MTL - Nine Cents Refining-Chapter 51 Half a year

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In the next six months, the two motivated two people took root in the fire frog swamp. During the day, the two went out to kill the fire frog, the child force, and the fire frog constantly honed his own temperament, and Sun Hao, Use a lot of fire frog skin to practice blank paper.

In the past six months, although from the perspective of cultivation resources, the two have not gained much, and even consumed a lot of cultivation resources, but the effect of this cultivation is wonderful.

Tong Liwan has made rapid progress and has advanced into the third layer. Sun Hao’s annual ring wood needs massive accumulation. After half a year, it has reached the peak of three layers of refining. As long as an opportunity is reached, it may break through to the fourth floor of refining. .

We must know that the two people did not take much medicinal herbs to achieve such a cultivating effect. This is a result of actual practice, which shows how amazing the benefits of the two people's cultivation. Other disciples, even if they are disciples of the Eastern Court, it is estimated that this will enter the third half of the refining period.

In the half year, in addition to the improvement of the refining and gas repair, the two also had one of the biggest gains, that is, the speed of casting was greatly improved.

The casting speed of Sun Hao's convex wooden piles has been shortened from two to one interest, and the casting interval has been shortened to a half interest. It is necessary to know that the speed of the casting is later, the harder it is to shorten. Sun Hao is so hugely advanced that he does not know that he must surprise his master. To what extent. The progress of Tong Li is still obvious, the time for the display of the rustic shield has been shortened to two interest rates, and, as early as the mid-term repair of the third layer of refining, the child-resistant hard-resisting fire frog has no need to replenish the gas in the middle. It also greatly improved the continuous combat capability of the two.

Finally, it is Sun Hao's technique of making characters. After half a year of hard training, there has also been great progress. A fire frog skin, in the hands of Sun Hao, can now produce three to five blank plaques. Although the blank paper is not very valuable, but the mosquito legs are small and meat, it is better than killing the fire frog.

In fact, Tong Li is not very understanding of Sun Haole's tireless practice of making blank paper. Since the promotion to the middle of the refining period, the fire-resistant frog is safe, he also mentioned the time for Sun Hao to use the refining blank paper. Something else, but Sun Hao always shook his head and refused, as if it was consumed with the fire frog skin, and he was tireless.

It is also considered that the hard work pays off. After half a year, Sun Hao's speed of refining the blank paper with the fire frog skin has reached the level of other disciples using other materials to refine the blank paper. You must know that these two methods of refining are fundamentally different. Only this point, Sun Hao can be proud. Of course, Tong Li thought that this is not worth the candle.

Tong Li, like other disciples, does not think that practicing the production of blank paper will have any effect on cultivation.

The difference between Sun Hao and Tong Li is that the understanding of cultivation lies in the cognition of the monk system. In Sun Hao’s cognition, the Fu Dao is also one of the monks’ avenues. The method of practicing Tao Dao is profound and profound. One of the roads. The method of white paper refining is the basic cultivation method of Fu Dao. The understanding of Sun Hao is the foundation. Sun Hao, who has already tasted the sweetness of Wan Lumu, naturally attaches great importance to the foundation of his cultivation.

Although it is still not known that refining blanks will have any special help for Fu Dao, but Sun Hao believes that practicing this basic lesson has no harm to himself, and it is hard to practice. If it is really good, it will always be after the hard work. See the clues.

However, in the past six months, with the killing of Sun Hao and Tong Li, the number of fire frogs has dropped sharply, and the two men’s fronts have continued to advance from the edge of the fire frog swamp to the fire frog swamp.

Although the fire frog swamp has accumulated a large number of fire frogs for a long time, it can't stand the endless killing. However, in the past six months, with the gradual deepening of the fire frog swamp, although the number of fire frogs has decreased, the quality of the fire frog has been continuously improved. At the beginning, the number of low-level fire frogs was mostly. After 20 kilometers deep, the fire frog team was in the middle of the refining period.

In the middle of the refining, the fire frogs must be more pure, and the quantity and quality should be stronger. Therefore, although the number of fire frogs killed every day is reduced, the fire frogs required by Sun Hao’s five elements are not falling. Reverse increase.

For the five elements of the wheel, Sun Hao could not help but be very depressed, because the foundation is too strong, Wanlunmu, especially Mudan is too strong, for half a year, although the fire is strong, but in front of Mudan is still like The ratio of children to brawny is not worth mentioning. There is still a long way to go from the round of fire.

In the past six months, the two men have gone deep into the fire frog swamp for 30 kilometers. The range of hunting fire frogs is even larger. The fire frogs are improved. The single fire frog has already acquired the territorial consciousness, and the two people’s hunting methods have also changed. As the density of fire frogs has decreased, and more fire frogs have been repaired to the end of the refining, the intelligence has also improved. The previous killing is no longer suitable, and the swamp terrain is not suitable for the wall.

So the two men hunted the fire frog into a single pick, the search met the fire frog, Sun Hao led a wooden stake, the child's rustic shield on the top, then, Sun Hao convex wood pile and green wood wrapped attack to death, and Dealing with the low-level fire frogs is different. The current fire frog needs Sun Hao to continue to use the help of green wood to help the child force to stabilize the battle. The protruding force of the convex pile is close to the fire frog in the late stage of refining, and often eliminates one. Fire frogs, they need about a quarter of an hour to half an hour.

