MTL - Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie-Chapter 18 know

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  Chapter 18 Understanding

  Except for Gu Xingzhi and Meng Yutang, the rest of the people around were taken aback, and Shi Yi and Meng Ting almost immediately glanced at Meng Yutang vigilantly.

   Mrs. Gu looked at the two of them strangely and curiously: "Hey? Tangtang, you know Xingzhi."

   Gu Xingzhi looked at Meng Yutang, but his smile froze for a moment, without any surprises or other emotions. When he blinked and looked again, the girl was still the girl with the sweet smile.

  A head of slightly curly long hair draped over her shoulders, and a long wine red dress added a bit of charm. If she put away her sweet smile, she would probably be a fairy in the world.

  Even though she was still the same as before, Gu Xingzhi felt an inexplicable coldness behind him.

  Gu Tingzhi also looked at the two curiously.

   "Brother, you know such a cute girl, why didn't you tell me earlier."

  Gu Xingzhi didn't answer, but kept staring at Meng Yutang.

Meng Yutang nodded and turned to look at Mrs. Gu: "When I went abroad, I had a relationship with Brother Xingzhi once. I am relatively stupid. My parents dote on me and don't want to learn foreign languages. I didn’t know anything. At that time, everyone around me went to the bathroom. I was terrified when I encountered a bag snatcher on the side of the road. Fortunately, Brother Xingzhi appeared in time to help me solve it. At that time, he was in a hurry and I had to I said I wanted to invite him to dinner to express my gratitude, but I was too anxious and didn't leave my contact information, but I didn't expect that my brother was my aunt's son. What a coincidence.

   It’s not easy for me to ask directly in front of everyone, but luckily brother Xingzhi spoke first. "

   Mrs. Gu suddenly realized and smiled: "So that's how it is."

  Shi Yi and Meng Ting breathed a sigh of relief, and Meng Ting stepped forward and grabbed Meng Yutang's arm and said dotingly: "Why did you encounter robbers? Why didn't you tell your mother about it?"

  Meng Yu Tang Wenyan was about to say something when he suddenly turned pale and frowned, which made people feel distressed.

   "What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Gu Tingzhi first noticed something was wrong and asked hastily.

   Mrs. Gu also hurriedly looked over: "What's the matter, Tangtang, what's wrong?"

  Meng Yutang shook his head, looked very painful and tried to raise a smile: "No, it's okay, auntie, it's just..."

  Looking up at Meng Ting, she said softly, "Mom, you hurt me."

  Meng Ting just confiscated his strength.

Mrs. Gu glanced at Meng Ting when she heard the words, then immediately pulled out Meng Yutang's wrist, turned it over, the inner circle of the wrist was red, and there were two sunken nail marks on it, which looked like the It looks like it hurts a lot.

   Mrs. Gu glared at Meng Ting slightly angrily, then turned to look at Meng Yutang's wrist, feeling extremely distressed.

   "It's said outside that your parents are afraid of bumping into you. Why is it so insignificant when it's in my hands. Come to Auntie and give it to Rourou."

  Meng Yutang calmed down a little, and shook his head with a smile: "It's okay, auntie, it's my fault. I didn't tell my mother about it, she was too worried and forgot."

  Meng Ting nodded with a dry smile.

   "I'm sorry baby, mom is too worried. Look, you haven't told me. Show mom quickly. Do you want Dr. Tang to come and take a look?"

  Meng Ting was about to reach out, but Mrs. Gu directly pulled Meng Yutang to sit on the sofa behind her and hid directly.

   Gently rubbed Meng Yutang's wrist and talked to her.

   "Does it still hurt, Auntie, let me know."

   "It's okay, auntie, it doesn't hurt."

   From the beginning to the end, Gu Xingzhi didn't say a word, and looked at Meng Yutang with deep eyes.

   Ask for a recommendation ticket~ Chirp Mi



  (end of this chapter)