MTL - Mulan Has No Elder Brother-Chapter 344 Who is the child

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The journey to Chen Jun is a bit far from Wei and Xia. He Mulan and Di Yefei brought about 10,000 troops. The marching speed is naturally slower than before. According to Tuoba It is estimated that even if they hurry day and night, it will take at least 20 days to reach Luoyang.

The army must be dispatched first. Di Yefei is a disciple of Cui Hao, so he doesn't have to worry about logistics at all. His own Hanchen is responsible for deployment. He Mulan even jealous of the high-ranking team.

So many people drove south and south. Although the number of people who can actually fight is only 10,000, but with heavy weight and other non-combatants, Tuoba ’s shameless 50,000 army is really a fact-seeking He Mulan. Ashamed and tight.

Who claims that this era is so backward, and no one really counts whether there are 50,000 people. When they see the crowd rolling, they are dazed.

In particular, Xianbei people still have two horses to three horses ...

At this time Wei's foreign war had come to an end. Suddenly, such a large army went south, and suddenly the Quartet searched.

All countries have spies in Pingcheng and Weijing. Pingcheng is also an ambassador of many countries. Therefore, the young man Tuo Ba's most dependent, He Mulan claims to leave Pingcheng with an army of 50,000. Immediately there are forces from all sides. Inquiring about the news, a lot of people were found in the egret officials.

Among them, Liu Song, who is most worried about the movement of the Tigers, is naturally across the river.

Song Emperor Liu Yilong was frail and ill. Although he had great ability to govern the country, he had no choice but to heal for half a year. The government was entirely controlled by his brother Liu Yikang.

Liu Yilong is a business-oriented monarch. In his hands, the withered people ’s livelihood in the Eastern Jin Dynasty began to recover, the industry was revitalized, business roads were unblocked, and the state treasury was getting richer year by year. Before the restoration of the Central Plains, the southern land must be managed well, otherwise once the Northern Expedition fails, the destruction of the country will be in sight.

Liu Yikang is the core figure of the aggressive group. They believe that the Hu people may go south at any time. They should first actively join the nations and expand their military equipment, so that Wei can not develop in a siege.

Wei's barren land, sparse population, and miscellaneous conflicts in the middle of the country have gradually deepened. Using diplomacy and force, we can constantly weaken Wei's national strength. Even if we can't see any results now, once the contradictions accumulate, we will There are ills. Once the malady continues, it is likely that this rising country will be disrupted from within.

In this way, you can find the time for the Northern Expedition.

Emperor Song is orthodox and talented, but he will fart at any time, and because Liu Song Quanchen and Xie Hui from Xie's once killed the former emperor Liu Yilong and Liu Yilong's brother Liu Yifu, he was succeeded by Liu Yilong as Beheading and Jiankang's name caused the clan to shake.

The chaos of Xie Hui was just a few years ago. Xie Hui's death also dragged down a large number of Xie's children. As a result, the Xie family's children were greatly injured and their attitudes changed.

On the other hand, Liu Yikang does not occupy a place, but he is trusted by Song Emperor Liu Yilong, and he is a young man with a strong age. It can't be said that the historical events of "yellow robes" will be hundreds of years ahead.

Liu Yilong originally had no doubt about his brother, but as his health got worse and Liu Yikang's actions in more and more countries, more and more trust began to crack.

In particular, a letter from Emperor Wei Guo Tuobayu pointed directly at Beiliang and Rouran and Hu Xia. The countries only knew "Liu Yikang" but not "Liu Yilong", and condemned Liu Yilong for ignoring the previous covenant and using huge sums of money. Bribe nations and tribes to make them accept Liu Yikang's order.

Enclosed is a confession from Liu Yuanjing. Liu Yuanjing was born into a clan, and was a talented person whom Liu Yilong personally mentioned to prepare to stay in the DPRK. Now he has become a messenger of the secret envoys of various countries, and even a prisoner of Wei country. He was angry at the time. Liu Yilong almost vomited blood.

What surprised Liu Yilong the most was of course Liu Yikang's ambition and letter of indifference.

When two countries come to submit diplomas, non-monarchs do not grant the scepter, because the envoy represents the will of the country and the monarch. Even if Liu Yikang was the emperor and the regent, he could not sign on behalf of Song State in his name. Any treaty.

Liu Yilong started at the age of seventeen. He was about the same age as Tuoba when he was on the throne, but Tuoba has traveled all over the world, but he does not go to the palace every day because of his frailty. Heart, began to investigate secretly.

It doesn't matter that this investigation, Liu Yikang even sent all the humerus talents he had cultivated as an envoy! Some of these envoys were captured by Wei, some were sent to Wei because they did not dare to offend Wei, and others simply died on the road!

At this time, Liu Yilong was only 23 years old, and he was an old minister between the Central and the Central Government. He was faced with the same problem as Tuoba Yu, who needed to promote young officials and generals. It is even more difficult for Liu Song to select talents who are both loyal and noble and talented.

