MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 101 Emotion

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In the foothills, Chen Rong shrunk into a group, like the Shang Yu, motionless. Although they know nothing about the battlefield, they can feel the difference in the atmosphere at this time. In particular, hundreds of horseshoes are pedaling at the same time, causing the insects to stop, and the beasts stop screaming, making them feel a kind of chill.

I dare not speak, dare not move, every interest, it is extremely slow.

Chen Rong squinted his eyes wide and motionless in front of the darkness.

At this time, they were stuffed with cloth on the mouth of the horse. Only in this way, the place where they are hiding may not be discovered.

at this time.

Suddenly, a footstep sounded!

This footstep is as heavy as a mountain in the dark, chilling!

Chen Rong’s face was pale and he couldn’t help but think: Could it be that the bandits found us? Originally, this was unlikely, but her heart was in a mess, and there was no way to think clearly.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, getting closer!

It was actually coming to the mountains.

When Chen Rong’s forehead was sweating, Shang Hao leaned back and leaned closer to her, and shook his voice and said: "Female, girl, is coming to us."

His voice is full of despair.

Chen Rong wanted to deny it, but at this moment, she clearly heard that the footsteps were approaching the mountains.

Really discovered!

Chen Rong is as white as paper!

At this moment, Shang Hao said hoarsely: "Girl, I can see if I can lead!" He thought, he was just a half-earth, and sooner or later he would die. The girl can be different, she is still beautiful, and most importantly, she is a beautiful little girl. Regardless of falling into the hands of anyone, she is not dead, she is not as good as death!

Thinking this way, he has the courage to multiply. For a moment, he feels that he is tall.

Not waiting for Chen Rong to answer, Shang Hao jumped out of the carriage and rushed to the outside.

In a twinkling, he came to the foothills.

Just looking at it, he saw a hundred steps away, the man who was tall and strong despite his vague figure. Behind the man, there was a torch, a swaying fire, and the figure of the man was reflected tall and terrible!

And this person is coming towards the entrance to the mountain. In the far away from the man, the darkness is blurred, and there seem to be countless people ambushing.

The man is on the road that must pass through the exit. If you drive, it will fall straight into the traps that people have already laid.

When I think of it, I still have a bite and go back to Chen Rong and say, "Girl, take care!" When the voice fell, he had already rushed out.

Shang Hao’s footsteps were heavy, and he was running in the opposite direction to the mountain.

Just as he ran on the side and looked back frequently, sure enough, the tall man was alarmed by his running sound. The man’s head lifted his head and stared at him, and gave a low voice. “Who?” The tone was heavy, with the vigilance of the soldiers.

Shang Hao deliberately ran two steps to the mountain. When he was running, the rock that was driven by the mountain fell and the night sky was drawn.

Sure enough, the man stopped drinking, stepped forward, and strode to him.

He chased him, and there is no companion behind him! The girl is temporarily safe.

Thinking of this, Shang Hao’s heart was loose, and he began to run away without a life. Behind him, the man was a bit clumsy because he was too tall, chasing dozens of steps, and getting farther away from him.

When Shang Yiyi rushed out, Chen Rong’s heart sank to the bottom.

With a bang, she held a whip in her right hand and a golden plaque in her left hand, her eyes wide open, and she looked at the dark front without looking at it.

In front, there is silence. Only a rush of running farther and farther.

Is it still good to lead people to success?

Thinking of this, Chen Rong took a breath, and she slowly climbed down the carriage and went out to test.

The stars on the top of the head, the extremely light starlight, make the heavens and the earth not absolute darkness.

She step by step and moved to the exit of the mountain.

The sky was too dark, and the ground was too dark. She took a few steps and didn't know what was stepping on her feet. She almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, her whip handle was supported on the ground to stabilize her figure.

Chen Rong supported the whip and hurriedly got up.

She was able to get up and the whole person froze.

At the entrance to the foothills, a white figure appeared. Under such a starlight, in such a chill, this person is dressed in white, no, not a ghost?

A scream almost blurted out.

Just as she was shocked to the extreme, the white figure opened, his voice was clear and beautiful, and most importantly, he was very familiar, "Arong?"

It is Wang Hong!

God, it’s Wang Hong!

Chen Rong never knew that one person saw hope from despair, and it would be so delicious for a person to change from big compassion to big happiness.

She has a soft leg and sits on the ground, trembled: "Wang Hong?"

"it's me."

Wang Hong’s voice is still elegant and shallow. Don’t look at it, Chen Rong knows that at this moment, he must be smiling and coming.

Instantly, Chen Rong’s eyes were red, and she choked twice, screaming and rushing to him.

