MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 250 Survivors of all kinds

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  Chen Zhu explained repeatedly, which dispelled the doubts of Ji Que and the others.

  He just thought it was too difficult.

  I didn’t see the woman with no clothes on but only socks. I didn’t see the beautiful widow. I only saw a few scary corpses. As a result, my companions repeatedly suspected me.

   But Chen Zhu himself felt a little strange, why he couldn't help being a little restless when he saw the woman's socks, no, even when he heard about the woman's socks.

   "Could it be a prostitute addict who has been silent for many years?"

   Except that Mrs. Zhao's clothes are a bit coquettish, there is still not much abnormality in this room.

  But at this time, Lin Xiangzhi suddenly lay on the ground and looked under the bed.

  Ji Que lay next to her and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Lin Xiangzhi frowned and said: "The smell under this bed is not right, as if someone sweated a lot here, no, even urinated?"

  Ji Que asked in surprise: "Sweating and urinating under the bed, why does it sound so exciting? Can you tell if it's a man or a woman?"

  Lin Xiangzhi shook her head and said, "I can't smell it."

  Chen Zhu finally couldn't help but said: "I have a way."

   After that, he took out a mouse with red eyes.

  Ji Que asked in surprise, "Isn't this Qingqi Division's tracking mouse?"

  Chen Zhu nodded and said: "I didn't use it up last time, so I'll take it with me if I'm prepared."

  Ji Que didn't hesitate, and lifted the bed, revealing the entire floor under the bed.

   If someone here really sweated and urinated, they should have been away for a while, so that Ji Que could only smell a little bit by sniffing carefully.

  Lin Xiangzhi pointed to a certain place, and Chen Zhu immediately held down the mouse's head and placed it there.

  The mouse licked it, bit off a piece of the board with a click, and began to chew.

  They knew that as long as the mouse ate the smell, it could start tracking the smell.

   It's just that this person should not be here for a long time, I don't know if he can catch up.

  The mouse's eyes soon became more red, and its limbs swayed, looking excited.

  As soon as Chen Zhu let go, the mouse jumped out of the window lightly.

  Same as before, Ji Que and the others followed behind the mouse.

  It was dusk at this time, and the chill in this area became thicker before nightfall, and there were a lot fewer people on the streets of Qingping County.

   But this also facilitates Ji Que and the others' tracking.

  Occasionally passers-by were surprised to see two men and two women running after a mouse.

   With so many people chasing after him, how much hatred do they have against the mouse?

  After the low city walls, the outskirts of the city became even more barren.

   Outside the city walls are reclaimed fields.

  The field goes up the slope, layer by layer, like a wide ladder.

  The vegetable seedlings and seedlings in the fields are relatively short, and the food and vegetables produced are naturally very average, but because there are not many people in Qingping County, they should be self-sufficient.

  After walking for a while, the fields gradually became barren, replaced by wild grass and wild forests.

   A gust of wind blew, and the half-person tall wild grass swayed with the wind, as if there were many terrible things hidden.

  The mouse didn't stop for a moment, and burrowed into a forest.

  At this time, only the afterglow of the setting sun remained on the horizon, and after entering the wild forest, it was like nightfall.

  Tall tree branches and leaves cover the skylight, and there are fireflies flying randomly in the forest, which are quite conspicuous.

  The dimly lit woods are very quiet, with occasional calls of night owls and the sound of flapping wings of big birds, making it even more profound and frightening.

  The four of Ji Que stepped on the ground full of fallen leaves, rustling.

  In the darkness, the red eyes of the mouse stood out a lot.

   At this time, the mouse stopped and wiped its mouth with its forelimbs, looking tired.

  Chen Zhu immediately ran forward, poured some water on his hand, and gave it a drink.

   After taking two sips, the red-eyed mouse continued on its way.

  Accompanied by the sound of rustling weeds being separated, under the faint blue sky, the outline of a dilapidated building appeared in sight.

   This is a deserted house.

  I am afraid that not many locals in Qingping County know about this kind of deserted house in the wilderness.

  Because of Ji Que and the others walking all the way, there are not many people left.

  However, this is not uncommon. After so many years in this world, in these long years, it is inevitable that there will be chaos and many places will be abandoned.

  As the population dies out and weeds grow wildly, flooding the previous roads, these deserted houses are naturally no one knows.

  Under the darkness of night, the walls of the courtyard collapsed in many places, moss grew wildly on the dilapidated walls, and continuous kobresia grew on the top, like a corpse that had rotted for a long time.

  The little mouse has entered the house.