At this moment, Liu Song's talents for the next 20 years suddenly lost more than half. These people are the children selected by Liu Yilong from various clans and high gates. In the future, he can even be promoted to the position of homeowner to assist him, but because Liu Yikang's incitement caused such a result, Liu Yilong killed his heart.

Liu Yikang does not have much property himself. Naturally, so many bribes from other countries do not come from his government, waiting to be checked again. Most of the internal treasury accumulated by Liu Yilong at the age of seventeen on the throne has been misappropriated. Who dares to embezzle!

Liu Yikang was so arrogant that he didn't do anything, and that was the sage temper.

It is because Liu Yilong has a very tough personality. The more he wants to get rid of someone, the better his temper will be. At first, Xie Hui would die, but also the result of being killed.

Liu Yilong was skeptical of Liu Yi. Not only did he not reprimand him, asking him why he had behaved so aggressively, he repeatedly praised him and thanked him for his dedication to the state affairs. Liu Yikang was so grateful that he went to the elder brother to wait for the medicine. Not fake the hands of others.

Brother and friend Christine here are secretly guarding. Liu Yilong sent an ambassador to order Song National General Tan Daoji to pay attention to Liu Yikang's actions and beware of his rebellion. Liu Yikang frequently spied on the inner palace and wanted to know what caused the brother's recent changes in attitude.

Just when the two were so distracted and close to the incredible, He Mulan's army moved south, and they headed for the south.

If Tuoba knows that he sent He Mulan to attack Yuan Jiabi's wall, the two brothers of the Liu family will immediately let go of all their suspicions. I'm afraid he wouldn't let He Mulan go to Chen County so early.

Asthma attacks every time Liu Yilong changes seasons. Now it is the time of winter and spring communication, so Liu Yilong is so forbearing, and dares to do it secretly. The Northern Wei Dynasty ’s tiger army, known as the 50,000 Army, went south. Postscript wants to be inside, but Tuopai wants to attack Song State.

Liu Yikang has done so many actions. The envoys he sent out are less missing or more dead. He has long known that Wei Guo could not hide it. In fact, he did so in order to find a way to tear up the covenant and recover it. Reasons for Henan.

As soon as he knew that Wei Guo had breached the contract and went south, Liu Yikang immediately called for it, in the name of "betraying faith", to persuade Beiliang, Tuguhun and Beiyan to send troops together to take back Henan.

While Liu Yilong hated him for being reckless, he also hoped to use his ability and prestige to defend against foreign enemies. He could only first order Chen Zhongbing at the border to observe Wei's movements, and then dispatch troops and send envoys according to the situation.

"The rulers of Yuzhou can make great use of it!" Liu Yikang kneeled in front of his brother's bed. "As long as His Majesty is willing to give the land and title to Jiangnan, they must be willing to drag this man and destroy them in Yuzhou! The Yuan family shelters him. , They can cross the river to come to me Liu Song! "

Yuan's family sheltered a fart! Liu Yuanjing all fell into the hands of Wei Guo. Where did I know the Yuan family had rebellion! I am afraid that the clan of the whole heart of Yuzhou has been changed by Tuoba.

And he, he actually assassin and ranger, what he for these people!

Who he wants these assassins to kill!

Liu Yilong had hated Liu Yikang in his heart, but he had to squeeze out a kind expression on his face:

"Oh, they are willing to send armoured soldiers? After several generations of operation, these lords' bunkers are already huge and prosperous. Are they really willing to give up?"

"It's easy to give them good fields, but can we even accept all of their tenants? If they can't contain them, then they have no one, how can we save their strength? If we have accommodated so many people, wouldn't Jiangnan's original clergy gate Want to fight against the overseas Chinese and cause civil strife in the country? "

Liu Yilong looked at his brother and asked a lot of questions.

Liu Yikang was asked by Liu Yilong and half Suona said: "I ... I didn't think about it that much. I always have to try. These monarchs are rich in armor and strong in their hands. If the two sides attack each other, let alone 50,000, then It is 150,000 that will also be broken by the waterside, and a fate with that Jianjian! "

"You think things are too simple!" Liu Yilong snapped his case suddenly. "You are clans who are fools and will be driven by you for a few words? They are loyal to you like a hawk on your side. That ’s the same for Wei country! They all have milk and mothers, and they ca n’t wait for both sides to ask for some benefits! Except for the Yuan family, which suzerain does not want the two countries to fight, so that they can take a large number of people as shade families! "

"Then talk to the Yuan family, and then let the Yuan family persuade others!" Liu Yikang held his brother's palm. "The Yuan family has been swaying for too long. At least the Yuan family must show their attitude! The Yuan family is now the first clan of Chen Jun. If he is willing to surrender, he will definitely be like the South Koreans in the clothes that year. ! "

Hum, you want to find a helper as soon as possible.

