MTL - MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian-Chapter 779 Salted fish turned over

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Astronomical 777th chapter salted fish turned over


These black light hits, but it is the words of immunization on the heads of all people! At this time, if there are other players present, you will be surprised to find that after the attack of the boss this round, no one has lost blood!

Soul bomb!

When everyone enters the scope of the boss 1000 meters, everyone has a soul bomb effect. At this time, as long as the distance from the boss is more than 1000 meters, the player will be killed in an instant!

Shadow Arrow Dance!

In the ten seconds that approached the boss, it became a stage for the boss to perform alone, constantly launching a black arrow and sweeping the sky like a sky. (""网.com)

However, a few seconds of breathing time, Zhang Yang first rushed to the front of the boss, the axe raised, brushed the ground and cut it.


This one hurts the number and makes everyone shocked! It’s too horrible, and the flat cut hurts to approach the million mark, too powerful!

On the attack power, Zhang Yang has crushed the boss of the heavenly level with the support of the inheritance transformation! Of course, the reason why bosses are powerful is never because of their individual attacks, but because of the amazing blood volume and horrible group damage ability!

Han Yingxue, they are just a little slower than Zhang Yang. Everyone is all right, the blood of the treatment is raised, the blood of the team is carried up, the spit firepower is output, and the blood volume of the boss is reduced as soon as possible.

To know that Bros has a life of 10 billion, you can recover 1% of blood every 30 seconds, which is equivalent to 3.33 million seconds. And to bomb the boss in two hours, this requires the team's second injury to reach 139 + 333 = 4.71 million!

With the firepower of the current team, it is quite difficult to reach this number of injuries. Zhang Yang pinned his hopes on three gaze gaze, at least once to make up for the team's lack of firepower!

On the other hand, in terms of treatment, because of the special effects provided by the sword of Kinglos, plus Han Yingxue, Dream Sweetheart and Night Attack Widow Village are very powerful treatments, the team's blood volume is always maintained at a fairly safe level.

Ghost gaze!


Zhang Yang could not help but sigh, although there are still two opportunities, but the hope of boss on this low probability skills is too uninsured! He thought about it and connected the private chat channel with Xue Chihiro. He said: "Snow president, I am giving you a gift!"

"Oh, what?" Snow Chihiro said very plainly, how can I believe that Zhang Yang would really be good for himself.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said: "Come on to play Bros, I am sure to kill the boss, but we only have 12 people, but the task can let 20 people finish together. This is a waste of waste, seeing the snow president, I You can give you 8 places to complete the task and get the skill points reward!"

"Only skill points?"

"Of course, Snow will be too greedy to be a man!"

"Hey, the president of the war, really have such a good heart? It won't be that you are understaffed. Would you like us to help?"

"Just kidding, do you think this is possible?"

"Boss' spoils, we have to take half!"


"one third!"


"A quarter!"

"Okay! However, it can only be a quarter of the equipment, and the sundries are not included!" Zhang Yang also knows that the benefits of the two skill points are too few. If you really want to take away the loot of Blox, it is estimated. This group of women will be angry with smoke, and will never cooperate with him again!

"The deal! However, if there are less than four pieces of the celestial device, we must ensure that we can at least get one!"


On the 8th player group with the most powerful anger, Zhang Yang put on the team call order and pulled the snow Chihiro. (""网.com) because they were allowed to open the inheritance before the transfer, although the Niangzi army was attacked by the boss violent attack, but because Zhang Yang took good time just started a special effect of the sword of Jinluos, Soul tingling naturally does not work for everyone.

"It turns out that the Warlord has such a secret weapon?" Snow Chihiro's eyes are burning and able to resist the soul sting this skill, which is equivalent to abolishing the most powerful aoe ability of the boss. Can only cause 50,000 points of second injury, three treatments can still be added.

The reason why Bros has no solution is not how the single attack is invincible, but the group damage caused by the combination of Shadow Arrow Dance and Soul Sting is too strong, and can quickly kill all enemies within the scope. But as soon as this is broken, he falls to the altar and can be pushed down if there is enough firepower output!

95%, 90%, 85%... The blood volume of the boss is slowly but steadily falling.

Although other guilds have temporarily abandoned the plan to push Bros, some teams still left one or two people to watch nearby. In the event of any unexpected situation, they can know for the first time and respond.