   Ji Que followed closely.

  Because here, it gives people a feeling of going to the destination.

  Whether it is murderous gangsters or evil spirits, they often like to hide in this kind of place.

   Ji Que spotted a gap in the broken wall, and got in like an agile cheetah.

  The first thing you see when you enter the yard is a withered tree.

  The big tree is about the thickness of four people hugging it, and its whole body is light gray. The branches are stretched wantonly, without a single branch or leaf, like gray pythons, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding green mountains and forests.

  Next to the big tree should be the main hall of this house, which is the most spacious compared to other houses.

   At this time, the red-eyed mouse has already got in.

  The roof of the main hall was pierced by tree branches, as if there were giant pythons lying above it, making it quite depressing.

   After the mouse came to the main hall, it didn't stop, but continued to run forward.

  Behind the desolate house were wild forests and weeds, and the mouse quickly sank into it.

  Ji Que hurriedly followed, after all, the weeds are too thick here, and it is easy to lose track of the mice.

   As a result, within two steps of getting into the wild grass, a sudden scene jumped into the eyes of Ji Que and the others without any precaution.

  Even the bold Ji Que and Ning Hongyu couldn't help but tilt their heads back when they saw this scene.

  Under the pale moonlight, it was a not-so-tall wild tree.

  The branches and leaves of the wild tree are not very lush, so the human head inserted on the branch is particularly eye-catching.

  The human head's eyes were wide open, as if it had seen something particularly terrifying before death, and the eyeballs were protruding.

   And his tongue sticks out, like a hanged ghost.

  Ji Que and a few people walked forward slowly, and under the pale moonlight, they found a few words written on their tongues - "Mind your own business".

  They chased here with Qingqi Division's tracking mouse, and what they got was a human head and the words "Meddle in My Business" on the tongue of the human head.

  Such a picture is not as magnificent as the goddess of wind lotus when the snow falls, nor is it as weird and treacherous as Changxu Guan repeats, but it gives people a sense of panic that goes deep into the bone marrow.

  Because it came so abruptly.

  This kind of abruptness is very similar to some clips in a bad horror movie. The music has slowed down and the picture has become soft. As a result, in an instant, a grimace jumps on your face.

  When they chased to the deserted house, they were actually prepared in their hearts, thinking that the person they were looking for might be inside, but the mouse did not stay, but ran all the way out.

   They were afraid that the mouse would get lost, so they speeded up and let down their guard, thinking that this was just a transit station and there was still a long way to go.

  But this human head jumped into the eyes at this moment, and Lin Xiangzhi was so frightened that she almost jumped up.

  Ji Que took off the head. In the eyes of Chen Zhu and others, there was an illusion that the head would suddenly jump in and bite people.

   This is a man's head. Judging from the inconspicuous corpse spots on the skin, it doesn't take too long to die.

  Ning Hongyu looked at the head and said, "The other party seems to have foreseen that we will find this place by relying on that smell, so this is a warning."

   Judging from the current situation, the murderer is indeed in control of the overall situation, and even seems to be playing tricks on them.

  The mouse only found here, and the clues were interrupted again, which was undoubtedly frustrating.

  Ji Que was not affected too much, because the long-term misfortune, such as the details that he accidentally stepped into a snake nest twice and was bitten three times by a poisonous snake on the way, had already created his strong nerves.

  He decided to confirm the identity of the owner of this head first.

  In the middle of the night, Zhao Yuyu, the head catcher in Qingping County, had already rested.

  There was an accident in the county in the past few days, and he was already exhausted from busy work. Finally, he had the opportunity to have a good sleep. Naturally, he fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, so that his wife couldn't help scolding him "dead man!".

   As a result, he hadn't slept for long when he was woken up by a hasty knock on the door.

   "Captain Zhao."

   "Captain Zhao."

  Chen Zhu shouted while knocking on the door.

  Zhao Yuyu was kicked out of bed by his wife.

  So he could only put on his clothes and pants with sleepy eyes and scarlet eyes, and went to open the door.

   "Who is it?"

"It's us."

  As soon as the door was opened, Zhao Yuyu cheered up and showed respect when he found out that it was the demon casters today.

   After all, this case can only be solved by handing it over to these devil-falling men.

   And this case has not been resolved, he just lives every day.

   "What's up everyone?"

   "I want you to help me find someone." Ning Hongyu said.

   "Who?" Zhao Yuyu asked.

"this one."

  Ji Que held the head and handed it to Zhao Yuyu.

  The next moment, Zhao Yuyu screamed in fright and sat on the ground.

