only at the early stage of the Sea Transformation Realm, and the cultivation of an alchemist was not high. Also within reason.

   But his cultivation base is low, and he still has such a good appearance at such an age, which is enough to show that he is well-raised.

   This is also a great benefit for alchemists.

   "Junior Lu Wangchuan, I met Master Ge."

  Ge Rongchun stroked his beard and smiled lightly:

   "No need to be too polite, you were introduced by Suwu, so you are one of us. Is Suwu okay now?"

   "Thanks to Master Ge's concern, Senior Li is fine."

"Hey, things are impermanent. The two of us have not seen each other for more than 30 years. I heard that the Tianxue Sect was destroyed more than a year ago. I thought I would never see him again in this life. I didn't expect him to be alive and well, so that's good!"

   After a pause, he looked at Lu Wangchuan again.

   "I saw that Su Wu said in the letter that you need to buy a true spirit medicine pill?"

  Lu Wangchuan nodded.

   "Not bad, and the larger the quantity, the better. Of course, if you can buy higher-level pills, that's also good."

  My cultivation base is now at the late stage of the Beyond Shore Realm, and I will break through to the Mystical Ability Secret Realm in a short time, and the true spirit-level pills may not last for too long. Instead of doing this, it is better to plan ahead.

  Ge Rongchun let out a long sigh, and then said:

   "I'm afraid I can't do either of your two requests."

   Lu Wangchuan was taken aback, but Ge Rongchun continued to comfort him.

   "Don't worry, listen to me tell you slowly.

Our Holy Pill City has the rules of the Holy Pill City. Although a lot of pills above the true spirit level are refined, they must first be supplied to the major powers, Shenzong, and Dynasty every year. These are things that ordinary people can't afford to provoke exist.

   It is precisely because of the agreement we signed with them that the elixirs we refine should be given priority to them, so that the Holy Pill City will grow stronger and maintain peace and prosperity. "

Lu Wangchuan had guessed this move a long time ago, the Holy Pill City is for alchemy, and one of the most needed things for warriors to practice is pills. If there is no agreement, the major forces will probably not let it go. A piece of fat.

   After all, alchemists have very low cultivation bases, and they simply cannot withstand the snatching from other countries and Shenzong.

   "Because of this reason, it has been difficult to distribute the number of true spirit-level pills to other people. We actually want to distribute them, because if they are distributed to some small forces, the price will be higher.

  But among the masters stationed in Shengdan City, the major forces are intertwined with each other, so it is difficult to achieve.

We have also thought about increasing the production of alchemy above the true spirit level by cultivating more high-level alchemists, but although alchemy is gentle, it is extremely difficult to learn, and it is not much easier than martial arts, so the production has increased slow.

   In addition, there are still many small forces that need to buy, so I can only give you a part of the elixir within the scope of my ability, plus contacting some old friends in stock, there are only about a thousand pills per year. "

  Lu Wangchuan frowned. One thousand true spirit-level pills was indeed a huge resource for him before. During the period of the Double Emperor Law, he didn't digest many true spirit-level pills in a year.

  But it’s different now. Now he has the Four Emperors’ Law, and his cultivation speed has been greatly improved. He can refine all 1,000 pills in just a few months. What about the remaining months? Just relying on practicing exercises, how much energy and blood can be brought about?

   This will undoubtedly slowly slow down his cultivation speed, and he is very dissatisfied.

   "Is there no way to get more true spirit-level pills?"

  Lu Wangchuan was still a little unwilling to give up, but Ge Rongchun shook his head dumbfounded.

   "How can it be so easy? Do you think this is Chinese cabbage? Now the major forces have a stable balance, and it is impossible for you to break it alone. There are already many real spirit-level pills.

  As for the elixir above the true spirit level you mentioned, don’t think about it at all, there is really no hope. As soon as those good things come out, they will be auctioned off by various forces. Even if you buy them, can you guarantee that you will not be snatched away by others?

   You know, there are many masters of the major forces. "

   Lu Wangchuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked a question that even Ge Rongchun found inconceivable.

   "If a normal person learns alchemy, how long will it take to learn it?"