These people played a circle around the strange, and found that someone is playing boss.

At first they didn't care, and decided that the boss could not be overthrown. But after a while they found that something was wrong, because the blood volume of the boss is rapidly decreasing, but the players who are blaming are always keeping the blood volume on a relatively safe line!

They suddenly became shocked and quickly passed the news back. However, now how big the map is, let alone rushing from the territory, that is, in the map of Marin Saltland, as long as it is far away, it will take three to four hours!

And they only need two hours to publicize them!

- Two hours can't get rid of the boss, then they can only give up, even if the blood volume can be increased, but the firepower output is not enough, only the more the boss blood volume.

Zhang Yang has to wait until everyone else leaves to open the boss, which naturally makes sense! Otherwise, others will only be able to pick up the spoils if they open the inheritance and change to the last minute.

There are no more people to stop the chaotic robbing.

Now, they can play bosses with peace of mind, even if someone will put in a kick at the last moment, but the number is too small, there is no possibility of a top master - which top master will do this kind of whistle ?

But if you are afraid of change, everyone will still have enough firepower to kill the boss as soon as possible, because only the benefits of falling into the pocket are your own!

Poor Bros is also a world-class oss, but loses the threat of soul sting, just like a tiger without teeth. Although the claws are still sharp, at least the power of 30% is not invincible.

70%, 50%, 30%!

Zhang Yang used another gaze, but it was also the life of resistance! However, with the addition of the eight Women's Army, their firepower output is enough to meet the standard, about 100 minutes to 110 minutes to bomb off Bros!


The boss became angry, and the frequency of releasing the soul's sting was significantly improved, but it did not inflict a little extra pressure on the team. Only after the killing skills of the people, the blood volume quickly fell into 10%. !

At this time, the cooldown of Shadow Shadow Dance was greatly reduced, from 6 seconds to 3 seconds, and the team's second injury increased from 50,000 to 100,000! However, because the treatment is more than 10% before 10%, everyone's blood percentage is very high, and after the transformation, each one is high blood volume, so even if the attack power of the boss has exceeded the limit of treatment, but With high blood volume, it can still be supported for a long time.

Moreover, Han Yingxue still holds a cow's god's rippling in his hand, but this is a magical skill that can restore the blood of the team's owners in 10 seconds!

8%, 5%, 2%, 1%!

"Ah--" Bloss made a scream, and the first slam fell from the air, bursting out more than a dozen pieces of equipment and more debris, really generous, worthy of world-class **oss!

"Hey! Congratulations to you as the first team to kill the wild sacred leader in the field. Your glorious deeds will go down in history! As the captain, please name your team to go down in history and let the world praise!"

When the boss hangs, Zhang Yang immediately received a prompt from the system. Although he had already killed the King of Green Willow City before, but because it was stolen, it was not recognized by the system, so it was only now that he finally got the record of the first kill of the Boss in the wild.

This advertising opportunity will naturally not give a anger, Zhang Yang quickly filled in the advertising words, the server suddenly began to float red screen, so that those who heard the news are coming to sigh, can only stop the pace, Don't go white again.

"The equipment is smashed!" Weifanger cheered and immediately rushed to pick up the spoils. Therefore, Zhang Yang used the captain's allocation and handed the picking right to Weifang, so only she could distribute the boss's spoils.

The boss is very, very generous, there are 10 pieces of the celestial device, and then 5 pieces of the holy device! In addition, there are 7 skill books, 4 skill points spar, 7 advanced auras...

Great harvest, great harvest!

"First divide the equipment!" Zhang Yang said quickly, the equipment is divided, you can send the Niangzi army away, lest they see other things and have other ideas, besides the snow Chihiro, other can be It’s a female hooligan.

Zhang Yang is very generous at this time, said: "Snow will be long, 10 pieces of the celestial device, you can only take two pieces according to the agreement, but I am a good person to speak, then you will be divided into three! Come here, take it. Let's go!"

Xue Qianxun threw him a white eye, while sifting the equipment on the ground, he said: "The celestial device is precious, but some of the sundries are not measurable by the attributes of the district!"

This is what I said, but there is nothing dissatisfied with Xue Chihiro, because they just earned an extraordinarily fast, and Zhang Yang can invite others to kill the boss, and can describe the two skill points of the three pieces of the celestial sacred and the mission reward. They have made a lot of money.