MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 14 Confused Magnolia

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He Mulan, who came back after buying food and daily necessities, received such an "expensive guest" in his own house.

It is really a VIP.

Unlike Dugu Nuo and the thirteen feathers he brought, this young man named Cui Minglinzi Huai Jin exudes from head to toe "I am very expensive, my ancestors are very expensive, my parents are very expensive, my entire family is Very expensive "breath.

Forgive the time when He Mulan came, there is no aristocracy, and Her Mulan's identity and profession are destined to see her nobles, or "living nobles."

Even if you are more prominent in life, look handsome again, and look amazing, what do you think He Mulan felt on the dissecting table?

Is this corpse expensive?

But at this moment, He Mulan really felt that if she had dissected this corpse in modern times, she would certainly admire "Ah, this is probably the most expensive corpse I dissected".

Cui Lin, wearing a scarf with a headband and wearing a crane, looked like a master in the ancient paintings.

This man is very handsome, besides being handsome, he also has a refined temperament. And this man also knows the advantages of his skin, and is very particular about his dress. He must highlight every advantage of himself.

Another man who thinks he can touch Hua Mulan by appearance?

According to the Youxian decree, this man is still the grandson of Cui Hao, who is now in power in the Han Chinese. What did he come to Hua Mulan for?

Why did a group of people at Dugunu express their disgust when they heard his name?

The Yulinlangs outside the house are calling for the pigs to grind, occasionally mixed with the sharp cheers of the little girl. In this noisy and even "noisy" environment, Cui Lin, who was alone with He Mulan, was invisible. With an expression of emotion, Wen voiced:

"Unexpectedly, General Hua's prestige is the same as before, so that the Yulin Langs around your Majesty can feed your pigs to repair your house and be a slave. You are really envious."

Listen, listen to this "condescending dignity" diplomatic tone.

I really want to slap this two-hundred-and-a-half literary young man to the south wall.

"I don't know what Cui Langjun came to Hanshe, what's the matter?" He Mulan was impatient with what kind of front he played, and opened the door to ask him his intention.

She was sure that before that Mulan had no contact with this person.

If so, she would remember it as soon as she saw him.


Cui Lin froze slightly.

He hasn't seen anyone so kind to him. In his impression, no matter what woman, even an old woman or a young girl, it would be very gentle to meet him.

And he always observes in the slightest, but also sees that the "Mulan" has no patience with him.

"Cui is not here for your past, but for your future." Cui Lin smiled at Hua Mulan who was squinting, with a firm voice.

"General Flower, you're in great trouble."

He Mulan blinked, inexplicably feeling the words very familiar.

Not only is she familiar, even the dress of this "celebrity" she feels abnormally picture-like, as if she has seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, He Mulan's heart brightened!

Where did she say it! Isn't this the scene often seen in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that replayed every summer when I was a kid!

There is often a counselor who is going to flicker, and will run in front of others, so he said foolishly, "Oh, Lord X, Jun X, you are in great danger!" Aroused the attention of others, and then the person who was scared to death Will keep asking.

In the end, the poor egg will be dragged away by the nose after the conspirator analyzes the situation.

As for how the poor egg ended up, it depends on whether the conspirator has conscience.

Zhuge Liang said that the combination of Sun Quan and Liu Bei was a perfect match, but sometimes there were times when the dead did not pay.

Every time he saw such a scene, He Mulan wished he could take a look and look at the faces of those conspirators.

And now she does.

"Ah, I'm already in trouble." He Mulan nodded indifferently. "thank you, I know now."

Cui Lin was a little surprised.

He had deduced the reactions Mu Hualan would have in his heart countless times, including distrusting his words or driving him out of his breath, but none of them were like this.

——Tell him "Thank you, I know."

Appeared! It really looks like constipation!

Although only for a moment.

"General Hua probably thinks that he is doing something wrong and is so negligent ..."

"But I came from Pingcheng for thousands of miles, but it wasn't for small things. General Hua, Your Majesty has been ..."

"Cui Langjun, I am now back from the armor." He Mulan stared at Cui Lin's eyes, forcing him to stop the words in his mouth.

You see, the magnificent thing is not without Mulan.

"I don't know why you came to Hanshe, but Cui Langjun and a woman who has survived a dozen years in life and death and finally survived to say such a thing, this is not something a benevolent generation should do. "

He Mulan knew such people.

They would not waste a little thought on the goal if it were not for the purpose of the goal to be used.

And this kind of person will care if a female general who has nothing to do with life will have no trouble at all?

Who believes?