   "You don't want to learn alchemy yourself, do you?"

  Ge Rongchun was very surprised, but in fact, Lu Wangchuan had no such plan before, but after opening the ancestral pattern, he had already faintly thought about it.

According to Xiao Qilin, if he opened the ancestral pattern, his talent and understanding will be greatly improved. If this talent and understanding are applied to exercises, it is unnecessary, because he has a light curtain, and no one can compare to that speed.

   But what about alchemy?

   Maybe give it a little try.

  Seeing him nodding, Ge Rongchun immediately said:

   "This road probably won't work. Alchemy is not the same as martial arts. There are certain routines in martial arts. As long as you practice step by step, you can always practice it for a long time.

  Alchemy belongs to another issue, that is technology!

  Although there are alchemy formulas for alchemy, they are ever-changing and inseparable from the original principles.

  Some people have good comprehension and good aptitude, and may speed up, but some people even practiced medicine for a lifetime, and they are just getting started.

  You are a martial artist, practicing martial arts by yourself has already exhausted your mind and mind, and if you go to alchemy, you will be distracted. By then, you will not be able to learn martial arts. Wouldn't it be a drag on your youthful youth? "

   "Is there any case of the fast one? How much time did it take to cultivate a true spirit-level pill?"

  Lu Wangchuan asked again, Ge Rongchun thought about it, and then responded.

   "The grades of alchemists are divided into junior apprentices, senior alchemists, alchemy masters, alchemy gods, alchemy saints, and alchemy emperors. Naturally, there are much fewer grades than warriors, but each step of advancement is very difficult.

  If you want to refine a true spirit-level pill, at least you have to practice to the realm of a master of alchemy.

  For a person with normal aptitude, it takes a full ten years to go from a junior apprentice to a senior alchemist, and then twenty years to a master of alchemy. As for the latter levels, it is even more difficult.

  For a genius, it will take several years of hard work to go from a junior apprentice to a senior alchemist, and then to a master of alchemy.

  The founder of our Holy Pill City, it is said that he broke through to the alchemy master within a year. In these years, no one has ever broken through his speed, and the fastest record is more than three years and eleven months.

  And you are a martial artist, and you still need to practice martial arts, so do the math, how much time will you spend in total? Just give up. "

   "Can you break through to Master Alchemy within one year at the earliest?"

Lu Wangchuan bowed his head and pondered for a moment. One year is nothing to the long life of a warrior. Now that he has opened the ancestral pattern of the human race, his understanding and talent are extraordinary. I don't know if he can compare to that holy pill. founder of the city.

   But if you think about it, even if you can't compare with him, you can always be compared with those ordinary geniuses, right?

   It takes three or four years to break through to the alchemy master, and from then on, you can make alchemy by yourself and be self-sufficient, wouldn't it be beautiful?

   After all, I am not like those big forces. I don’t have so many resources to support me, so I can only rely on myself.

   "I want to give it a try. Even if I can't quickly become a master of alchemy, I can always refine it in the future, and I can save a lot of effort by then."

  Ge Rongchun nodded.

   "Well, since you want to learn, the old man will not persuade you. The old man has teaching qualifications in the city, and he also has his own alchemy school. You can go to the lectures and learn.

  The early stages are all basic knowledge. You learn the same as everyone else first, and then I will give you individual tutoring when you have more advanced skills. After all, you were also introduced by Suwu.

  Oh, by the way, there is one thing I want to remind you. Refining elixirs is different from practicing martial arts. You have to learn the inner strength of health preservation.

  Because the refining of elixir requires gentle internal strength to control the spiritual energy and a stable environment, those radical internal strength methods will be counterproductive and even cause an explosion. "

  When Lu Wangchuan heard this, he was overjoyed. His cultivation is exactly the inner strength method of health preservation.

   It’s just that he didn’t make much noise on the surface, he smiled slightly and cupped his hands:

   "The younger generation has also dabbled in one or two health-preserving inner strength methods, although there are not many, you can give it a try."

   "That's even better, otherwise, you'll have to start practicing inner skills again, and it will take more time."

