MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 325 : Strengthen, officially start!

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The difference between the third person and the first person is obvious.

Most shooting games take the first-person view, that is, the kind of invisible characters, only the foreground objects can be seen.

And almost most of the page games are in the third person, you can clearly see the characters, and control your characters from the perspective of God.

Third person, also known as God's perspective.

At this moment, they were forced to switch to the third-person perspective of God for ten minutes.

Chen Jiang's consciousness was floating in the air, looking down at his body from an obliquely upward angle, raising his arm and waving it tentatively in the air, with a strange expression on his face, he did not speak on the spot.

Very inconsistent feeling.

Without the slightest delay, his brain has just given the command to raise his arm, and the body below will raise his arm, except for the perspective change, there is no other difference.

And this state will last ten minutes.

In fact, he has a lot of props to remove this effect, such as the Samsung prop "absolute purification", which can easily exit the current state, but it is not necessary, after all, the cooling time of these props is relatively long, and the third-person perspective Other than being a little uncomfortable, the state didn't affect them in any other way.

Anyway, it only lasted for ten minutes, and it passed quickly. There is no need to waste the cooling period of a prop for such a trivial matter, not to mention that this kind of experience is not something that can be experienced all the time, it can be regarded as a rare experience. .

Then they didn't stay where they were.

Instead, he continued to stride into the darkness.

From the ruins of the building and some faint patterns under their feet, it can be roughly inferred that they are about to leave this central square.

"how to say."

Scar Dog looked at the body in front of him and below him with emotion, and smacked his tongue: "This feeling is really strange, it makes me feel like I'm playing a game."

"It's just that I don't have a dragon-slaying knife in my hand, it always feels a little bit off."


at this time-

Li Hao frowned suddenly and said solemnly: "In front of us, there are three alien players. They are in a dilapidated building, staying in place and not moving. The distance is about 800 meters."


Scardog nodded, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw himself walking in front of a monster.

Since the visibility of the field of vision is only one meter, when he saw the monster, the monster had already appeared within one meter in front of him.

It just didn't scare him.

In the third person, the fear is greatly reduced, and there is always an inexplicable sense of security.

Before he could speak.

Then I saw that the monster suddenly roared, and then rushed towards him without saying a word!

Just one meter away, almost instantly, he rushed in front of Scar Dog with his claws and claws.


Gunshots sounded.

Scardog shrugged casually, stuffed the hand cannon into his arms, glanced at the monster corpse whose head had been smashed and fell to the ground, and said thoughtfully.

"This event is quite interesting."

"It can probably be understood as exploring in the dark, with a visibility of only one meter, and then there is a chance to find some treasure chests, there will be some special effects props in the treasure chests, or you will encounter something like this kind of monster."

"This kind of monster should be, as long as you don't walk within one meter of it, even if you make a big movement, it will not attract the monster to come, but if it gets close to one meter, the monster will attack."

"A sudden attack within one meter is still difficult to avoid."

"In this case, every step in the dark night must be cautious."

"That's right."

Li Hao nodded in approval: "In this case, ordinary people basically have only two choices."

"The first option is to stay where you are, so while there may not be any rewards, and the map exploration is almost zero, you can at least be largely safe."

"The second option is to bet on a wave. Although there is a risk of death, correspondingly, you will get some expensive rewards, and the map exploration degree will also increase."


Chen Jiang glanced around, nodded casually and didn't speak again. Although the rules of this global event were not clearly stated, they had already figured out the general rules.

Now that you understand it, it's time to experiment. Can bombing be counted as a map exploration degree? If it does, then everything is easy to say.

If not, it may take some effort.


Thirty minutes later.

They successfully reached the roof of a dilapidated high-rise building in the city.

Visibility is still one meter.

But it doesn't matter, their field of vision visibility is one meter, but the battery's range is not one meter.

What's more, with the blessing of Scar Dog's Illusory Gate, the range of their turrets can theoretically be extended infinitely.

The theory is correct, and the experiment begins.

With the opening of the Illusory Gate, and the giant cannons appearing next to the tall buildings!

The experiment begins.


! "

The sound waves formed by the humming roar rushed towards the ears of several people from a distance!

next second—

The Global Exploration Leaderboard has changed.

"Listing one: Terran player, Chen Jiang."

"Map Exploration: 0.02%"

"That's a lot easier isn't it."

Looking at the changes on the global map exploration rankings in front of him, Chen Jiang's mouth rose slightly, and he whispered with a smile.

This global event may have a lot of difficulty for others, but it is much simpler for others, as long as the artillery fires open the way, you can gain a certain degree of exploration.

This list is basically very simple to belong to him.

At present, the tens of billions of props after 24 hours are his, so there should be no problem.