She rushed to the front and rushed to him. The boundless surprise and touch made her think of nothing. She just fluttered and put it into his arms. At the same time, her hands stretched out and licked his waist.

Holding him tightly, Chen Rong cried. She trembled and said, "How come you?" Suddenly, she whimpered, unable to stretch out her small fist, and then slammed his chest, shouting: "How come you come, How can you come?"

The boundless joy, the boundless relaxation, the boundless touch, all turned into tears at this moment, turned into this sentence, "How come you come."

Chen Rong, who blurted out, has been repeating, and has never known that he is so expecting him to save himself...

At this time, Wang Hong stretched out his arms and gently held her.

His arms are so warm and so powerful. His not wide arms, so wide, so calm, like a mountain, a woman who longed for two generations, dreams, dreams, but never dare to ask for a mountain that she is blessed!

Chen Rong grabbed the straw of life-saving, and glared at him as he pursued the warmth of too long. She buried her face on his neck and felt the warmth of his fresh body, tears like rain. Next, whining, "Wang Hong, Wang Hong, Wang Hong..."

One sound and one sound, never ending.

Under the starlight, Wang Hong seems to have been stunned by her call with too many feelings. For a while, he added a force to his arms, and he held her tighter.

Chen Rong wiped the tears on his face, wiped his neck, the soft lips, rubbing his carotid artery from time to time in the whimper, she felt his pulse, feeling his body temperature, continued to call, "Wang Hong, Wang Hong, Wang Hong..." called the back, and the whimper was slightly reduced, and gradually turned quiet.

At this time, Wang Hong stretched out his arms.

He picked her up and picked it up.

This person can't see that there is still a force. It is easy to hold her.

He held Chen Rong and walked two steps forward, gently placing her on the carriage.

Just put Chen Rong down, Chen Rong slammed his hand and held his sleeves tightly. In the darkness, she whispered and said, "Don't go, don't go... please."

"I don't want to go. "In the darkness, his voice is very gentle. His eyes are like a star, with a smile. He reaches out and gently wipes the tears from Chen Rong's eyes.

The slender hand moved down, intentionally or unintentionally, and the fingertips were hooked across her lips, causing her to tremble. He smiled and said, "Where is Qingqing, how can I leave?"

Chen Rong’s heart was set, and she slowly loosened her hand next to his clothes.

In the sound of Sosuo, Wang Hong also got on the carriage.

As soon as he got on the bus, Chen Rong came up again. She hugged his waist, his face buried in his chest, her arms locked so tightly, and she was afraid that he would leave.

Wang Hong picked her up and gently placed it on her lap. Then he leaned back and leaned back.

In a comfortable posture, Chen Rong, Wang Hong's fingers like a spring breeze, licking her cheeks, tears at the nose, said low: "Hugh."

"Well." Chen Rong said, she buried her face in his arms and murmured, "I am not afraid of you when you come."

She stared at his waist, lying in his arms, feeling his warm body temperature motionless, said lowly: "I just thought I was finished."

Wang Hong gently snorted.

At this time, Chen Rong seems to have been opened up. She continued to talk. "There are nine thieves. They stopped my carriage. At that time, the carriage fell into the mud. I couldn't move. I thought I was finished." Her voice was full of horror.

Wang Hong stretched her hand to caress her hair, and lowered her comfort. "Hugh."

It's just a very simple action, just a very simple language. The horror in Chen Rong's tone is reduced by half, and the whole person is calmer.

She buried herself in his arms and murmured, "I still killed one person! Wang Hong, I personally killed one person, and when I whip down, his neck tube is broken, blood flow is like a note, and many of them are splashed. I am."

She is hoarse and detailed in her own process of killing.

Wang Hong five fingers into a comb, gently combing her hair, low, very gentle and gentle said: "Don't think about it, they should die."

Again, such a simple sentence once again silenced the excited Chen Rong.

She hugged him tightly and murmured: "You are coming, it's good. I have thought that there will be no one in this world who really values ​​me, likes me, cherishes me... Qilang, you are here, really. Ok."

The sound is full of emotions and affection.

Under the starlight, Wang Hong bowed his head. He is very clear, star-like eyes, quietly looking at his eyes, exhausted, and after the heart and soul, suddenly the whole person relaxed Chen Rong.

He looked at her and looked at her quietly.


At this moment, Chen Rong, whose eyes could not be opened, suddenly screamed and said in a hurry: "Shang Hao, Qi Lang, go to save Shang Hao!"

Wang Hong stretched his hand to care for her hair, saying low and shallow: "Sleep, he won't have anything to do."

His tone, his voice, and the strangeness made Chen Rong quiet.

