MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 351 , it’s not my fault

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Chapter 351: It’s not my fault

“It seems that this is what happened to Treasure Island. I pulled down a deputy deacon in a few seconds.” The tattooed man stepped on the chair with one leg.

 Inside the private room, there is a man wearing captain's clothing.

 Smiling, turning the generous ring on her index finger from time to time.

 Looking at the other party, he said: "It's just a suspension for investigation, the rest will be left to you."

"Well, since I promised you, I will naturally take care of things." Tattoo nodded, leaned back, and continued: "Where is the information?"

 The other side handed over a handwritten information.

  said: "He has joined the association for less than a year, and his level should not be high, but you should be careful about the two attendants around him. I feel that his level is not low."

The tattooed man looked up at the opposite side and asked, "Do you have a background?"

“It is understood that he has no background. He came from a small town in the Kingdom of Yeko and his talent is relatively high.”

The tattooed man nodded, threw the information back, stood up and said, "Wait for my news."

 The tattooed man opened the door and walked out directly.

 Putting the bug in his room didn't seem like the right place.

 But this kind of equipment is a bit bulky and difficult to place on the other party's body, and his residence is the best location.

Then, there were some conversations between Kalema and other people. They were all ordinary conversations and had nothing to do with what he wanted to monitor.


 But the key is still in Wu Heng's hands, and some things in this world are not managed so strictly.

 This thing has a certain distance limit.

 In the headphones, you can hear the sound of dragging chairs and moving objects.

 Before leaving the door, the tattooed man turned around again and reminded, “Have money ready.”

“No, I didn’t say two words at all.” Wu Heng said.

 “Could it have nothing to do with him?” Glenda guessed.

 Unlike radio, it can still transmit normally over such a long distance.

 “How is it? Any clues?” Glenda floated aside and asked.


“Of course, this is not the first time we have cooperated.”

Wu Heng was sitting on the sofa, wearing headphones and listening to the installed bug.

"It's possible, but I always feel that he has some problems, so be careful."

 After he was suspended, this study room became vacant.

 It feels like I’m looking for something.

 In the office study room.

 “Yeah, that’s right.”

Wu Heng opened the gate, called out a skeleton investigator, placed him on the seat, and continued to monitor the opponent.

 Whether it is useful or not, record everything first.

 After making arrangements, exit the room again.

 Lock the door.


 Return to your residence.

Minnie and Andwyer are directing the skeleton to dry the bedding.

They say they are maids, but in fact most of the work is done by skeletons. Andwyer works as an association assistant, and Minnie acts as a housekeeper.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the two turned to look over.

When they saw Wu Heng coming back, they all smiled and said hello from a distance.

Minnie ran over quickly, threw herself into her arms, and arched her arms, "Master, why did I go out all morning and didn't see you?"

 “Who made you stay in bed?”

Minnie raised her head and argued, "No way, I got up very early today."

“When I came downstairs, I saw that you were sleeping soundly, and Weier finally had a rest and didn’t have to get up early, so she didn’t disturb you.”

 “Master, you are so kind!” Minnie praised without hesitation.

 Anderweil also came over and asked softly: "Master, is there any progress?"

Wu Heng shook his head, "Xila Gui is leading an investigation, and there is no strong evidence yet."

Anderweil frowned and asked, "Deacon Sheila Gui, you will definitely be able to find the murderer."

 “Yeah!” Wu Heng nodded.

Minnie listened on the sidelines and asked curiously: "Who is the deputy deacon Shilagui?" "The other deputy deacon of the association is from the elf tribe. He is very beautiful!" Anderweil replied.

“Who is more beautiful, her or sister Shannella?”

Andweil said: "They are different in beauty. Archdeacon Shiragui looks younger, while Mrs. Shannella has a mature beauty."

Minnie glanced at Wu Heng suspiciously, "Master, who do you think is beautiful?"

“They are all beautiful, but the elves are naturally more outstanding in appearance.”

Minnie continued to ask, "They are both more beautiful, but Sister Wei'er and I are more beautiful."

Andweil also raised her head expectantly.

Wu Heng smiled and hugged the two of them tightly, "Both are beautiful, but everyone is beautiful in different ways."

 “What, you’re just trying to fool people again...” Minnie was a little dissatisfied.

Wu Heng rubbed her head and said, "Both are beautiful, but I like you two better."

 “Hey! I knew it.” Minnie hugged her waist and whispered coquettishly.

 Anderweil also looked happy and her cheeks were flushed.

"Master, do the bedding in your room need to be dried?" Anderweil asked.

“Let’s take it out to dry too!”

 Anderweil nodded, patted Minnie's **** hard, and said: "Don't stick to the master, follow me upstairs to clean the room."

 “It’s true.” Minnie rubbed her butt, muttered and followed upstairs.

Wu Heng followed behind and said, "By the way, don't go out recently. If you need to buy anything, ask Shannella to buy it for you."

 “Oh, okay!” The two nodded.

 Then go up to the fourth floor to tidy up the bedroom.

Wu Heng was on the third floor and entered the room where the radio station was placed.


 Picked up the skeleton investigator's record book and looked at it directly.

 A lot of content has been recorded above.

“Today I caught a one-meter-long Deino snapping turtle. I said this thing is good for men. Do you want me to keep it for you and take it back to save your body from being difficult to use because of your age?”

“The Destroyed Snapping Turtle is gone. It was sold to an old nobleman on the shore. I’ll catch it for you next time!”

“Damn it, we were attacked by the Yeko fleet, these pieces of shit, we just passed by and attacked indiscriminately.”

"No, I can't bear it anymore. Let me tell you, they attacked first, and I am the counterattack..."

“…, we’ve docked. Let’s take a rest and buy some items. I’ll go see my mother when I have time.”


“Damn it, two idiot pirate groups are fighting. Do pirates have **** in their heads? They just know how to fight.”

Wu Heng probably took a look.

This is quite a lot of content.

 Although there is no useful information, it seems that there is quite a lot going on as the pirates were attacked by the kingdom’s fleet and the pirates were fighting among themselves.

 After thinking about it for a moment, he picked up the phone and asked, "Philippa, are you there?"

 “Uh! Why are you talking at this time?” came a low-pitched reply from ‘Philippa’.

Wu Heng asked: "Isn't it convenient to talk now?"

 In the radio station.

 After two high-pitched scoldings of "silly bird".

Philippa's voice also came over, "No, I was giving a lecture to the crew just now. If you had spoken earlier, they would have heard it."

Wu Heng frowned and said, "Don't let the crew enter your room! If someone discovers something, you will be in danger."

"You haven't had much news all the time. How could I have known that you would suddenly speak at this time." Philippa said unconvinced, and then added: "Okay, I won't let them in from now on. I really heard you speak." , I can’t explain it either.”

Wu Heng said: "There are so many cabins on the ship. If we arrange a conference room, the large fleet has a separate meeting place. It looks regular."

“That makes sense. I’ll have someone prepare one tomorrow.”

Wu Heng continued to ask: "How are you doing there recently?"

 “Not bad, there is food and drink.”

Wu Heng leaned on the edge of the desk and asked, "You said two pirate groups were fighting. What happened?"

Philippa said: "The original plan was to go to sea with the two pirate groups to see if any caravans were passing by, but yesterday the two of them fought and someone died, so the matter was delayed."

 “Internal strife!”

"It has nothing to do with me. She is a woman from 'Babuqi', and she is in love with the captain of another pirate group. I said something a little aggrieved. I was bullied like this, and I feel so aggrieved when I am a pirate. Then Started working that night.”

 (End of this chapter)