And just when Chen Jiang and others were in the Ten Thousand Race Arena, when they downloaded the dungeon.

x is not slack here.


Looking at the crowd of people coming in and out, Wang Jili stood aside with a complicated expression, paused for a while, and said, "You told me just now that this goddess was brought out from a civilization site, and was in that civilization site. Here, you also met a group of believers of this goddess who have been passed down from unknown distances, right?"

"That's it, what's wrong?"

While constantly contacting customers, X said casually without raising his head: "It's amazing, it's been a long time, it's not impossible for tens of millions of years, and there are still believers who can pass it on. Those believers are afraid that they don't usually hide. A fossil in a museum."

"Those believers, each of them has a letter tattoo on the center of their right foot. According to speculation, the name of this goddess is likely to be related to the letter."

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"I mean..."

Wang Jili looked at the closed room in front of him and the loud gasping sound in the room, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly before he said: "If you let those believers know that you treated their goddess like this, will they go all out to chase after them? kill you?"


X said angrily: "I still need to ask? But there is no need to be afraid. It's just a group of jumping clowns. If they didn't run fast enough, they would have been arrested by the Federation now."

at this time-

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at a man who strode into the hall not far away. He stepped forward with a slightly anxious expression and said hurriedly: "Director Liu, you are finally here. It has been a long time since you were waiting."

"You can go in in five minutes, but hurry up, you only have ten minutes."

"All the data that should be collected must be collected, do you understand?"

"The time is short, the efficiency we want to talk about is no problem, right?"

"Do not worry."

This middle-aged man with a big belly waved his big hand and walked up to three old men: "These three masters are the most experienced masters in my factory. Ten minutes is enough."

"That's good."

five minutes later.


Wang Jili looked strangely at the middle-aged man and the three old men who had strode in, and looked at X strangely and said, "What does this mean?"


X finally rested for a while, sat on the chair beside him, slightly tired, took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms and threw one to Wang Jili, then took out another one and lit it in his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of danlan After the smoke came out, he gently rubbed his temples and said.

"Have you not heard a word?"

"Businesses that cannot be repurchased are the most **** businesses!"

"This ticket can only be earned for three days, three days, which is not in line with my expectations."

"A qualified businessman naturally wants to maximize his interests. The one I contacted just now is the manufacturer. After they enter, they will collect accurate data on the goddess's body data."

"After the data is collected, the mold of the goddess will be made one-to-one immediately and put into production."

"A lot of goddess dolls will flood the market."

"The rich have the enjoyment of the rich, and the sinking market also has the enjoyment of the sinking market."

"Trust me, it will definitely sell out!"


Wang Jili was silent for a while before speaking: "I actually don't like the word sinking market very much. I am alive and well, and suddenly I was named sinking market."

"You are not the one who sinks the market."

"But I used to be, and this would make me feel like someone pointed my nose at me and called me poor."

"It's not accurate, to be precise, it's a poor man who doesn't have much spending power and likes to pick wool."

Wang Jili frowned slightly and said, "I remember you're not a businessman, right? When did you start calling yourself a businessman?"

"It's just a name, you can call it whatever you want. Although I usually focus on the Rose Club, I also occasionally do something to make money. Although I don't pay much attention, it's not a problem to make more than one billion a year."

"You know, it's very easy for people like us to get some money, and we have access to a lot of things that ordinary people don't have access to."

"As for Jiang Cheng Company, which is completely above the federal law, Star Coin is already a number for him. As long as Jiang Cheng Company is willing, he can obtain a large amount of Star Coin at any time. Last time Jiang Cheng Company gave Orange Red The "Ge Feiyang Tax Collection Company" on the star exploded. "

"Then "Ge Feiyang Tax Collection Company" hasn't made any counterattacks until now? "

"I even asked the public relations department to suppress all news about this matter, and now no one is discussing this matter online."

"All right."

X looked down at the watch: "You stay here first, I have a big client coming, this big client spent a lot of money and included an hour of exclusive time for this goddess, but this old man has some additional requirements, Something like a torture device might be used."


Wang Jili was expressionlessly silent for a long time before he said quietly: "Although I don't think I am a good person, if you keep doing this, sooner or later you will be struck by thunder."


X turned around and glanced at Wang Jili, grinned and said, "If you come out to mix, sooner or later, you will be beaten by Lei Wei. You are not mentally prepared for this, so just hide at home and peck at the milk."


At this point, 24 hours have passed since the global event "Survival Guide".

The event will end in three minutes.

Chen Jiang's map exploration degree is .


A not very high number, but even so, it has completely crushed other players.

He firmly holds the number one spot.

