MTL - Nine Cents Refining-Chapter 4 Linggen test

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For the first time, Sun Hao went to Nanxian County. Compared with Lanlin Town, the county has a high wall in the city. The entire city area is more than ten times more than Lanlin Town. There are only 10,000 people in Lanlin Town. The population of Nanxian County has reached 200,000.

From the main entrance into the county, the high walls are greatly two ancient characters: "Nanxian", the font is flying dragon and phoenix dance, the momentum is extraordinary, it is said to be a book of Xianmeng, but to be honest, if it is not ancient translation, Sun Hao can't recognize these two words. Sun Qiang was injured at home, and the town mayor of Lanlin Town, Gu Qiang, personally led the team.

During the "Yuelongmen" period, Lanlin Town was absolutely safe. Even if Feilongzhai had eaten the bear heart, the leopard would not dare to go out at this time.

Because of the relationship of "Yuelongmen", Nanxian County is very crowded and comparable to a grand festival. There are people everywhere, and most of them are children. Presumably these children are also like the children of Lanlin Town to gamble on the illusory fairy.

Nanxian Zhengzheng has a revered and fearful attitude towards "Yuelongmen". The test site is actually located in the city's main government. There are six special registration points outside the city's main government. There are three outside the gate, and the registration is obviously not a fairy. The door is the person, but the elite person organized by the city government.

Gu Qiang, with a large group of children, lined up a relatively neat team, and lined up on the right.

There are already many adults waiting in the queue, either signing up or waiting for the test results. When I saw that Gu Qiang came up, many people smiled and said hello: "Old, you bring a lot of people, don't say that all the children of your town have brought it."

Gu Qiang handed over the roster prepared in the hand to the person in charge of the registration point, and smiled and replied: "Yes, the right ones are brought, and they are given a chance."

"I see Lao Gu is afraid", one person in the crowd laughed, but the tone was sour: "I heard that there are children in Feilong Village who have entered Xianmen, hehe..."

To be honest, the town that dared to go to the dry town of Feilong Village was in Lanlin Town. Usually, Gu Qiang was bullish in front of these mayors. This time it was difficult, and it was inevitable that people would read jokes.

"Number of people, forty-two, the largest age of fifteen, the youngest is six years old, the personnel are qualified, old, you wait outside, I will take them in." The person in charge of the registration point knows Gu Qiang, and no nonsense, Lan Lin The children in the town said aloud: "You come in with me, be quiet, don't leave the team, don't worry."

The children in the town are a bit embarrassed. They have never seen the big world. This is a bit big. The city is full of people and there are many people. The children are mechanically following.

Sun Hao is in the middle of the child, standing in the middle, looking at both eyes, his heart is also a little nervous, there is no spiritual root, fairy edge, Jackie Chan snake in this move, and the life and death of Lanlin Town is closely related, not help him not nervous. The palm of the hand is a little sweaty, the heartbeat is a little faster, the blood is accelerating, and the ear seems to hear the heartbeat of "咚咚咚".

I walked into the main gate of the city, and saw the children in the queue.

A large house with four doors. The children who took the test went in from the two doors on the left and came out from the two doors on the right. What is inside the house is not very clear, but Sun Hao found that all the children coming out from the right side They are all depressed, and some are still sobbing in a low voice. Seeing the expression, they know that these are the losers. That is to say, there is no first pass, no Lingen loser.

The team moved slowly and regularly. Standing in front of the door, you can already see the scene inside the house. The house is large and the interior is very spacious. On the top of the house, there are four tall chairs and four wearing cyan. The young people in the robe are sitting in the chairs. There is a table that is not very tall in front of each youth. Only the first young person has a weird ball on the table in front of him. Every child who goes in is on the ball. Touch it so much. There were only a cup of tea on the table in front of several other youths.

Sun Hao is a little surprised, the test is so simple?

The children went up one by one and touched one.

After each touch, I always saw the young man shaking his head with regret. Only to a little girl, with a little braid, the little girl with a dirty face on her face walked forward and pressed her hands onto the strange ball. The strange ball suddenly began to shine, releasing blue, red and gold. Rays.

Responsible for the young people’s spirit, and sang loudly: “In the brothers, water, fire, and gold, the roots of Ling, the strength of the roots are excellent, qualified”

The young man on the second table was stunned by the spirit of the news. He looked at him or her. He looked like a girl of six or seven years old. The little girl who was at a loss was beckoning and waving: "Little sister, come, come over, I will give You touch the bone age"

It seems that this girl is not over the age of sixteen. This bone age will not pass, but the brother still stretched out and groped for a while on the girl's head and back. This sang loudly: "Yellow brother, seven years Bone age, qualified"

Huang’s brother, who is also the third table, is also a face and a beggar. He beckons to the little girl: “Come, come over, don’t be afraid, let me ask you a few questions”

The little girl approached and he asked softly: "Do you know Xianmen?"

The little girl nodded.

"Do you like to cultivate immortals?" he asked again.

But the little girl is a bit embarrassed: "Grandpa said that Xiu Xian is good, me, I don't know..."

The young people did not think that they were embarrassed, laughing and singing loudly: "Qing Lao, Nan County, Xiajia side prostitute Xia Qingyu, water and fire Jin Sanling root, bone age seven years, qualified"

The last young man, the young man in the mouth of the Yellow Emperor, said to the girl who said to the little girl: "Stand to me, go to test the fairy edge tomorrow." After that, I didn’t say anything, just drinking tea.

The little girl stood obediently behind the chair of the old man. At this time, Sun Hao discovered that the old man’s chair had stood four men, one woman and five children behind him. His face was flushed and his face was difficult to hide.

Obviously these children should be disciples with Hao understands that the key to testing Linggen is to make the strange ball shine.

Looking at the strange ball, the heartbeat is getting more and more powerful. Sun Hao thought: "I have been practicing the fire for many years. I don't know if I can make this strange ball shine. Moreover, I listen to what the examiner said about water and fire, and I cultivated the fire. I don't know if there will be a fire root?"

At this time, at the door, the little boy who kept the door shouted: "Dragon Master, Lanlin Town, forty-two test boys, now test"

Sun Hao heard a tight heart. The heartbeat speeds up again, and the sound of the heart's "squeaky" sounds.

Under the arrangement of the goalkeeper, the partners in Lanlin Town went in one by one.

First, the test ball did not respond, and the dragon brother shook his head.

Second, Dragon Brother shakes his head.

Third, Dragon Brother still shakes his head.


Soon, I went to a playmate test that often played with Sun Hao. Sun Hao’s heartbeat accelerated again.

Sun Wu, no spiritual root!

Sun Shan, there is no spiritual root!

Wu Tian, ​​no spiritual root!


There is no spiritual root. Gu Yun, standing in front of Sun Hao, had no confidence, and he saw himself. He was a little depressed and whispered back and said: "Hou brother..."

The boy called at this time: "Next, ancient cloud"

Sun Hao holds the hand of Gu Yun and gives an encouraging look: "Go, you can do it."