MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2478 Chieftain

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Just two minutes after hanging up, Ding Ning received a call from a local Somali number, and it was no accident that Shen Moru said the liaison.

According to the liaison, he wanted to meet with Ding Ning in Mogadishu, but he refused directly. He didn’t need any weapons or equipment, nor did he need any ship supplies. He only asked for the pirate’s nest. The direction of the island directly hung up the phone.

According to a few general directions that may be the pirate's nest, finding a possible hiding place for pirates in the vast sea is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, but it is not difficult for the aquarium.

Of course, fortunately, before Ding Ning came to Somalia, in order to prepare for unexpected needs, a group of aquariums were rushed in advance to wait for his call at any time, and it just happened to be useful now.

The combat ability of aquariums on land may not be as good as warriors of the rank, but in the ocean, they are well-deserved overlords, and even some powerful creatures in the deep sea do not pose a great threat to them.

According to Ding Ning's understanding, the most essential difference between aquatic creatures and powerful creatures in the deep sea is their IQ, that is, they can transform the bearing capacity of water pressure as they like.

That is to say, the aquarium can switch between the deep and shallow seas at will, but once the powerful creatures that have adapted to the pressure of the deep sea have floated to the shallow sea, the huge body will not withstand the strong gravity of the earth and become a tiger. It is so weak that it is so serious that it can even cause their body functions to collapse and die.

This is why there are often reports of deep sea creatures who have never seen the sun ran aground or even died on the beach.

Of course, the reason why aquariums are called aquariums is not only because they have IQs that are not weaker than humans, but also because they possess capabilities that many marine creatures do not have.

To put it simply, the aquarium is not only a marine creature, but an evolved group of higher-born spirits, which is equivalent to a demon race that has been transformed, and marine creatures are still in the stage of monsters that are extremely ignorant before the spiritual wisdom is turned on.

Therefore, even the most powerful marine creatures cannot drive creatures other than their own ethnic groups, but the higher forms of life of the aquarium already have the ability to drive most marine creatures for their use.

For example, at the moment, the number of aquariums ordered to come to the Gulf of Aden is not much, less than five hundred. It is not easy to find a hiding place for pirates in the vast sea in a short time with such a small number. .

But with an almost endless number of marine creatures as "little brothers", finding the pirate's old nest is easy for them.

In less than half an hour, Ding Ning, who had been enjoying the striptease dance of the black pearl dancer in a bar called the helmsman near the port of Hobio, found the joyful spirit wave of the giant shark samurai in the sea.

Ding Ning took out a black wind coin and placed it under the beer glass. He smiled slightly at the dancers who flirted at him frequently, and slowly stood up and walked away.

Well, it’s not that he has racial discrimination, but he grew up in an environment of "one white covering hundreds of ugliness". He really has no interest in dark-skinned girls, and he doesn’t want to discuss with them what the physiological structure of men and women is. different ideas.

But his lack of interest does not mean that others are not interested in him, and although the interested person is also dark-skinned, the gender is male, and he has an unusual hobby for the same sex.

His name is Chief, and no one knows what his original name was. Whether he really served as Chief, but Africans are very casual in their names. Even the strange names like lazy, hello, goodbye, and friends are everywhere. It can be seen that there is nothing strange about the name of a chief.


There are hundreds of small pirate groups with pirate occupations, but their strength is uneven. Among them, the four strongest pirate groups are Black Beard, One Piece, Pink Skull and Ghost Ship.

But the chief is not an ordinary chief. He is a ground snake who eats rice in the port of Hobio. He has a gun in his hand. It is the largest black gang in the entire port of Hobio.

Of course, for the port of Hobio, which has long been a gathering place for pirates, it is impossible for the chiefs to mix up with the wind and water, and it has nothing to do with the pirates.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The chieftain’s other identity is actually a pirate, and he is also the third person in the black-bearded pirate group. He is responsible for guarding the looted merchant ships and hostages for the pirate group, as well as selling stolen goods, collecting intelligence and Smuggling arms, selling drugs, and other land-based businesses.

In Somalia, due to the years of war, almost all the people are soldiers, and the 7- to 8-year-old kid is a qualified soldier.

With the international community’s frequent dissatisfaction with the rampant acts of piracy by the Somali pirates, a joint fleet has been formed to attack pirates in the Somali waters for a long time, and the pirates who have been shrinking and suffering on the islands deep in the sea have become more and more Coming more and more sad.

As a result, the pirates have also kept pace with the times. They are no longer rampantly looting passing ships. They have also embarked on land to smuggle arms, sell drugs, sell intelligence, start casinos, bars, provide pornographic services, etc. industry.

In this case, the Chieftain landed in the port of Hobbio and became one of the most powerful black power leaders in the region, just to cover up the identity of his black-bearded pirate group. The gang he led was named Sea Viper.

The poisons of sea poisonous snakes have amazing lethality. They can accurately and powerfully attack other creatures. Only one or two milliliters of toxins can kill people. However, sea poisonous snakes are not aggressive and usually do not actively attack humans. .

