MTL - Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend-Chapter 42 I miss you

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Xia Wei was injured, the girl was nothing, everyone was surrounded.

Lin Xiaoran quickly took the medicine box and helped Xia to treat the wound.

Xia Wei hurts, and many girls dare not look at it. When I saw the iodine rubbing the wound, Xia Wei didn't bite his teeth and didn't scream. The girl next to her was still hurting her.

With limited conditions, you can only do some simple dressings temporarily. Throughout the process, Xia Yu had a sweat on her forehead and her eyes were wet, but she had to endure it.

"Hello, if you change to me, you must cry." The girl who Xia Wei had just dragged said with tears, she had thanked Xia Wei before, and she was very self-blaming, if she was not Xia Wei, Injured.

Someone smiled next to him: "You are already crying."

Xia Wei also laughed and said to himself: "In fact, I was so sad that I forgot to cry."

That is to say, but her tone is relaxed, everyone laughs, the atmosphere is not bad.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoran said: "I called Chen Chengan."

When the name of Cheng Chengan was said, everyone was very surprised. Looking at Xia Wei’s eyes has changed.

Feeling the burning gaze of everyone, Xia Wei breathed a stagnation and his body tightened. She smiled dryly: "Don't call, he may still be driving..." She actually wanted to say, but when she saw some girls look hurt, she shut up.

Lin Xiaoran no matter who she is, nodded and said: "Well, he will call you when he arrives."

"Yeah." Xia Wei sighed.

"There is another big stone over there. We will help you in the past. You should be almost there, and let him take you to the hospital."

"it is good."

Those girls who were still sympathetic to Xia Wei did not seem to sympathize with Xia Yu, but Lin Xiaoran feared that the world would not be chaotic. He sighed and said: "When Cheng Chengan saw you hurt, he would be distressed."

"Where is she from Cheng Chengan? Sister?" asked a girl. In fact, she knew she should not be her sister, but she still had a hint of hope.

Xia Yan is ashamed.

Lin Xiaoran smiled and said: "It is a sister."

Xia Yufu amount.

"Girlfriend?" Someone still has to make a final confirmation.

Lin Xiaoran raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Wei, and gave her the right to speak. "Do you have a certificate?"

What is the certificate, Xia Wei is very speechless, shaking his head. "No."

Lin Xiaoran shrugged and did not care about the fragile heart of the beautiful people around him. He said, "Now I have no collar, but I am too quick."

"How do you know? You are not him." Some people dissatisfied.

Xia Wei agreed to nod.

Lin Xiaoran was very determined. "I have known him for so many years. Of course I know what kind of person he is. He doesn't like it, he likes it very seriously. If he is serious, it will be very efficient..."

At this time, Xia Wei’s cell phone rang and everyone stared at her.

She took out the phone with pressure and it was really hit by Cheng. "Hey..." Xia Wei’s voice is slightly lower.

"I am going down the hill. Where are you now?" Yan Chengan’s voice took some hopeful readings. I haven’t seen you for a few days, and I’m excited to see people who can see the day and night.

Xia Wei is also excited, but there are so many people next to her, she is depressed.

She looked up at the top of the mountain and estimated it. She said, "It seems to be halfway up the mountain." After talking about Lin Xiaoran with his eyes, Lin Xiaoran nodded and said with a voice that he could hear. "Yes, you hurry up, you The girlfriend is hurt."

When he heard it, he felt a tight heart and quickly asked: "Are you injured? Where was it hurt? Serious?" asked three questions in a row.

Xia Wei heard the sound of his closing the door. The sound was a bit loud, and it seemed that the strength was quite large. Feeling his nervous concern, Xia Wei's heart was warm, and at the same time, sour, the pain that had just been endured, and he couldn't stand it when he heard his greetings. She wanted to cry.

"It's just a twig scratch, not much serious, it has been dealt with, don't worry." That's what it says, but there is no persuasiveness, because her voice is already crying.

"You wait for me, I will pass right away."

"Oh." Xia Xiaodi replied, tears have been forced by her.

When she talked to Yan Chengan about the phone, the surrounding girls seemed to have accepted the cruel fact that Qi Chengan already had a girlfriend. Unfortunately, she also let go.

Lin Xiaoran and another person in charge took Xia Wei to the side of the big stone and sat down to wait for Cheng Chengan. Others continued to climb the mountain.

Lin Xiaoran as the main person in charge, resettled Xia Wei, let the person in charge of the girl stay with Xia Wei, Xia Wei refused. "Don't accompany me, I will wait for him here, you can continue climbing."

Lin Xiaoran hesitated, Xia Xiao smiled and said: "Do not worry about me, there will be no floods and beasts here, and Yan Chengan will come soon."

Lin Xiaoran thinks about it too, he doesn't insist on it, and the girl catches up with the team in front.

