MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 38 layout

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At the same time as the gamers conference in Yongliang City, Shang Yinhe was carrying posters in the school.

Lu Tinglin was very powerful in getting a sponsorship in a short period of time, allowing them to expeditiously customize a batch of materials: a stack of flyers and club registration forms, a large number of posters and banners for posting, and a signboard for making a sign 's roll-up.

Wen Shiqian and Lu Tinglin each brought their two friends to help, and Shang Yinhe also brought in two first-year juniors who are familiar to him. With the three founders as the core and the helpers, there are nine people in total. For the first time, the Braves Support Club was very busy.

Entrepreneurship is tough, everything is busy at the beginning. Shang Yinhe has already planned that he will focus on cultivating his two junior brothers. In this case, he will be busy for a few days. After everything is on the right track, everything can be done by his deputy.

You must know that freshman freshmen are full of energy. As long as the seniors give the opportunity, they can work hard.

One of the most important skills of leadership is to find the right people and assign the right tasks, instead of working hard and not giving subordinates opportunities to grow. Shang Yinhe knows this.

In Shang Yinhe's plan, during the rest of the semester (actually there are only a few days left), he will focus on training his deputy, and when the next semester starts, he will immediately give up his position in the name of making way for newcomers. to your own deputy.

At that time, he will directly retire to become an honorary member of the club, a veteran consultant, and he will no longer have to do these chores. He will also be able to get in touch with the core first-hand news, and concentrate on leading the research team in the club. As a BOSS, it's really nice to figure out how to add benefits to yourself.

As for now, at the initial stage when everything has not yet been finalized, he still has to participate in a little deeper, in order to control the development direction of the Brave Support Association, to be able to access the core information, and to open the back door to the club as a brave in the future. .

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the first meeting of the Brave Support Association was officially held, and a dense crowd filled the lawn in front of Guanghua Building.

Many more people came than expected, so that their club registration form was completely glowing, and they had to temporarily print a batch; the three core founders successfully recruited their desired deputy, and each built a running small team.

By the way, Shang Yinhe listened to the "Master Brave is really handsome and realistic".

This made him, who was very busy, feel better in an instant.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, this large party finally came to an end, and the nine college students who were so tired made an appointment to have a big meal after tidying up the scene hastily.

"Cheers! Everyone has worked hard today!" The number of people who signed up for the club today was beyond their best imagination. Wen Shiqian was very excited about this good start. He asked for a bottle of wine as soon as he sat down and shouted to celebrate. .

Everyone was also very excited, and there was a sense of excitement that they had accomplished a major event. If they were not careful, everyone drank too much.

"You... eh, do you know," Wen Shiqian, who was drunk, said mysteriously, "I heard an inside story today!"

As a guy who has drank aptitude potion and his physique has been improved to a certain level, Shang Yinhe was not drunk at all, he just followed the crowd and made a dizzy appearance. Hearing the words "inside information", Shang Yinhe said, "What kind of inside information? Seniors, don't give a shit, hurry up, hurry up!"

"I heard that the country is imitating the 'Brave' and challenging the changes in our country." Wen Shiqian's face was exaggerated, and he was drunk at first glance, "It's just... in the northwest..."

"Oh," Shang Yinhe was very interested and asked, "Is it true? Does the senior have more news?"

Lu Tinglin also came over, this girl's drinking capacity is obviously much better than Wen Shiqian's, at least she looks sober now: "I also heard that there are not many game anchors and professional players on the Internet now? Some people watch it. By the time they have all gone to the northwest, it is said that they were recruited to assist in the research."

Shang Yinhe was taken aback: "Recruiting game anchors? Why do you want to recruit game anchors?"

"I don't know," Lu Tinglin shrugged, "Who knows what's going on, there are so many rumors, all kinds of strange."

They shared the so-called inside information and various speculations on the wine table with great interest.

Shang Yinhe sat on the side, listened, and suddenly sighed indistinctly.

The wind played playfully over his fingertips, bringing a hint of coolness.

From the world of [Death Labyrinth], he brought out two things in total, the S-level [Blessing of the Wind] has infinite development potential, and the SS-level [Qualification Elixir] has strengthened himself almost comprehensively, and it is predicted that it will give him a future. Development paves the way. After all, washing the sutras, cutting the marrow, and reborn, that is a long-term and effective effect.

