MTL - Navy Traitor, I Marry the Female Emperor To Rule the Sea-Chapter 139

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But the opponent's backbone is obviously not enough.

On the other hand, we also have nearly ten lieutenant-general-level powerhouses to clear our troops and further stabilize the situation, which is perfect.

"Akainu, long time no see, I know what you're planning, but do you think the lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters will be the opponent of me, the central Tianfu cadre?"

Mu Fan sneered and looked at Akainu. Facing the Admiral of the Navy, his vigor was not lost at all.

And his voice didn't fall.

Three figures.

He landed firmly beside him and smiled.

One of them, a cheongsam with high heels, petrified thousands of sea soldiers as soon as he appeared.

The world's number one beauty, definitely lives up to her reputation.

And the other two, Nico Robin, the son of the devil, and Anilu, who has not yet officially appeared in the sea!

"Yeah hahaha, Vice Admiral? If you don't agree, come and try it with Thor Anilu!"

Anilu was afraid that others would not know who he was.

After deliberately appearing, the disguise was lifted and the true face was revealed.

So everyone knows it.

This is the strong man who had fought fiercely for a long time with a smile with the strength of a general!

At this time, the lieutenant generals of the navy.

After seeing the Pirate Empress and Anilu, everyone's expressions were a little empty.

after all.

The strength of these two is obviously not an ordinary vice admiral, who can compete!

"Anilu, don't be so arrogant!"

"Also, Vice Admiral, I don't need you to take action!"

Mu Fan sneered.

It seems to be talking about Anilu, but in fact it is suppressing the momentum of the navy.

Vice Admiral, who is not qualified at all, to compete with the cadres of the Central Tianfu!

"Hey! Mu Fan, don't be arrogant, this is the navy's territory!"

One of the lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters said with great resentment, as if he was a lieutenant who could be killed but not humiliated.


His voice just fell.

at his feet.

In the ground, a figure shrouded in a black robe suddenly appeared from the soil!


Almost instantly.

The Vice Admiral was stunned so badly that he could no longer speak out.

And not waiting for everyone to react.

Another six figures in black robes suddenly appeared.

Although not able to knock out the rest of the Vice Admiral in one fell swoop.

But still most of them will be hit hard!

This time.

Shocked the audience again!

Even Buddha's Warring States, Akainu and the others widened their eyes with disbelief on their faces.

And wait for them to respond.

The group of seven machine elements had already dodged back to Mu Fan's back, quietly waiting for the next step!

at this moment.

The hearts of navies such as Buddha's Warring States and Akainu are full of bitterness and wonder.

Who would have thought.

After the top war,

A short time passed.

The center, Tianfu, has become so powerful that it is so powerful!


Chapter 142 The first attack on the red dog, the collapse of the navy begins

New World, Isle of War!

At this moment.

When the Mu Fan side showed a strong strength.

The navy side was suddenly suppressed almost overwhelmingly!

A short time has passed!

before half a day.

This is still an island fully controlled by the Navy Headquarters.

but now.

At least on this island.

The navy was already weak in front of Mu Fan.

Nearly 100,000 sea soldiers chose to follow Mu Fan and join the center Tianfu.

That's fine.

Originally in the view of Admiral Akainu.

The current situation, at least, is not completely disadvantaged.

After all, around the island of war, there are also a large number of naval forces, as well as other armed forces of the world government.

As long as it can prevent Mu Fan and others from leaving this island.

Not to mention the 100,000 sailors who defected today, even Mu Fan and Yi Xiao, two traitors, may be executed jointly by the navy and the world government.


When it was discovered that something was wrong, Akainu had already asked the lieutenant to notify the World Government.

Presumably, the Five Old Stars will know the news soon.

At that time, the chances of winning the Navy and the World Government will be even stronger.

But even Akainu didn't think of it.

Light is on this island.

Mu Fan actually brought so many strong men.

Not to mention the one called Anilu and the original king who went down to the sea of ​​Qiwu, the pirate queen.

Neither of these two can be dealt with by a vice-admiral-level expert.

On their side, the top-level combat power is obviously not enough.

But if you let the Pirate Empress and Anilu go.

Then there is no doubt that our own troops will be rapidly depleted.

after all.

The abilities mastered by the Pirate Queen alone are enough to petrify tens of thousands of sailors in a short period of time!

Not to mention.

The seven people in black robes who had just attacked a group of vice admirals.

Obviously, they all have extremely special strengths, and it is very likely that they are all natural devil fruit people!

Even if the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters faced him, he might not have a chance of winning.

Not to mention.

Now even the old guy with a smile chose to bet on Mu Fan and joined the so-called center Tianfu.


The current situation is definitely not friendly to the Navy.

It could even be called dangerous.

For this reason, Akainu also took a deep look at Kizaru, the only naval admiral today.

He is most worried now.

Even that guy from Kizaru will choose to fish in the next battle.

After all, the recent yellow ape, the work interest has not been high, often in standby mode.

If so.

With the terrifying strength that Mu Fan kid now possesses.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of sailors on the island.

Even the Warring States between him and the Buddha may not be able to easily retreat!

The only hope now is to wait for the support of the offshore troops and the next move of the World Government.

Two major intelligence mistakes in a row made Mu Fan, a terrifying little devil, come out of the windless sea area without knowing it, and made such a big move.

without any exaggeration.

This face is no longer the navy headquarters, but the entire world government!

"Akainu, this time my goal has been completed. You should know better than me about the current situation. If you want to fight a battle, the navy will pay a more painful price. The current navy can still bear it. Much loss?"

At this time, Mu Fan stood proudly in front of the army of 100,000 fighting spirits.

The left hand holds the hilt of the sword of destiny.


Even since Mu Fan revealed his true identity.

Whether it is in terms of strength, or in terms of spirit and temperament.

All stabilized, and Akainu, who has become a naval marshal, is one step ahead!

And that means.

The navy has fallen behind the center Tianfu!


Whether it is the soldiers who have already joined Tianfu and decided to follow Mu Fan, or those who still stay in the navy.

At this time, my heart was extremely shocked.

after all.

Mu Fan is so young, he has already become one of the top powerhouses in this sea!

Even in the face of Admiral Akainu, he was able to gain the upper hand.

How can such an existence not make people yearn for it!

Who doesn't want to step on the tops, stand proudly at the top, and achieve the great cause of conquering the sea and becoming the emperor when they are young!