"But you are already in danger, General Flower." Cui Lin still let a polite smile hang on her face. "It is out of respect for the hero, so I will let you know. But this does not mean that others will be like me. 'Polite'. "

Cui Lin knew that Hua Mulan had a strong defense against him. But it doesn't matter, he came here just to find out.

When things started to happen, he believed that Mulan would like to know the answer here.

"General Hua, do you think Your Majesty can tolerate so many guards, who are good at leaving office? Especially here are each of the family's outstanding and promising army Junyan?" Cui Lin's gentle voice was like a gentle flowing stream.

"You are a hero, a soldier who has served your father for twelve years, and has chosen the five generals of Rouran Khan Ting. The so-called current times make heroes, and Dawei needs warriors ..."

"But then the hero became a woman."

"The general is white-headed, and the beauty is late. The hero has become the laughingstock of the gossip and gossip of the rural village aunts. How many Dawei generals will chill? And how many generals will give birth to the people they protect Shake it? "

"General Flower, as long as you are not happy for a day, Your Majesty will find a way to make you 'happy'. At least it will make you look like the world should be 'happy'."

"It is because I see that you are not an ordinary woman, so I am sad that you are going to be trapped in the yoke of a secular woman. The thought of you going to live this 'happiness' year after year I sigh for you deeply. Isn't this a great disaster? "

He Mulan looked a little ugly after sitting at the case.

All at once, everything became reasonable.

Why are there so many Yu Linlang asking Dugu Nuo about her current situation, why do these people come to Pingcheng County from Pingcheng in Lianghua with colorful gifts, and why they can use the vehicles and horses in the army and "leave the job" "Just to complete a naive action like" backing up. "

At first she thought that Mulan's unique personal charm and prestige in the army prompted this group of soldiers to do so.

It may be the cause, but it is more than that.

If it is really a Mulan who has been discouraged in the critics of the villagers, even if he does not find his home in this group of generals, he will start to pay attention to his lifelong events.

In order not to worry my parents, my brothers, or my past robes.

She may be such a person.

It turned out that the emperor Tuoba has never forgotten her.

It turned out that Mulan had risen to this level.

It turned out that they never saw her as "Mulan", but still "General Hua".

He Mulan was inexplicably blocked.

In her time, Mulan was dead, and only the legend of "serving his father's army" exists.

Although she only wanted to prevent her father from killing her in the first place, she was destined to be ordinary from the time she was a woman and the last woman to survive.

For the future world, Mulan, which represents a woman's self-improvement and self-reliance, has become a "symbol". It doesn't matter what the symbol looks like.

Who cares about the idea of ​​a "symbol"? The symbol is what people imagine.

After He Mulan sat on her knees for the first time, she was in a mess. Various strange thoughts appeared in her mind, so that she could not even be angry that Cui Lin eventually completed the "sensational" purpose of the conspirators.

She seemed to have been splashed with a bucket of cold water, sitting on her knees for a long time, not even knowing when Cui Lin left.

Cui Lin and her friend You Ke who had left the flower house rode on the horse. You Ke accompanied Cui Lin to spend a quiet moment at the door of the flower house. When being stared at by various young daughters-in-law around her, she ran away Finally couldn't help but urge.

"Huai Jin, what are you looking at?"

"I have some regrets ..." Cui Lin looked at the hot and hot guys. He believed that it was not the emperor who would be able to command these arrogants to do these things at the same time.

And this Mulan is just a name.

He didn't know the woman at all, but he still took the risk, with his usual confidence and shaking ability. He is also a fighter and is fighting for the safety of the Cui family and the safety of Dawei.

He was pressing harder and harder to get the woman into the chapel and harem, which was more terrible than the battlefield.

But as Hua Mulan said, ‘It ’s not something a righteous person should do to say such a thing to a woman who has survived a dozen years of life-and-death struggle and survived. ’

After all, Cui Lin is not an old politician who has been immersed in Dawei's political center for decades, playing with people's hearts and powers and applauding, so he will regret for a moment.

However, this can only slightly move his conscience.

It is too easy to choose who is the most important in Hua Mulan and his home country.

What's more, Cui Lin feels that her approach may make Hua Mulan a more honorable and respectable life.

She is not an ordinary woman, she is a "warrior".

Cui Lin turned her head and began to return to Yucheng in the eyes of everyone.

Next, as long as he waits for the change, he can seduce slowly.


In the house.

After He Mulan thought about it in a mess, she found herself in a misunderstanding.

Damn it, took that sinister to the ditch!

She is He Mulan, not Mulan!

What Tuoba, what Wei, what country, the spiritual coordinates ...

Does it matter to her?