Eight|The nine-point sun is already very bright. It shines through the layers of leaves and is reflected on the dewdrops on the grass that have not evaporated. It is like a pearl that will shine.

These beautiful scenes of nature rarely pay attention to it. At this moment, sitting alone in the mountains, Xia Wei feels that everything is so beautiful.

The main reason for the good is still from Yu Cheng'an.

Lin Xiaoran said that Qi Chengan would arrive within 20 minutes, and Xia Wei could not help but see the time. Looking forward to the time when the past is faster, one minute and one second seems to be magnified and become more and more long.

I don’t want to look at it, I look at it for a long time, but I feel that it’s been a long time. At first glance, it’s only a few minutes.

However, the focus is not good on the wound. The pain in the calf has spread, but it has been ignored.

Looking forward to the hope, the figure of Qi Chengan finally appeared in the line of sight. Xia Xi smiled and watched him walk quickly. The heart seemed to be filled with something, as if to jump out of the chest.

However, Yan Chengan's face was condensed, his brow was wrinkled tightly, and only a short time was in sight with Xia Wei. He quickly focused on the wound on her calf.

He crouched down and reached for her ankle to see her injury. His movements are soft and he is afraid of hurting her.

Xia Wei does not feel pain, her most obvious sense is that the place he holds is warm and itchy.

His expression was very serious, and he looked a bit fierce. Xia Wei suddenly had the feeling that he had done something wrong, and he was guilty.

"How do you get it?" Yan Chengan looked up at her and her expression did not change.

Xia Wei pointed to the hillside not far away and said: "When I was on the slope, the person who walked in front of me slipped. I pulled her, then I wrestled, and I was **** by the branches. ”

Qi Chengan was silent for a moment, looked up and continued to look at Xia Wei, and asked: "Is it still hurting?"

"It doesn't hurt." After the words were finished, the pain seemed to re-recover, and she felt pain again. However, if he is there, it doesn't matter if it hurts.

After so many days, I was able to see him again. She was very satisfied, and now he is kneeling beside her. From this point of view, he seems to be more handsome. His high nose, deep eyes, and even the root lashes are seen. Clearly clear. It is the mouth that is too tight and looks fierce.

So what do you do, you haven’t seen each other for so many days, so how can you hug first?

"I really don't hurt?" He was still cold-faced, quite a kind of gesture to teach people, and obviously did not believe her words.

Xia Wei had to tell the truth, "It hurts, it hurts." Not only is the wound hurting, but also wronged, and he is wronged. After the words were finished, the two tears fell without warning. Then, two drops...

This tear made the shackles safe, and Xia Wei was the same. Just now, the heart was wronged. The eyes were hot, and the tears flowed down like that. There was no chance of enduring.

She sucked her nose and raised her hand to wipe her tears.

There was a change in the look of Qi Cheng'an, and she was quite helpless. She covered her face first and helped her wipe her tears away. It was wiped off, and tears poured out. Even after a few rubs, it could not be wiped off. Instead, it became more and more turbulent, and it was very painful.

"Don't cry, I am carrying you down the mountain, we go to the hospital."

"I don't want to go to the hospital right now." Xia Wei's voice has a strong nasal sound.

"Well, don't go to the hospital now." Yan Chengan said to her.

"I want you to hug."

Qi Chengan finally smiled, then extended her hands and circled her in her arms.

Xia Wei also raised his hand around his waist, letting himself lean on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

Yan Chengan caressed her back and whispered comfort: "It's okay, it will be good in a few days."

The focus now is not this. "Why are you murdering me, it hurts a lot, you are still doing this to me."

Yan Chengan: "..." He... is it fierce?

Whether she has it or not, she thinks that he is fierce, and that is fierce. "I am not right. If you want to hit me, just hit it. If you want to bite, you can bite."

"I can't beat you again." Xia Yufu was in his arms, said in a sullen mood. As for the bite, "I am not a puppy, I will not bite you."

Who said before that he wanted to hit him to bite him? The rigorous thinking of Cheng Chengan did not correct her logic, only a bitter smile.

"I miss you very much." Xia Yu hugged his hands tightly and whispered. She really missed him, she really wanted to think about it, felt his body temperature, and never wanted to separate from him.

In the heart of the city, the warmth of the heart continued to spread.

He took Xia's shoulder and pulled her away from her, then bowed her lips. He **** hard | Allows her to warm the sweet lips, change the gentleness of the past, as if to plunder all her breathing. Xia Wei felt that she was going to suffocate, so she opened her mouth and wanted more air to enter. However, the first thing I felt was not the air, but the tongue of Yan Chengan. When he allowed her tongue, the whole body's blood was boiling and it was hot.

She forgot where she was, forgot that she had just been injured, and forgot the embarrassment and thoughts of this time...

She only knows that she has Cheng Chengan, she is the happiest.