MTL - Online Game: You Call Him A Newbie?-Chapter 227 [228] Humans don't lie to humans!

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  Chapter 227 [228] Humans don't lie to humans!

  Lin Feng and others fled and chased the three who appeared suddenly, but the distance between the two sides was still difficult to close.

   Zhou Tiansheng's speed also surprised Lin Feng.

  Because Zhou Tiansheng's aura is only in the middle stage of the gods, but his speed is not slower than the three behind him in the later stage of the gods.

  If Zhou Tiansheng was able to resist the two demon gods in the later stage because of his good fighting skills, then the speed at this time is really abnormal.

   "Senior brother, I guess he is still hiding?" Lin Feng didn't bother to ask, if you are willing to hide, then you can hide for a lifetime.

  He looked at the three people behind him, a little depressed.

   There is no way to escape like this. Now that they are in the territory of the Temple of the Gods, they are too conspicuous to pass by like this. If they are discovered by the Temple of the Gods or the Blood Slaughter God, it will be troublesome.

   And according to what the three said, almost all the top powerhouses in the entire world are looking for themselves. Once they are exposed, the trouble will be even greater.

  I only heard the three people behind say: "Lin Xiaoyou, don't run away, the three of us really have no malicious intentions, just follow us."

   "If you continue to run, if you are discovered by the people of the temples, it will be even more troublesome."

  Lin Feng snorted coldly and didn't bother to pay attention.

  If it really fell into their hands, maybe it’s okay now, but it’s hard to say after I really get the Hetu Luoshu.

  So Zhou Tiansheng led Lin Feng to flee, and Lin Feng also set up restraints. As the restraints fell one by one, the speed of the three people behind suddenly slowed down a lot.

  However, Lin Feng also controlled the power of the ban as much as possible to avoid attracting the attention of the local powerhouses.

  But the restriction to stop the speed of the gods still made the road continue to roar after all.

  The three people in the back didn't react at first, and couldn't help but be ashamed by Lin Feng's restraint.

  In fact, one person asked in a deep voice: "Boss, what should we do? If this continues, it is likely to attract the attention of the gods."

  The oldest man pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "Lin Feng must be caught, even if the noise is louder, it doesn't matter, as long as he leaves before the arrival of the temples."

  The other two nodded, and then they chased away again.

  Lin Feng originally thought that the restraint could hold the other party back for a while. After all, he is a human god, not as rough-skinned and thick as the previous demons, who can resist the restraint and go retrograde.

  But Lin Feng still underestimated the other party, and saw that the three people in the back were holding up an umbrella together.

  The umbrella surface is light green, it seems to be made of leaves of some kind of plant, and the rule runes are densely covered on it. It is obviously a divine weapon, and it is not an ordinary divine weapon.

  The three joined forces to hold an umbrella, and rushed directly against Lin Feng's restraint, completely ignoring the restraint's attack.

  Lin Feng couldn't help frowning, gritted his teeth, and directly increased the power of the ban.

  Anyway, it’s already like this, so it’s good to attract the strong ones who attract the temples. If there are more strong ones, maybe I can fish in troubled waters and leave?

  As the power of the restraint increased, the speed of the three of them slowed down again, but they still couldn't get rid of it.

  The two sides chased and fled all the way, and the places they passed along the way were full of panic.

  Some strong people can only see two shocks across the sky in an instant, followed by a terrifying roar.

The god-level strong monarchs of some countries in the west originally saw a strong man wanting to cross the sky over their country arrogantly, and they were going to step forward to interrogate them. As a result, after Lin Feng flew over, the god-level strong man was so frightened that his legs went limp up.

   They are all powerful gods, how could they stop them?

  So in just one day, the news of a war between the gods in the West spread.

  After all, the West is no better than the East. There are too many small countries, and even a **** can be the leader of a country.

   And the battle of the gods is a disaster for them.

  So, the news of Lin Feng was spread to the temples of the gods.

  At this time, Ye Ningxue and Zhou Changqing were both in seclusion, so they didn't see the news, but when they got the news, they saw the blood slaughter **** chasing the scene, and immediately recognized Lin Feng.

