MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 36

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Seeing that the entire Asura Hall was bursting with pink bubbles, easily destroying the tense atmosphere, Hua Bairou, who was pressed to the ground, covered her eyes with her hands.

Hey, her holy king can't watch it.

Does she even know what "to do" means? You don't think it's carved out of carrots or something to make her, do you?

Also, why did she blush like that? Fortunately, the clansmen were waiting outside and couldn't come in, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

The vampires outside were all confused and couldn't understand.

And there were only four vampires present.

Hua Bairou is the ghost of the Holy King, so it goes without saying that she has long been used to the scene of her holding her voice and talking to his wife gently. Shiba opened her eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief, and she was still hooked. The Arc Shura King directly turned black with anger.

Hua Bairou secretly laughed in her heart, and she was so addicted, she had to be the holy king of her family. She had been with King Shura for so many years, when did she see her being so angry?

After hanging up the phone, the Holy King did not forget to check the time. When she lowered her head to look at King Shura again, her eyes were no longer the indifference and disdain before, but instead, "madam is eager to wait for me to go home", The color of the surrounding waves deepened, with a gloomy chill, bit by bit freezing the wrapped electric arc.

"Do you still want to compete?"

If she wanted to, she wouldn't show mercy.

She couldn't wait to see Mrs.

Those several electric currents froze for a moment, gathered into one body, and retreated to the Shura throne with a "shua".

King Shura exuded black air all over her body. She sat on the bench and waved her hands weakly.

The Holy King glanced at her, expressionless, his red lips fluttered, and he asked slowly, "Do you know what exactly you want?"

With such a sentence, not only King Shura was stunned, but Hua Bairou and Shiba who were present were all in disbelief.

The Holy King has never been a talkative person, and he is even more indifferent and distant towards King Shura.

Now, he actually took the initiative to ask her.

While King Shura moved her dry lips, she stared at Yan Chuyu with serious eyes, and remained silent for a long time.

The people left, leaving only the mess and wreckage on the ground, and the tightly closed temple door.

Rong De, who was in charge of repairing the palace, was so depressed that his hair turned gray when he saw this scene. The Holy King didn't come back often, and every time he came back, he would demolish the house, and he had to deal with the aftermath.

The flames on both sides were burning so hot that they would be melted as soon as they approached, but they couldn't warm the Shura Hall. Eighteen lowered his head and dared not speak. Eight, she is what a king should look like, right?"

Some people are born noble.

Even if you become a vampire, you will be supported naturally, your reserved and graceful demeanor will flow naturally, and you will wake up even if you fall asleep due to the supernatural powers bestowed by God.

But she... tried her best, but in the end, more and more vampires in her hands had different intentions, like a piece of loose sand, no matter how ruthless and decisive she was, they couldn't have any fundamental effect.

Shiba raised his head, looked at her and pursed his lips.

King Shura's always proud head lowered slowly, and the Shura robe covered her body with unknown amount of blood. She raised her hand and gently touched her mask.

After a while, such lingering, such affectionate, full of reluctance.

She touched it, her eyes were red, and her body trembled slightly.

Shiba stared blankly, her heart seemed to be cut open by something.

Above the empty hall, King Shura touched his mask, and whispered in a whisper, his voice was unprecedentedly gentle: "...I said... I want her to see how I became the ghost king, and I will never be seen again. People bully... nothing will bully again..."

As the wind blew, the skulls tied to the iron chains on both sides let out a weeping sound, which echoed throughout the hall. These were the undead who accompanied King Shura day and night.

Shiba raised her hand slowly, trying to comfort King Shura's head, but she pushed it away.

"Go away!"

Shiba fell out unexpectedly, pursed his lips, but lowered his head as if he was used to it, King Shura suddenly got up from his seat, and the violent aura of the king once again filled his whole body, "I said, no Needs anyone's mercy."

She rose from the ants.

Unlike other vampires, she has the supreme ability since she was transformed, even if she is like Hua Bairou, she can make flowers bloom and plants mature.

She has nothing.

When she was in the human world, she was not respected, and lived at the bottom, suffering from hunger and cold, and suffered a lot. After becoming a vampire, she still wandered all the way and was bullied by ghosts.

She knows best, without power, if she becomes weak, she will be crushed and humiliated.

If it wasn't for her...she...

Under the cold white mask, a stream of hot tears slowly flowed down. King Shura looked up at the bright moon in the distance, his eyes were as red as weeping blood.


When Song Nianying went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, thinking of Yan Chuyu's shy voice, she was always in a good mood.

This love is really a strange thing.