   Next, Ge Rongchun arranged a residence for Lu Wangchuan, which was a house he had bought in the city.

Housing prices in Shengdan City are extremely expensive. Many alchemists can only sign a contract of selling themselves to buy a house. They will have to work hard to make alchemy for decades, and they cannot leave. Even so, many people are rushing to get a house of their own. Alchemy requires an extremely quiet environment, a proper house slave.

  Many alchemists are not qualified enough, they are not even qualified to sign the contract of selling themselves, and they are not qualified to be house slaves, so they can only rent a house.

   It is impossible for Lu Wangchuan to live in Shengdan City for a long time, at most a period of time, just learning alchemy, so he can't buy a house, but he still insists on paying the rent to Ge Rongchun.

  Public and private must be distinguished, so that people will not be annoying, and the other party will be willing to teach the real skills.

  After simply cleaning the residence, Lu Wangchuan quickly entered the stage of listening to lectures and learning. After about a week, he began to buy a second-hand alchemy furnace and began to formally learn alchemy.

  Ge Rongchun said a lot of things, those junior apprentices at the same time could not understand, but Lu Wangchuan understood a little bit.

  Because he is now a strong man in the late stage of the Other Shore Realm, his mental power is extremely terrifying, and his brain is much more active than others. In addition, he has opened the human ancestral pattern by himself, and his comprehension has been further improved, and his comprehension is absolutely extraordinary.

According to Ge Rongchun's instruction, all the elixirs that Lu Wangchuan refined at the beginning were the most common blood coagulation elixirs, because refining elixirs requires hand feeling, and the most common elixirs are the easiest to refine, not easy to fail, and easy to increase the success rate , It is easy to improve the feel.

  In the first month of the early stage, there may be frequent failures, and even a elixir cannot be refined, which is normal.

  It was much better in the second month.

According to the skills he taught, Lu Wangchuan began to refine the elixir, light the fire, control the flame with spiritual energy, throw in the materials, smash them, and refine the essence. After about half a stick of incense, a thick elixir came out from the stove, and Lu Wangchuan looked calm. , continue to reduce the firepower according to the normal rhythm, temper the coating, seal the potency of the medicine, take out the pill, and make the round blood coagulation pill with ease.

  Congealing Blood Pill, not only can slightly increase blood energy, but also can repair injuries. It is extremely useful, and it is the most popular medicine for newcomers who have just stepped into the martial arts.

   "Unexpectedly, I succeeded in refining it for the first time, and it looks pretty good."

Lu Wangchuan casually grabbed a handful, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it, the pill melted in his mouth, and it felt very good, but his cultivation base is too high now, and the effect of taking blood coagulation pill is not obvious, but he can still judge it Its good and bad.

"This level should be able to reach the level of the middle and lower reaches. It is already very good to be able to reach this level in the first refinement. Others seem to have to refine for more than a month to refine such a pill, and I am only the first one. refinement."

In this way, Lu Wangchuan quickly began to continue refining. Common blood coagulation pill materials are also very easy to buy, and the cost is not much. The refined medicine can be sold or directly exchanged for materials to continue refining, perfect recycling .

   Another week passed, and the coagulation pill refined by Lu Wangchuan has become perfect, and the proficiency has increased by an unknown number of times, which is probably equivalent to the effort of many people for one or two years.

   This made him feel greatly, his improvement speed is really too fast. The ancestral pattern is really a good thing, once opened, the learning ability will be doubled directly.

   Part of this has something to do with my own cultivation. My internal health training is stronger than many high-level alchemists, and my control of aura is extremely delicate. I have also cultivated my spiritual power, which is also very beneficial for alchemy.

   But the main thing is the talent bonus given by the ancestral pattern. After all, there are so many martial arts experts, but I have never heard of how many people can make alchemy.

The grade evaluation of alchemists is determined by the speed and perfection of refining pills. There is an obvious definition standard, that is, the refining time of the simplest blood coagulation pills should be controlled within 60 breaths per batch. The degree of perfection reached more than 70%!

  My current speed is about 60 breaths per furnace, and the perfection is about 85%.

