MTL - Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself-Chapter 1807 Who is the enemy and who is the friend?

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Are you afraid that I will expose you, right? "The voice of Zhu Jianqiling.

Princess Feitian said: "You and the machine belong to the same group. You don't want him to open the machine, so you block it everywhere. You think you can deceive me, don't you think about it!"

"Then why don't you turn on the machine, but you want him to turn on the machine, you have been speculative!" Zhu Jianji Ling's voice, "I tell you, she wants you to open the machine, you have to die as soon as the machine is opened, she is a viper Hearted woman, don't believe her. "

Obviously this was spoken to Ning Tao, but Ke Ningtao just listened, without any response.

He understood it. Zhu Jianji Ling said that Princess Feitian was bad and was an enemy. Princess Feitian said that Zhu Jianyi was bad and was an enemy. He is not sure who the enemy is, but he has determined that one of the two goods must be his enemy. There is also the matter of opening the sky, Princess Feitian said it was a good thing, and urged him to open the sky. But Zhu Jianqi Ling said that it was a bad thing and he had to die if he opened it. For better or worse, he can't tell now, but what he knows is that someone must be lying among Princess Feitian and Bamboo Sword.

So let these two goods quarrel.

Noisy, the truth may have surfaced automatically.

"You demon, you are a sealed thing, how did you come out?" Princess Feitian said.

"I was indeed sealed, but I came out again. This is Providence. Why, aren't you convinced?" Zhu Jianqiling's voice was angry, "I tell you, no one can seal me!"

The flying princess pointed to the soldier who was possessed by the bamboo slippery spirit and said, "It and the machine belong to the same group. At that time, God sealed it. I don't know who unlocked the seal. This guy came out again. You must do it. Don't believe it. "

Ning Tao still didn't speak, just listening quietly.

"Hahaha!" Zhu Jianqiling laughed, "You are really stupid, do you know who unsealed the seal and released it to me, it is him, hahaha!"

Princess Feitian looked at Ning Tao, surprised, "Is that you?"

Ning Tao nodded his head: "It's me."

He told Bi Mingzhu about it, and he didn't even tell the tide and Linger, let alone tell the flying princess. Moreover, this flying princess and the former flying princess are, in a sense, two different people, and she is even less likely to know.

"Why?" Feitian asked.

Ning Tao said, "I hunted down Shanpu that day. I found Shanpu in an inverted pyramid. There was a sarcophagus inside. I didn't know that there was a seal on the sarcophagus, so I opened it and it came out."

Zhu Jianqiling shouted, "You hear nothing, you hear nothing! This is God's providence, God's providence cannot be violated!"

The princess Feitian raised her finger and pointed at the bamboo soldier who was attached to the bamboo slippery spirit and said, "Tianjin seals it before it falls, so as not to let it harm people. The person I am talking about is such a human race, and it is a group of machines."

"What machine are you talking about?" Ning Tao asked.

The flying princess said: "What other machine is the heavenly machine!"

Ning Tao was shocked, and felt a little bit of the truth in her heart, and it was very strong. Now it seems that his strategy is right, let Princess Feitian quarrel with Zhu Jianqi Ling, the person who benefits is him.

"What does that mean?" Ning Tao asked again.

"Tianjin used to be the master of heaven

Man, that bamboo slip was once the magic weapon of the god. You opened the heavenly machine to take over the heavenly machine and become its master. Of course, it was unwilling. It colluded with the bamboo slipper's spirit to stop you from opening the heavenly machine. "Princess Feitian said:" All I said was true. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and open up the sky! "

Ning Tao hesitated a bit.

What the princess Feitian said seemed true. In some way, the bamboo slippery spirit influenced the people of the Shanpu family, established the Great Ape Empire, and vigorously promoted the education of hatred. An instrument that hates humans so much, how could it really help him?

However, believing her with just a few words was a bit sloppy.

"Hurry up, this is our only chance!" Princess Feitian said anxiously.

"Kill her!" Zhu Jianqi roared.

Hundreds of puppet soldiers raised their guns, and the energy ammunition flew to the flying princess and Ning Tao as raindrops, because he was standing next to the flying princess, side by side.

Ning Tao instinctively cut in front of the flying princess, but this time the flying princess responded in advance. The moment Zhu Zhiji Ling ordered the shooting, she opened the membrane wings on her back, both membrane wings reached in front of her, one blocked herself and one in front of Ning Tao.

Ning Tao was worried that she would be blown into pieces, but strangely, the energy ammunition was absorbed as soon as it hit her membrane wing. There was no explosion, only the flickering energy spot. The sight was like those puppet soldiers were using a nail gun to attack a humanoid magnet. The energy ammunition not only failed to hurt the flying princess, but was magnetized.

