MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 83

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Because of the sudden light on the phone, Hagihara Kenji was not as adaptable to the dark as Matsuda Jinpei.

But even if he couldn't see clearly, Hagihara Kenji felt that his friend's fist was hard now. If he didn't say anything, he might hit his fist in the next second.

Hagihara Kenji pulled the quilt and slid down, his head resting on the pillow, then closed his eyes, ignoring Matsuda Jinhei who was standing aside: "Well, Kenji-chan is already asleep—zzzz..."

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Matsuda Jinping's forehead stretched with blue veins, even if his fist wasn't hard just now, it should be itchy now. However, after just a few seconds of pause, Matsuda Jinpei was suddenly stunned, and hesitantly looked at Hagihara Kenji, who was covered with a quilt and looked cute and closed his eyes.

The man lying on the bed breathes smoothly, his eyebrows are relaxed, and he looks unprepared. Matsuda Jinhei, who had already adapted to the darkness, watched this scene and fell into a subtle silence: "...Hagi?"

He called the other party's name, but got no reply.

"Really asleep?" Matsuda Jinping was a little stunned, and he couldn't believe it, feeling that the other party was bluffing him again.

But after hesitating, Matsuda Jinping still didn't smash his fist into the opponent's face - the purpose of his coming was to let the opponent rest well, even if he lied to him, maintaining such steady breathing probably won't last long. slept.

Even if you're not asleep, it's better to rest with your eyes closed than to read a text message with your eyes open.

In any case, Matsuda Jinhei's purpose has indeed been achieved.

But why does he feel so depressed? Matsuda Jinping complained in his heart.

In order to prevent Kenji Hagihara from pretending, Matsuda Jinping did not leave the room, but sat on the ground with his legs crossed against the edge of the bed.

It's a little hot now, and he doesn't want to squeeze a bed with another big man at all.

Matsuda Jinpei opened Hagihara Kenji's mobile phone. It was not the text message he sent in another world seven years ago, but the news from this world that he and Hagihara Kenji had exchanges.

Matsuda Jinping: [Are you okay? 】

Hagihara Kenji: [Immediately~ Kojinpei really can't leave me for a second (laughs)]

This was the news three years ago, Matsuda Jinping recalled it, but he couldn't remember what happened at that time, but Hagi's habit of talking about things didn't change at all.

Hagihara Kenji: [Xiaojinping, look at this! New model! I've been waiting for a long time! [Model picture]]

Matsuda Jinping: [Congratulations. 】

Hagihara Kenji: […Wait, shouldn’t I tell you? I always feel that after getting this model, Xiao Zhenping, you will be the first to take it down. QAQ]

Matsuda Jinping: [Well, you guessed right, I have prepared the tools. 】

Hagihara Kenji: [I will never let you have a chance to meet my baby! 】

As a result, when the package arrived, Hagihara Kenji just happened to be absent, and Matsuda Jinhei signed for it on his behalf. The end result is that two people started to dismantle together.

Matsuda Jinping: [What do you have for dinner? 】

Hagihara Kenji: [I might be late at work today, I plan to eat at the police station. Damn it, Xiao Zhenping, you are so lucky that you just happened to be on vacation today! 】

About half an hour passed.

Matsuda Jinping: [[Food photo] x3]

Hagihara Kenji: [? ! ? ! 】

Hagihara Kenji: [Too much! I want to ignore you for a minute! 】

Hagihara Kenji: […How about packing that pudding and taking it home and leaving it for me QAQ? 】

Matsuda Jinping: [What about the agreed minute? 】

Hagihara Kenji: [My self-esteem is more important than pudding? 】

Matsuda Jinping: […You are too righteous, right? 】

Speaking of that pudding... he seems to have eaten it himself, but when he got home, did he go to the supermarket to buy something else? Although it was still condemned by Hagihara for a long time.

Hagihara Kenji: [Old place at night. 】

Matsuda Jinping: [? 】

Hagihara Kenji: [I broke up. 】

Then Hagihara Kenji got very drunk that night and complained to him with a glass of wine. The reason for the breakup this time seems to be that he had to leave early because he happened to encounter a case on two dates.

"...Should I still find a colleague? But wouldn't it be more embarrassing to break up in an office relationship?"

"So why is the premise that there will be a breakup?"

"You are Xiao Zhenping, right? Tanimoto-chan mustered up the courage to confess to you, but you turned it down. She is a rare girl in our office!"

"Today's topic is that you broke up, not my love. What about after that?"

"..." Kenji Hagihara was lying on the table, with a drunken blush on his face: "She said that she was probably not ready to fall in love with a policeman."

"I'm really envious of the squad leader at a time like this - he and Natalie have, two, three, four, how many years?"

"Five years, just because the work is on the rise, so there is no plan to get married for the time being. Date seems to have mentioned it, and they seem to decide to prepare for this next year." Matsuda Jinping replied.

"...But I can understand. She wants a boyfriend who can protect her at all times. As a result, most of my time is occupied by work..."

"No answer."

"The pace of modern life is too fast... It's rare to find people like Date who calm down and fall in love, so I'm really envious."