   It took a long time before he came back to his senses.

  The actions of these demon fallers are really too violent. Who can bear to hand over a human head in the middle of the night.

  However, Zhao Yuyu, as a headhunter in the county, has the ability to recognize faces.

  He quickly identified the head as Cao Ping, who moved here a few years ago.

   "This man is not from our county. He bought a house here later. He is lame in one leg, but he should not be short of money, because he often goes in and out of the local Goulan." Zhao Yuyu looked at the head and said with lingering fear.

  Ning Hongyu asked: "Then does he have any friends?"

  Cao Ping shook his head and said: "I haven't heard of anyone who is particularly familiar with him, but I heard that he likes the Yuque girl in the brothel the most."

  Ji Que pressed his shoulder and said, "Then take us to Miss Yuque."

   Then, by the way, see the local brothel.

   Behind this is his idea, so naturally he didn't say it.

  It was late at night, and Qingping County felt completely silent, and there were few houses with lights on the road.

   This reminded Ji Que of his hometown, Sangshui County.

   But Qingping County is better than Sangshui County in that there are several bustling brothels and Goulan.

   Unlike Sangshui County, if you just want to find a girl to relieve your loneliness, you have to walk dozens of miles to the next county.

   At this time, the brothel is still lively.

  The red silk ribbon at the door flutters with the wind, accompanied by a strong aroma of wine and rouge, giving people a feeling of intoxication.

   It's just that as soon as Ji Que and the others entered the door, the building became much quieter.

   It's common to visit a brothel, but it's rare to take a girl to a brothel.

  The point is that the two girls who came in can be said to be stunning, so many customers looked at the rouge vulgar powder next to them.

  The procuress of the brothel came out first, and when he saw the sleepy Zhao catcher, he became enthusiastic and said, "Catcher, why are you here?"

   From this, it can be seen that the head catcher is indeed a regular customer inside, otherwise he would not be so clear about Cao Ping's affairs.

   "Call Miss Yuque." Zhao Butou said.

   "But there are other guests in Que'er." The old bustard wondered.

   "As for handling the case, I have to pull out any clients!" Zhao Butou said with a righteous face.

  In front of these masters of the devil-falling master, he can have some image.

  The bustard just wanted to say something, but was stopped by Catcher Zhao, who scolded: "Hurry up! Do you want to be arrested? Even if I am the king of heaven, I have to ask Yuque to come out."

   After a while, the county magistrate came out from inside.

  Zhao Catcher softened his head and feet, and said, "My lord, I really didn't know you were inside."

  The county magistrate was very respectful when he saw Ji Que and the others, and said, "You made a joke of me. The officer is really scared and can't sleep, so I went to this lively place to calm down."

  After that, Ji Que and the others met Miss Yuque.

  In the beginning, when he heard that four people wanted to see him, Yuque couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and said to himself, "So many?"

  Until she saw Ji Que, four of them, two men and two women, and the two women were a little too beautiful, she lost her interest all of a sudden.

   So it wasn’t that one.

  After that, Ji Que started asking about Cao Ping.

  Under Zhao Butou's repeated persuasion, he wrapped the head in cloth and hung it on Chen Zhu's waist to avoid scaring people.

  When Cao Ping was mentioned, Yuque raised his eyebrows and said, "He hasn't been here for a while."

   Afterwards, Ji Que and the other four asked questions one after another, and gradually found out a little about Cao Ping's life.

   That is, sometimes Cao Ping would brag to Miss Yuque when he was drunk, bragging that he didn't spend any money playing with women back then, and some women even gave him money.

  As for which women they are, Yuque didn't ask too much, because she has a lot of bragging.

  For example, the one just now said that she was very majestic, but she couldn't do it after only two breaths. She thought it hadn't started yet.

  Hearing this, Ji Que thought about it: "Can this explain why Cao Ping is under the bed of Tailor Zhao's house?"

  Lin Xiangzhi thought about it: "Is the stealing blocked?"

   "It's possible, then we still have to meet that Mrs. Zhao." Ji Que replied.

  Chen Zhu analyzed: "Is Mrs. Zhao suspected?"

  Ning Hongyu pondered: "The murderer knew that we would search from the bottom of the bed and put Cao Ping's head there to wait for us. If you were Mrs. Zhao, would you do this?"

  Deliberately drawing clues to himself, this is obviously not in line with common sense.

   But the meeting is to see the last time.

   At this point, Chen Zhu found that he finally had a desire to achieve, and that was to meet the charming widow's wife.