   "Where are these guys now?" Blood Slaughter God asked quickly.

  Before he went to Nanhai Ferry to block Lin Feng, but was beaten up by Hei Di, he was furious, now that Lin Feng came to the west, how could he let him go.

  The envoy heard the words and quickly replied: "Report to the Lord God, they are heading towards the Black Sea."

   "Black Sea?" Xue Tushen was taken aback.

  The Black Sea is called a sea, but it is actually a huge inland lake, but the area it covers is really too large. Even if the gods want to fly across it, it will take several months, so it is called the sea.

Moreover, the Blood Slaughter God knew something about that place. When the Five Emperors really suppressed the Protoss, it was there that the battle was fought. At the beginning, it was a few superpowers who fought against each other, and then they fought the Black Sea, and even at the bottom of the Black Sea, There are still many traces and aftertaste of the war at that time, so many legends have spread.

   Xue Tu Shen didn't want to go there at all, because he was one of the participants in the war at the beginning. They obviously had many gods, but they were defeated by the five emperors and five people and had to retreat to the west.

  So there, it is almost a forbidden place in the West, and no **** is willing to go there.

  But now that Lin Feng and the others are headed in that direction, the Blood Slaughter God hesitated again and again, and decided to go there.

   "Hmph, the human race defeated my protoss there, so I'll catch you there, Lin Feng!"

   Xue Tushen snorted coldly, then turned into a blood shadow, and disappeared in place in an instant.

  Lin Feng and their pursuit continued, but both sides knew that their whereabouts must have been discovered by the temple, so the three chasing people shouted.

   "Little friend Lin, don't run away, the powerhouse of the temple is coming soon!"

   "Then stop chasing him!" Lin Feng said depressedly.

  He didn't know how many restrictions he had placed along the way, but the umbrella-shaped artifact of the other party actually resisted them all. Sure enough, none of these gods were easy to deal with.

   Zhou Tiansheng suddenly looked a little ugly and said: "There seems to be a strong person ahead, what should I do?"

  Because he had never been here before, and Lin Feng had the experience of causing trouble everywhere and still being fine, so he asked Lin Feng directly.

  Lin Feng turned his head and looked forward, only to see that there were indeed dozens of figures. Among them, the two leaders were the mid-stage god-level powerhouses, and the rest were also god-level powerhouses.

   "Listen, gods in the east, you are going to fight, please leave the west, or our temples will take coercive measures!" shouted one of the leading gods in the middle stage.

  Lin Feng's face sank, was he discovered by the temple? But from the looks of it, it seems that Xiao Fu hasn't recognized himself yet.

   As for the space shuttle directly jumping over the opponent, that is obviously impossible.

  Space shuttle is not teleportation, it just passes through the space at a fixed point to reduce the distance, and once there is a strong person blocking the way, the opponent can directly intercept it, especially when facing the gods.

  So Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "There is no other way, let's go."

   Zhou Tiansheng pondered for a moment, then nodded.

   I don't know why, following Lin Feng, I suddenly feel younger. I haven't experienced such an exciting life for a long time.

  So Zhou Tiansheng also took Lin Feng and rushed over directly.

   "Gods of the east, stop quickly, you can't easily set foot on me in the west, do you hear me?" Seeing Zhou Tiansheng rushing towards him at an unabated speed, the **** shouted fiercely.

Zhou Tiansheng dragged Lin Feng and Xiao Hei with one hand, and an ice gun appeared in the other hand, and laughed and said: "Listen to your grandma! I have long thought that you are not pleasing to the west. That fellow Austin always likes disgusting people. Now I will first Beat up his ancestor!"

   Then Zhou Tiansheng shot out, and the sky flashed coldly, and the dozen or so western gods spit blood from their mouths and flew out in all directions.

Lin Feng looked at Zhou Tiansheng with some astonishment, but Zhou Tiansheng said: "What are you looking at? Those guys from Lao Mi always compete with us openly and secretly. Sometimes they are disgusting if they can't do it. I have long been uncomfortable. Now Just right, beat their ancestors directly."

