MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 6

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At the time of Matsuda Jinping's death, live broadcasting was not yet popular, so Matsuda Jinping was not very clear about many unspoken rules and procedures.

But not knowing the unspoken rules does not mean that Matsuda Jinping does not know the mentality that ordinary people have.

The simplest point is that the more you can't get it, the more valuable it is. Therefore, the Chief Inspector of Police must not be beaten easily.

- The problem between Matsuda Jinpei and the police chief originated from Matsuda Jinpei's father.

Matsuda Jinhei's father was a professional boxer. He was caught by mistake when he was young, causing Matsuda's father to miss important matches, and eventually quit his boxing career and drink heavily all day.

And the person who caught his father by mistake is the current police chief.

This led Matsuda Jinhei to want to become a police officer, and then beat the police chief.

This is also the origin of the "fate" between them.

Matsuda Jinping yawned, and when he sat up from the bed, he looked at the arrangement in front of him, and his body paused.

"By the way, it's in the police academy now..." Matsuda Jinping ruffled his curly hair, realizing that some of the bad habits he developed in the future would be changed back.

After all, the rules of the police academy are much more serious and standardized than his daily lazy and casual life.

After washing his face with cold water, Matsuda Jinhei took a towel to dry the water droplets on his face, and touched the wound on his face during his movements. Basically no serious dull pain.

At this time, Hagihara Kenji walked to his side holding the water basin. The bruise on Hagi's face was much more serious than his.

Matsuda Jinhei couldn't help but wonder if he had struck too hard yesterday.

"It's alright, but since you have the heart to make up for it, Xiaojinping, I'll leave the cleaning and seat-filling to you during this time?" Hagihara Kenji naturally stretched out his hand as if he could read minds. On the shoulders of Matsuda Jinping.

Matsuda Jinping is shorter than Hagihara Kenji, which makes Hagihara Kenji do this very smoothly.

Hagihara Kenji just said something casually, but he didn't expect that his dear You Taman not only did not become angry, but even nodded lightly: "Okay."

Hagihara Kenji:…

Hagihara Kenji stretched out his hand involuntarily and put the back of his hand on Matsuda Jinhei's forehead.

Matsuda Jinping took a step back in disgust this time: "What?"

"I want to try Xiaojinping to see if you have a fever." Hagihara Kenji compared his body temperature, "Aren't you sick?"

"Go away." After washing, Matsuda Jinping revealed a pair of half-moon eyes and left the vanity seat ahead of schedule.

The training time is prescribed every day, but on this day, not only the other students in the same class, but even the instructor looked at the wound on Hagihara Kenji's face with surprise.

After everyone stood at attention, Instructor Onizuka asked the pair of young tamers who were standing at the front: "Matsuda and Hagihara, what's wrong with your faces?"

Between Hagihara Kenji's good performance (probably) in addition to flirting with girls, and his numerous cases of taming, the instructor Onizuka subconsciously thought that it was Matsuda Jinping's fault.


But before the instructor spoke, Date Hang, who has always been very protective of his classmates, took the initiative to say: "Report! It's because there were cockroaches in my room yesterday!"

Instructor Onizuka has blue veins on his head: "Why are there cockroaches in your room every day!"

This refers to the first time they trained, when Matsuda Jinhei and Furuya Rei got into a fight that resulted in a face injury, and squad leader Date used the same excuse.

Not only was Date Air not frightened by the instructor's tone, but he also apologized with a smile: "I'm very sorry about that! As punishment for not tidying up the internal affairs, our Onitsuka class will run a little longer!"

"Let's start the long-distance run in two columns!" A group of people ran up and down in a mighty manner.

"One, two! One, two!"

"Ah hey! I haven't finished speaking yet!" Instructor Onizuka looked at this familiar scene and covered his forehead involuntarily.

The thorns who were accustomed to talking quietly while running, all focused their attention on the obvious wounds on the two of them.

"I remember yesterday afternoon, Hagihara, there was only one wound on your face, right? How come it has become more and more after a night." Zhufu Jingguang said gently.

Furuya also said, "Could it be that Matsuda put on a Hagihara sack in private and was beaten back?"

"Be sure to call me next time!" Idahang said aside.

"Hey, hey, Xiao Zhenping and I don't have that kind of plastic relationship~" Hagihara Kenji said with a smile: "Don't make such a joke, if Xiao Zhenping gets angry, it's not easy to coax."

"Matsuda will only be angry because of what you said." Jiang Gu Ling complained.

The center of the topic didn't complain directly as usual, but after a while of silence, he hummed: "Hagi, did you hear me, next time we'll put on the sack of the valley."

"Okay, okay~ The squad leader will also come at that time!" Hagihara Kenji rolled his eyes: "I'm responsible for stopping Xiaozhufu-"

"Ah, that's too bad, I was stopped. Sorry zero, I can't help you this time." Zhu Fu Jingguang responded innocently.

The expression of betrayal on the face of the valley: "hiro!"

