MTL - NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System-Chapter 14 Today is actually black lace?

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On the way to the drama department, Qingsi quietly checked the system.

The new "action" option has branching options such as "writing diary", "playing basketball", "singing", "dancing", "painting", "working", and each branch option requires corresponding attributes. Values ​​are pre-positioned. For example, "writing a diary" requires a "learning" attribute value of more than 15 points.

After clicking on these options and executing them, you can get the number of redemption points according to the system.

The number of redemption points earned can be redeemed for some items that can be used in the new "props" option. For example, there is a “good feeling to double the card”, the role is to specify a girl, so that the degree of goodwill in a day to double. Another example is "Sports - Track and Field Open Card", which is to open the detailed classification under the "Sports" attribute category, and has a special bonus for track and field activities...

Qingsi simply browsed it again, and I was a little excited inside. I think this is a big upgrade!

He can't wait to try it, but now he still has to visit the theater department first.

The theater department has a large classroom as a department.

"I thought you would do club activities in the auditorium."

"The stage of the auditorium is not free to use, and we don't just perform on that stage."

"Where is that still?"

“External, perform for primary or kindergarten children, perform for the old people in the community, or go to other schools to communicate.”

"It turned out to be..."

While chatting, the three went into the theater room.

"If the leaves!" A thick book flew.

In an instant, Qing Si stepped forward in front of Qian Qiu, and reached out to pick up the book!



After returning to God, I found that my reaction ability was so strong that the level of the priest was awkward, and the protected girl, the girl who cast the book, the other people who saw this scene, also stunned.

After a few seconds of silence.

"Wow--" there was a scream in the activity room.

"I was so handsome just now! Who is he?"

"The first time I saw the deputy minister’s throwing attack was taken over!"

"It's amazing, it's like a shot in a movie!"

Uh... even some people applauded.

Qingsi was a bit embarrassed, looking back for help from Ruo Ye, but found that the man's cheeks were a little reddish.

"I know that Meijia will fall into the trap..." Qianqiu whispered.

"What?" Qingsi could not hear clearly.

"Nothing, your reaction is really strong."

Qianqiu smiled and took the book from the hands of Qingsi, and went to the opposite side, still a little bit sloppy, brown hair single ponytail, willow eyebrows, pale yellow eyes girls.

"Deputy, your nirvana has been cracked, how do you feel?"

"There must be a ghost!" The single-tailed girl subconsciously spits out and picks up the book. "Why are you coming now? If Ye Qianqiu, I have said that today I will discuss the program that determines the school festival!"

"You can talk about it. No matter what program or role, if I have a prince, I will show it to you~" A smile of a smile, close to a single ponytail girl, gently picking up the other's chin.

The single ponytail girl was red, but her expression was tight and she opened her hand.

"What is the arrogance of the first grade, I admit that your acting is good, but it is still far away!"

How do you hear this is a taste of arrogance.

Shrugging for a thousand years.

"What did you discuss? Minister?"

The expression of a single ponytail girl instantly became more gloomy.

"I know, the goods went to 'hunting' again? After all, she said last week that she didn't have to hurry to prepare for the school festival. She had to catch the 'legendary creatures' first. I think she is likely to be fundamental today. Will not come to the department." Qianqiu laughed, a pair of see through the real expression.

"Ah, ah, the Minister of Death, what do you do with the important activities of the year!"

By the way, the Qingsi and Meijia expressions of the past are like this - hehe.

"Don't care, she is like this." Qian Qiu puts his hands on the two small partners.

"In other words, who are these two?" The single ponytail girl returned to God and converge on the small universe for a moment.

"This is my good friend Uehara Megumi. This is his new boyfriend, Haruno Haruhi, who came here to visit."

"No... not a boyfriend! You don't always talk nonsense!" Mei Jia's face is red again.

"This is the vice minister of our society, Zhifang Xinnai." Qianqiu ignored his friends' arrogance, "people called ‘ghost face’ Xinna...”

"Ghost face you!" Sharp spit and the book hit!

"Oh, you...the feelings are very good." Qingsi can only smile.

"Welcome to visit you, this stupid member does not make you laugh, but most of our drama department is normal, please don't misunderstand." Deputy Director of the Weaving Workshop said in a serious way.

Is this acknowledging that something is not normal? Qingsi heart spit.

"The wilderness brother, you are a new transfer? What kind of sports community was involved in the previous school?" Shinein blinked.

"Hey... I didn't participate in any community before."

"How is that possible? Your physique is so good, the reaction is even better, I will believe that it is the sports club trump card."

"I just exercise every day..." Qing Si scratched his face, a little embarrassed.

The weaver of the weaving workshop was obviously unbelievable, but she did not ask.

"Your conditions are very good. If you want to join our community, feel free to welcome them. And who is also, Uehara Miyuki? Is it if you mention you?"

"Yes, it is."

"If you visit, as long as you don't hinder the members, you can do whatever you want. Now I need to take this idiot for a while, can you?"

"No! I don't want to be taught, save me, beautiful."

"To shut up!"

After again suppressing Qianqiu with the book, Xinna dragged the former to the other side, and Qingsi and Meijia could only silently deliver.

"What a... a little prestigious school sister."

"I heard that she talked about her in a thousand years. Although she is strict, she is a good schoolmate. She has good acting skills and is very caring for her younger generation. The drama department basically relies on her to keep running."

"Severe and gentle deputy minister... then the minister is again..."

The voice did not fall, and the activity room door suddenly opened.

"Jun Jun! The Minister returned triumphantly...Oh!"

Before the girl who suddenly opened the door did not finish talking, a book flew over with the thunder and lightning, and hit her head accurately!

After hitting the target, the book flew and was received by the Qingsi.

And under the watchful eyes of everyone, the tall girl who was hit put a look of disappointment and slowly fell.

"The ghost face will kill... the power has increased..."


The weaver of Xinfang seems to be entangled with anger, step by step toward the tall girl, and if there is substantial resentment in the tone.

"What else do you want to say before being sentenced?"

"Oh... Xinnai, let you... be a ghost, it’s all my fault, so even if... I’m going to die in your hands, I still... love you!”

It seems that the tallest girl of the drama minister is lying on the ground and looking up, tears, and sighs in deep affection.

Although she is tall, she is well-proportioned and has a model. The natural volume of orange short hair, slightly thick eyebrows, slightly higher nose and slightly deeper eyelids, plus a pair of blue eyes, a mixture of **** beauty.

Postures, lines... Although the scene is a bit funny, but under her full performance, there is really a sense of moving.

Unfortunately, this only feeling of silk was completely destroyed by the next sentence.

“Hey, is it black lace today?”

The scene freezes instantly.

Everyone noticed that the minister’s eyes were just right, and they could just enter the skirt of the vice minister of the weaving...

The weaver of Xinfang slowly reveals a smile that contains killing.

"death penalty."