  Lin Feng nodded quickly and said yes with a smile. My brother, still has such a cute side?

  Those western gods were not dead, after all, Zhou Tiansheng couldn't afford to kill them, and secondly, they didn't have time to pester them.

  But those western gods were furious. They just stopped and wanted to say something, but they were kicked by the three gods who were chasing Lin Feng behind.


   "Little protoss, dare to jump, I owe you a beating!"

  The **** was stunned, I am not a protoss, I was upgraded later!

  But he didn't dare to say this, instead he shouted loudly: "Bold, hurry up, report to the temple, these guys in the east insult the Protoss, hurry up!"

  But the surrounding gods dare not move. After all, to become a god, they still have some eyesight. The guys in front obviously don't like them. If they move at this time, what if they turn around?

  It wasn't until both Lin Feng and Lin Feng disappeared into the sky that the god-level was ready to send a message back to the temple.

  But at this moment, a cloud of blood mist emerged from the void, and then slowly gathered into the appearance of a blood slaughter god. Looking at the crowd, he asked in a deep voice, "Where are those guys?"

   Then a **** pointed to the direction where Lin Feng and the others were leaving, and the Blood Slaughter God immediately cursed: "Trash, you can't even stop it, it's really useless."

   Then he immediately turned into a scarlet scarlet and chased after Lin Feng and the others.

  The gods in the original place were immediately annoyed. They were too aggrieved in the West. In the East, humans also became gods or gods, and their status was not generally high.

   Where is it? The protoss in the temple have never treated them equally. They are gods if they are good, but they are slaves if they are not.

  He really wanted to say angrily and quit, but he became a **** by the power of faith. If he went to the east and lost the power of faith, it was hard to say whether he could keep his **** level, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

  Lin Feng at the forefront, recalling the situation just now, was thoughtful.

  The gods in the temple, although they are also in the middle stage of gods, why do they feel so weak that they can't even take a shot from Zhou Tiansheng.

  He asked Zhou Tiansheng, Zhou Tiansheng also shook his head, "I've never been here before, how would I know? But those guys are really weak, they seem to be in the middle stage of the gods, but they don't even seem to have the strength of the early stage of the gods."

  Xiao Hei said thoughtfully: "It feels like their level was raised."

   Lin Feng's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that he had felt the power of the Dao of Faith before, and at the same time, he also thought that there was indeed no trace of the Dao on the strong man in the temple just now.

  Gods and deities without avenues?

   "The power of faith is a bit weird. It can make people become gods without comprehending the Dao."

   Zhou Tiansheng's face changed, and he suddenly said: "Don't think about it, there are strong men chasing after you."

  Lin Feng looked back, and saw another blood-colored scare flying towards the rear of the three people at the back, and the speed was much faster than them.

   "The God of Blood Slaughter!" Xiao Hei said with a changed face, "Boy, you are finished, the God of Blood Slaughter has come to settle accounts with you!"

  Lin Feng's face was also ugly, and they all got together.

  He looked at Zhou Tiansheng again, and Zhou Tiansheng also said helplessly: "The Blood Slaughter God is a protoss and an old-fashioned god. I am not his opponent."

Lin Feng was a little helpless, the speed of the blood slaughter **** was obviously faster, and obviously surpassed the general gods in the late stage. Although in Lin Feng's perception, it was still far inferior to Landry or Chu Kuangren's level, it was by no means an ordinary god. only.

So Lin Feng hesitated again and again, so he had to say to the three people behind him: "You three, it is not impossible for me to follow you. Have you seen the guy behind? He is my enemy. If you can solve him, I will Just go with you."

  The three people in the back heard the words and looked at the **** Jinghong behind him. The boss sneered and said, "You think we will believe you? When we fight with the strong man in the temple, wouldn't you just run away?"

  Lin Feng said righteously: "Don't worry, I will never run away. As long as you can kill him, I will hate you for going. Humans don't lie to humans!"

   Anyway, I just said to take a walk, but I didn't say how long it would be. Just try to find a way to slip on the way.

  The three people heard the words and looked at each other, never expecting that the boss said: "Okay, this is what you said."

