MTL - Master Sheng, Ma’am, She Became Popular All Over the World with Her Fortune-telling Skills-Chapter 693 Fight 2 (one more)

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  Chapter 693 Fight 2 (one more)

  At this time, Xie Xihe was indeed watching in front of the computer.

Wan Wennan watched for a while, seeing that Xie Xihe was going to compete with the other party's master hacker and command Hogel's attack, and from time to time lowered his eyes and did not know what he was thinking, and made a whole message by himself. The work of the technical department was finally unbearable.

   Abandoning Kelvin and walking forward, he said in a cold voice, "Let me direct for you."

   At this time, Hogel and the others had just detonated the second point, and they were hiding in a mountain depression to avoid the aftershock of the explosion. Xie Xihe was also able to free his hand to continue fighting King.

  Hearing this, he raised his eyes and glanced at Wan Wennan for only two seconds.

   "Okay." She replied decisively, and directly transferred the camera image on Hogel's head to the computer next door.

  Lu Lun was very sensible, and immediately got up to give up his seat, and Wan Wennan went straight in.

  The monitoring eyes on island 872 have been controlled by Xie Xihe, and Wan Wennan can see that the big screen of the information technology department is divided into hundreds of monitoring screens as soon as he looks up.

  She swept her gaze, and quickly locked on one of the mirrors, corresponding to the satellite map in front of her, and a lot of data appeared in her mind.

  About ten seconds later, she withdrew her gaze and said in a calm voice, "Now there is no explosion point within one kilometer of you, so you can act with confidence."

   "At eight o'clock, there is a team of about 30 people approaching rapidly at about 800 meters away. You will be found in two minutes. Wait until they get close before running, and lead them to the direction of three o'clock..."

The girl's steady voice rang out in the quiet information technology department. The person who wanted to stop him paused for a moment and subconsciously looked at Xie Xihe. Just in time to see Xie Xihe's retracted gaze, he was immediately speechless up.

   Come on, everyone thanked the bosses and felt that it was all right, so how could they have a place to talk?

  Sheng Yunzhou almost dropped his jaw in shock again, and finally held it back, not knowing what expression to put on.

   His face was full of indescribable words.

  Co-author This is the level of top students at Jingda Yuan College?

   Sure enough, it is not something that ordinary people like him can understand.

  Suddenly, an inexplicable depression welled up in his heart, Sheng Yunzhou scratched his head in irritability, and couldn't help but let out a fierce "fuck".

   Then Wan Wennan gave him a cold glance.

  Sheng Yunzhou trembled all over, and immediately showed a flattering smile to the other party, and said with his eyes: Sister Nan, I was wrong.

  Wan Wennan looked back blankly.

  On the other side, it took another minute for Xie Xihe to easily hack into King's computer, which had given up resistance, and completely controlled the entire No. 872 island.

  The last monitoring screen appeared in sight, and the first one to appear on the screen was Sheng Zhichen's smiling face.

  As if he noticed Xie Xihe's peeping, he raised his eyes and smiled at her.

  The next moment, Sheng Zhichen's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his hands pinched out a mysterious imprint at a speed too fast for the naked eye to catch, and flung it away suddenly.

  The imprint swelled against the wind, but within a short while it swelled to a face full of laughter, floating in midair in vain, exuding a cold and evil light.

  The next moment, countless black lines burst out from the mark, and instantly submerged into all parts of the island.

  Most of them were hidden in the jungle in the distance. Sheng Shijing and others couldn't see the end of the black line clearly, but a small part fell near them, but they could be seen at a glance.

   At the end of the black line, there are people.

  A group of people in black tights.

  ——Sheng Zhichen's supernatural beings, including Sheng Zhichen who is in the center, all of them have at least one black thread connected to them.

   Sheng Zhichen had the most of them, nine of them.

  Pain appeared on the faces of all the supernatural beings.

  Some of them who had poor endurance suddenly passed out from the pain, and the rest who barely kept awake looked at Chao Sheng Zhichen, all of them showed expressions of disbelief.


   There was a hoarse and painful voice, but Sheng Zhichen didn't even look at it. His handsome face seemed to be smiling, but his eyes were filled with extreme indifference.

  He slowly but without hesitation tightened his right hand.

   Howls sounded together.

As Sheng Zhichen's movements fell, I saw a group of supernatural beings immediately lit up with various colors of light, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness... The supernatural abilities of various attributes are all in order. Followed by the black lines connected to them, they are sent to the black mark hanging high in the sky.

   One after another, the supernatural beings fell down and turned into dry corpses.

And the supernatural abilities they were proud of all became the nourishment of the imprint created by Sheng Zhichen. The original black imprint was dyed with colorful colors, and the volume also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, exuding a terrifying aura. It seems that it will explode at any time.

   Sheng Shijing looked up, frowning tightly.

  What happened just now was long, but in fact less than a minute passed. With Sheng Shijing's speed and strength, he could leave Island 872 or save himself before the mark exploded.

   But he is not alone here.

  Looking at the three of Sheng Shaoqiong and Cheng Wenze who had come out of the dark, his eyes became darker, his thoughts turned, and he looked down at his right hand.

   It is not impossible.

   Now that he has awakened the power of Heavenly Fiend, as long as he is fully stimulated, let alone just a sacrificial mark, even an ancient **** will have the power to fight in person.

   It’s just that in his current state, once the seal in his body is broken, he will completely lose control if he is not careful, and he will become the real source of all evil. At that time...

   Sheng Shijing's heart sank.

  Whether it is living beings or the world, he doesn't care whether it is life or death, existence or destruction. The only thing that can affect him is his Xi'er.

  She is Emperor Xi.

  Life after life, from the moment she was born, protecting the world is her mission.

  She had already violated her mission once for him, how could he be willing to put her in a dilemma again?

  The last person with supernatural abilities fell down, and even Sheng Zhichen's face lost the last trace of blood, and his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

  The lip color is rare, red to bewitching.

  He smiled, with relief and madness, and whispered like a curse: "Die, all die."

  The clenched hands slowly loosened, and the marks that had been dyed in colorful colors trembled violently.

   Sheng Shijing frowned, and finally made a decision.

  He raised his right hand, extended his left hand at the same time, his **** formed a sword, and swiped towards his wrist without hesitation!

  The same cold white skin touched, just when Sheng Shijing was about to cut his wrist, his heart suddenly beat violently, and a mysterious feeling came to his heart.

see you later



  (end of this chapter)