"Then you work hard."

"—Hey! Anyway, I broke up today! Xiao Zhenping, please say something to comfort me!"


"Don't keep silent at this time!"

"Anyway, it's all your problem, right? You can't give them a sense of security."

"..." Hagihara Kenji looked even more aggrieved: "Is it my problem to look like I don't care about my family! When I'm in a relationship, I won't participate in social gatherings, I won't accept invitations from other girls, and I won't have **** with women in private. Communication, I will also keep a distance, I will remember to give gifts on holidays, and I will not forget anniversaries. I just can’t refuse work!”

Although it doesn't look like it, Hagihara Kenji is really serious about his relationship. Although there is a bit of central air conditioning... ah, this is really the point, right?

As a result, after this time, Hagihara Kenji has not been in love anymore.

Going through the past news records at such a time, the mood and thoughts of the year will naturally be recalled, and some news makes people feel inexplicable and do not understand what they thought at that time.

Time passed quickly, Matsuda Jinping glanced at the time, it was four o'clock, he seemed to understand how Hagihara read the news all night.

After turning off the mobile phone and losing the light source in front of the eyes, the eyes cannot adapt to the darkness at the moment. The sound of breathing behind him was gentle and quiet, but it was the best hypnotic sound.

Matsuda Jinping leaned his head back against the bed, his eyebrows relaxed. What he said before was his true thoughts.

Those four years will not be denied, but the present seven years are even more true.

[Just a question, after Hagi passed away, how long did it take for you to recover from God? 】

The question on the barrage flashed through Matsuda Jinping's mind again. Matsuda Jinping looked at the dark ceiling and recalled—it was already a memory of eleven years ago.

How did he get over God at that time?

Slow down...why use this term.

Due to the human body's self-protection mechanism and the fact that it has been too long, Matsuda Jinping can't actually remember the moment of the explosion, his mood and thoughts.

But then what? It just felt like there was a hole in the chest, not much pain. It just felt empty, as if every time I took a breath, I felt a emptiness.

When did he accept this? It's not a specific day, a holiday.

It's just that on a day with no special significance, the sun fell on the windowsill, biting a cigarette with smoke in his mouth, and the name he didn't say, and then a huge sense of loneliness rushed over him.

At this moment, I realized.

All this happens in daily life, whether it is accepted or rejected, there is no ups and downs, it is very calm.

When did it slow down? Recalling the fist when he was at the police academy seven years ago, Matsuda Jinping squinted at the guy who was sleeping soundly on the bed. Maybe it wasn't until he saw this guy that he really calmed down.

Matsuda Jinhei maintained this movement and closed his eyes. If he came over in the middle of the night and called people to sleep, he would be sleepy himself.

It's just because I've experienced it myself, I don't want my friends to feel the same way. With this kind of mentality, it is indeed a bit arrogant and cruel.

Matsuda Jinping turned on the system.

【Work number 4869 system is here for you! 】

"Cancel it, last wish."

【Are you sure? Regarding the wish of "Hagihara Kenji's individual has a good dream". Once cancelled, the willpower used will not be refunded. 】

"Cancel, this guy is not suitable for sweet dreams."

[Ok, this wish has been cancelled for you. Do you have any questions? 】

"It's all right." Matsuda Jinping shut down the system and muttered, "In the end, half a wish was wasted, and I will definitely squeeze it back from you."

Matsuda Jinping yawned again. It was almost half past four. He didn't have a vacation tomorrow, so he had to squint for a while to ensure that he could concentrate tomorrow.

When Matsuda Jin calmed down his biological clock, when he woke up the next day, he didn't know when he changed from sitting on the ground to lying on the bed.

When his brain calmed down and walked out of the room, he happened to see Hagihara Kenji standing by the dining table with toast.

After seeing Matsuda Jinping, Hagihara Kenji smiled and said hello: "Good morning~"

No dark circles, no drowsiness, a pleasant tone, and he looks much better than Matsuda Jinhei. Matsuda Jinping yawned: "Morning."

"How did you sleep last night?" Hagihara Kenji asked with a smile.

On the other hand, Matsuda Jinping squeezed his shoulders, but his mind still didn't react. He fell asleep next to the bed last night, so he was a little tired. Speaking of why he was in Hagi... Matsuda Jinhei's brain reacted.

"I ask you this question, how are you sleeping?" Matsuda Zhen asked.

"Huh? My words, it's okay." Hagihara Kenji complained: "It's been two weeks since the last time. If I really didn't sleep, I would have died suddenly, so Xiao Jinping, your worries are not at all. Is it necessary!"

"And! Even if you want to play with my phone, you have to remember to charge me—" the half-long-haired police officer complained, "When I woke up in the morning, I found that my phone was running out of battery, and I didn't know how to charge it now. Can you survive the whole day at work today?"

"You don't need a mobile phone for normal work, so don't take it for granted."

Hagihara Kenji smiled, and then said, "Okay, let's go wash your face and brush your teeth—seriously, Xiaojinping, you should pay attention to your face. Such a handsome face is not for you to spoil."