In the past, Song Nianying often had inexplicable thoughts of gloom and loneliness in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of them. She liked to hide at home alone for a whole day without going anywhere, but now, because of Yan Chuyu, she often has inexplicable corners of her lips. Up, smiling silly.

The frequency of going out is also increasing. Although she does not cook well, her fiancée likes to eat. Song Nianying is willing to learn and do it.

In the past, she loved chili the most, and she didn't like anything spicy. Now, for Yan Chuyu's sake, she also started to pay attention to lightness.

In the supermarket, when picking carrots, Song Nianying saw a sneaky man with sunglasses pretending to be picking vegetables from the corner of his eyes.

Are you looking for such an unprofessional stalker now?

On a sunny day, come to buy food and wear sunglasses? What is that in the bag? Don't even look at it?

Song Nianying frowned. It's not like no one had followed her like this before. She didn't want her good mood today to be disturbed.

She often visits this supermarket and is very familiar with it. She pushed the shopping cart and walked around the first floor a few times. Unable to shake it off, she went around the women's clothing section on the second floor a few more times, especially stopping for a while at the place where she bought underwear.

As soon as the clerk saw the business, he introduced it enthusiastically. Song Nianying pretended to pick up a piece and gestured in front of his chest. After talking to the clerk, he went to the fitting room.

As soon as she entered, she heard the clerk stop the person and say, "Sir, this is a women's section. I'm sorry, you can't enter."

Taking advantage of this time, Song Nianying quickly left through the back door. She didn't dare to stay longer, and quickly turned back to the car and locked it.

She pursed her lips and looked at the man who was hustling to follow him at the door. Song Nianying quickly started the car. At this moment, a strange smell came over. It was a smell similar to sea urchin, fishy. , very bad smell.

Her body froze, something cold was pressed against the back of her neck, and the other party said coldly: "Miss Song, my miss is here to invite you."

What annoys Song Nianying the most is being threatened.

She frowned: "Is this called invitation?"

Through the mirror, she saw a man in a suit and leather shoes. He didn't seem to care about being seen by Song Nianying, and insisted bluntly: "Please."

After starting the car, the man's hand didn't leave Song Nianying's neck, and he followed his instructions all the way. There were fewer and fewer people, and Song Nianying's heart became more and more chaotic. Does anyone know the "effectiveness" of her body, but since the last time I met Chu Yu, her parents have not harassed her for a long time, and no one has approached her. Could it be that they met before?

After arriving in the western suburbs, Song Nianying gradually understood.


This so-called lady is indeed an acquaintance.

After getting out of the car, the man put the knife on Song Nianying's waist, which was covered with clothes. From outsiders, it looked like a man and a woman in love walking together.

Song Nianying said coldly, "Stay away from me, my wife doesn't like people getting so close."


The man laughed as if he had heard something interesting when he heard this. Seeing his playful smile, Song Nianying was so angry that he just wanted to slap his two big ears, and looked at her slap Called over, the man dodged very quickly, his knife was **** her waist, blood oozed out, Song Nianying's expression remained unchanged, she watched the movement of the grass in the distance, looked at the man and sneered.

It seems that he didn't know how much her blood was liked by demons and monsters, so he dared to hurt her like that.

When the two were in a stalemate, a woman rushed towards her. Her speed was so fast that Song Nianying felt that it was beyond the reach of human beings.

With a merciless kick, the knife in the man's hand was kicked away. He took a few steps back and slid on the ground for a long time before stopping.

Song Nianying looked up, she was surprised, it was Zuo Die.

when did she come

Although Zuo Die was usually a little dazed, at this moment, she frowned, her eyes were full of sharpness, she shielded Song Nianying behind her, and asked sharply, "How dare you touch her?"

The other party smiled coldly: "Why can't I touch it? Just because of you, you also want to save her?"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of "deng, deng, deng" footsteps came, and a row of men with big arms and round waists ran not far away. They stood up one by one and surrounded them. Behind them, a man with long hair and shawls Xiao Guxue came out, she folded her arms and looked at Song Nianying with a smile: "Nianying, we meet again."

It was only a few days since the last entanglement.

Her complexion has improved a bit, presumably the "medicine" her parents begged for before has completely taken effect.

Song Nianying frowned and looked at her: "What do you want from me?"

With a merciless sentence, she poked open her hypocritical face simply and rudely.

Xiao Guxue seemed to be used to Song Nianying's temper, she smiled indifferently, behind her, a woman walked out, she was wearing a coffee-colored windbreaker, her long hair was tied up, she had red lips with snowy muscles, she was very beautiful.