The sea venomous snake under the leadership of the chief also inherits the temperament of the sea venomous snake, and generally does not easily take the initiative to cause trouble, but once something goes wrong, he will never be afraid of it.

In addition, the head of the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard Edward, is a legendary character. His personality is arrogant, but he has always been seeking money for his life. He has never been bullying and bullying. The poor are considered to be an alternative among the many notorious pirate groups. They are quite grandiose, and their reputation is quite good compared to other pirate groups.

The reason why Ding Ning flew 400 kilometers to the port of Hobio, and used "beauty" to lure the chieftain, is through the information obtained by the contact person, and concluded that the black-bearded pirate group did not participate in this raid of the dawn. , So I wanted to see Edward through the chief and see if I could get some news out of this legendary pirate's mouth.

Although the aquarium has found the island anchored by the looted Dawn, according to the report of the giant shark samurai, there are about thousands of pirates gathered on the island, not to mention the strict security, and there are several stocks that make them feel palpitations Breath.

This made Ding Ning, who was planning to kill the island directly to save the hostage, immediately change his mind and decided to meet with Black Beard Edward to see if he could come up with some useful information and make plans.

According to the information he possesses, except for the Black Beard Pirates, the four major pirate groups did not participate in this operation of looting the Dawn, and the other three pirate groups participated.

To know that the peers are the enemy, the four pirate groups are in the Somali waters, and naturally there must be friction with each other. There has never been a precedent of joint crimes.

Coupled with the joint **** strikes of the fleets of various countries, the pirate regiment has been very low-key in the past two years, and rarely dare to openly plunder large commercial ships.

This time the three major pirate groups were uncharacteristically

Together, they also dispatched a retired destroyer with great fanfare to rob Anping's cargo ship. It is not believed that Ding Ning was killed if he did not get tired of it.

Regarding the situation discovered by the giant shark samurai, Ding Ning decided to get the information he wanted from the black beard mouth before making a decision.

The chief was very sad and reminded that he thought it was just an ordinary safari journey, but unexpectedly he hit the iron plate with one head, and he hit the head with blood.

In a rather luxurious small villa, the chief was paralyzed on the ground, looking at the fine skin and tender meat in front of him. It seemed that the harmless oriental kid was like a **** of fire, surrounded by a heart-wrenching flame. Dirty thoughts flew out of Jiu Xiaoyun, his eyes widened in shock and shouted, "You... are you a wizard?"

"Sorcerer? Isn't it."

Ding Ning laughed dumbly, but too lazy to explain the difference between a warlock and a wizard.

Of course, even if he wanted to explain it, he could not explain it clearly. In fact, he did not really understand the difference between a sorcerer and a sorcerer. In his view, it is only the cultural differences between the East and the West that cause the difference in title. The Warlock And the wizard should belong to the same profession.

It was not until he stepped into the realm of the ultimate demigod that he understood the meaning of this sentence, which means that there are so many different roads.

No matter whether it is a national warrior who enters the path with martial arts, an ancient warrior who enters the path with qi, or a spiritualist who enters the path with spirit, after entering the divine realm, they all need to perceive the laws of heaven and earth to break through the threshold of the divine realm, so as to evolve from lower life to more High level of life.

Presumably, the wizards and martial arts warriors mentioned by these foreigners should be no exception.

But if it is necessary to say something different, it is that he is not only a three-cultivator of martial arts, qi, and gods, but also a physical trainer.

This reminded him subconsciously of what the demon elite in the Genghis Khan's mausoleum said, mankind has lost its complete cultivation heritage, and many fellow practitioners in the cultivation system are king.

He declined to comment on this. After all, manpower is sometimes exhausted, and human energy and longevity are also limited. It is impossible for everyone to let all kinds of cultivation methods advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time like him. The person is definitely the product of coincidence, and it is also a very special case of unconventional.

With his understanding of the nature of cultivation, he will no longer be blind to anyone's views on cultivation.

In his view, multiple fellow initiates have the benefits of multiple fellow initiates. At least, several fellow practitioners definitely occupy a great advantage in battles of the same level. Both the means of combat and the means of life-saving are far superior to those of the same level. Monk.

But likewise, Shan Jing also has the benefits of Shan Jing. For example, Dad, he devotes all his energy to the way of swordsmanship and walks out of his own way.

The combat power absolutely crushes the strong men of the same level. Even in many cases, they can be decaying into magic. The instantaneous outbreak of power can leapfrog the powerful men who are several stages higher than him, creating incredible miracles.

"Respected Master Wizard, it is my dog ​​who doesn't know Taishan. He even tried... cough, you have a lot of adults, please forgive me for being offended."

The chief climbed up in embarrassment, knelt on the ground with awe in his face, and respectfully said the half-raised Anping Mandarin asking for mercy.

Although the bold attempt to burst his chrysanthemum before this product made Ding Ning feel uncomfortable, but after all, it was just a trivial little person. With his heart and mind today, he does not really care about him, and said expressionlessly: " It’s not impossible for me to forgive you, but I need you to lead the way to the black beard."