MTL - One Piece Talent System-v2 Chapter 371 Hurricane avatar

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Laboratory room.

In front of a sophisticated instrument.

Caesar put the hurricane fruit in and started the machine. After a squeaky sound, the hurricane fruit, which turned into countless pieces, was poured into a beaker.

Caesar, who had already prepared, took the beaker onto the test bench and carefully took a sealed test tube from the test bench and poured out the purple liquid.


The purple liquid is poured into the beaker and immediately excites a sizzling sound.

Caesar did not hesitate, immediately picked up another thing containing green viscous liquid, poured it into the beaker, and sealed the beaker.


The inside of the beaker seemed to boil, and it began to sizzle.

After a few moments, Caesar opened the beaker and the contents of the beaker had turned into a thick black liquid and countless pieces of debris.

Caesar carefully took a piece of cotton gauze.

It is said that the cotton gauze is actually made of sea stone. This is the filter that divides the sea stone into extremely slender silk and is compiled. It belongs to one of the most precious instruments and is from the scientific unit. Brought inside the base.

After filtering through the sea floor stone net, all the debris is filtered out, and the rest is a thick black liquid.

Caesar dropped a few drops of strange things, and then the liquid began to change, and countless gases evaporate and dissipate in the air.


A half cup of cyan liquid appeared in the beaker.

It is said to be a beaker. In fact, the beaker is also made of sea stone, and the liquid in it is a state that can be integrated with matter.

This liquid demon fruit can be combined with matter, but it will not be integrated with the sea floor stone, so it is only useful to use sea floor stone.

Caesar picked up the beaker with pliers and placed it on the central test bench.

"All right."

This time, Rhodes read the whole process of Caesar's production. His face showed a sense of realization. He knew that the chemistry teacher's coffin board might not be able to hold back.

Without hesitation, Rhodes waved his hand, and the slime-like soul avatar squirmed and swallowed the strange liquid.


This time is completely different from before.

When the singular liquid merges with the soul avatar of Rhodes, it immediately turns into a small, swirling hurricane from a viscous cyan liquid.

The soul of the incarnation of Slim is madly shrinking, and it quickly rushes into the hurricane, and the hurricane is getting bigger and bigger, eventually reaching the size of the basketball.

It’s awkward!

As the hurricane grew larger, a strong wind was also rolling in the lab, just like a tornado, so that the numerous experimental equipment around it swayed.

"It seems to be a success, hehe."

Caesar smiled on his face, but before he even smiled, the wind suddenly increased sharply, and all the things in the lab all flew up and spun around it.

Even Caesar himself could hardly get rid of the influence of the hurricane, and it was blown into a mass of gas by the wind, and it was twisted into the center when it was rotated.

"Ah! Ah!!"

Caesar screamed and struggled desperately, but the horror was that with his strength, he could not get rid of the wind of the hurricane!

When the dizziness of the tornado was dazzled, and it was almost impossible to support it, Rhodes probed and pulled a group of gas and pulled him out of the hurricane.

"Roar... Lord Rhodes..."

Caesar looked at the messy lab with tears and tears.

Rhodes smiled and stared at the hurricane. He didn't look at Caesar's expression. He didn't return his head. "When you go to find someone to rebuild, what resources are needed to find Luo."

After hearing this sentence, Caesar finally wiped his tears.

At this time, the hurricane that was rotating was finally getting smaller.

Eventually a group of miniature tornado-like things appeared in midair, with eyes and mouth open, looking at Rhodes.


Rhodes has a subtle connection with the incarnation of the soul, and he vaguely perceives how powerful this group of seemingly miniature hurricanes!

This is not a Homiz made with the ordinary hurricane of nature, but a hurricane avatar made from the natural hurricane fruit!

To know.

Anyone who eats the hurricane fruit can create a strong existence. This is a natural demon fruit that is not inferior to ice and fire!


Rhodes waved at the hurricane incarnation and walked outside the lab. The hurricane avatar immediately followed and flew around Rhodes' head.

On the face of the bud, she heard the movement here, thinking that something had happened, and rushed over.

Looking at the rushing buds, Rhodes's intentions of playing in the heart surged, and slammed into the hurricane that twirled around him.


A gust of wind whizzed out and blew from bottom to top.

Lei did not expect that there would be wind in the base. Under the circumstance, the clothes were blown up at once, just as she exclaimed, when she subconsciously reached out and pressed, because the wind was too big, her clothes could not support it. The wind was hard and shattered.


Rhodes’ expression stopped.

It’s not what he expected to break the clothes. The wind is a bit too big!

The buds blocked the body with their arms, and the morphs hanging around the waist were activated by her. The thick liquid rushed and wrapped her body in an instant, quickly turning into a battle suit, and blocking the spring of Miaoman.

After doing all this, she looked at Rhodes, and asked strangely: "Lodz, this is... what happened?"


Rhodes turned to look at the incarnation of the hurricane, and angered: "Look at the good things you do!"

Hurricane incarnation succumbs: "It is clearly controlled by you."

Rhodes: "..."

The explorer pulled the hurricane incarnation and Rhodes dragged it out.

After the buds smashed, they smiled and said: "If you have any opinions about my clothes, tell me that it is, why use this way?"

"I can't resist it anyway, your order."

If it is changed in peacetime, Lei Yi dares to say such words in his ear, Rhodes keeps her to understand what is called powerless resistance, as for now...

Rhodes glared at the hurricane incarnation As if twisting the ears, step forward, the whole person disappeared out of thin air and left the base directly.

Seeing that Rhodes disappeared, Lei Xiao shook his head slightly.

When she thought of the scene where the clothes were smashed under the hood, she couldn’t help but have a red cheek. It’s impossible to feel that way.


With the hurricane incarnation coming to the outside world, Rhodes took him directly to the height of five kilometers, which is the middle position of the empty island Bika and Cake Island.

He loosened his hand and smashed the hurricane.


The hurricane incarnation trembled.

Rhodes snorted and stared at him coldly. "Come, let me see how much you have and take your strength out."

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