When Zuo Die saw her, her eyes widened in disbelief.

This is the last time she appeared in the bar, the friend Tianying called by Sister Hua.

Why is she here?

Song Nianying noticed Zuo Die's abnormality, she lowered her voice: "You go back first."

There are many people on the other side, they are here for her, and have nothing to do with Zuo Die.

Zuo Die was requested by the Holy King to watch over his wife, how could she leave, seeing this scene, Xiao Guxue bent his lips in amusement, and winked at the man next to him.

"I'm sorry, Miss Song."

Several men approached slowly, Song Nianying took a step back, Zuo Die thought she was scared, and was about to speak, when she saw his wife kicked out, hitting the man opposite in the chin.

Ordinary women, even if they use all their strength, will not have much strength against the burly man opposite.

But when Song Nianying kicked out, the man fell heavily like a kite with a broken string.

The people present were stunned, and the few men who approached her also stopped for a short time. Song Nianying was also taken aback. She didn't expect that she would have such abilities. In this gap, Tianying, who had been hiding behind Xiao Guxue, In the blink of an eye, she attacked clearly, and she stretched out her hand to grab Zuo Die's throat.

Zuo Die's legs moved back quickly, and he grabbed her hand with his backhand. Tianying raised her eyebrows in a little surprise. After a few days of seeing each other, Zuo Die made a lot of progress.

The two vampires are entangled together, no one can be seen, only two shadows, one gray and one white, can be seen, like a circle of light, sometimes entangled and sometimes separated.

At the beginning, because Zuo Die sincerely wanted to protect his wife, she tried her best, and she was able to keep up with Tianying, but later on, she gradually struggled.

How could a fledgling vampire like her be compared to a vampire like Tianying who has been wandering around for half a lifetime and has full combat experience? After a few moves, Zuo Die was kicked to the ground, and Tianying locked her throat , with two knees pressed against her body, Zuo Die was struggling hard, her face was flushed from the suffocation, and her eyes were fixed on the madam's side.

Song Nianying's situation was not much better than hers. Although she could reach out, she couldn't stand the crowd and seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Tianying looked down at the struggling Zuo Die on the ground, and said coldly: "I don't want to hurt you, don't move around."

She always wants to see Hua Bairou's face.

Zuo Die's eyes were red with anger, "Don't you know who she is? You are crazy!! How dare you touch her?! The Holy King will not let you go."

If the Holy King finds out, he will definitely kill her.

Tianying hooked the corners of her lips, staring straight at Song Nianying whose hands were bound and sneered, "Of course I know who she is? It's just that she doesn't remember who I am."

This is a veritable "Tang monk meat".

Tianying met Song Nianying many years ago. At that time, she was not as weak as she is now. She was dressed in red and wore a jade flute, riding on top of a giant wolf. There was a murderous look in her eyes that shocked everyone. As long as she gets a piece of her meat, even a little bit, she can make a fortune, but when the jade flute is played, no one dares to move forward.

The last time Tianying saw Song Nianying in the bar, she was completely stunned.

She didn't know why Song Nianying was here, and she didn't know what happened. Song Nianying seemed to have lost her memory, and she couldn't remember anything, just like an ordinary girl.

Song Nianying was forced to bend down by someone's wrist, her long hair slid down her cheeks, her face was flushed, Xiao Guxue walked to her side, stretched out a hand, and gently hooked her cheek: " Such a good hand, what a pity."

Song Nianying dodged abruptly, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Because of this disgust, Xiao Guxue's eyes turned cold, and she ordered: "Take her to the laboratory."

Seeing that his wife was about to be taken away, Zuo Die didn't care about whether she would be discovered, she suddenly turned into a moth, and wanted to escape, Tianying reacted very quickly, followed up like a shadow with her hands, pinched her After tearing its wings, the left butterfly was in pain, and it violently broke its right wing. When Tianying rushed up, half of its face was bleeding, and it flew away crookedly.

When it left, it looked back all the way to see the lady who was held down.

Song Nianying was not afraid at all, she raised her head halfway, looked at Zuo Die, and thought, is she a mutated existence in the elves?

Tianying knew where Zuo Die was going, she looked at her watch, and shouted anxiously: "Hurry up and get in the car, the battle will be settled quickly!"

There is not much time given to them. If this matter is not successful and they are found by the Holy King, they will not be able to recover.

Song Nianying was quickly escorted into the car. Once she got in, her eyes were blindfolded, and her hands and feet were put on cold and heavy iron shackles. She sat there numbly, with no expression on her face. When she moved lightly, the anklets and bracelets would make a sound.