   Then under the shocked gazes of Zhou Tiansheng and Xiao Hei, the three of them actually turned back to deal with the Blood Slaughter God.

  Xiao Hei couldn't help but said: "There really are such honest guys? How did they become gods?"

  Lin Feng was also a little surprised, he just wanted to try it, but he didn't expect these three guys to actually go.

   Zhou Tiansheng grabbed Lin Feng and fled again. Xiao Hei immediately smiled and said, "You have broken your promise by running away. Are you not a human?"

   Zhou Tiansheng said: "So why are you so rigid? Besides, I took you to run, and it has nothing to do with you."

  Lin Feng opened his mouth, okay, this makes sense.

  The Xue Tu God at the back saw the three figures in front suddenly turning back, and was taken aback, "Why don't you guys chase after me? I'm going to chase that kid too, don't let him run away!"

  The boss of the three said: "Our three brothers have discussed with that Lin Feng, we will get you done, and he will go with us, so stop talking nonsense and do it."

  The Blood Slaughter God was stunned. Who is this who actually believes such words?

   "Are you idiots? That Lin Feng has already run away, why don't you hurry up!"

  Then Xue Tu Shen ignored the three of them, and directly passed them and chased after them, but because they were interrupted by the three brothers, after all, they opened some distance, and it was difficult to catch up for a while.

  The three of them were stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly chased after him. The boss shouted angrily: "Lin Feng, you don't keep your promise, and you lied to us!"

  Lin Feng in front of him smiled wryly, "I didn't lie to you, it was my senior brother who wanted to take me away, and I couldn't resist,"

   "And you guys haven't solved this guy, so it's not like I'm cheating."

  The boss was a little surprised, "Is that so?"

  The second child nodded, "What he said makes sense."

  Then the boss shouted to the Blood Slaughter God in front again: "You bastard, stop, let's fight first!"

   Xue Tushen couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, where did the three fools come from, how did they become gods?

  He just didn't bother to pay attention, and chased after Lin Feng sullenly.

  Lin Feng and the others looked a bit ugly, because the speed of the Blood Slaughter God was too fast. Even though it was delayed for a while, the distance between the two sides was still getting closer, and they were about to catch up.

   "Brother, can you hurry up?"

   Zhou Tiansheng smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's already the fastest."

   Xue Tushen grinned and said: "Lin Feng, I finally caught you, let's see where you go!"

  He stretched out one hand, which turned into a huge palm, and was about to grab Lin Feng.

   And in front of everyone was the endless Black Sea, which made Zhou Tiansheng almost think that they had reached the West Sea.

  Lin Feng didn't notice this, but saw that the big hand of the blood slaughter **** was about to grab it, and quickly launched the space shuttle.

   Blood Slaughter's heart suddenly moved, "No!"

  But Lin Feng and others had disappeared, and the Blood Slaughter God was caught in the air.

  The three people from behind chased after him, looking at the black sea in front of them with serious faces, but none of them followed Lin Feng's spatial fluctuations.

Because of the great war that year, not only formed the Black Sea, but also shattered a lot of space. Traveling through the space in the Black Sea, it is very likely to fall into an unknown small world. They enter the same little world.

Moreover, in some small worlds, even because of the great war, the rules of the Dao disappeared. Once they entered it, they would become like ordinary people, and their strength would completely disappear. Once they entered, it would be difficult to get out. This made them even more afraid to pursue up.

   Xue Tu Shen's face was extremely ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "I'll just wait here, unless you are trapped to death inside!"

   As he said that, the Blood Slaughter God flew towards the Black Sea, actually patrolling along the entire sea surface.

  The faces of the other three were extremely heavy, and the second child couldn't help asking: "Boss, what should we do now?"

  The boss pondered for a while, and had to say in a deep voice: "I'll follow the traces of space to see, you guys just wait here."

  The other two did not object. If this scene was seen by others, they would wonder, are they really brothers?

  Then the boss entered the space and shuttled through it, and the other two also followed the example of the blood slaughter **** and inspected the Black Sea.

  (end of this chapter)