MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 57

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Ji Ran was awakened by the door bell the next day.

He opened his eyes and saw Qin Man getting up from the table: "I'll drive."

Yue Wenwen walked in fiercely, and today it was hot, he was too lazy to wear makeup, and changed back to ordinary clothes.

"Xiao Ran Ran, you are not afraid of being hungry." Yue Wenwen greeted Qin Man and sat on the bed to ask.

Ji Ran was in the bed and looked at him sleepy: "I didn't say it, don't eat breakfast."

"Return to breakfast?" Yue Wenwen said, "It's all a little bit, lunch is all gone!"

"Calling you and shutting down."

Qin Man said lightly, explaining: "He is afraid of noisy, so I can't turn on my cellphone while sleeping."

Ji Ran was still sleepy. Last night's exercise and steaming, now the whole person is comfortable.

He reached out, picked up the phone from the bedside table, and pressed it twice to find that nothing happened.

"Maybe it's out of power ..." he murmured.

After looking at it, the power was 85%.

He frowned, and as soon as he felt strange, the phone vibrated.

3 missed calls and 4 messages are all the same phone number.

[Eat breakfast tomorrow morning? 】

【are you awake? 】

[I'm in the restaurant, you come and tell me. 】

[I haven't seen you. I'm going to record a variety show first. I'll be back in the evening to make an appointment. 】

He half-stands up and asks the person at the computer desk: "Did you hear the phone in the morning?"

"No." Qin Man looked as usual. "What happened?"

"The phone turned off somehow," Ji Ran said.

"Maybe you shut down last night?" Qin Mandao said, "or maybe there is a problem with the phone."

"Forget it." Ji Ran was too lazy to worry about this problem, he threw the phone aside, and said to Yue Wenwen, "Go back to the room first, I'll call you after washing."

Yue Wenwen also heard the following text message: "Are you not replying?"

"What's better to return," Ji Ran said.

Yue Wenwen said, "OK, I know there is a well-known farmhouse nearby. Should we eat there?"

"Just as you are." Ji Ran got up from the bed, grabbed a piece of clothing from the suitcase, and put it on his body. "Where is Cheng Peng?"

"There is something wrong with the door of his room. He said that waiting for us in the lobby will send you ..." Yue Wenwen paused. "You don't seem to have the right size for your clothes, right?"

Ji Ran took a look. The clothes on his body were a color system with a t-shirt he brought, but the patterns were really different.

The clothes are of good quality. He is very wide and comfortable.

Qin Mandao said: "It's mine."

"..." Ji Ran took off quickly, picked up his clothes, and turned into the bathroom.

Yue Wenwen said a few words and went back to the room. Ji Ran came out again, and saw Qin Man had shut down his computer and was changing his clothes.

He took off his pajamas and replaced Ji Ran with the wrong clothes.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel gate, they saw Cheng Peng and Chen An standing face to face. The atmosphere between them seemed strange.

"I said, no."

Approached and heard Cheng Penghan talking with a voice.

"Why not?" Yue Wenwen glanced at Chen An, and the edges of Chen An's eyes were red. "What do you say, why are you crying?"

"No, it's okay." Chen An quickly pushed back the tears.

Cheng Peng seemed impatient and turned towards the parking lot.

Ji Ran looked at Chen An.

He didn't meet Chen An very often. Chen An seemed to be thin-skinned and tender-skinned. He didn't like to get along with this kind of people and was afraid that he would make others cry in three or two sentences.

Fortunately Qin Man is not this character, otherwise ...

Qin Man felt his eyes and sneered: "Look at me?"

Ji Ran retracted his expression blankly and followed in the footsteps of Cheng Peng.

Otherwise, he might make Qin Man cry ten times a day.

Because the hotel covers a large area, it is located in the ravine. After leaving the hotel, it is either mountain or sea, and nothing else. Even the roadside restaurants are only small farm shops.