There is a cliff-like gap between it and the second list. The map exploration degree of the second list is "0.12%"

A tenfold difference.

The map this time is really too big. 0.12% is already a huge number. After all, there are all kinds of dangers hidden in the dark. No one knows what dangers they will encounter next when they walk in the dark night. !

In this case, it is already a very powerful thing that the second list can have an exploration degree of 0.12%.

"The Guard is Here"

Of course, Chen Jiang's limit is not just 1.8%.

50% might be a bit of an exaggeration if he wanted to, but 10% would be a good deal.

It's just a little unnecessary. After all, although the population of this event is relatively sparse, there are still human players.

At 1.8%, they can still be manifested through the map and avoid places where there are human players, but if they want to reach 10%, it is impossible to avoid the human players, and they have to blast in together with the human players.

There are not many human players.

One less to die, one can't stand it.

And 1.8% of the map exploration degree is enough, and you can completely get the first place in this global event.

"It's a little too easy."

With a burning cigarette in his mouth, Scar Dog stood on the edge of the rooftop with his hands in his pockets, looking at the darkness below and said casually: "Although you may guess, our Blue Star father may take care of us during this event."

"I didn't expect to be so caring."

"Lan Xing's father is a person who can be dealt with. He will really do things for you when he takes the advantage. Getting along with such a person is a peace of mind. The most irritating thing is that it is really disgusting to meet the kind of people who don't do things for money. "

"I'll go back later, and thank Father Lanxing."

On the other hand, Chen Jiang, leaning on a cane in both hands, stood on the edge of the rooftop and looked into the darkness in front of him, his face was calm and he did not speak.

The content of this global event is not important to him at all. The only important thing is whether this list is his!


Three minutes have passed!

Seeing a flash of white light, Chen Jiang and the others returned to the Wanzu auction field again and returned to the bottom of the World Tree.

And just a few people just stood firm.

A familiar and hoarse mechanical sound rang out in his ears.

"Global Announcement!"

"This global event 'Survival Guide' is officially over!"

"The first player on the global map exploration leaderboard is: Terran playing Chen Jiang!"

"All players on the list can get additional rewards!"

In Chen Jiang's ear, there was a separate mechanical sound.

"Ding, congratulations on your success in winning the number one position in this global event list."

"Extra reward ten billion one-star props."

"please check!"

next second—


! "

I saw a huge gate of light suddenly appeared in the high sky outside the World Tree, and then I saw countless one-star props like hail, smashing to the ground crazily, and a small hill was formed in a short while.

Look at this stunning scene like a waterfall in front of you.

Scardog couldn't help but slowly grow his mouth and murmured: "As the so-called flying stream goes down 3,000 feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days. This tens of billions of props are really shocking to open, and I can't help but think of tens of billions of subsidies and so on. thing."

Chen Jiang stood on the spot, looking at the shocking scene not far away, the corners of his mouth could not help but lift up with a satisfied expression, revealing a smile.

There were other reminders of rewards in his ear just now, but they were selectively ignored by him. His mind was already focused on these tens of billions of props, no matter what the rewards were, they couldn't compare to these tens of billions of props. .

This orange star's world origin consciousness is worth digging!

ten minutes later.

This shocking scene finally stopped, and not far from the World Tree, a huge mountain has been built, a mountain composed of one-star props!


A one-star item of this size, even if it is the most **** one-star item, as long as it is pulled in the federation, it can still sell for a lot of money!

Scardog swallowed secretly and stared at the scene not far away for a long time before turning his head to look at Brother Jiang: "Brother Jiang, what are you waiting for? Let's start strengthening?"

Smashing these tens of billions of props will not only smash the fort into a terrifying caliber, but also create some other useful things for them!

"it is good."

next second—

The automatic strengthening machine was smashed to the ground by the scar dog!

Immediately, like the production line on the assembly line, the one-star props kept falling twice from the illusory gate in mid-air, and smashed on the steel sword automatic control revolving turret, accompanied by dense white light on the steel sword automatic control revolving turret. , those one-star props also seemed to be melted and penetrated into the interior of the fort.

Strengthening begins!

This enhancement consumes more props than all the previous enhancements combined!

It is possible to meet!

This strengthening even takes seven or eight hours!

When the strengthening is completed, Chen Jiang's fort will look brand new and come to a more terrifying level!

Strengthen, officially start!


At this time, x has also passed a day.

This goddess, only three days in his hands, and now one day has passed.

And this day's income is also quite rich.

Wang Jili has also left and returned to the demihuman star. It is useless for him to stay there. Naturally, he returned to the demihuman star early. After watching it, there are still many things on the demihuman star that he needs to deal with.

After all, his company has just started, and there are many things that require him, the direct decision maker, to find direction for the team.