Hearing these words since childhood, Matsuda Jinping's ears would have cocoons. Hagihara Kenji is quite an obvious face control, maybe he became friends back then because of Matsuda Jinping's face.

After standing in front of the mirror with the razor, Matsuda Jinhei noticed that there was an obvious red mark on his face, which should have been printed when he was leaning against the edge of the bed last night.

Matsuda Jinping scratched his hair, washed his face with cold water, and pulled out his shirt from the closet.

"The police station's regulations are too dead. If you wear a suit on a hot day, you are not afraid to cover up your prickly heat." Matsuda Jinping walked out of the room with his jacket in his hand, complaining as he walked.

"It's not only the police station that has this kind of regulation. Don't complain, Xiao Zhenping."

"And anyway, there is an air conditioner in the office. Wasn't the time when the air conditioner broke the year before?" After saying this, Hagihara Kenji remembered: "Speaking of that, it was because I couldn't stand it, and as a result, Xiaojinping, you started it yourself... Pfft, at that time, the whole office regarded you as the savior of summer, what a good second."

"Then you guys sold me to the search class for the police flower next door to help them repair the air conditioner for free." Matsuda Jinping rolled his eyes.

"There's no way, who made Officer Sato single, a rare woman, and so beautiful." Hagihara Kenji held his chin and said, "Speaking of which, I thought you would like her, after all, you like her. type?"

"It's nothing to meet." Matsuda Jinping said casually: "And doesn't she have a boyfriend?"

"Eh? Boyfriend? When?" Hagihara Kenji's eyes widened, a little surprised.

Matsuda Jinping recalled what he said on the barrage: "Oh, I remembered it wrong."

Hagihara Kenji: "It's too perfunctory."

Matsuda Jinping reacted instead: "Wait? So you joined in the fun at that time to match me and Sato?"

Hagihara Kenji blinked and was shocked: "That's why you're only reacting now?!"

Matsuda Jinhei: "...Are you so boring?"

Hagihara Kenji: "It's not so much that I'm bored, it's better to say that there was something wrong with your attitude at that time, Xiaojinping!"

The half-long-haired police officer bit the bread in his mouth and dragged his tail: "It was obvious at the time that you were a little different to Officer Sato, or why do you think Tanimoto-chan gave up in the end—!"

"Our office even made a bet on whether you and Officer Sato would be together. As a result, two years have passed, and there is no spark between the two of you!"

Matsuda Jinping, who had never heard of this bet, raised his eyebrows: "... It's not so much that you want us to be together, you just show off that you have Sato from time to time when they search the class because you're upset?"

So I hope that the people from their explosive team can **** the police flower next door, and then they can show off back. Even if you can't get it yourself, you can't let them get it- or something like that. All I can say is that these cops are all idiots.

Hagihara Kenji rolled his eyes: "Don't you understand Xiaojinping?"

"But I didn't read it wrong, Xiaojinping, you do have a crush on her." Hagihara Kenji held his chin and said, "The last text message is a confession, so romantic~"

Matsuda Jinhei's movements stopped, and he looked up at the friend in front of him who could naturally tell what he had experienced in his previous life. As if guessing what his friend was thinking, Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, "That's why I said don't worry, my ability to bear is not that bad."

"It's just an occasional lack of sleep. Yesterday was really just a coincidence!"

"You no longer have credibility with me." Matsuda Jinping took an empty plate to the kitchen, "Okay, go drive, you're going to be late."

"I know, I know—" Just when Hagihara Kenji was about to go out with the car keys, he didn't expect Matsuda Jinpei to suddenly think of something and snatched the car keys from Hagihara Kenji's second-hand.

In the blank eyes of Hagihara Kenji, Matsuda Jinping shook the key in his hand: "I'll open it."

Hagihara Kenji: "..."

Hagihara Kenji: "By the way, you didn't sleep as much as I did last night, Kojinhei? Fatigue driving—reject—"

Matsuda Jinping raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"Let's take the bus to work today." Hagihara Kenji blinked.

Matsuda Zhenping nodded: "Alright, the attendance deduction for being late is counted on your head."

Hagihara Kenji: "This is too much!"

The two went out noisily, but luckily, they finally arrived at the office on the verge of being late.

It's just that I'm bored on the bus, and this time happens to be the rush hour.

Matsuda Jinping pulled the collar position, the thin shirt was soaked with sweat, Matsuda Jinping didn't care about other people's eyes at all, took off his coat and hung it on the back of the seat, complaining: "I won't play like this next time. ,it's too hot."

"Xiaojinping, you are really afraid of heat as usual." Hagihara Kenji laughed, and it seemed that there was no difference from usual.

"Are you going to Poirot this afternoon?"

Having said that, when Poirot really arrived, Matsuda Jinhei regretted it.

He glanced at Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was sitting in the corner smiling at him, and took a step back: "I always think it will be troublesome, let's go back."

As a result, without waiting for Hagihara Kenji to speak, Zhufu Jingguang showed a small expression of grievance: "Is Officer Matsuda still so reluctant to see me?"

Hagihara Kenji looked left and right, a little confused.

Matsuda Jinhei: Ah, sorry, the world will be destroyed.