MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 154 There is joy here

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The houses of the palace are mostly wooden attic, layered and exquisite. Along the way, the trees on both sides are covered with white or pink or red ribbons and lanterns, as well as sachets. On some trees, there is a wine with a gourd and a gourd. The mouth of the pot is open and fragrant.

Slowly, the carriage stopped. Chen Rong heard the little **** respectfully said: "Hong Yunzi is coming to visit."

For a while, a whistling voice came. "There is nowhere, and Xiangu can go to Yunting."

The little **** should have a voice, so the carriage drove forward again.

After a while, the little **** shouted outside: "Xiang Gu, the front is Lanting."

Chen Rong responded and walked down the carriage in his support.

The place she went to was a garden, surrounded by pear trees and peach trees, and in the middle of these two trees, a eucalyptus eucalyptus pine tree with lush foliage.

Chen Rong looked at the garden. The garden was surrounded by pear trees and peach trees. In the middle of these two trees, there was a lush eucalyptus pine tree.

Chen Rong looked at his head and saw it at a glance. Among the leaves, a pavilion was hidden.

"Xianru, Your Majesty said, you go on your own." The little **** saw Chen Rong for a long time and did not move.

It is still early spring, but the woods in this garden are extremely lush. Passing through the winding tree-lined path, Chen Rong is a bit strange.

It is very quiet here, before and after, there are no eunuchs and no palace ladies.

She hesitated for a while before she went again.

After a quarter of an hour, a pavilion appeared in her field of vision. Under the pillar on the left side of the pavilion, there was a man.

Chen Rong walked closer to the man.

This man, wearing a light blue robes, white jade hair, dressed up to the spirit.

He was kneeling on the ground, holding a branch in his hand and pulling something in focus.

Chen Rong quietly reached out and looked at him a few times. He immediately recognized that this person is his majesty.

I don't know what to play, is it so serious?

Chen Rong went forward two steps, bowed his head and stood on one side.

She lowered her head, motionless, surrounded by birds, and passed straight for a long time, and did not see the busy back to find herself.

Chen Rong hesitated for a moment. She licked her head and thought about the scene she saw with the young emperor. After a while, she stepped a little and went to the back of the emperor.

Chen Rong stretched his head.

Oh, this emperor is playing with ants on the ground.

He held a branch in his left hand and kept picking up the ants that had drilled out of the hole in the stone pillar. On the right hand, from the side of the Zhou Dynasty sapphire bowl, put the rice one by one outside the hole.

He is very focused and his eyes are not blind.

Chen Rong looked at it and couldn’t help but smile. She stepped forward and kneel next to the emperor, watching the ants with him.

The rice that the emperor put down, the ants moved for a long time, just moved a few grains and moved the inch. Seeing that they were slow to move back into the hole, the emperor could not help but be anxious. At the moment, he took a few pieces of rice out of the bowl and stuffed it into the hole.

Stuffed with stuff, he felt a little warm around him and turned his head.

This time, he looked at the ant group with the same seriousness. The white fingers painted circles on the mud and caught the ants' Chen Rong.

The emperor looked at the ants that turned around and said: "This can't trap them!"

He said that while grabbing a few muds and forming a mud wall outside the circle of Chen Rong's painting, he licked his white teeth and smiled happily: "This is good."

Chen Rong thought for a while and said: "The wall is not high enough." Two ants have climbed onto the mud wall and they will climb down.

When the emperor saw it, he quickly grabbed a few mud yards and made a move. He said, "Did you eat?"

Chen Rong also grabbed a handful of mud and carefully repaired the mud wall. He shook his head and said, "I am going to eat, and your people will call and hungry."

When the words came out, the emperor laughed. He shot with both hands and cried, "I invite you to eat."

Chen Rong smiled and said, "Okay."


The emperor stood up and grabbed Chen Rong’s little hand.

Chen Rong was led by him. She looked at the emperor's bright eyes and faintly revealing the white face of the sweat. She secretly thought: The majesty at this time is really a child.

She clearly felt that the emperor at the moment, even if she took her hand, did not think about her.

The emperor took Chen Rong's hand and walked a dozen steps to a lake.

Next to the lake, there are more than a dozen **** guards. When the emperor and Chen Rong came over, they bowed their heads at the same time, and they were motionless like clay sculptures.



In neatly, the palace ladies came to the towel basin to give the emperor and Chen Rong a clean hand, and then the stream was placed on the couch, and the people who brought the food box.