She closed her eyes, slowly, and the light humming sounded.

She fell asleep relaxed.

Under the starlight, the cold wind blew through the curtains, making a creaking sound, surrounded by insects, and on the top of the mountain, the beasts of the beasts came.

All of this has nothing to do with them.

The two of the carriages seemed to be placed in the spring. He stared at her, she was lying in his arms, and they were in harmony, breathing together...

I don't know how long it took, it seems that the stars in the sky are brighter and more awkward. Chen Rong, who was shrunk in Wang Honghuai, suddenly twitched. She sat down and yelled at the eyes of Ogura. "I don't want to die, I don't want to die... Shang Yi! Shang Hao!"

She looked around.

Only then looked a few eyes, she swept to Wang Hong quietly looking at her.

In the darkness, his clear eyes, Chen Rong relaxed, she put his face into his arms, and closed his eyes again, in a blink of an eye, the thin snoring sounded again.

Under the starlight, Wang Hong stretched his hand to her long hair.

The five fingers are combed, and the long hair is combed again and again, and the golden stepping and other accessories that she inserts into her hair are removed.

In a twinkling of an eye, Chen Rong has been a messy, spring sleep.

He lowered his head and looked at Chen Rong, who covered his chest with his French style, and gently reached out and stroked her long eyelashes.

His fingers are like spring breeze, his eyes are like Chun Tan.


Chen Rong was awakened in the sound of birdsong.

In the confusion, she slowly opened her eyes, and the bright eyes were confused and empty at the moment.

Look, two times.

She groaned and her eyes were clearer.

Slowly, she felt a little abnormal under her body.

Chen Rong slowly turned his head and looked at his body.

She is right, it is a beautiful face. This face is only a few inches away from her, and the breath of breathing is still sprayed on her face.

Awkwardly, Chen Rong’s little face was instantly red.

She was in a hurry and wanted to get up straight.

Just after a move, it touched the numb arms and legs. It turned out that she had never changed her position for a whole night.

Chen Rong bit his teeth, relaxed his hands and feet, and dared to remove his face.

She once again looked at the handsome man who was pressed by himself.

This man, his eyes are closed, his breathing is fine, and he is sleeping. In the morning sun, his black and satin hair ends, and a few drops of dew, still want to fall.

That's right, it's his beautifully shaped thin lips, and the slightly curled corners of his mouth are also stained with tiny pieces of dewdrops like tiny pearls that sparkle on his newborn scum.

It is like sleeping, he also has a kind of radiance. This is a pearl-like, moon-like radiance. It was dyed on his handsome face, dyed between the eyebrows, so that anyone who looked at it at a glance, was photographed by this brilliance, could not move his eyes, and even had no time to appreciate his facial features.

Such a beautiful boy, fascinating, unparalleled.

Qilang of the Wang family, the manners of grace, the unparalleled celebrity.

And this man, will come in the middle of the night, just to save her...

Chen Rong closed his eyes and broke into his arms again.

Unconsciously, her lips have evoked a bright smile.

Until this time, Chen Rongcai discovered that he had long liked him, admired, and fell in love with him... So, when she found out that he came, she refused to ask her to be a relative of her loved ones. Didn't think about it, did he come alone alone, how did he know that she had hid in this place? Who sent him a letter, and even asked about the invitation.

Seeing him, she did not have a sense of reason, a trace of sobriety. She was only pleasantly surprised by his rescue, but she was happy with his rescue, but she was completely relaxed, moved, happy, and enamored...

When Chen Rong thought about these things, the boundless joy, the full happiness, made Chen Rong, who had never experienced the feelings of mutual affection, and felt for the first time that the world was so beautiful... I hope Time is here to stop, she will die!

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Rong suddenly thought that his hands and feet were numb, and Wang Hong, who was pressed by himself for one night?

Thinking of this, she was upset. Quickly stretched out his hand, endured the tingling of the heart, and slowly removed his body.

Only when she was moved, she was powerless, and the whole person was planted on the carriage. In a blink of an eye, her shoulders slammed into the rut and made a loud noise.

Enduring the pain, Chen Rong supported the upper body and looked at Wang Hong in a reflective manner. Seeing that his eyes are still closed, sleeping sweetly, his heart is a loose: finally did not wake him up.

She bit her teeth, propped the rut with the other arm, and slowly walked down the carriage. Because of the pain, her white neck and forehead all ooze cold sweat.

She moved forward step by step.

Chen Rong’s figure, just left the foothills, and Wang Hong, who couldn’t sleep, opened his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, looking at the figure that Chen Rong slowly moved, and then turned to her injured right shoulder.

