MTL - Nine Cents Refining-v3 Chapter 2899 Demon 1 body (5)

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The power of Sun Hao has actually surpassed the imagination of the ancient tree.

At the moment when Sun Hao climbed the door of Tianyuan, the old and empty trees were completely lost.

In his view, Sun Hao may eventually reach the top of Tianyuan, but it must be at least five hundred years before it can be done.

After all, Sun Hao said that in five hundred years, he will come over to defend the magical instinct, instinct, too old and ancient trees, that Sun Hao needs to take five hundred years to reach the gate of Tianyuan and find the door to stabilize the heavens. Way.

The gate of the heavens is built by the ancient gods in order to consolidate the defensive power of the real gods. It seems to be the existence of a powerful magic weapon.

The power of the direct confrontation, basically, is enough to instantly tear a Mahayana monk.

Even if it is too old, it does not dare to be close.

When you come to the real magic field and guard the gates of hell, the old tree tries to use its roots to connect to the gates of hell. Unfortunately, there is no effect at all, the roots of the old trees, and the gates of hell. When it is difficult to reach, you have to return.

If you don’t retreat, you have to smash it.

This is the gap.

Big enough to have no idea, have to admit that the huge gap is not as good.

The old tree is too silent, and the annual round keeps thinking about the powerful nine monks of the ancient monks, but suddenly realizes an event that makes him think hard.

That is, from the long annual ring, he has already clearly perceived it, even if it is to take Sun Hao to the ancient times, even if it is to get those powerful, nine-way big monks to compare, I am afraid that the combat power is also one of the best, and it is extremely strong.

That is to say, it is very likely that the nine-in-one Sun Hao, the ultimate supernatural power of the practice, is more than three.

Otherwise, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang will not be so powerful!

Between the mind and the heart, the old tree is too old to know that Sun Hao, the awe of the heart, should be promoted to the extreme, and the fighting power with Sun Hao may not be comparable at all.

At this moment, there is no need to remind too many old trees.

The gods and gods are all shocked.

After all, in their long-standing memory and the inheritance of the true God and the true devil, they can directly reach the gates of the heavens and guard the existence of the heavens. They are all true ancient real gods, and they are all only one step away from the ruin. The existence of the distant.

The reality has already been told to them that Sun Hao in front of him is the kind of existence that is strong and strong, and it is inevitable.

The gods and gods, far away, consciously shorter than Sun Hao, to show respect.

Within the remains of the true gods, many monks have already arbitrarily worshipped Sun Hao.

The current Sun Hao is no longer the second ancestor of the Terran.

The current Sun Hao, in the minds of the true gods, has become a true ancient god, a true protoss power.

Judging the fundamental standard of the Protoss does not care what the monk was born in, and does not care how deep the monk's cultivation is.

To determine the standard of the Protoss, the most effective one is only one, divine.

Today's Sun Hao sits cross-legged over the gate of Tianyuan, and the divine light that blooms on his body rushes into the ring.

The divine glory shines in the real domain of the gods. Many monks have benefited from it. Some monks who have been honed by the grandchildren of Sun Hao’s glory have even unilaterally believed that Sun Hao is his father. And for Sun Hao three weeks and nine worship.

The glory of divinity flows through Sun Hao.

The powerful power of the heavens, washing the body of Sun Hao every moment, smashing the soul of Sun Hao and exercising the soul of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao sat cross-legged on the door of Tianyuan, and did not move for a hundred years. Gradually, he completely adapted to the attraction of Tianyuan.

At this time, Sun Hao began to take his own head out of his body in a planned way, put it in his hand, placed it on his knees, and accepted the strength of the power of heaven to accept the baptism of divinity.

Another hundred years later, Sun Hao’s whole body, including his head, was flashing. After he had exercised in place, Sun Hao threw out the squirting tower, placed it in the palm of his hand, slowly turning, accepting the power of heaven and the light. Baptism.

Ok, seeing Sun Hao’s movements, the gods are completely speechless.

The behemoths of the true gods were trembled, and the power of the heavens, which was carefully guarded, went to Sun Hao and became a place of practice.

Not only forging, but also forging, after finishing, I also got my own magic weapon to do this exercise, this is really no place to reason.

In the last hundred years, it was even more outrageous. Sun Hao had different magic weapons in his hands, bathed in the light of the gods, and kept tempering.

Moreover, in the last hundred years, the situation has completely exceeded the imagination of all people. Sun Hao can not only stand in the sky above the gates of Tianyuan, but also freely move on it.

Not only can I be free to move, but I can also wave a handful of strange hammers, sometimes without them, on the door of Tianyuan.

This kind of powerful and unimaginable beat has lasted for more than sixty years. The entire door of Tianyuan was almost knocked out by Sun Hao with a hammer.

God is watching.

All the monks of the true gods are looking dumbfounded.

The demon and the old and the old trees are also completely konjac.

The true grandson of Sun Hao, Sun Xiangxiang, is stronger than everyone’s imagination. The power of the heavens cannot limit his freedom.

Under the powerful pull of the power of the heavens, he actually has the spare power to forge the gate of the heavens.

This feat, even those ancient gods, fear that few can do it.

I thought that when the Tianyuan was born, the attraction was not so great, and the door of Tianyuan was also strengthened a little later, and it was the scale of the present.

It can be said that nowadays, I am afraid that the ancient gods will re-emerge, and few monks can directly forge the gates of Tianyuan like Sun Hao.

The power of Sun Hao is beyond the imagination of all.

The depth of Sun Hao’s refining technique is that he is also the crown of the whole world. In other words, the level of the magic weapon of the Gate of Heaven is absolutely outrageous. This kind of divinity is enough to guard the existence of Tianyuan. Is it that ordinary monks can forge?

However, Sun Hao used it as a magic weapon and kept beating. Moreover, after decades of tempering, the door of Tianyuan began to show magical changes. The former gate of the heavens, the light of the sky, seems to be a vain Among the white light doors.

After decades of forging, the door of Tianyuan under Sun Hao’s hammer began to change, and the light was restrained, and it turned out to be a cold steel-like brilliance.

At the moment when the five-hundred-year deadline comes to Hao screams: "A hammer is fixed, give me a plastic."

The right hand is high and high, the crystalless sledgehammer descends from the sky, and the sound of the gods, the unyielding will of Sun Hao, and the glory of Sun Hao’s now bloom are all forged into the gates of Tianyuan.

A bang of light shocks, the door of Tianyuan is a place to return.

The magical thing is that Sun Hao has been hammered down, and the door of Tianyuan’s door is booming, and it is slowly turning around the darkness of the darkness.

When the infinite power of the heavens was imposed on the gates of the heavens, it was actually removed by the gates of the heavens, and it was completely unconstrained, and there was no great influence.

All the monks of the true gods only felt that their body suddenly became light, and the attraction of the heavens disappeared completely, and the entire real **** was suddenly loose.

Sun Hao’s laughter came from the void: “Old tree, five hundred years have passed, the door to **** has been handed over to me. You are looking for a source of people, I hope that I can lift the twin stars. At the time of the nuclear crisis, everyone has found where it is..."