MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 24

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Ji Ranqin was practicing his car. By the day of the competition, his speed had improved a lot. After all, the foundation is still there, and you will return after practicing.

The racing time is in the afternoon at a racing circuit that is usually closed to the public in Manyang.

"Gu Zhe really pulls it out." Yue Wenwen went to the racing track and said, "Can this track make my family happy?"

"It's pretty good." Cheng Peng dangled Chen An's waist. "The scale of the competition is relatively private. This circuit is considered to be taller in the short."

In the arms of Cheng Peng, Chen An looked nervously around: "This, this, is it illegal?"

"Shh!" Yue Wenwen scared him. "It doesn't matter. If the police come, catch those in the car first. We still have time to run."

Chen An was so scared that he didn't dare to say a word.

Ji Ran was standing behind them, wearing a pair of headphones, not talking.

They walked into the rest area and quickly caught the attention of most of them.

Qin Man followed him and asked, "When does the game start?"

"Three o'clock," Ji Ran remembered, saying, "If Gu Zhe finds you again, you will go back, not afraid of that grandson."

Qin Mandao said, "But I can't say him."

"... I see that you can usually say that, one day I'm clean," Ji Ran said, "but just use your fists. How old are you? I don't need to teach you this reason?"

Qin Man smiled: "Worried about being bullied?"

Ji Ranliang said: "Don't think too much, anyway, you came with me today, and you have to see if the owner is not."

"Ji Ran." Said Cao Cao Cao Cao, Gu Zhe had put on his racing suit and was walking towards them. He looked as usual, as if it wasn't him who had conflicted with Ji Ran at the bar before, "You came too late, why didn't you change your clothes?"

Ji Ran glanced at him and said nothing.

Yue Wenwen said: "Oh, Gu Zhe, you have made this battle look like a decent one."

"No, I also invited a lot of handsome guys and beautiful women. There are parties in the evening. After the game, you can go straight and make sure you enjoy yourself." Gu Zhe finally looked at Qin Man. You shouldn't take it seriously, right? "

Qin Man looked indifferent, with a distant smile on his lips, but did not answer him.

"I don't have time to go to a party." Ji Ran said.

"Really, the championship award ceremony is at the party. I thought you would be interested." Gu Zhe said.

It means that if you want to get a prize, you have to go.

Ji Ran didn't bother him and turned to the locker room.

Cheng Peng said: "Okay, we viewers will find seats by ourselves, so don't bother you, the organizer."

After Gu Zhe left, they found an empty seat and sat down.

"What do I think is wrong with Gu Zhe?" Yue Wenwen couldn't help but just sit down. "He is too enthusiastic today, right?"

Cheng Peng said quietly, "Not sure about Ji Ran."

"It's all here, and what use is there now ..."

"It's okay." Qin Man interrupted them. "There should be no problems in the game."

Yue Wenwen turned his head: "Why?"

Qin Mandao said: "This game was famous, and Gu Zhe himself took charge of it. The first thing to do was to find him. Ji Ran is also the Ji family, and Gu Zhe dare not use the means in the game. "

It was the party at night that made him care a little.

Yue Wenwen was right when he thought about it: "It seems to be the reason, and we are all sitting here. He should not dare to use any means."

While talking, Qin Man saw Ji Ran coming out of the locker room, and he had changed into a racing suit.

The car had been delivered to the factory in advance. Ji Ran walked to the car and reached out to touch the body. Saying something to the staff doing the final inspection.

Qin Man Yuguang saw a figure walking towards the toilet. He looked away and got up. "I'm going to the toilet."

Gu Zhe finished going to the toilet, was about to leave after washing his hands, turned around and hit Qin Man.

He still remembers the losses in the bar, but today he has big things to do, and he's not going to turn around with this group of people before then.

He smirked. "What a coincidence. Are you satisfied with the snacks in the lounge?"

"Unfortunately," Qin Man said faintly, "I'm looking for you."

Gu Zheyi: "What?"

"I'm here to suggest you. It's better not to have any unusual ideas today." Qin Mandao said, "or I'm afraid you won't be able to close the field."

Gu Zhe also felt strange, Ji Ran did not give him harsh words, what does Qin Man mean? Is a bankrupt household so arrogant?

"... Don't think you're crazy when you grab my handle." Gu Zhe can't make a good face, "Tell you, I'm really not afraid of you telling that. I'll lose myself when I'm big You still don't know what kind of sin you will suffer. "

Qin Man was not panicked at all. He smiled and said, "Make me suffer? Just you?"

Gu Zhe sneered, "I really want to move you, do you think Ji Raneng stopped? What is he himself ..."

"Gu Zhe."

The poor smile at Qin Man's mouth narrowed back instantly, his face was somber and his tall figure played a full role at this time.

Gu Zhe originally wanted to say that he was stunned by his momentum.

... He was just worried that the conversation would be heard by others and would disrupt his plan. He was not afraid of Qin Man.