Chen Rong didn't seem to notice that at the moment, he still held hands with the emperor and did not notice that the guards of the palace ladies, from time to time, quietly looked at their tight hands.

She happily looked at the rippling lake and looked at the white light reflected by the sunlight on the lake. She smiled and said: "Your Majesty, it will be beautiful in a month. There are peach and pear flowers accompanied by weeping willows."

She turned her head and blinked at the emperor's naughty, and said with a smile: "With the sunset and the sky, the boating, how beautiful?"

The emperor followed her eyes to the lake. He leaned back and reached for a leaf from the ground and put it on his eyes. He said: "The beauty is beautiful, but it is boring."

Chen Rong turned his head and said slowly, "How can it be boring? There are fish jumping in the water, there are ants in the trees, and there are birds singing in the forest. It is lively."

Under the leaves, the emperor of the five-character show ya white squinted and smiled, revealing a white tooth.

He did not answer Chen Rong's words, but his voice was slightly mentioned. He said: "Go away a little further and go farther."


The footsteps sounded and everyone stepped back. It was the ladies who were on the goblet and stopped moving.

Chen Rong looked at the matte face and said: "I am still hungry."

When the words came out, the emperor laughed again. He licked his teeth and said with pride: "Then you will be hungry."

Chen Rongyi stayed.

The emperor took off the leaves that covered his eyes, and looked at Chen Rong, who was staying, and laughed again.

In a big laugh, he put the leaves back on his eyes and said: "Since I was born, I have never spoken to someone like you. I didn't think that the cold-skinned woman is so vivid and vivid. Wang Qi Good eyesight."

Chen Rongyi.

She smiled and said: "Isn't Zhuangzi said it? Dapeng has the happiness of Dapeng, and the sparrow has the joy of sparrows."

The emperor laughed again.

Suddenly, she stood up and sat up.

As he moved, the leaves fell to the ground.

The emperor turned his head and looked at Chen Rong. He blinked. After squatting around, he approached Chen Rong and said quietly: "Really." After a pause, his voice was lower. "You I haven't come to Jiankang, I have heard of you, and I want to see you. They said that there is a girl who is a gentleman, looks like a man, but has a good woman."

Speaking of this, he suddenly had a meal, blinked and said to Chen Rong: "Do you like this evaluation?"

Chen Rong blinked and looked at him, and she blinked again. Almost blessed to the soul, Chen Rongbian said with a dissatisfied, sullen tone: "There is a cold-skinned woman who wants to say that she went to Moyang City and Wang Qizhen, who are surrounded by Hu people. It’s awkward, and Wang Qi’s real beauty is not shallow.”

The emperor stayed.

He stared at Chen Rong.

He groaned and stunned, and he burst into laughter.

He has been laughing all the time, but the laughter he just made, he is a little careless, only at this moment, is the real laughter.

For a time, the palace eunuchs around the house looked at it.

The emperor took a shot of his own thigh and said: "You little sister, haha, haha, it’s really smart!"

As soon as the voice fell, he glared at Chen Rong’s depressed face and laughed again.

When the music was in the air, the emperor grinned and said: "Happy? Little cold woman, what I did was amazed by the emperor. Is it very satisfying and happy?"

Chen Rong is a long sigh.

She looked up and looked at the blue sky and white clouds with a gloomy look. She said in an unparalleled grief and unrequited tone: "If I knew that my Majesty was paying attention to me, my Chen Arong would not ask for help when he first saw Tianyan. Allow me to be a monk, but to ask for the imperial edict and to marry me to Wang Qi. Oh, regret it."

When the words came out, the emperor was first stunned, and in a blink of an eye, he smiled again.

But this time, he only laughed.

Lying on the ground again, the emperor picked up the leaves and covered them on his eyes. He flattened his mouth and said, "You don't have to remind me!"

His voice is a little angry!

This anger was sudden, and Chen Rong was shocked.

But when the emperor saw the emperor angrily, he pulled the leaf and threw it away. He sullenly shouted: "I know you are the king of the seven! Hey!"

Having said that, he slammed his head and turned his back to Chen Rong, who was as sulking as a child.

Chen Rongxian was shocked. He wanted to see his demeanor and wanted to laugh.

She also flattened her mouth and said in a sullen mood: "I thought that my Majesty would be happy." She said that her emperor's back was straight and her ears were open.