Xiao Guxue stared at her with interest for a while, and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

Song Nianying sneered.


Over the years, have things like this rarely happened? Back then, when Chu Fengjiao pressed a knife on her chest and tried to dig out the blood from her heart, she had long since forgotten what it meant to be afraid.

Xiao Guxue looked at her, even if she was covered by an eyepatch, even if she was leaned on by shackles, she still couldn't stop Song Nianying's aura that was different from ordinary people.

From the first time I saw her, she was neither humble nor overbearing.

Xiao Guxue could hear the sound from the headset on her ear, perhaps because Song Nianying's hearing was surprisingly good because her hands, feet and eyes were trapped in the darkness.

She heard a man's urgent and excited voice following the "Zi La La" radio station.

"The operating room is ready."

"The doctor is already in place."

"According to the agreement, except for the blood on the body for the ghost, we will divide and keep the rest."

"I heard that raw medicine works best, I will leave my heart to you!"

With a few simple words, Song Nianying understood everything, her heart sank a little bit, her hands and feet were colder than the iron chains that comfortable her.

Not afraid, just a little unwilling and sad.

In fact, she had expected such an ending.

In the past, she was desperate for the world, and she had no illusions about the world, but she couldn't leave. She also thought that maybe one day, everything would end in such a way.

But now, she has Chu Yu.

Her fiancée is still at home waiting for her to go back for dinner.

Chu Yu would feel very uncomfortable if he couldn't see her.

"It's a pity, I haven't had time to thank you." Xiao Guxue looked out of the window with her delicate cheeks, a trace of unbearableness flashed in her eyes, but was quickly replaced by vigorous ambition.

With her flesh and blood, he and his family can obtain the absolute right of immortality.

She can let all power crawl under her feet.

What about vampires? She has already decided to eat Song Nianying's heart and liver, so she might not have the strength to deal with them by then?

When the Holy King went back, he obviously quickened his pace, and Hua Bairou had some difficulty following behind, trotting hard.

When approaching the door of the house, the Holy King suddenly stopped, and Hua Bairou, who had been busy on the way, bumped into her unexpectedly, staggered, took a step back, and looked at the Holy King suspiciously.

Why don't you go in at the door?

Yan Chuyu's eyes fell on Hua Bairou's hair, "I read in the book that you should bring a gift to your lover when you go home."

Hua Bairou raised her hand to protect her hair, she cried and said, "Holy King, I can't squeeze it anymore, I'm really going to be bald."

Although the vampire metabolizes faster than humans, it can't hold back the efforts of the Holy King. She has just grown and is not yet dense.

in a minute.

Hua Bairou, who was half bald, and Shengwang, who was holding a large bouquet of flowers, walked into the house.

As soon as she entered the house, Yan Chuyu's smile faded away, and she frowned, strangely, she didn't feel Song Nianying's breath, did she go out and not come back yet?

On the table, there was an apple she had eaten half-eaten, and in the teacup was cold green tea.

Hua Bairou only saw a few blue lights flashing across the rooms, and the Holy King stood beside her all of a sudden, asking sharply, "Where is Zuo Die?"

Hua Bairou was stunned, "She...isn't she staying here to protect Madam?"

Yan Chuyu pursed her lips and took a deep breath. She took out her mobile phone and called Song Nianying. It was in front of King Shura, a calm and breezy holy king. At this moment, the hand holding the mobile phone actually trembling slightly.

Hua Bairou's emotions were also brought to anxiety, she snapped her fingers, and Zuo Die would normally respond to this sound even if she was thousands of miles away.

But there... there was no echo at all.

I'm afraid it's not good.

After the bell rang once, but no one answered, the holy king's eyebrows and eyes became sharp. She paced out and teleported downstairs. At the same moment, the little moth that Zuo Die turned into stumbled and landed on its shoulder. On the bed, the lake blue shirt was stained with blood, and the holy king's eyes were about to burn. It cried and shed tears, "Holy king, the lady has been taken away."

For a moment, just for a moment, Hua Bairou felt an unprecedented evil spirit burning Yan Chuyu like a flame. She bit her lip and strode away.

And the Shura Hall thousands of miles away.

Shiba, who was waiting for King Shura to read and took ancient books from the shelf for her, suddenly dropped the book heavily on the ground.


There was a huge wave in the purple eyes, panic surged, she took a few steps back suddenly, King Shura teleported over and put his arms around her waist, she asked sharply: "What's wrong? Did you see that?" what?"

Shiba's forehead was covered with sweat, she moved her lips, her body trembling: "It happened."

She... the picture she saw that she never wanted to happen, finally came true.