The car drove into a winding road, Ji Ran supported his chin, watched the branches slap against the window, and asked lazily, "Who are you planning to kidnap?"

"Who can I be tied to?" Yue Wenwen first exaggerated herself without a trace, then holding her cell phone and saying, "That's the way to go, this is the way to navigate!"

"Saw it." Cheng Peng looked at the car not far away.

After the trail, there was an open field. Several large cars had been parked, and it looked like there were a lot of guests.

Yue Wenwen: "Rest assured, I booked a private room."

Parked the car and several people walked into the shop together.

The shop was opened by a family, and the waiter was also the boss. When he came up, he asked enthusiastically: "Hello, how are you, do you have a reservation? What is the name of the reservation?"

Yue Wenwen: "Miss Yue."

Ji Ran: "..."

The boss only thought that the reservation had not yet come, and nodded: "Ms. Yue ... Some and some, your position is reserved. Do you want to pick vegetables now? Do you need drinks?"

No one wants to drink at noon.

Ji Ran shook her head. When she woke up, she didn't feel it, she was really hungry now: "Serve directly."

The private room is not large, just like an ordinary small house converted from a large round table in the middle, this is the luxurious private room.

Ji Ran casually found a chair to sit down, and turned to look around, Qin Man stood beside him, first looked left and right, and then slowly sat down on the chair, his legs were not very comfortable.

"Why, your son is not used to it?" Ji Ranyu laughed.

Qin Man asked, "How often do you come to this place?"

Yue Wenwen propped his hands on the edge of the chair: "Yeah, we often come to the farmhouses in the countryside to eat. Don't look at the broken places. They are all things of nature. They grow up eating mountains and drinking sea. They are not like hormones in the city."

Ji Ran didn't speak, he sat up and stood up: "Go out and smoke."

Qin Man followed him.

Ji Ran walked all the way to the edge of the mountain, and a little cliff in front of it. This angle can just see the sea behind. Although the broken fishing nets on the shore are not beautiful, the whole is worth a look.

He took out the cigarette case and handed it to Qin Man.

Qin Man shook his head: "I don't smoke."

"... Why not pull you out?"

Ji Ran glanced at the big tree next to him, and his heart moved, "You come."

Qin Man stepped forward.

"Squat down."

Qin Man looked up, looked at the thick branches above him, and understood: "Want to go up?"

"Um." Ji Ran raised her eyebrows. "Hold your hands together and let me step on them."

Qin Man didn't say a word, nor did he squat down.

Ji Ran: "Not willing?"

Before the words were finished, Qin Man bent down. Ji Ranyuan thought he had agreed, and as soon as he was about to raise his feet, he was held in his calf.

Ji Ran was startled: "What are you doing?"

Qin Man easily held the person up and stretched him directly in front of the tree branch: "The palm of your hand is afraid you are not stable. Hold on, slow down."

Ji Ran sat on the branch.

The tree did not know how to grow, it was not tall, but the branches were surprisingly thick. An adult man could easily sit on it, the sea breeze blowing, comfortable and cozy.

Ji Ran stared at the sea for a while, and suddenly asked, "Do you remember, there is also a sea behind our school and a few big trees."

He paused. "Oh, forget that there is no access to the school, how can you nerd like this know."

Qin Man raised an eyebrow.

Of course, he knew that that was the favorite place for the school bully in their school. Every time he skipped classes, he liked to stay there. It was one afternoon at a glance.

If it weren't for his carrying, Xiaoba Ba would have been charged with one hundred and eighty absenteeism.

Little school bully didn't know, sitting on a tree branch and shaking his legs: "You go back first, I will sit by myself."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a click, like the sound of taking pictures.

Looking back, sure enough, the people behind him were holding their mobile phones.

Ji Ran a moment: "You shoot me?"

"No." Qin Man set the photo as a screensaver with a calm face. "He's shooting the sea."