She did not lie, and her membrane wings did absorb energy ammunition.

"On the sword!" Zhu Jianqi Ling gave another order, and his desire to kill the flying princess was really strong.

One by one, the soldiers threw away the energy weapons in their hands, pulled out their swords, and then surged up.

The flying princess suddenly became tense and exclaimed: "Can't let it kill me!"

Ning Tao said: "Tell me if there is a resurrection of the gods after opening the heavenly machine, I will protect you!"

"I ..." Princess Feitian stopped talking.

"I don't listen to her nonsense, she is not trustworthy, I'm with you!"

Ning Tao said: "Then you still bring such a soldier? You stop your soldier first, and I believe you."

"Kill her and let the soldiers go back, and then I will tell you the truth about everything." Zhu Jianqi Ling said.

Ning Tao frowned suddenly.

Hundreds of soldiers rushed to the front in a blink of an eye, and the flying princess hid behind Ning Tao. Her membrane wing can absorb the energy ammunition of the soldiers, but cannot resist the soldiers' sword. Before she was activated, her strength was comparable to that of the fiery fire, and she was just a top heavenly warrior. But any of these soldiers had the strength of a fairy, not her enemy.

There was some hesitation in Ning Tao's heart, to save her or not to save her?

As far as his own feelings are concerned, he is more inclined to believe in Flying Princess. This is certainly not because she is beautiful and in good shape, but because she has not deceived him until now, but the bamboo slipper said that she was buried in the mountain of gods. Waiting for him, he came, it didn't show up, but killed him with a puppet soldier when he was about to open the sky. This is not just deceiving him, it is hostile behavior.

When Ning Tao thought about this, the bamboo slippery spirit

The possessed soldiers approached the heavenly energy crystal ball calmly. At the same time, at least a dozen puppet soldiers raised their swords and slashed at Ning Tao and Princess Feitian.

The order of Zhu Jianqi Ling only killed the flying princess, but in the eyes of these soldiers, Ning Tao and flying princess seemed to have no difference, they were both targets.

Just at this moment of death, Princess Feitian could not bear the pressure and shouted, "Heaven comes, all things are born!"

Is this what will happen when the heaven is turned on?

Ning Tao could not judge, but he had already taken action. He took off and went back to hammer, and hammered out a fan-shaped area. All the soldiers in this area were flying and hammering flat. His head flew backwards like a pillow, and the soldiers who rushed from behind were knocked over, and the scene was chaotic.

The cricket soldier possessed by the bamboo slippery spirit had already reached the crystal ball of heavenly energy, and was about to reach out and pull out a small part of the day spoon embedded in the keyhole.

Ning Tao turned back and flew back and hammered out, in the middle of the back of the cricket soldier who was possessed by the bamboo slippery spirit.


With a muffled sound, a crack appeared in the head of the puppet soldier possessed by the bamboo slippery spirit, and the blue energy light also overflowed from the gap, just like the essence.

哐 Dang!

The puppet soldier, who was possessed by the bamboo slippery spirit, fell to the ground, but his hand was still held high, and he wanted to grab the spoon in his hand.

Fly back and hammer fly back to Ning Tao's hands.

Although Ning Tao has no magic power here, it is a real artifact, and its spirituality is comparable to ordinary magic instruments. Over time, it gave birth to an instrumental spirit, which is also a matter of great probability.

Ning Tao leaped forward and came to the side of the heavenly energy crystal ball, stepping down on the soldiers with bamboo slippery spirits who were about to get up. He reached for the spoon and was about to scoop down, but suddenly a scream came from behind the flying princess. He then dispelled the idea of ​​opening the air at this time, and jumped back and flew back.

A puppet soldier had split the flying princess to the ground, her thigh was stabbed, and colorful blood springs out.

The puppet soldier held up the sword in his hand and split it along the neck of Flying Princess.

Ning Tao arrived in time, hitting a hammer on the back of the soldier. The soldier's head was blasted alive.

"You finally believe me." Princess Feitian didn't care about her injury, but this.

Ning Tao tore off the only sticky piece of rag on her body, and threw it to her: "Take a bandage."

As soon as the belt was gone, the rags lost their support, and his body was completely clean. But now he has taken care of this scene flawlessly. He flew back in his hand and hammered out quickly, and another wave of soldiers rushing up was knocked to the ground by him.

The flying princess picked up the belt Ning Tao threw on her and tied her thighs with the belt to reduce blood loss.

The puppet soldier possessed by the bamboo slippery spirit climbed up from the ground. It wanted to stand firm, but shook it twice before falling to the ground.

A faint light of gold shot out of the split-backed head of the puppet soldier, and plunged into the gate of energy.

Dozens of puppet soldiers rushed to Ning Tao.