MTL - Omni-Magician-v8 Chapter 666 Can you walk away when you pretend to be disguised?

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Legolas was not prepared to attack Ye Hang and his party. He just wanted to warn Ye Hang and his party, but he was suddenly attacked by the brutality of the leaf. The elf prince was full of anger and he quickly swept from the back. Three arrows were found in the quiver, and quickly placed on the delicate wooden bow in the hand.


The three arrows quickly and incomparably shoot at the leaf sag. This is of course not an ordinary arrow. Each arrow is entwined with a faint blue gas, and is covered with a unique elf attack magic.

While Ye Lie talked to Gloria, he did not neglect Legolas's movements. When he saw the three arrows coming from the sky, Ye Dang quickly raised his right hand, and the powerful magic elements quickly gathered out in his There was a space barrier in front of him. Hey, the three arrows suddenly paused in the air. The magical elements of the elves quickly rushed over the three arrows. In the air, they changed into a writhing vine, but the leaves were in the hands. Grip, the three vines suddenly burned the flames, and the ash disappeared without a trace.

Legolas is a powerful warrior. Naturally, he does not expect to rely on these attacks to damage the leaves. He has several tumbling jumps, and he has already rushed to the side of the leaf, and he has already had a sharp hand. The elf dagger, quickly attacked the chest of the leaf.

Ye left his right hand with a gentle wave, using the [dark bounce shield] spell, the black mirror shield blocked in front of Legolas, blocking the dagger attack in his hand, then the mirror shield broken, Legola Sis involuntarily fell backwards, followed by the second mirror shield, the third mirror shield -

The essence of this spell is the successive rebound mirror shield, blocking the opponent's attack, while constantly releasing a huge rebound force to the opponent.

But when the fourth mirror shield appeared, Legolas's figure suddenly turned into a pale green shadow, and instantly escaped the scope of the mirror shield, he continued to rush to the leaf.

"Enough! You will continue to attack me and I will be rude to you!" Ye wagging in his hand, using the magic of the earth, the stone thorns on the ground in front of his eyes rose up and blocked in Legola. In front of Sri Lanka, "Is there anything I can say? I didn't mean to attack you before. Golia has no way to control my strength. You calm down..."

It is clear that Legolas is not at all calm now - I am afraid that I will not calm down when I am attacked by the power of Gloria's Titan. Legolas sweeps the stone thorns on the ground in front of me, taking a deep breath in my mouth and suddenly re-shaping my body. Into a green shadow, he quickly moved around the leaves and pedestrians.



A branch of wooden arrows is shot from different places to a group of people. Each arrow carries the special power of the elves and has a strong penetrating power. This is a special attacking skill of the elves. While quickly shifting the figure, I shot quickly.

"Please calm down, we didn't mean to attack you deliberately!" Ye yelled in the mouth, he took out the magic keyboard, constantly tapping the keyboard, condensing a space shield to block those flying arrows. The sound of the broken space shields is also remembered one after another.

Thrall slammed the Doomhammer and snorted in a low voice: "He didn't listen to us at all, this stupid elf!"

The orcs and the elves seem to be somewhat incompatible.

“Calm down!” Ye slanted his head and looked at the shadows in all directions. The elves had an incredible speed, and with their shooting talent, their attack power was very strong. In history, there was an elf with a simple The speed and ability to shoot destroyed the events of a human race town, and Ye Hang did not doubt the authenticity of this matter.

"..." Finally, the leaf hangs finally has no patience. His right hand is lifted up high, and the burning flame in his hand condenses into a huge fireball. He hangs the fireball on the ground with the leaf hanging, and suddenly the flame hangs in the leaves. It burned around and spread quickly around.

In those burning flames, it seems as if there is a figure of Warcraft, they are fiercely pounced on any enemy they encounter, in all directions.


The flame quickly swept through Legolas, who was rapidly transforming his body. He seemed to hear a scream from Legolas, but followed, Legolas quickly condensed a green barrier around his body. The body also changed, and a layer of illusory influence began to condense in his body. His body seemed to become the trunk of a big tree, his hands became branches, and one branch spread out on the body, growing. Emerald green leaves.

Green smoke permeated around his body, and when the smoke dissipated, Legolas's figure seemed to have disappeared completely.

"He changed himself into a tree, hidden in the surrounding forest!" Kara shouted in surprise.

Gloria nervously looked around and made a vigilant move: "He...has he gone there?"