Those old foxes in the country are totally unwilling to blend in the battle for imperial power. You want to replace it. In addition to the army, you also need people and money. The Yuan family is rich and well-connected. Is this hitting the Yuan family?

Liu Yilong was frustrated and let Liu Yikang hold his palm, seeming to be loose.

"Your Majesty, always try! Even if it doesn't work, it's better than nothing. He Lianding now belongs to Wei Guo, Wei Guo has even the Western Qin Dynasty, and when the North is really cut down by the beaver, we have no allies. Relying on it, it is now important to weaken Wei's strength! "

Liu Yilong opened his eyes and looked at his anxiously, brother Zhang Fengzhuang, and couldn't help sighing: "Well, now that I am sick again, where can I arrange this, if you have the heart, just try it. Just cut Mo hoped that all hopes were on the north side of the river, and Chen Bing at the border needed to be constantly on guard to prevent the army from crossing south ... "

"Yes, my brother must do it properly!"

Liu Yikang nodded in excitement, and when Liu Yilong shook his hand wearily, he strode away from the inner hall.

Looking at the back of Liu Yikang's excitement to leave, Liu Yilong raised a disdainful chuckle.

If Yuan Jia was willing to go south, then Wei Yuan's Emperor Ming Yuan had already withdrawn when he attacked Yuzhou. How could now he be shaken by Liu Yikang's promises of some gangsters.

Poor his stupid brother, thinking that everyone was thinking of "recovering ZTE and expulsing Hu Lu", but forgot why he had so many Hanchens around him.

Since he attaches so much importance to the Yuan family, don't bother with this abandoned son.


The journey to Yuzhou is really too boring. On the one hand, in order to prevent the morale of the soldiers in the army from falling sharply, and on the other hand, to let the Hushen Army and the Gaoche Hushen Army quickly get to know each other, He Mulan has racked his brains to figure out Various "amateur activities" and "outreach training" are sometimes better than horseback riding and sometimes better than hunting. They just want the two warriors to be familiar with each other's warriors so that they can quickly know the strength of each other and their own in the battle.

Today, they are stationed in a vast pasture. This is the private land of a Xianbei clan, which is most suitable for grazing and resting horses. He Mulan ’s army was arranged here by local Xianbei officials. The Xianbei nobles here also highly respected He Mulan, not only sending many slaves to help Taking care of their diet, they even gave away many seasonal vegetables and fruits, which are rare in winter, to help you generals.

Vegetables and fruits are not uncommon in the Henan boundary, but they are rare things for the high-ranking people of the high-ranking tigers and the high-ranking troops in the cold winter.

Those oranges, apples, and pears He Mulan used to eat when he was in the unit. In the past, he didn't want to eat them. Every time he ate here, he burst into tears. The soldiers in the army might not eat these fruits all year round. He Mulan simply thought of another idea and pulled the whole army to wrestle when they rested at night, and those who fell particularly well could get these fruits as a reward.

Fortunately, the fruits sent by this Xianbei aristocracy are baskets and baskets. If there are only a few baskets, 10,000 people will not be able to eat even if they break their heads.

Nobles and generals reward fruit is an honor, especially when they can show their mighty power. Sergeant tigers and soldiers can be described as flexing their muscles and exerting all their powers, just for future children who may be tired of eating apples and pear.

On this night, He Mulan took Na Luohun and Di Yefei to “patrol” among the campfires of the battalions, and the handymen behind them carried those “precious” fruits, causing countless soldiers to drool.

He Mulan was happy, and the soldiers fell happily. Perhaps it was because He Mulan was so kind. A group of Xianbei and Gaoche people who were good things suddenly dragged Mulan into the water.

"General Hua, I heard that your Meiyuan World War I battle, the prince who defeated the heroes of the Beiliang Kingdom could not take care of himself, and let the brothers see your skills!"

"Yeah, yeah, General Hua, our Di wrestling ability is also very good, let us see who is stronger!"

"That is, let us know what the gap is between us and the general!"

'what? Wrestling with the general? ’

Chen Jie, who was waiting, was shocked and wrinkled.

Wrestling is to take off your shirt and fight next to you. There are a lot of people who hold their thighs, hold their waists, grab their chests, and change their necks. They are used to it ...

I didn't think it before. Now when I think of Huo Chang's desire to hold others in his arms or being held in his arms, Chen Jie's mind is boiling, and his hands and head are shaking like a rattle.

"No, no!"


Huh? Did he hear it twice?

Looked up inexplicably ancient.

Chen Jie looked at Di Yefei, and Di Yefei looked at Chen Jie, all with a calm face, who seemed to be angry with him.

There, He Mulan, who was challenged by everyone, eagerly rolled up his sleeves.

"Oh? Want to see the gap between you and me?" She laughed and shook her fingers. "I'm afraid you don't even have the ability to take me off my clothes!"

Chen Jie: ... (⊙o⊙)

Di Yefei: (ー ー ゛)