Ji Ran was not in doubt. It didn't take long before the phone rang. Yue Wenwen called and said the dishes were on the table.

It was not until the private room was approached that Ji Ran remembered that his purpose of the trip had not been achieved.

He silenced the cigarette case and thought about it.

Walking in the corridor, I saw the door of the private room suddenly opened.

A man carrying a camera came out first.

Ji Ran was already annoyed by this thing, and just frowned, he saw a man coming out of it.

The man looks good and Ji Ran knows it.

The male star, in Yue Wenwen's words, is ‘little fresh meat’ and is also a lover of Cheng Peng.

"Ah, brother, I can't do this ... really catching chicken?"

Several staff members came out again and looked like they were shooting a reality show.

"Catch, the game is lost, you have to admit punishment!" There was a thick male voice, "Catch the fat, it's our lunch! And whatever, if you lose, hurry up to keep up . "

Ji Ran: "..."

I don't know if the show will mosaic the passersby who accidentally entered the mirror. He grabbed Qin Man's hand if he didn't want to, and turned to walk to the private room, ignoring He Ran's hot eyes.

"Let's go, what's the matter?" Seeing He Suiran could not move, the male star glanced along with his gaze and saw only two back figures.

"It's okay." He Suiran turned back and smiled. "Let's go."

Ji Ran returned to the private room, thought about it, or said: "There are stars next to the variety show, you should be careful in a while, don't enter the mirror."

"Really fake?" Yue Wenwen was surprised. "What variety? Is it hot? Is it too late for me to put on makeup and marry me now?"

"Don't show anything." Ji Ran laughed.

"You tell me, who is it." Yue Wenwen asked.

"He Suiran." Ji Ran glanced at Cheng Peng. "There is another acquaintance."

Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "Do you know another one?"

"I don't remember the name." Chen Anzai, this matter is difficult to mention. Ji Ran intends to vaguely pass.

But Yue Wenwen couldn't control his curiosity: "Who? You still have acquaintances in the entertainment industry? I'll take a look ..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard two knocks at the door.

Cheng Peng: "Go ahead."

The door opened and the photographer advanced.

Immediately afterwards, He Suiran and the male star followed.

When the male star saw Cheng Peng, his expression suddenly changed, his face quickly turned red.

"I'm sorry." He Suanran smiled naturally and said after reporting to the portal, "We lost the game. Now we need to find someone better than our wrists ... I wonder if we can delay your time?"

Ji Ran had just wanted to refuse, but Cheng Peng suddenly opened his mouth.

He looked at the male star and said, "Yes."

The male star's eyes were all bright, he nodded in a hurry, and quickly walked to Cheng Peng: "Then I'll trouble you!"

He turned back, "Sorry, can you let it go?"

Chen An blinked blankly, only a moment later to recover, nodded: "OK."

Ji Ran was preparing to watch a hilarious moment, and saw He Suiran walked in front of him: "Then we compare?"

After He Suanran asked, looking at the camera, he said to the audience, "If you win, you can have Wang Batang. For the team, I can only choose people who seem to win."

Ji Ran didn't want to blend in, but when she heard this, she smiled: "Come."

He Suanran laughed secretly, immediately sat on the chair, his elbows stood on the table, and the muscle lines on his arms were looming.

The camera quickly gave a big close-up.

Ji Ran had just wanted to reach out his hand, but someone first took a hold of He Suran's palm.

The photographer's close-up was originally intended to highlight the guests' good bodies.

Whoever thinks, the arm that just entered the mirror is more eye-catching than He Suiran. Not only the lines are beautiful, but the five fingers are singled out, which can be used as hand control benefits.

The photographer was almost unable to resist and moved the lens subconsciously.

The man's facial features are deep and his smile is long.

"I'm here," Qin Manchu smiled, and said with a hint, "I don't want you to drink this soup."

The author has something to say: Ji Jiran :? Who said Wang Batang 2k novel reading network