   This means that I broke through to a senior alchemist in a week?

  This speed, if it is said, no one will believe it, right?

  Lu Wangchuan felt that he might break the record established by the ancestors of Shengdan City, and he broke this record at a terrifying speed.

  The next day he went to attend the class every day, and the junior apprentices in the same period were complaining that they could not always control the heat when making alchemy, and they always exploded.

From the current point of view, there is no one who has refined elixirs. I am afraid that as Ge Rongchun said, basically no one will refine elixirs in the first month, and reach the advanced level in a week like myself. Alchemist estimates are rare.

   When it was time for class, everyone found that it was not Ge Rongchun who was giving the lecture, but a woman.

  Wearing a long white dress, with long hair reaching to the waist, her facial features are exquisite and small, her smile reveals the cuteness of the girl next door, and her eyes are full of wisdom and maturity.

   "Hello, everyone. My name is Ge Yuer. I am the granddaughter of the alchemy **** Ge Rongchun. I am a master of alchemy. My grandfather has something to do today, so I will be tutoring you for today's class."

   "So it's Lord Danshen's granddaughter, so beautiful."

   "Looking at her appearance, she should be only in her twenties, right? She has already reached the level of Master Alchemy. It's really scary."

   "You don't even look at whose granddaughter she is, this is Lord Danshen's granddaughter!"

  Ge Yuer patted the table with a smile, signaling everyone not to talk, and then said:

"Before I just came in, I heard you say that alchemy is easy to explode, and many apprentices are a little angry. In fact, don't think so. When I first started alchemy when I was ten years old, it took me half a month to complete it. Learning, it took four years and eight months to break through to the rank of senior alchemist, and then it took a full ten years to reach today's achievement.

  Alchemy is not accomplished overnight, it is a process of slow work and meticulous work, everyone must calm down to make progress faster. "

  Everyone was talking about it, Ge Yuer's speed was as unattainable as an astronomical figure for them, which was enviable.

  If it were them, it would take decades to achieve this achievement.

Lu Wangchuan sat in the corner without saying a word. The other party's stats seemed a bit bleak compared to his own. However, as a teacher, the other party's progress speed is much slower than his own. But now, after all, he is already a master of alchemy and can be refined. You can still listen to her lectures on true spirit-level pills.

   When the class was over, everyone came forward to ask for advice. In fact, asking for advice was fake, and the real thing was wanting to capture the hearts of beautiful women.

  Ge Yuer has a special status, and she is so capable. If she marries her, it is estimated that she will be able to eat and drink for the rest of her life.

  However, in the face of these people's courtship, Ge Yuer was not fooled. Obviously, she is not a simple love brain.

  After dismissing everyone with a few simple words, she suddenly found a figure from her back who hadn't paid much attention to her, and was leaving, and she couldn't help feeling a little appreciation.

  Her appearance, identity and strength are indeed easy to attract people, and few people don't care.

   "You were introduced by Grandpa Li, right?"

  Lu Wangchuan glanced at it, and responded lightly.


   "My grandfather and Grandpa Li have a very good relationship, and let me take care of you more. If you don't understand anything, you can come and ask me at any time."

   "Thank you. If there is nothing else, I will go first."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Wangchuan turned and left. Others value her, but it doesn't mean that he also values ​​her. Beauty is just a fleeting moment, and it will eventually turn into dry bones as time goes by.

  Furthermore, if he wanted it, what kind of beauties could he not find?

  For example, Qin Muxue, the fourth princess of the Great Qin Dynasty who has met many times, is several times more respected than her. If she wants to, she still has to marry.

  I refined a lot of elixirs yesterday, so I should hurry up and exchange them for medicinal materials, and then go back to improve the proficiency of alchemy, and strive to step into the realm of alchemy masters as soon as possible!

  Ge Yuer was startled for a moment, then the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

   "It's quite cold."

  At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

   "Yu'er, who were you talking to just now?"

   There is another chapter in the evening, and now it is updated daily with 20,000 words.

   Thanks to book friend Fei Tian Huan Wu for the reward, thank you very much.



  (end of this chapter)