After half a year, the two men killed more than 30 fire frogs on this day, then returned to Dongfu and began to practice.

This time, the harvest is good. Thirty fire frogs not only contributed two bottles of blood, but also the blood temperature is higher and the color is more vivid.

As usual, Sun Hao swallowed his heart and began to refine.

Half a year later, refining and blood has almost become the instinct of Sun Hao, proficient and rapid decomposition of blood groups, refining.

However, shortly after the refining and chemical conversion, with the more pure blood and the burning of the heart, the woods of the annual ring wood and the air are speeding up again.

This time, Sun Hao clearly felt that the speed of the infuriating movement in the body was speeding up, and the intensity of the fierce fire and the fire frog's efforts were also strengthened. If you say that every drop of fire frog has almost no resistance, then now, every drop of blood can hold on for a little, and there is obvious resistance.

Of course, Mudan was a little bit angry, and this resistance immediately disappeared.

With the strengthening of the blood-resistance, the strength of the annual ring Muzheng gas is increased, and with the calcination of the fire, the annual ring wood is once again purified.

A drop of fire frog blood was quickly refining in Sun Hao.

Soon, as if reaching a critical point, the annual ring of Sun Hao’s body was so violent, the speed of the operation suddenly seemed to be a meal, and then they went to Mudan, and Mudan was no longer quiet. Staying in the liver, but running along the meridians to Dantian, and turning around in Dantian.

With the rotation of Mudan, pulling the woods of the annual ring, Qi Muqi kept gathering to Mudan, and Mudan’s head gradually grew up in this kind of rotation. Half a moment, Mudan has grown up. . And it looks more pure.

At this time, in the air outside Sunhao Dongfu, an aura vortex has been formed, and a large amount of wood aura has swarmed, dripping down the funnel, and being inhaled by Mu Dan in Sun Hao’s body, like a long whale.

The momentum of its spin is even greater than the scale of the refiners entering the late refining. Feeling the change of aura in the air, the fire frog inside the fire frog swamp frogs, and in the depths of the swamp, a huge majestic fire frog lying on the ground slams open eyes, eyes pass, swamp grass 嗤嗤Burning up and glanced at the direction of Sun Hao, the fire frog closed his eyes again.

After Mudan increased a circle, he slowly stopped to go. Under Sun Hao’s internal vision, the shape of Mudan at this time was also different. The original Mudan was as big as a bean, with a blue color and a smooth surface. Now the wood Dan, the volume has increased, the color is still cyan and has a lot of luster. The biggest difference is that the surface has a texture, like ordinary trees, there is an annual ring-like imprint.

Sun Hao does not know what the meaning of the wheel pattern on the surface of Mudan. Since the production of Mudan, the annual woodworking method has changed, and it can no longer be evaluated with ten rounds of wood and hundred rounds of wood. Muzheng gas always advances in the form of tides in the body.

Looking at the current situation, the annual ring wood is obviously advanced again, but the performance is different from before. The change of this dandy can be called a round of Mudan.

After a round of Mudan molding, he slowly stopped spinning in Sun Hao Dantian. Then, this Mudan ran to the liver along the meridians, as if it was his old nest, just just went to Dantian to play a circle.

After Mudan returned to the liver, the Dan body immediately spurted out the pure and perfect annual ring wood, and the annual ring wood of Sun Hao’s body seemed to have received huge assistance. The first is the remaining fire frog. The blood of the heart has been devastated, and I can't insist on it for a moment to melt and dissolve under the infuriating nature of this year.

The five-line round of the coffin bubble is also particularly safe at this time, to protect the spirit of the fire inside the air ~ ~ shows that the characteristics of the wood to the annual ring wood is angry.

The raging annual ring wood is as tidy as the waves in the layer of Sun Hao, and the acupoints that have not been run before have been washed away, and the veins of the three layers of refining have not been washed away. Sun Hao I only felt that my eyes and ears were clear, my body was light, my heart was tight, and I had a clear understanding of the three layers of refining.

Sun Hao entered the fourth floor of the refining gas and became a mid-air refining monk.

The refining monk, the pre-air refining and the middle of the refining gas is a hurdle, and many monks are stuck in the third floor of the refining gas. The biggest change after entering the fourth layer of refining is that it can be simple, that is, as long as there are instruments in the hand, the mid-air refining monks can realize the imperial flight.

Of course, there must be a corresponding method for the imperial flight. These methods are quite a lot in Qingmu, and they are not high-level. The contribution is not high. Sun Hao can learn at any time, but he is used to hiding his own Sun Hao. It is a trouble to exchange royalties.

The second change that entered the fourth layer of refining is that Sun Hao can speed up the study of the knowledge of the formation. If you do not rely on the array layout method, you need to repair the four layers of gas, of course, you need to arrange the corresponding materials and spirits of the array method.

In fact, Sun Hao did not expect that he would enter the four layers of refining so quickly. This cultivation speed once again disrupted his cultivation plan.

The original plan was to test the fire frog swamp for a year or so, and wait for the round of fire to die, and then return to the sect.

This time, it’s good. Just half a year ago, this round of fire has not yet been practiced, and the repair has actually improved.

The plan can't keep up with the changes.