MTL - Omni Genius-Chapter 3100 Step into Penglai!

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"I do not know either……"

However, Song Yu’s answer was to make the Qin side very surprised. He actually said that he didn’t know... “From the moment I was suddenly sent away, I listened to your instructions and stood in the same place, not dare to move. ☆→ ”

"But, I don't know how, I am standing here, obviously not suffering any attack, but I can clearly feel the suffocation, vitality and even the gods in the body are consuming..."

"Fortunately, this speed of consumption is not too fast. Otherwise, I really don't know if I can stick to it now... Even so, I am almost at the tipping point of the end of the light."

Song Yu’s face is very pale, but fortunately, the consciousness is still relatively clear. At this time, it is also a bit of a fortune to explain it. He himself is completely unaware of the trick, but even the “murderer” is no one. know.

"Nothing, if I am there, you will be safe..."

Qin Fang also smiled and patted Song Yu’s shoulder and said something simple. The Song dynasty that took the medicinal herbs, the suffocating and the vitality are also recovering quickly, and the power of the gods is also recovering quickly...

"Let's go, let's get out of here..."

However, Qin Fang did not go looking for the murderer who had been in the Qin side. Instead, he led him to leave quickly and went straight to the direction of Penglai’s secret... No way, the time left for them was not much. If you can't get out of the big island before the deadline, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Qin Fang himself has nothing, there are stars locked in the hand, at most, it is excluded from the big island of the island, but Song Wei will not work, and most will be directly crushed into powder!

Props box?

This is a good way. But why did Qin Fang not do this from the beginning?

There is no reason for this. He always feels that there is a crisis of incomparable horror hidden in this large array of islands. The existence of Song Yu is also lacking in the role of the Qin Fang as a cover... The necessary moments, Qin Fang can only abandon the car to protect the handsome.

Naturally, you can't let Song Yu hide in the prop box...

What's more, when Song Yu walked out of the big island of the island, most of them would be discovered by the people of Penglai... The Qin side can disappear in time. But Song Hao can't always appear out of thin air.

"Huh ~~~"

With Qin Fang taking the road, Song Yu is also following the trend step by step... Although taking the medicinal herbs, it takes time to recover, and when walking, it is quite weak and straightforward.

In the end, it is a strongman of the Wudi level. Song Yi also knows how dangerous this big island is. Even if he is very tired and weak, he still insists on his teeth, but his face becomes paler.

However, Qin Fang did not say a word about it. It seems as if I have never seen it at all.

Time is tight, the two of them dare not waste a little bit of time, but also to hurry as soon as possible, other fine details can be thrown aside, and there is time to say it later!

Qin Fang did not even put the devil out to lead the way...

In this large array of islands, the role of the star lock alone is enough to pass through the island and enter the interior of Penglai. Why bother to expose the new pet demon that you just got?

Moreover, it seems from such various performances. The Qin party’s trust in Song Yu seems to have decreased... or, to become quite distrustful, but for some reason, he did not show it.

Without the devil to lead the way, Qin Fang’s speed of their journey is naturally slower. It took another half an hour for the export to appear in front of them.

"Well, the exit is here... Next, we split up! Stay in touch!"

When it was time to export, Qin Fang also gave a simple explanation to Song Yu. Then he himself quietly concealed it... It was repaired to his level, and the hidden skills were even more powerful. Even if it was close at hand, Song Wei could not find the Qin Fang half-point figure.

Of course, Song Hao did not think too much, and immediately got into the exit with a cat waist...

Said to be an export, in fact, it is a small transmission array, which can directly transfer Song Song from the big island of the island to the secret of Penglai... and it is a hidden transmission altar in the secret environment of Penglai.

And when it is normal, there will always be some guards on this altar... Maybe it is also to prevent someone from rushing into this altar, and then enter the island to go to death!

The protection of the island is extremely dangerous. The reason why Qin Fang can come out safely with Song Yu is because they have the most crucial key to the star lock in their hands. Naturally, they only shake some slight impacts.

