MTL - Peerless Emperor System-v3 Chapter 197 Origin!

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In this case, the system has been unable to intervene directly in that matter.

Therefore, after a long time of calculation, the system found Luo Tian, ​​and wanted to use Luo Tian’s hand to complete the matter, and there was something that happened later.

With the help of the system, Luo Tian experienced his evolution of the One Piece Small World and the Naruto Small World. Under the system arrangement, the system is also ready to let Luo Tian experience several small world savings, but because time is too late So, the system came directly to the Westward Journey with Luo Tian.

Luo Tian also learned that in order to let Luo Tian quickly accumulate power, the system also specifically let Luo Tian draw the enhanced version of the Devil Buu physique, and open the understanding of Dan and experience Dan.

Under the calculus of the system, continue to develop according to the current trend. By the time the "big robbery" arrives, Luo Tian should have been able to gain a very powerful force and already have the ability to cope with the disaster.

I just didn't expect to be here by the Tibetan kings today, and this is the case. The system will also tell the story to Luo Tian.


Digesting the information transmitted by the system, Luo Tianxin 550 has a strange feeling that cannot be said.

Although Luo Tian had guessed that the process of getting the system was too simple in the early days, when it happened, Luo Tianxin still had some strange things that could not be said.

Especially when doing things by myself is completely under the system's calculations, this makes Luo Tian feel that his efforts seem to have been denied by others, even if this existence is not a person, but the law of heaven that should be high.

As if I felt the idea of ​​Luo Tian, ​​the voice of the system once again rang in Luo Tian’s mind.

"Host, your thoughts are extreme."


"There is a mistake in hosting your understanding. In fact, you can get everything today, although I have the help, but your efforts are undeniable. Look. Wool, Chinese."

"In fact, when I got rid of the law of heaven, my strength was affected."

"After I recovered, I have tried to reintegrate myself into the law of heaven, but I failed."

"In the process, I also discovered something, that is, the world today is beginning to reject my power!"

"Not only as (bbch) this, as long as I use my own power, I will receive the rejection of the laws of today's world, and even cause them to attack me."

"It is also because I can't directly shoot, this is why I found you and made you my host."

"In my calculations, you are a very special existence!"

"Like the original son-in-law, you shouldn't have existed..."

"How do you say that the law of heaven cannot directly intervene in everything in this world. When encountering certain problems, the law of heaven will give birth to some special existence according to the calculation..."

"These existences will automatically embark on the path they should have under the automatic operation of the laws of heaven, that is, solve those troubles. This is what you call causality, and such people, that is, what you call the destiny people."

"And you, this is the existence!"

"It is also because of this that your existence is in accordance with the laws of the law of heaven, and I can use those forces through your body without being rejected by the laws of heaven."

"And, the help I can give you is also because of what you are doing. When you achieve greater achievements, I can lend more power to you so that you will not violate the laws governing the operation of the laws of heaven. I will not receive rejection."

"So, it’s totally unnecessary to host your ideas before. What you get today, although it’s related to me, it’s also inseparable from your efforts...”

"In particular, I chose you. It is better to say that you are destined to be your host from birth. We should all be regarded as a whole, no matter who is missing."

"And... the host doesn't have any doubts about me. When I chose you to be my host, under the constraints of the laws of heaven, we have become an inseparable whole..."

"In this case, we will be devastated and lose weight. If the host is dead, I will dissipate..."

Having said that, the system finally stopped the sound.

And when they heard these words, Luo Tian was silent.



For a long time, Luo Tian took a sigh of relief and raised his head again. At the same time, the smile that made people feel like a spring breeze reappeared on Luo Tian’s face.

For the explanation of the system just now, although Luo Tianxin still feels a little awkward, but at this moment, Luo Tian also figured it out.

Just when the system told Luo Tian these words, he also opened up all his heart defense.

The same is true. With the realm of Luo Tian, ​​it is easy to distinguish the true and false in the system.

Obviously, the system is completely true, and there is no deception to Luo Tian.

The same is true, Luo Tian also figured it out.

As the system says, Luo Tianhe is an inseparable whole.

The same is true, Luo Tian's achievements are indispensable to the system's achievements, and the same, the system wants to do things, can not do without Luo Tian's help.

Since this is the case, the ones that Luo Tian thought before did not exist.

Both, this is a whole.

After thinking about this, Luo Tian’s mood has once again eased.

At the same time, however, Luo Tian also felt a slight pressure.

After all, according to the system, Luo Tian is the general existence of the Savior.

Although this matter was doomed at the beginning, but there was such a heavy task in his body, how could Luo Tian have no pressure?

But soon, Luo Tian was relieved.

Since all this has not changed, it is enough to do this well.

With the help of the system, Luo Tian has the obligation to deal with these things.

Moreover, even if only for himself, Luo Tian is not willing to destroy the world.


After the system was very happy against Luo Tianchang, the two "people" had already had a good connection.

The same is true, the system also felt the idea of ​​Luo Tian for the first time.

After knowing Luo Tian’s thoughts, the system was also excited.

In any case, although it was originally because of the limitations of the laws of heaven, the system could not tell Luo Tian directly, unless one day the identity of the system was detected by Luo Tian.

In this case, the system is also unable to determine what happens when Luo Tian knows everything.

Fortunately, what the system is worried about today has not happened.

Feeling the smile on Luo Tian's face, the system secretly said: "Sure enough, is it a destiny?".