MTL - Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary-Chapter 58

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戎逸 likes the taste of Chen Kezhen.

It is a gentle scent that is very different from his appearance. It is a bit like the wheat in the sun, or the quilt that has just been warmed and warm. When you breathe into the lungs, you will feel that your whole heart is soft.

That would make people unconsciously addicted, eager to be completely surrounded by drowning. When you are immersed in it, you can put down all your vigilance without worrying about any danger.

Just like Chen Kezhen, gentle and warm, you can rely on it.

Every time he kisses him, he wants to last longer.

Unfortunately, Chen Kezhen is not good.

When he felt that the atmosphere was the best, he suddenly slammed back a lot, then jumped off the sofa and rushed to the side of the cupboard, took a bottle of mineral water from it, unscrewed the lid and looked up. Tons of half a bottle.

Also sitting on the sofa, Yi Yi opened his mouth and was stunned.

Chen Kezhen will not be able to calculate his physical discomfort, but the water on the cabinet... is expensive. When he came in, he noticed on the first day, and when he came out, he looked at the price list and immediately returned to him.

It’s really expensive, and people worry that they will not be able to do this.

Chen Kezhen did not know anything about the psychological activities of Yi Yi. After putting down the water, he took a deep breath in the place and then returned to it. The expression seemed quite happy.

Just looking back at Yi Yi, his face still looks too good.

"What the **** is this person?" He Yi frowned at him.

"I..." Chen Kezhen squeezed the water bottle. "I may be a bit sick, but I really don't want to play with you. I am just..."

"You can't stand the pheromone of Alpha but still fly with Mo Zhen," said Yi Yi. "Then I think you can be with me."

Chen Kezhen was shocked.

Yi Yi himself was also surprised.

In fact, what he originally thought was to ask Chen Kezhen why there was a problem with omega vomiting in the end, and then decide whether it is necessary to confess.

Now, he has completely disrupted the plan, and it is incredible even if he is rampant.

But he can't stop.

"Do you still like me?"

Chen Kezhen drank the remaining half of the bottle of mineral water in the eyes of Yu Yi.

When the empty bottle was placed on the coffee table in front of the two, the middle section had been pinched.

"I know that what I look like now may make you feel very uncomfortable," he frowned, looking at the strangely shaped bottle. "So it would be normal for you to reject me last time. But... 戎逸, I am against you. Serious, you are very good, I..."

He said that he looked up at Yi Yi and then panicked back: "Wait--"

Yi Yi couldn’t remember the time when Chen Kezhen’s so-called last rejection, but that was not the point. As a matter of urgency, he especially wants to kiss him again.

He was particularly hard at this time, Chen Kezhen did not respond, and he fell on the sofa.

Yi Yi's hands were staring at him on the sides of Chen Kezhen for three seconds, and then he still couldn't hold back.

Water is expensive, but this time, it is still worthy.

As a result, Chen Ke vomited.

After briefly responding to Yi Yi, he suddenly slammed the back of his sofa with his hand, and then, after he frowned and raised his head, he jumped off the sofa at an incredible speed and did not rush back into the bathroom.

I didn't even have time to close the door.

Leaving Yi Yi alone sitting on the sofa, looking at the direction of the bathroom.

After a while, along with the sound of the water, Yi Yi silently pulled a sofa cushion, hugged into his arms, buried his face inside and laughed.

It is totally different from the plan.

Before the confession, he was forced to confess Chen Kezhen.

Although I don't know why, but now he can be sure, Chen Kezhen certainly does not spit because he hates him. The friend he met on the Internet said that he spoke to his favorite omega because of his heartbeat. Maybe Chen Kezhen is also a similar reason.

Therefore, now that this person is vomiting in the bathroom, it is very likely that he likes himself.

Yan Yi rolled on the sofa and slammed the cushion in his arms.

He was amused for a long time, finally heard the sound of the water in the bathroom stopped, so he quickly tried to adjust the breathing control expression and stood up.

Then he found that Chen Kezhen, who was still a little red when he was standing at the door of the bathroom, seemed very frightened.

"Yi Yi, you listen to me," he said, walking to the sofa with a serious look and carefully rubbing his lips. "I know that my behavior is very offensive, but there is a reason."

Yi Yi cleverly nodded: "Oh, what is the reason?"

Chen Kezhen hesitated for a moment, just about to open, and Yi Yi sat back on the sofa. He reached out and patted his position: "You come over, what are you doing so far from me?"

Chen Kezhen frowned and looked nervous, not looking at him.

"What happened to you," Yi Yi began to wonder. "You won't tell me if you still can't accept it?"