"What?" He pretended to be calm, "Frighten me? You know who this is."

Qin Mandao said: "I just kindly advise you."

"... would you advise me?"

Qin Man came to him, washed his hands, and wiped his shoulders after wiping them.

"Don't be a demon." Qin Man left the toilet without looking back, leaving the rest, "It's fine to live."


When Qin Man returned to his seat, the game had entered the preparation stage.

"Where are you going?" Yue Wenwen asked. "After so long, the game is about to start."

"There are so many people in line."

At this time, the lens on the big screen just cut into Ji Ran's car.

There was a sudden noise in the arena. It was Gu Zhe's intentional voice after he got on the car.

The people on the screen obviously heard it.

Next to Ji Ran was Gu Zhe's car. When Ji Ran looked sideways, he faced Gu Zhe.

Gu Zhe Chao Ji nodded, as if greeting.

Ji Ran stared at him for a while, then stretched out his palms wrapped in gloves, and gave Gu Zhebi a middle finger.

Gu Zhe: "..."

Qin Man couldn't help laughing.

Just before the game began, Chen An asked curiously, "Ji Ran is driving, is it great? Can he and he win Gu Zhe?"

"Nonsense!" Yue Wenwen said, "Gu Zhe is just a half-slinger, and the car has never won Ji Ran. This is a small race. Gu Zhe runs it. There are no great racers. To say who can follow In the case of Ranyan ... the black and white owner seems to be a well-known newcomer. "

Because changing tires and refueling is too troublesome, the game rule is to run eight laps without failing.

There are only eight players participating, and Ji Ran's appearance order is seventh.

A few minutes after the start of the game, Ji Ran was still waiting in the car. He looked up at the screen, just to see Gu Zhe was yellow-flaged because the tire was locked.

He sneered and asked the people next to him, "How long should I wait?"

Twenty seconds later, just listening to the sound of waves, the grey car turned in the sight of everyone, and joined the race at a speed away from the string.

This track is much simpler than Ji Ran's imagination. There are not many turns, and there is only one continuous turn. He has only been here for less than three days and has been familiar with the track.

Ji Ran sailed smoothly and smoothly through all the corners. The car left a beautiful mark on the ground and quickly entered the second lap.

"I'm **** small, burning speed." After the data came out, Yue Wenwen exclaimed, "... a full twelve seconds faster than the second newcomer !!"

Qin Man is also a bit surprised, it seems that Ji Ran does have the strength to join the club.

Just when Ji Ran was about to make a turn, the car that was also turning suddenly leaned in the direction of Ji Ran.

During the race, in order to prevent injuries, the rules of the race are that players must leave a certain space behind when cornering to avoid collision between two cars. And this car is obviously too close to Ji Ran. At this level, you will definitely be playing cards in the game.

"Fuck!" Cheng Peng saw it, his expression calmed. "This is Gu Zhe's car. What does he want?"

Qin Man pursed his lips tightly, watching the big screen intently.

Fortunately, although Gu Zhe was close, Ji Ran speeded up in an instant, surpassing Gu Zhe beautifully, and left the opponent far behind his butt. Gu Zhe's dangerous moves did not cause him any inconvenience.

"Damn." Yue Wenwen couldn't take this breath, got up and said, "I'll go to the referee to judge and judge, this will not stop ?!"

On the screen, the gray-yellow car suddenly slowed down as it passed the next corner.

Qin Man immediately reached out and grabbed Yue Wenwen: "Wait."

Of course, Gu Zhe would not joke about his safety, he just wanted to scare Ji Ran. His heart was so beautiful that he did not expect to see Ji Ran again a few seconds later.

This time, Ji Ran pushed towards him.

"Fuck!" Gu Zhe was startled, and hurried out, the car almost drove over the grass.

After he slowed down, God couldn't even see Ji Ran's car ass.

I will report to the elementary school brother.

Qin Man's heart was a little complicated for a while, and he could do such a dangerous act of revenge.

Originally, Yue Wenwen wanted to go to Gu Zhe's troubles, and sat back silently after seeing this scene: "... Xiao Ran Ran is a cruel man."

Although there were some episodes in the middle of the game, there was no suspense, and Ji Ran won the first place with a 17-second advantage.

Ji Ran ran very well.

He took off his helmet and saw Gu Zhe's shocked expression next door, unable to help himself.

"Xiao Ran Ran!" Yue Wenwen rushed to his side. "You are so **** handsome, right?"

Ji Ran raised an eyebrow: "Where am I handsome?"

After chatting for a long time, Ji Ran found that the person standing at the end had not spoken.

"Hey." He drank the water and touched Qin Man with his elbow. "What's going on?"

In normal times, shouldn't Qin Man give him some rainbow farts?

Qin Man narrowed his eyes and stared at him for a few seconds without saying a word.

Ji Ran: "?"

The author has something to say: 别 Don't ask the content of the car, ask is blind writing. Referenced some competition information. 2k novel reading network