MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 18 Fire step

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Qin Yun saw that Xiao Yuelan was so murderous. Suddenly, it was not a bad thing for him to cancel the marriage contract.

"In the past, our mother secretly gave us a marriage contract and made an engagement contract! Is the contract in your hands?" Xiao Yuelan's voice was cold and ruthless, but unexpectedly good.

"Contract book? Taishi sister gave me, you want?" Qin Yun nodded.

The engagement contract was placed in the storage space of Jiuyang Shen.

He didn't know where the mood came from, but he was chewing on the snacks and just said that the snacks had no taste.

"You have kept the contract, and one year later, at my engagement ceremony, you must take this contract!" After Xiao Yuelan finished, he turned to the door and said coldly: "If you don't come I will chase you to the ends of the earth."

Qin Yun couldn't figure it out and asked: "Do you want to humiliate me at the engagement ceremony one year later?"

"Is you humiliated? I didn't have the time to work, and you didn't have the strength, and you were not qualified to be humiliated!" After Xiao Yuelan finished, he opened the door and left in a hurry.

Qin Yun looked at Yang Shiyue with a puzzled look.

"It seems that she was in the Tian Xuanwuyuan, and she experienced a very cruel practice. It became like this. She should be secretly coming to you, is it just to say these words to you? It is really difficult to understand!" Yang Shiyue shook Shaking his head is also puzzling.

"In this year, you must work hard to cultivate, and when she is free, she really wants to humiliate you in public!"

"In any case, it is time to give her the contract book. She married the prince, and the Queen has a headache." Qin Yun shook his head and continued to eat his things.

"Hurry to eat, we have to go to Huawu Shuge!" Yang Shiyue urged: "You have to hurry to master martial arts, and then go to the Tiens Wuhui!"

"What is the Tianshi Wuhui?" Qin Yun asked.

"Every five years, a competition for the four- and five-fold battles of the military body, although there have been no four students, I think you can try it." Yang Shiyue said.

"Is this really okay?" Qin Yun’s heart is eager to move. His cultivation is equivalent to the martial arts five-fold. If he participates, he can have a great grasp and win.

"I just let you go to join in the fun, increase the actual combat experience, not to let you fight for the first." Yang Shiyue packed up the desktop: "You are facing old students, difficult to win."

After Qin Yun finished eating, he followed Yang Shiyue to Huawu Book Club to receive martial arts exercises and two high-level martial arts.


Huawu Shuge is a seven-storey tower located in the middle of the Hualing Armed Forces. This area is surrounded by high walls and cannot be accessed at all times, and it is guarded.

After Yang Shiyue and Qin Yun showed the wooden sign of the ninth class, they could enter.

Primary, intermediate and advanced martial arts are on the first floor.

Qin Yun looked up at this quaint stone tower, and he was shocked in his heart. It was only the first tier of martial arts that was placed in the first layer, and the more martial arts were placed on it.

In the first floor of Huawu Shuge, there are several middle-aged guards at the entrance, and there are more than a dozen middle-aged warriors inspecting them. Yang Shiyue and Qin Yun were questioned before they could enter the bookstore.

"Teacher, how can I get a better martial arts practice?" Qin Yun’s learning of Xuanyang is only a transition.

"In the Hualing Armed Forces, as long as you have enough strength, you can get the highest level of martial arts." Yang Shiyue is familiar with the road, walking through the bookshelves.

Xuan class is superior, far superior to the spirit level! We must know that many martial arts families are very proud of having spiritual martial arts.

Qin Yun is determined to get the mysterious work!

Yang Shiyue said: "For many years, no one has ever achieved a metaphysical practice."

She took a book from a shelf and handed it to Qin Yun: "This is "Fire Cloud Step", which is a light-skilled method, and is suitable for people who are suitable for the fire and soul."

She knows more about the martial arts exercises, and it is more appropriate to choose Qin Yun.

In the Hualing Armed Forces, teachers can't teach martial arts above the spiritual level to students, which will undermine fairness and is not allowed.

Yang Shiyue gave Qin Yun's Xuanyang 诀, not spiritual martial arts, so there is no problem.

Not long after, Yang Shiyue found another method to Qin Yun and said: "This is "Yan Guang Quan", it is also very suitable for you, you go back to the study."

After she took down the two exercises, she was not allowed to rummage again.

Moreover, Huawu Shuge has regulations that can not bring martial arts books out of the bookstore, you need to be familiar with it.

Qin Yun came to a quiet study and began to memorize these two high-level martial arts.

Among these martial arts books, there are many notes left by the predecessors, which is extremely important.

So many children of the martial arts family, to enter the martial arts, are directed at these large-scale annotations, which will enable them to master the martial arts exercises faster.

Qin Yun used two hours, all of which was memorized, and then left with Yang Shiyue to leave the Huawu Book Club.

"Teacher, when you are at Huawu Shuge, it seems very careful!" Qin Yun whispered as he walked out of the bookstore.

"If you make a mistake in it, you can't go in again in the future. I am no exception." Yang Shiyue also whispered: "If there are not many restrictions, I can pass it directly to you."

Most of the exercises she has mastered are obtained from the martial arts and cannot be easily circulated.

It is not a practice obtained from the martial arts, but it is too high-level. It is impossible to learn from its own students and it will undermine fairness. This is the stipulation of the martial arts.

Unless she is quietly getting other martial arts, she can pass it to Qin Yun.

After returning to the small house in Zhulin, Yang Shiyue directed Qin Yun to learn the martial arts exercises he just got.

"Fire cloud step, mainly uses the characteristics of fire inside the gas, so that a special kind of hot air appears in the body, and then the body heats up through the rise of hot air. It is said that after cultivation to the great consummation, it will be able to fly in the air." Yang Shiyue said.

"Teacher, how is the grade of martial arts practice assessed? The higher the martial arts, the better?" Qin Yun did not know much about it. ”

"The more advanced the internal skills, the better! The martial arts, the main thing is to look at people, the more refined, the stronger! The mastery of martial arts is divided into entry, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, great perfection, and superb. People can only reach Dacheng, and a few people can learn greatness.

"As for the fascination, this is just a concept, and even a pioneer of martial arts may not be able to achieve it."

Yang Shiyue is very serious about the martial arts.

"And the grading of martial arts is assessed in two ways."

"The first is to see the effect experience when you get started! The martial arts practice is to dig out the power of the internal gas. The higher the martial arts, the more powerful the internal gas can play."

"Spiritual and advanced martial arts, if it is the same level of entry, it must be the spirit of the martial arts to make the internal gas burst out of stronger strength. If you can learn advanced martial arts, learn to the great consummation, then you can match the spirit Dacheng of level martial arts."

“Thank you for your answer!” Qin Yun nodded and learned a lot about martial arts martial arts.

"You can cultivate Xuanyang Shu to the realm of Xiaocheng, and you can see that your understanding is extremely high. The understanding of Wudao martial arts is more important than the spiritual martial arts. You first learn the two martial arts yourself, what do you understand, wait for me? Come back and answer you."

Yang Shiyue said: "I will ask when the Tianshi Wuhui will start to register."