- If only he could swipe some more stuff in the dungeon.

Thinking of his skills and excellent equipment in the game world back then, Shang Yinhe couldn't help but miss it.

In Shang Yinhe's previous speculation, after the [Death Labyrinth] game is embodied in the real world, it will at least have the following attributes: allow ten challenges, drop extraordinary items and skills, drop reality rune paper, realistic Talismans can bring extraordinary items or skills into the real world.

That is to say, if he goes to swipe the copy of reality, he may also get the reality rune paper and supernatural attributes.

This idea is so tempting, since he just left the game world, it has troubled him and lured him to participate in the dungeon challenge.

But in the end, Shang Yinhe pushed the idea down.

Not yet.

He is too weak.

He is far less powerful than the hero in the video.

The brave man in the video has powerful skills and equipment, and can easily overcome all traps. He now only has one skill [Blessing of the Wind] that he brought out from the dungeon.

The brave man in the video seems to be light-hearted and light-hearted to complete the challenge, but he can't. Those superficial dashing are all exchanged for death and reopening again and again. He dare not do this in reality. .

The brave man in the video can bypass all the monsters and garrisoned troops outside the white fog, but he can't. His [Gate Teleportation] currently has a maximum distance of 4,000 meters. He may be able to bypass the monsters in the white fog, but definitely Can't get around the outer garrison.

Besides, he doesn't even know what the rules of the challenge are in reality. What if death in reality is real death? What if the state can monitor the situation in the castle through certain equipment? Everything is misty and unknown, and as a super-powerful person who is superficially calm and can kill a mutation at one time, in theory, he should be very familiar with all the rules of mutation.

In fact, he also considered another plan, that is, not as a brave man, but as a nameless extraordinary person, running to participate in the challenge.

As for the identity of this nameless extraordinary person?

It's also very simple. In the evolution direction of the demon king's cloak, there is an option to change the image of the demon king's cloak. Cloak image], it only needs to spend 2000 anchor points.

At that time, he will change the appearance of the cloak once, and then put on the hood to trigger the hidden appearance effect of the demon king's cloak. Isn't it a perfect new identity of the mysterious superhuman?

However, unlike the incarnation of the game world where there is no trace, if he is really stupid enough to appear as a hero or a new superhuman, no matter what, he will definitely leave traces in the real battle.

For example, [Gate Teleportation] can only cover a distance of 4,000 meters. If he wants to go to the place of mutation, then he must leave his city first and use transportation equipment to go to the place where the mutation occurred. And all the mutation sites are closely monitored by various countries. As a guy who is not invited to the location, who doesn't doubt him?

Anyone who does something must have traces to follow. He will not believe that the high-level officials of the country are all fools, and will turn a blind eye to the flaws he reveals. After there are many such clues, he will be properly exposed!

The country has always caught such suspicious elements without letting them go, especially when huge national interests are involved.

If Shang Yinhe appeared now and left so many clues, what if one day, his true identity was found out by the state?

The worst case is when the game system is discovered. For this kind of power that is out of control and very dangerous, Shang Yinhe has no doubt that he will be destroyed by humanity. Let's try to destroy the attached game system.

Even if the game system is not discovered, and only his identity as a hero is discovered, then the hero's cloak will definitely be handed in, and freedom will definitely be restricted.

All in all, when he was still weak and unable to fight against the country with his real strength, Shang Yinhe would rather choose to be more cowardly and more stable than to put himself in danger for some small cheap and small interests.

From the heart, this is a golden sentence full of philosophy!

At the end of the day, while the challenge of reality is tempting, there are pitfalls behind the temptation.

Shang Yinhe would never appear at such a time of uncertainty. It not only ruined the image of the hero itself, but also left him a fatal flaw, and the harvest is an extraordinary item that may or may not be available—

He wouldn't do such a stupid thing!

He wants extraordinary items, extraordinary abilities, and if he wants to play games, he will have everything!

Of course, he still covets the challenges of the real world. When one day he is fully prepared, he will definitely go shopping. Provided that the benefits far outweigh the possible costs.

As for now, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Didn't you hear the gossip? The country is already exploring ahead!

Wouldn't it be better to let the country make the way for itself?

Be patient and you will be able to reap more fruitful results.

Take your time, take your time, one day, one day...

Shang Yinhe looked at the messy dining table, smiled, and turned to say hello:

"Boss, pay the bill!"