MTL - Old Chapters-v17 Chapter 40 The last cup to death

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The crimson figure of Ghroth in the sky is getting brighter and brighter. He projected his figure from outside the world into this world, which was extremely unscientific so that Shui Lanxing could see his appearance whether it was day or night.

Although because of the projection and the blocking of the world barrier, the appearance of him reflected on the water blue star was completely distorted, so that people could not see the true face of the other party, but even so, he also brought great panic. What humans call reason.

Looking directly at the person who destroyed the death star, the probability of madness has greatly increased. In addition to the atmosphere of doomsday and the spread of memes, among the ten people in Shui Lanxing, three are lunatic, and five are close to crazy, even if it is normal. Two, also have symptoms such as mania, depression, and autism.

Under this situation, even if the so-called plan is successful and Gheros is repelled, it will take a hundred or even hundreds of years for the human society of Waterblue Star to slow down the mental state of the human beings on Waterblue Star.

With the nine major memes as the mainstay, a large number of memes spread in human society. Fortunately, the arrival of the end has limited the large-scale dissemination of information. Otherwise, with the convenience of information exchange in modern society, I am afraid that these memes have long been impossible suppressed.

But even so, the destruction of society by memes is also terrifying. For example, the carriers of "Women's Scent", every time they go to a place, they will be obsessed with this fragrance because of their own smell, and then frantically exchange bodily fluids until they themselves Deeply infected with memes, he transformed his own body fluids into "Woman Fragrance".

Often a meme carrier is not removed in time, they can quickly infect a large number of people, which is extremely easy for humans to be restrained by memes as a group creature.

Of course, memes are not completely harmful, such as square dancing... Ahem, let’s skip this example. In fact, most memes are not terrifying in terms of aggression, and their spread is not applicable to all humans. The reason why the nine memes are so dangerous is because these memes have been modified and screened by players to enhance their aggression.

The more you know, the more fearful you will become. Some people stay at home and don't hear what's going on outside the window, while others take to the streets, go wild, squander their desires, and the social order is on the verge of collapse.

Although not in the real world, Cheng Kui gradually became aware of the chaos in the outside world through the connection of the fulcrum, and he was eager to complete the plan, but in fact, he was unable to move a single step now.

In Su Yuxuan's past, Su Yuxuan admitted his love that was not recognized by most. Just like the arranged plot, Su Yuxuan chose to use his life to redeem his past. In the next flood relief, he did not retreat halfway. step, rescued more people.

After that, they experienced Jiang Yeyu's past again. This pineapple head, who has always been very mysterious, seemed very calm. He told Cheng Kui that everything was already doomed. With this plan, it is infinitely close to success.

When they persuaded Jiang Yeyu to join, they showed that they would encounter their own pasts, or it was they who would encounter these pasts that they were asked to join the death squad. The causal relationship was extremely confusing.

After Jiang Yeyu explained some information to Cheng Kui, he went to his own road of redemption, hugged the girl he loved deeply, and in the eyes of the other party, he put the black crystal necklace on the girl, and then met with him. She got on the plane holding hands.

Once, for various reasons, he didn't come to this date. He let the girl travel by plane alone, and he lost her. This time, he finally had a chance to make up for the missed date.

And now in Cheng Kui's perception, he is only one step away from the destination, as long as he breaks through the current ladder, he can reach it. After watching Jiang Yeyu's plane turn into a fireball, he came to this final destination. ladder.

But this is a place he is completely unfamiliar with. It is not his past, and he has no past worth making up for. He is just an ordinary person.

"So, here is Mary's past..." Cheng Kui walked alone in this unfamiliar city, feeling a little confused and regretful. According to the previous point of view, each person corresponds to a past, just enough to send him to his destination.

But he left Mary outside because of his own selfishness. As a result, there was no corresponding unlocker in the past, so he couldn't get through the ladder. In Cheng Kui's perception, the door of the past is getting tighter and tighter, symbolizing the destiny here. Still on its way to the original trajectory.

"Damn!!" Cheng Kui kept searching for Mary in this world, but he never found any trace of her. If it was in the past, he might have given up long ago. After all, in the past, he was just an ordinary person.

But if you give up now, think about the teammates who sacrificed before. Although they are more to redeem themselves, it is undeniable that their sacrifices have brought them to this point.

If he gave up, wouldn't he regard the sacrifices of those people as a waste of energy? For this reason, he kept searching, feeling that the past was getting more and more stable, and the door was getting narrower and narrower. Cheng Kui finally made up his mind.

He opened the suitcase he was carrying, looked at the black liquid flowing inside, and opened it. The black liquid jumped, attached to Cheng Kui's body, and finally formed a dark exoskeleton armor.

This is the latest technology of the Countermeasures Barrier Battle Armor, the whole body is made of nano-level black crystals of the power of the barrier, with a super anti-superpower field, and can simulate many technological weapons and equipment at the same time.

It looked good at first, so Cheng Kui chose this exoskeleton armor. He made up his mind that if he could not find Mary here and learn the key to completing the past from Mary, he would forcibly subvert the fate of the world.

It's just at this time that the surrounding space changed inexplicably. Xu Mingfei, Yemo and various players finally broke through the space and came to this ladder. With the change of space, the world became more unfriendly to them. , after all, the closer they get to the source of the barrier, the more their transcendence is suppressed.

In the past, they can still occupy the people in the plot, but in this past, they can't even maintain the appearance of human beings, and slowly reveal their essence.

On their humanoid bodies, various features are revealed, black ash, vitreous flowers, purple smoke, various features, which symbolize which kind of regular aggregate they are.

The players looked at Cheng Kui greedily, and when they got him, they got the insignificant possibility of breaking through the peak. Cheng Kui was their chance to become a god! !