If there is no star lock, it is impossible to determine the direction in the big island of the island. It is easy to get completely lost. On the other hand, various attacks and traps will be magnified several times and dozens of times... Like the Qin Fang, this half-step Wudi can easily come over, and even the Emperor Wudi may kill in an instant.

The age of this island has been extremely long-lasting, and its power is even more difficult to estimate. The powerful Wudi in the district can be said to be the strongest human being on the earth, but in the distant ancient times, it is nothing.

And this large array of islands can protect Penglai's secrets for thousands of years, and its power is so imaginable. It is also imaginable... The reason why the damage is weak now is because the time is too long, energy consumption, escape Too much caused.

Especially after the loss of the star lock, the import and export of the island's large array has been strictly restricted... The entrance to the entrance is not necessary, basically it can't be found, then this exit is especially important, whoever is rashly Going in, I am afraid it is difficult to come out alive.

If you die, the people in Penglai’s secret world have no way to compare with the outside world, but they don’t lack one or two people. The most fear is that these people’s desperate efforts before they die will cause certain obstacles to the island’s large array. The damage, it is quite bad.

No matter what kind of result, it is not what Penglai’s secret party hopes to see. Simply strictly ban this export and kill all the buds directly, then you can feel at ease.


I didn’t even think about the guards. Today, the exporting altar of this exit suddenly has a movement...


After a flustered situation, at least ten powerful defensive guards surrounded the altar. The leader of the team was a strong man of the rank of the martial arts. He was also a sturdy, sturdy, and obviously Vigilance has been raised to the extreme.

"Yes... it's me!"

As soon as he appeared on the altar, Song Yi’s body swayed and almost exhausted all his collars and said... He didn’t want to have just entered the Penglai secret, and he had left nothing here before he did anything.

Moreover, Song Biao's physical condition at this moment is also quite bad, swaying, seemingly weak, and speaking very hard... it is a sign that it may hang at any time.


When I heard Song Song’s voice, these guards were all slightly stunned. I felt that the voice was slightly familiar, and immediately subconsciously stunned, but I saw the face of the man on the altar and I was very surprised. "Song... Song Yu?"

Obviously, Song Wei, as a young generation of the Penglai secrets, is a good master. Even if he is not a top-ranking master, he is also famous... Many people know him, especially the younger generation.

The garrison missions of the altars are generally rotated. A younger, more tyrannical leader leads a group of younger generations to guard here... In fact, there is basically nothing going on, just Penglai’s secrets have never been relaxed, and this has preserved this tradition.

However, I don’t know how many years have passed, this altar has never been opened...

Song Yu’s return is the first time!

The reason is also very simple. In the past few hundred years, several people have left the Penglai secrets and left the Central Plains... Tianxingfu, Jurassic, etc., but without exception, none of them came back.

What is the final fate of these people?

Tianxingfu and Jurassic are recorded and inherited. It must have been left outside to create their own foundation. They refused to return to the Penglai secret and continue to be the class and the younger brother.

There are still some, but there is no record, and most of them have not yet been able to create a name, it has been killed by people... How strong is the strength? If there is no experience in the rivers and lakes, they have been killed.

Of course, there is also a reason why Jurassic is stalking from it...

For example, Song Yi’s group, that is, the Jurassic House took the initiative to provoke some of their different minds, which extinguished the Kunlun School and triggered the same enemy of all parties’ forces...

However, I did not expect that I did not expect that Song Song and others were killed by the forces of the same enemy, but they were directly strangled by the young man of Qin Fang!

There are all kinds of reasons, and the strong masters have fallen. The Penglai secret master is no exception.

It is precisely because hundreds of years have passed, all the people who have gone out have not returned. This altar has become a symbolic display. It has not been opened for hundreds of years. I did not expect Song Song to open it today, even he succeeded. Passed through the sinister island of the island, and returned to the Penglai secret.

"what happened to you?"

"How come you are alone?"

"And... what happened in the end?"

Such an amazing move immediately attracted the curiosity and vigilance of these guards, and even looked at Song Wei carefully, to confirm whether this guy was faked by others.

"Fast, fast, fast... send me to... to the elders... I, there are important... important things, to the elders... report to the elders!"

Slightly relieved, Song Hao said in a hurry. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!