MTL - One Piece Talent System-v2 Chapter 452 The island is falling!

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Holy Land Mary Joa.

Inside the Panggar Castle, the headquarters of the war command.

After the formation, the navy generals and marshals, the general marshal of the whole army, and the chief of staff, Chang He, all gathered in this office.

"Mary Joa is adjacent to the Navy headquarters, and the Navy headquarters can serve as the first line of defense, but in order to prevent them from directly attacking the Holy Land from behind, the Navy headquarters is only a strategic point, and all combat power must be withdrawn to the Holy Land when necessary."

The steel skeleton looked at the map on the table and held the table with his hands.

The withdrawal of all combat power into the Holy Land is tantamount to abandoning the naval headquarters. The presence of the youth and other people is not very good-looking, but there is no way. For the government, the importance of the Holy Land is naturally far beyond the naval headquarters.

"The question is, how will they attack?"

The chief of the staff, with his arms on the table, put the two hands together and held the chin. He said: "They have too many offensive means, and it is impossible to effectively cope with and prepare for each possibility." &1t ;i>&1t;/i>


The steel skeleton was silent, saying: "It is true, so I can only try my best to respond to the most likely situation."

Many of the naval generals present at the scene heard the words of indulging.

And it is at this time.

A navy lieutenant suddenly rushed into the conference room, his face was tense, and his forehead was overflowing with a cold sweat. He said: "Report! We have monitored the ships and seagulls of the nations, all of which have been shot down. Now we have lost all sources of intelligence!"

"Sure enough, we won't let us easily notice their intentions."

The chief of the general staff did not show any unexpected expressions. When the white beard attacked, it also sank all the surveillance ships and seagulls.

"All the members are all!" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The general Marshal steel skeleton stood up straight and his voice was strong: "They are coming! The world can still exist, just look at everyone here!"

Qing Yan took a deep breath and did not speak.

Huang Wei drank a cup of tea, and made up her mind to want to go home to support the elderly.

The peach rabbit has no emotions, and one hand always touches the scabbard hanging around the waist, feeling the coldness of the scabbard.


Everyone in the conference room pushed the door out and went to different locations.

Huang Wei, Tao Rabbit and Qing Lan, the three returned to the Navy headquarters, as the frontline combat force to guard the Navy headquarters.

The three men's degree and resilience are also the most appropriate. Once the nations directly attack the holy land of Mary Joa, they can also reach the Holy Land directly from the naval headquarters. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The green bull was left in the holy place of Mary Joa, together with the alternate general tea dolphins, and the two were responsible for the defense behind the holy land, because the tea dolphins have the ability to predict the future, once the current country raided from the rear of the red clay 6 Can react quickly.

The two sides of the holy site are the government army and the intelligence agency cpo.

As for the All-Army Marshal Steel, he and the five old stars, together with the core of the holy place Mary Joa, in response to any possible situation.

"Disperse the troops from all directions, or concentrate on the forces to attack from one direction, how would you choose, ghost hands..."

The steel skeleton stands at the top of the castle, deep in the sun, overlooking the entire holy place of Mary Joa, everything is under the gaze.

Time has passed.

One hour...&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Two hours...

Although the entire government has contracted to the holy place of Mary Joa, the intelligence forces are still scattered in the sea. At this moment, even if you can get any information about the position of the forces of the nations, it is worth a thousand dollars.

To this end, sacrificing a warship is nothing.


Time flies for four or five hours, and the investigative warships scattered in the New World have not been able to detect any intelligence about the nations.

The huge force assembled by the nations suddenly disappeared as if it had disappeared in the dark, and it could appear from any direction at any time.

Nervous and depressed.

A variety of breathless atmosphere filled the entire holy place of Mary Joa.

Time continued to move, and the steel bones and others did not relax their vigilance because they had not obtained any information. Because the chief of staff, Chang He, analyzed, Rhodes’s actions have always been vigorous and vigorous, and since the completion of the combat power, Never delay. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Today is bound to be the day of the decisive battle!

And this decisive battle, as long as a day before the nations, has already issued an announcement to the whole world, in this battle, to completely destroy the world government.


Just as the steel bones were deep and sharp, overlooking the entire holy place, Mary Joa, sitting in the core, waiting for the attack of the nations, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The air seems to have become more depressed.

This is not the suppression of the atmosphere, but the air has become oppressed, just like the air density of the entire Holy Land, suddenly began to rise.

There was nothing at first, but as time went on, the air density began to rise and rise, making the steel bones suddenly change.

What he vaguely thought of.

"Do you say..." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The face of a sharp change of steel bones, suddenly looked up to the sky.

At almost the same time, the total length of the cpo, the natural air-capacity ability, and the tea dolphins, Kebi, etc., who have reached the extreme color, are all looking up into the sky.


The face of the tea dolphins has changed dramatically.

Kebi, who guards the naval headquarters, is also a shock of his face. He said: "It turned out to be such an attack... I didn't expect it!"

After the tea dolphins and Kebi and others first reacted, the scorpion scorpion and other people were almost aware of it, and Qi Qi looked up at the sky.

Numerous generals of the naval headquarters and the army of the government have a look of horror and incredulity on their faces.

I saw it.

On the day of the day, I didn’t know how high the place was, there was a black shadow, and the shadow was falling towards the holy place Mary Joa.

Look closely, it is not a shadow, it is an island, a large island, a large island that can carry a country!

The island is falling!

There is no doubt that this is the attack from the nations, the prelude to the final battle!


"It is possible to move an island to the sky."

The empty face of the steel skeleton became very ugly.

They did not expect the 10,000-parliament to attack from the sky, but from the sky, there will be a time, enough time for the combat power of the Holy Land to gather.

However, such an island directly fell from the sky, such a scene they had not expected before!

Being able to get an island into the sky, and still such a large island, isn't that the ability of the dead golden lion to have it? !

Could it be that……

Was the fluttering fruit obtained by the nations?

The ability of this demon fruit is a huge problem!

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