Chen Kezhen carefully moved a step in his direction, picked up the cushion that he was holding, and stuffed it back into his arms.

"No... if you are angry, continue to play this," he said. "I am very hard. Your untrained punches are more painful than me. It is not worthwhile."

"..." Yi Yi looked down at the cushion, "Hey?"

Then he quickly reacted to it. This is the case. As soon as Chen Kezhen came out, he saw him madly beaten the cushions in his arms, and there was a misunderstanding.

Yi Yi can't help but feel awkward, but I really want to laugh.

He feels that if Chen Kezhen really makes him angry, he will not be able to do it. I can't bear it, but I can't beat it. What's more, before this person's fault is cured, what can be solved with a kiss is why it is so violent. He feels that he seems to like kissing very much. If he does not care about the consequences, he is confident that he can come to Chen Kezhen to spit dehydration.

It may be because he did not say a word and expressed his face, and made Chen Kezhen very embarrassed.

"I am in the cure, really," Chen Kezhen did not dare to sit next to him, standing in the same place to explain, "You may not feel it, but it is actually much better than before."

“Hey?” Yu Yi was surprised. “Have you seen a doctor? What time?”

It seems that the information I got from the enthusiastic netizens was not used.

"You lived in about half a month or so, for a while," seeing Yi Yi is not like temper, Chen Kezhen finally walked over and sat down to his side, and took his hand again. "If these things didn't happen, I originally wanted to wait for my situation to be better and re-purchase you."

"You like me!" said Yi Yi.

Chen Kezhen nodded and then suddenly laughed.

"What are you doing?" Yan Yi blushed.

"I don't know," Chen Kezhen said. "Is... I feel happy."

I like you. I think you seem to like me too.

So I tried to run two steps forward and found that you also flew to me.

So all the temptations all the time, all the distressed efforts, all have meaning.

So I feel very happy.

So Yi Yi couldn't help but laugh, then turned his head and stopped looking at him: "Quickly stop, or I will kiss you again."

Chen Kezhen paused, then pulled up his hand and kissed him on the back of his hand.

"Just because I like you, I can't control my reaction," he said. "I can't accept my own thoughts about omega..."

Yi Yiyi.

For this reason, he has seen it before.

The enthusiastic netizen who encouraged him with each other is also for this reason.

Yi Yi carefully recalled the post I had read, and then tentatively asked: "Because childhood shadow?"

Chen Kezhen nodded. "Have you already guessed it?"

Yi Yi suddenly did not understand what he meant. But he vaguely guessed another thing. The poster, like Chen Kezhen, will have a stress response to omega, and they just happened to fall in love with an omega, and they all used the omega as Alpha. This has been too much of a coincidence. Today, the reasons for their vomiting are bizarre.

At first, I felt that it was not necessarily Chen Kezhen. It was because there was a subtle time difference between the two genders.

But if the dream of Lushan is Chen Kezhen, he can be a beautiful writer, and it is not surprising to choose a gender **** the forum. The reason why the post time is two weeks after the two people live together, together with Chen Kezhen’s only time to see the doctor, seems to explain the pass.

After he came over, Chen Kezhen realized his heartbeat, so he became more and more difficult, and he could not help but vent a pass on the forum. Then he went to see the doctor. How fluent.

The most letting Yi Yi feel that he is not right with himself, that is, the other party’s description of his sweetheart.

Recalling this, Yi Yi hesitated.

He still feels that he is not right with himself.

I can think of the words that Mo Zhenfei said yesterday, so that he couldn't help but speculate that perhaps there are very few Alpha's cute standards in the world that are really different from normal humans.

Unexpectedly, Wu Yi immediately decided to ask for a side blow.

He took Chen Ke's hand in the opposite direction: "What is your name on the Internet?"

Chen Kezhen hesitated: "...Your teacher Chen."

Yi Yi frowned.

"Okay, okay," Chen Kezhen sighed. "Yushan's dream is my pen name. But this name is not my name. I was too lazy to register and used my sister's account. I just wanted to write it casually. No. It’s inconvenient to think about changing the name suddenly, so I’ve used it until now.”

Although Yi Yi has long recognized that Chen Kezhen is the dream of Lushan, but now he listened to him and admitted that he still felt incredible.

The people around me turned out to be big writers who have long known and even long-awaited, and the feeling of suddenly seeing idol stars is completely different. Yu Yi looked at the face with a bit shy Chen Kezhen, and felt that the entire visual interface suddenly added a filter effect.

This originally stupid guy is now emitting wisdom.

However, what Yi Yi originally wanted to inquire about was not this.

He took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Then you will definitely not use this pen name on the Internet. In addition to your teacher Chen, have you used another ID?"