When Chen Rong came back, he saw the white figure of Shengxue at a glance. He was sitting in the carriage pulled by the curtain.

Hearing the footsteps of Chen Rong, he looked up and smiled.

Instant, the morning light is bright, the flowers are overflowing!

Chen Rong smiled at him and unwittingly unveiled a brilliant smile. She was ashamed, and when she looked at him with ecstasy, she was almost reflective, hiding her left hand holding a bunch of fruit.

After changing her hand at the back, she struggled to lift the mountain fruit with her injured right hand and smiled. "Look, I picked a bunch of mountain fruit. This can be eaten, it is very fragrant. Would you like to try it?"

Wang Hong smiled shallowly, his gaze, licking one of the grape-shaped hawthorns, which splashed a few drops of fresh blood on the mountain fruit.

These mountain fruit, apparently just cleaned, one grain and one grain, exudes a crystal clear glow in the morning light.

Wang Hong looked at Chen Rong, slowly, he extended his right hand.

The movement of his hand, slow and elegant, but Chen Rong, who has a heart on him, has found his movements to be stiff.

At the moment, she took a few steps and said, "Is it numb?" She slept on him, her hands and feet were numb for a long time, and he would have become more aggressive when he slept below.

While saying that she stretched out her left hand without pain, she wanted to pat him, but her left hand just extended, she thought of something, and quickly changed to the right hand.

At this moment, Wang Hong, who had been laughing, stretched out his right hand and slowly stroked her cheek.

His hand is like a spring breeze, stroking her eyebrows.

Then he lowered his eyebrows and reached for her left hand.

He held her left hand in the palm of his hand.

Bowing down, the details of the palm of the palm of this white tender and greasy little hand, this little hand is really beautiful, there are several small flesh vortex vortex.

His eyes turned to her index finger.

There, there was an inch-long mouth, and the wound that had been opened by the flesh, the blood had stopped.

He slowly bowed his head.

When he had a thin lip and gently covered the injured index finger, Chen Rong shivered as the warm lips touched the finger.

Wang Hong looked up.

He covered her fingers like this and looked up at her. In the morning light, his eyes are clear and high, but there is a kind of flattering that makes Chen Rong feel flustered.

In particular, his tip of the dewdrop was falling naughty on his straight nose, with a drop of dew, and as he moved, he rolled down and broke into his lips...

Awkwardly, Chen Rong’s face was red.

She lowered her head, her eyes raised her head slightly, and she looked at him with shyness. She said lowly and weakly: "Don't be like this."

The sound is soft and the feet are soft.

The heartbeat is more like a drum.

Wang Hong removed his lips from the good.

As his lips moved away, a silver thread followed the fingertips, in the sun, it was attached to her fingers, his lips, shining with colorful light.

Chen Rong’s legs are completely soft. She softly fell into his arms and muttered, "Don't, don't do this..."

She actually doesn't know what she is talking about.

She just knew that Wang Hong was particularly attractive at the moment, especially for her blushing, especially for her commotion. The commotion was even so strong that she had a strange feeling in her lower abdomen!

The two worlds are human beings. Chen Rong, who has always been a virgin, only knows that he is very strange at this moment. She seems to want him to do something. It is best to break her into his body, preferably... she I dare not think about it anymore.

Wang Hong stretched her arm to hold her soft.

He looked down and looked at her tenderly. His mouth was slightly raised, he was shallow and smiling, and he was very concerned about his concern: "Arong is physically unwell? How is the blush so powerful and the body hot?"

At this moment, his eyes are so pure, so concerned!

Chen Rong has always been a woman, and no one has ever told her about sex. She also knows why she is abnormal.

At the moment, her little face brushed from the tip of her ear to the neck.

She hurriedly pulled back and pulled back. Then, she turned to the back, facing her, bowed her head, shy and unsatisfied, said: "Yes, yes, it is physical discomfort, may be sick."

What she heard was the sound of pouring wine.

Chen Rongqi turned back.

What she saw was Wang Hong, who had a light smile and a condensed dewdrop, crystal clear. He is head down, elegantly filled with wine on two wine glasses.

His movements are so elegant, his smile is so sad. This is a kind of graceful grace that contains Jin Ma Yutang. This is an elegant style that does not eat human fireworks and is high above.

Chen Rong looked up and looked at him with ecstasy. He suddenly found out that his heart was slowly sinking and sinking... Suddenly, she was thinking: If there is a kind of love in this world, it will make women fall into the dust. It must be the woman who fell in love with the man in front of him.

If you say that falling in love with you will make you feel desperate, then the man who falls in love with your eyes will feel completely humble!

Slowly, Chen Rong dropped his eyes, and slowly, she reached for her chest.