In a high-rise building not far away, the man who has been monitoring X, said tiredly, "Have we made a mistake? I always feel that things are not going right. Judging from the current state, this X seems to have only For the purpose of commercial profit, there is no other idea.”

"So far, I haven't seen Jiang Cheng's company."

"Things feel more and more absurd."

"This x has completely trampled the federal law under his feet. If he is not arrested first, as a public official, doing this will degrade the image of the federal government!"

"Trumping on federal law?"

The leader of the No. 23 Special Bulletin paused for a while expressionlessly before opening his mouth and said, "Did this X break any laws? Federal laws protect federal citizens, and that goddess is not a federal citizen at all."

"It's not about protecting animals, nor does it conform to the categories of public buildings and cultural products."

"So although it's a little ridiculous, it's not illegal."

"And even if it breaks the law, if you dare to touch it, haven't you seen who are the people? They are all good-looking people. Although we are not afraid, but with so many people united, we don't need to use our own lives. Go and see if these people can do it."

"This matter is not under our control. Our only task is to arrest Jiang Cheng Company."


A member of the squad standing next to him couldn't help but sighed, and said somewhat incomprehensibly, "Boss, you said that these people are all powerful people, how can you do such a thing?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know, don't ask me about it."

"Be patient, the plan remains the same."



Soon, two days passed.

On the other hand, X looked at his collection account with satisfaction. At this time, it was less than 13 minutes before the return time.

The balance in his account is as high as 129.6 billion stars!

A scary number!

But in reality, he didn't earn much!

He spent 90 billion to buy this thing for three days, so he borrowed it for a lot of days, plus various consumptions and interest to be returned, etc., it was basically a point of no loss or profit.

But elsewhere, it's all net profit!

For example, with the rise of fame, the reputation of the Rose Club will obviously not be what it used to be in the future. At that time, his members will not only be some rich sons, but also those real elders. This will improve his ability. big help!

Membership fees are also a lot of money!

In addition, so far, he is the only one in the entire Federation who owns the mold of this goddess, and the doll created will bring a steady stream of high profits!

These are his real interests!

As for these three days, it can only be said that it is a process of returning to the original, and the next one is the benefit.

Anyway, it's already paid back, and it's all to earn more and less.

After that, he didn't stay any longer, time was running out, he began to wash the body of the goddess, restore the original factory as much as possible, and then began to contact the federal scientific research department to prepare to return the body of the goddess as agreed.


During the scrubbing process, X stared at the riddled body in front of him, hesitated slightly, and did not speak.

He remembered that this thing should be considered quite solid, how could it be made into such a thing.

Forget it, it shouldn't be a big problem, and the next thing has nothing to do with him.

After contacting the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research, he began to contact Li Yikui, and after informing him of the meeting place with the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research and the trading route, he began to carefully scrub the body again.

After brushing, it was put into a sealed cylindrical single bed, ready to be docked with the Federal Ministry of Research.


fifteen minutes later.

The two parties successfully connected.

A man sent by the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research, a man with square eyes and a gentle-looking appearance, opened the single bed, opened the child hole of the goddess with two fingers, looked at it carefully, and confirmed his identity. After correct.

After waving his hand, a few men walked out behind him and pushed the single bed into an enlarged maglev car.

Then, under the protection of more than a dozen armed maglev vehicles, he left gracefully.

From beginning to end, did not say a word to x.

Perhaps these scientific researchers don't like to talk, or these scientific researchers despise x, but these x don't care.

Looking at the backs of these people leaving, X shrugged casually, turned carelessly and walked towards the maglev car beside him. He was also about to leave. The lobby here was only temporarily rented by him, not his old nest.

Everything has been dealt with, and the rest has nothing to do with him. Whether the CBD succeeds or fails, it has nothing to do with him. He just takes the money and leaves here.

Then start your next step.

The 90 billion spent this time is worth it.

There are many people who enjoy this goddess, but he is the only one who doesn't. He feels that he is still a normal person. It is difficult for to have any interest in this kind of thing that can become a fossil, but fortunately, the most common thing in this world is metamorphosis.

This also allows him to make a lot of money!

If there are not so many perverts, and he has no place to make so much money, that sentence still makes sense. The richer the person, the less normal it may be.

And after x goes.

The 23rd special group has also begun to officially take action here!

After three days of silence, it's time to make some noise!

With the same idea as the No. 23 Special Bulletin, there is also Chen Jiang who is ready to experiment with his new fort after strengthening.


ps: Fortunately, my eyes are not disturbed. In addition, these days are double monthly passes. Those who have monthly passes can rush in. Thank you. Today is an update of nearly 10,000 words.