"Very good—successfully pulled Xiaozhufu to our camp!" Hagihara Kenji thought for a while, and his tone was brisk: "As a symbol of friendship, I will give you the thick egg yaki at noon!"

"Thank you so much." Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled.

Instructor Onizuka, who was halfway across the runway, said sharply, "Hey! All of you run seriously!"

At this time, everyone's attitude was still normal. When they went to the cafeteria at noon, Matsuda Jinhei ordered two meals, which surprised several others, including Hagihara Kenji.

Hagihara Kenji was surprised: "I thought you were just talking about Xiaojinping."

"Didn't you ask for it yourself?" Matsuda Jinping yawned.

"This guy Matsuda is really wrong... What do you think, Hiro?" Rei Fukugu said sneakily to his young tamer.

"Yeah, zero." Zhu Fu Jingguang seemed to think seriously: "Isn't he really possessed? But it's daytime now."

"You two, I can hear—" Matsuda Jinping said helplessly.

It's not that Matsuda Jinhei can't act, if he wants, he can indeed adopt the attitude of four years ago. Even if I can't restore my past 100%, it won't be as flawed as it is now, and the words "I have a problem" are almost pasted on my face.

It's just... In the face of these guys, he doesn't want to disguise himself at all.

Not at all.

Speaking of the current timeline... He remembers that the matter over Zhufu hasn't been resolved yet? On the other hand, the squad leader solved the misunderstanding between him and his father?

Regarding the matter of Zhufu, Matsuda Jinpei remembered that it was about the time of graduation, and there is still some time before graduation.

He couldn't let the prisoner continue to follow Zhu Fu, and at that time, he also killed a little girl who was kidnapped by the prisoner, leaving a psychological shadow.

Matsuda Jinping ate the white rice in front of him, thinking about the problems that needed to be solved in his mind. But I didn't expect that when I returned to God, I saw a big face approaching.

Matsuda Jinping's eyes widened and instinctively leaned back a little, obviously startled. After seeing who it was, Matsuda Jinping frowned and said, "What are you doing? Hagihara."

"Because Xiaojinping ignored me at all just now—" Hagihara Kenji asked actively: "Is there something on my mind? Can't even tell me?"

After noticing that the eyes of several other people were also on this side, Matsuda Jinhei had to realize that he was too slack.

Even if there is no intention to hide it, but such a flaw, if there are prisoners around, there must be no way to react in time, right?

Why are you so relaxed?

Because these **** who make people subconsciously trust are all by his side.

Matsuda Jinping's eyes swept across Zhufu Jingguang, shifted his gaze slightly, and said casually, "Didn't I go out yesterday? I noticed something at the time, and I was a little concerned."

"What is it?" Hagihara Kenji asked.

"I'll explain it to you when I confirm it." Matsuda Jinping replied.

"Eh—" Hagihara Kenji looked a little unhappy.

"I'm done eating." Matsuda Jinhei said, and left the position with his plate.

Hagihara Kenji looked at the back of his young tamer, sighed, and even the female classmates passing by him greeted him in a perfunctory manner.

The other three asked, "Isn't it clear yet? Hagihara."

Hagihara Kenji narrowed his eyes: "Well - I have a clue, but I always think it's unlikely."

Hagihara Kenji also finished eating, he waved his hand: "I'm going to find Xiaojinping~"

The three who were left looked at each other and did not follow. After all, it's not very easy for them to directly mix things up between the young taming and dyeing.

Matsuda Jinping turned on the camera of the live broadcast room without warning after leaving the line of sight of the same period.

He wanted to try to see the difference between live streaming during the day and night.

I don't know if there is a special reminder, or what the situation is, the number of people watching the live broadcast quickly jumped a few times.

【Ah, ah, it's on air—】


[Matsuda, did you really beat someone last night? ! 】

Above the barrage that crossed in front of him, the four golden wishes did not disappear at all.

Matsuda Jinping decided to ignore these lines and said naturally, "Beat someone? Not yet."

[Uniform - Uniform temptation! ! I can! 】

[Last night was pitch black—Ahhh! This face really looks like a beauty! Really handsome! 】

[Woo woo begging, I really want to see Ling Ling—the 22-year-old young Ling Ling! 】

"So what does it have to do with Fugu?" Matsuda Jinping grumbled.

At this moment, his familiar voice came from behind him: "Songtian? Who are you talking to?"

Hagihara Kenji inadvertently walked into the position of the camera, and his arm naturally rested on Matsuda Jinpei's shoulder: "And to be honest, Kojinpei, Komakutani, they were all scared by you—"

What Kenji Hagihara said after that, Matsuda Jinhei didn't have time to pay attention.

His ability to use two things with one heart is not so specialized yet. His eyes fell on the shielding barrage that suddenly erupted in a blowout, which naturally blocked the sound in his ears.

Almost the whole screen in the live room was swiped.

In addition, a wish that was even more glittering than the first four wishes appeared at the top.

【【Wish: Give Hagihara a hug now! ! I beg you! ! ]]