MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 965 Dive into combat!

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Modify Super God Chapter 965 to sneak into combat!

With a hidden figure, Sui Yu looked at the entrance of the research institute located in the deep mountains and muttered in his heart: "It is really suspicious! There is no road repair, and there is only a dilapidated mountain road in front of the door? Establishing the research institute in such a place is very in itself. suspicious!"

Yes, after telling Jessica on the phone that she was assigned an infiltration reconnaissance mission, so she couldn't date on the battlefield recently, Jessica was very understanding and understanding.

And she also said that because of her frequent attacks recently, the fighters in other seats of the Black Knights have criticized her quite a bit.

Also, fighting is not dating, and the top seats in the Black Knights are all strong, but the war has also strongly promoted the development of the alliance's hard power.

Now the alliance's combat capabilities are getting stronger and stronger, coupled with the fact that the manufacturing speed of technological weapons is very strong. With the resources of the entire alliance, the aircraft and missiles can be made very fast.

Therefore, the combatants of the Black Knights are basically injured every time they attack, and some even die from time to time!

According to Jessica, the seats of the Black Knights are not fixed.

Using the not-so-stable teleportation technology to another world, the Black Knights are actually constantly trying to teleport the strong from the mainland.

At the same time, the Black Knights have been secretly carrying out the work of instigating the strong inside the alliance, and judging from Lin Yuxin's reaction, it is obvious that the other party's instigating work is going very smoothly!

Therefore, there is not a shortage of masters in the Black Knights.

But there is no shortage of masters, they need time to heal their injuries and practice after all.

Now Jessica attacks every three to five times, the frequency is extremely high!

So under the leadership of Jessica, others have to work hard even if they are not happy.

After all, the Black Knights is a combat group through and through, and they don't talk about humanized management at all!

Once you can't keep up with the footsteps of the Black Knights, maybe you will "accidentally die" when you participate in a certain battle!

So the very miserable other fighters who got wrapped up by Jessica really have a big opinion on Jessica!

Now Sui Yu is not free for the time being, so Jessica can take advantage of the trend to catch fish and rest.

Anyway, the two of them can talk on the phone!

Of course, when Sui Yu gets close to the target base, I'm afraid the phone call will be out of order for a while.

"I just got the news that the target location...after approaching...the Alliance...has...Zi La! Zi La!"

Sure enough, a signal jamming device was installed in this place.

Now that the alliance has lost several communication satellites, even if they want to strengthen the signal through the satellites to break through the interference, they can't do it.

So Sui Yu seems to be unable to receive orders from Lin Yuxin for the time being.

But it doesn't matter, we can play freely without instructions!

Anyway, we must find evidence as soon as possible to get things done!

After making up his mind, Sui Yu maximized his stealth skills, while avoiding traps and various high-tech detection systems step by step as much as possible.

During this time, every night after going online, Sui Yu tried his best to level up in "In Another World" in order to improve his level and catch up with Jessica's progress.

Of course, in the eyes of others, Sui Yu just makes a fuss every day, and his sense of existence is overwhelming.

Therefore, Sui Yu really accumulated a lot of power of faith during this period of time.

These powers of faith are not in vain.

So relying on the ability to modify, Sui Yu took the time to upgrade his investigation, agency detection and secret skills to the full level of 1,000!

After turning on the skill, in Sui Yu's eyes, all traps are invisible!

Even the scope of the monitoring and exposure is clear. As long as you cooperate with the agile movement and the effect of the full-level secret on reducing your sense of existence, these monitoring and traps can't stop Sui Yu's footsteps at all!

Especially the full-level secret skill is even called a bug!

After the stealth skill reduces the sense of presence, as long as Sui Yu does not raise his sense of presence with his hands or deliberately makes a sound, even if Sui Yu is standing next to the guard, the guard will not feel it!

This skill is too strong!

Fortunately, Sui Yu is an upright gentleman. If someone with a wicked mind masters this skill, then in the locker room and bathroom, wouldn't he want to go wherever he wants, without worrying about being caught!

Get the bad thoughts out of your head quickly.

Sui Yu reached out and grabbed the guard's head and twisted it quickly!


Accompanied by a crisp bone cracking sound, the body of the guard fell limply to the ground.

After groping around on the guard, he quickly found the key with the detection skill displayed in red light.

Insert the key into the corresponding door lock...

Katsa, the door is open!

Although there are a lot of keys hanging on the guards, it seems that using the wrong key will activate the verification process, and once the verification fails, an alarm will be issued.

But under the effect of skills, this small mechanism was cracked in an instant!

Taking out his mobile phone, Sui Yu found that Lin Yuxin had sent himself a text message because of poor communication.

It is estimated that this text message should be sent repeatedly by using the principle of fragmented download, and finally piece together the complete text message content.

It's really not easy.

Then Sui Yu looked at the content of the text message, and saw that it said: "The guard at the gate has been bribed. As long as you tell the password, he can directly take you through the outer security area. The password is..."

Well, there is no need to look at the weird password in the back.

Sui Yu patted the body of the guard under his feet lightly, making sure that this guy was completely cold.

Well, anyway, I planned to sneak in directly, and didn't plan to rely on internal support at all.

There is no difference between someone responding and no one responding!

And who knows if this internal response is a loophole specially created by others? !

Maybe those investigators were killed by the so-called insiders!

Well, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Sui Yu admitted that this was an excuse for himself.

But whatever, it doesn't delay my work anyway.

Opening the door, Sui Yu quickly entered the interior of the research institute.

Following the instructions of the investigative skills to cut his head, Sui Yu quickly came to a wall while looking at the highlighted footprints of insiders.


After activating the full-level lockpicking skill, a tile next to it suddenly opened to reveal the fingerprint and iris recognition system underneath.

Then I don't know what the principle of the skill is, and soon the green light on the system turns on, and then a door opens on the seemingly ordinary wall in front of me.

Then Sui Yu saw the scene inside the passage...

Dried blood is everywhere!

Especially the obvious **** handprints on the wall and the obvious traces of being dragged away behind the **** handprints, it is not difficult for Sui Yu to imagine the despair of the people who were dragged away just by looking at them!

Obviously, with the help of skills, Sui Yu immediately entered the darkest place in this research institute!

Unlike the glamorous and bright outside that is about to be inspected, Sui Yu immediately felt how eerie and terrifying this laboratory is just as soon as he entered the door!

And then at this moment...



Accompanied by a series of strange screams, a large group of insect-like monsters with six legs and long front jaws about one meter in height rushed over from the corridor along the corridor in groups!

Moreover, this thing completely ignored Sui Yu's secret ability to reduce the sense of presence, and directly opened his mouth to Sui Yu while drooling and bit him!