"He hides very secretly," said Thrall's low voice.

However, Ye Ding supported his chin with his hand, revealing a thoughtful expression. Soon, his eyes lit up and he handed Lier in his arms to Gloria. He then rushed to the side next to him. The big tree, while walking, moved his wrists and arms. When he came to the big tree, he said nothing, and his arm slammed into the big tree.

Just listening to the scream, the shape of the big tree quickly dissipated, revealing Legolas hidden inside, his body quickly flew backwards, and after two rounds on the ground, he quickly bounced again. Get up.

His eyes looked at Ye Hang with a shocked look: " did you find this tree is my disguise? I should have no problem with my disguise. This is the unique talent of the elves, when we pretend to be big trees. Everything in our atmosphere will become a big tree, even if the Emperor can't tell the difference between our disguised tree and the real tree, did you do it??"

"It's very simple."

Ye Ding’s face is calm and pointed to the other big trees in the Grey Valley Forest: “Would you like to walk away when you pretend? All the trees in the entire Ashenvale Forest are withered, and you are green. It’s really easy to guess where you pretend to be there."

Legolas: "..."

Gloria, Thrall and Cara: "..."

Legolas soon arched again, revealing a pair of imminent attacks, ready to continue to entangle the leaves.

"Wait a minute!" Ye hanged his head and shouted. "You know that you are not my opponent. You can't help me again!"

"This is the duty of the Dark Elves, Mr. Hammerhead, I don't know how you know his existence, but for the sake of this world, I will never let you release him!" Legolas sounds cold Said.

"You mean Illidan?" Ye squatted and understood where Legolas had misunderstood it.

"You really came for him. It is impossible for ordinary people to know the name!" Legolas said coldly.

"I am in the Gray Valley Forest because of Illidan, the fallen elf, but you guessed it wrong, release him? No, I came to kill him completely." Yeh's expression also became cold, " For some reason he caused my daughter's coma, without guessing, the orc here is also affected by her, so I have to completely solve him anyway, Legolas, I don't know you guys What does Illidan have to do with each other, but since you know his existence, I hope you can find him for me!"

"That's impossible!" Legolas's expression suddenly became excited. "Do you know how much effort we ruined 8,000 years ago to seal him? He can't be killed, his Evil will bring destruction to the world!"

"I was sealed for eight thousand years? If you remember correctly, the Grey Valley Elves seem to have been destroyed 8,000 years ago." Ye looked down at the excited Legolas, but revealed an expression of interest. Can you tell me who this fallen elf is? Is he the Elf of the Grey Valley Elf?"

"No, that's the secret of the elves themselves, I won't tell you!" Legolas stood proudly and stood upright, holding his elf longbow in one hand and holding a delicate dagger in one hand. "In any case, you can't find the place where Illidan hides, I..."

His words have not been finished yet, and the karaoke suddenly surprised by the rushing leaves yelling: "The boss, there is a hole over there, there seems to be a lot of space below, and the fallen elf you said is sealed there. surface!?"

"Amount?" Ye squatted and turned to look at the hole that Kara said. The hole was the previous song that Olia had accidentally launched the Titans to attack Legolas on the ground. The bottom below was empty. Gloria’s Titan’s power bombarded and collapsed directly to reveal the space below.

Ye slanted his head and looked at Legolas: "This..."


The figure of Legolas appeared in front of the hole in an instant. This handsome elf, directly bowed the string, looked at the pendant with a cold look: "Nobody wants to enter this cave!"

"That said That Illidan was hidden under this?" Ye Xiao laughed at Legolas. "Elves, please let me go, I have to kill that Illidan!"

"Mr. Hammerhead, if you do this, the Dark Elves will have to re-examine the relationship with your blood hammer empire. Now your empire is strong on all sides, I don't think you want to add another Elf race?"

"You are threatening me?"

The body of the leaf hangs a strong breath.

But at this time, Lill, who was originally in a coma, suddenly whispered: "Dad, I am so painful... He is coming, the bad uncle is coming..."

"Hmm?" Ye hang could not help but be surprised.

At this time, I only heard a bang, and suddenly a green rattan was stretched out from the cave, directly through the body of Legolas, and the body of Legolas was directly smashed into the air. The heavy slammed on the ground, and Illidan’s hoarse voice followed,

"Stupid son, Legolas, you let me down too much..." (To be continued.)