Chen Rong smiled and continued to say, "I think that if I am married in the public, I will definitely be stunned. He will definitely look at me, look at his majesty, look at me, and then look at your majesty... ..."

In Chen Rong, repeat the imaginary scene in a vivid tone. Listening and listening, the emperor couldn’t help but laugh. He first whispered, but when he thought of the scene, he thought of the scene of Wang Qiqi who did not believe his ears. When he thought of the facts of the ministers and the nobles, the scenes of the ruins and ruins of the ruins were very ridiculous. Interesting, and the more you think about it, the more interesting it is.

The emperor laughed again and again and again and again: "Not bad, hey!"

The emperor was in a good mood. He turned around and turned to Chen Rong. His clear eyes looked at her seriously. The emperor leaned over to her and whispered, "Hey! When no one is there, you call I am Ma Zhang, I like to listen!"

Chen Rong is a big point.

The emperor moved backwards and coughed, and said seriously: "Come, eat!"

When the order came out, standing in fifty steps, the eunuchs who were like wood moved.

The meat is sent out like water.

In this seat, Chen Rong sat on the opposite side of the emperor. The emperor extended the chopsticks and put a small round meat ball into his mouth. He personally picked up the dish and put it in front of Chen Rong, vaguely: It’s delicious, you try it.”

Chen Rong responded and tasted two nods.

After a while, the emperor swallowed the wine indiscriminately and asked vaguely: "How about the food in the palace?"

Chen Rong spoke in unclear words: "Very good." She nodded and said, "It's better than the view."

The emperor heard the words and smiled again.

In another meeting, he personally handed a jade cup with some yellow and yellow water, saying: "Try it."

When Chen Rong drank a big swig, he asked: "How is the taste?"

At this time, Chen Rong was trying to swallow it down. She heard the words and said, "I am very embarrassed." Suddenly, she added, "Water like boiled wine."

'砰砰砰', the emperor took a few big music, he smiled and his eyes became a line, and quickly swallowed the food in his mouth. He approached Chen Rong and said quietly: "This is the water that the wine is boiled." ."

In Chen Rong's big eyes, he said slowly: "Every time I banquet the minister, I pretend to drink this pulp and drink it with gusto... You guess, what happened later?"

Chen Rong thought about it and asked, "Is it true that the palaces are fond of it?"

The emperor had a big head, and he smiled with a smile on his eyes. "After doing this a few times, they and the flattering, every time there is a feast, there must be this pulp. Every time there is this pulp, there will be a drink. Uh... you also tasted it. This pulp is extremely sturdy and thorny. After they have drunk, they have no appetite. Oh, I haven’t known how many beautiful people have been thinned in these two years."

Chen Rongyi stayed, and in a blink of an eye, she covered her mouth with her sleeves and couldn’t help but laugh again.

Her smile has attracted countless attention.

The meal, the two had a full meal for half an hour. The dish is cold and hot, hot and cool.

Unconsciously, the two are getting closer together. Listening to the awkwardness of the Nine-Five Extreme, he said that he had been doing everything from small to big, and Chen Rong was licking his stomach and smiling almost.

In the avenue.

The little **** walked in front with respect and said: "Lang Jun, they are there."

After all, he stepped back and took a half step, letting the white win over the snow, wide robes and wide sleeves, and the beautiful young boy who passed the fairy would go over the willow tree.

When the beautiful boy was just approaching, he heard a burst of laughter coming.

This is the emperor's laughter, he is clear.

However, in the emperor's laughter, there is also a female voice that is pleasing to the eye!

This female voice smiled very cheerfully.

The footsteps of the beautiful teenagers are not slowed down.

Just then, over the willow tree, came to the beautiful young boy who was less than twenty steps away from the two. Just about to show up, they heard the emperor call: "Arong."

Chen Rong smiled and turned her head, and there was tears in her eyes. The tears lined her red and simple face, and the beauty reached the extreme.

The emperor looked at Chen Rong like this, his eyes were stagnation, and unconsciously, he approached her a little, gentle, and said a little seriously: "Arong, a girl like you, I only see you in my life... You marry me."

In the sun, he showed his white teeth and smiled brightly. "You can't marry you as a wife, but you don't care. If you wait two or three years, you will seal you as a queen. How?"

The emperor's voice is clear and clear, and the smile is bright and bright. It is like a spring flower, such as the summer sun, bright, direct, radiant, and piercing.

Under the willow tree, in the green leaves, the beautiful young boy with wide sleeves can't move.