MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 251 kick upper back

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"Before landing on the island, there are a few things to explain." The first elephant legs in the world were already in sight, and Qiu Bai decided to explain some specific actions.

"First of all, Ellen, the next thing you have to do is very important, that is... stay and watch the boat, be careful not to be stepped on by this elephant, and all kinds of wild animals will accompany you."

Qiubai is obviously not the kind of person who is big enough to throw a boat into the sea and run around. He still thinks it's better to leave a person to watch the boat... Since Qiubai doesn't believe in his own luck, everything is safe. it is good.

"Secondly, the rest of the people can follow me to the island... Well, to be precise, it should be on the back of the elephant, visit the country on the back of the elephant, experience the exotic culture and the folk customs of the fur tribe, and do a good job in cultural exchanges, in addition to planning We should try our best to avoid additional conflicts, and generally we need to be civilized, polite, and peace-loving pirates.”

There's no need to warn me about this, let's not talk about what the "planned conflict" is about, apart from Qiu Bai himself, probably no one else will take the initiative to stir up trouble.

"Finally, and the most important thing, is about Cavendish and Guina. Next, you must gain experience on this island, and strive to make yourself able to level up... This island There are two elite bosses, they are called the boss of the cat and pit viper and the Duke of Inuarashi, and there is also an elite group of monsters by their side, called the knight group and the musketeer group, which can just be divided into a wave of monsters, and then your training goals At least we can compete with the elite bosses, otherwise... Considering that there are too many swordsmen in our regiment, the friends who can't meet my requirements must become other occupations full-time, whether it is to become a musician or join the blue gorilla as a handyman. Team, in short, I can't touch the sword again in the future..."

In Qiubai's pirate group, there are four frontal attack players, namely himself, Luo, Cavendish and Guina. Generally speaking, these four are swordsmen. Considering the next battle Intense, Cavendish and Guina may have insufficient strength, so brushing experience and upgrading in advance has become one of the important goals of Zowu.

The two rulers of the furry duchy on Zou's back are strong enough to use Kaido's "Three Calamities" level combat power, so it is quite appropriate to use them as a measure of combat power.

As for how far Cavendish and Guina can achieve in a short period of time, Qiubai is temporarily unknown.

After explaining some trivial matters, Qiubai and others decided to start "climbing".

"Does anyone want to experience quick login? I think I can throw people on the back of the elephant, and the success rate is 70%..." After estimating the distance between the back of the elephant and the sleep, Qiubai put forward a suggestion. Sounds like a very feasible suggestion.

However, no one is beating him... Qiu Bai said that the quick landing is really fast, even if it is a little too exciting.

It would be great if Linna was still here at this time, she could simply circle around and climb around the elephant's legs to climb on the elephant's back, but unfortunately it is now on her honeymoon with Luo.

Originally, Qiubai was still thinking about how to carry Bai Xing on his back. As a result, at this time, the boys' group and the girls' group were treated differently. Qiubai, Peibo and Cavendish could only clamber up their thighs. Monet, on the other hand, can turn into a blizzard and roll up the ladies one by one.

This is also considered a quick landing, and the method is much softer than what Qiu Bai said, and there are no other shortcomings except that the process is a bit cold.

As for a special person like Perona who can give up her body, she doesn't need to bring her body to the island at all. She only needs to go out of the body and move on the island in a spirit state, except when she is hungry, she needs to come back for a meal. , what else is wrong... Maybe Perona represents a higher form of life, and I always feel that sooner or later, she will completely abandon her body and soar in the daytime.

In any case, by the time Qiu wasted most of the day climbing onto the elephant's back, the girls were already sitting on a blanket and enjoying the sunset.

The treatment was a little different. After a few people rested for a while, Qiubai identified the direction of the crooked neck tree and decided to immediately head towards the Beluga Forest.

"Captain, do you recognize the way?" Peibo asked curiously, seeing Qiu Bai walking confidently ahead and leading the way.

"How could I recognize the way, I have never been here before." Qiu Bai said.


"Anyway, just walk in the opposite direction, so the obvious landmarks shouldn't be misunderstood... Would you like to lead the way?"

Qiubai flashed to the side, motioning for Peibo to go ahead.

Peibo shook his head quickly, considering the age and time he left his hometown, it would be a real ghost if he could still remember how to get here.

However, Qiubai's walk towards the White Whale Forest is generally a good thing. After all, he didn't choose to rush directly to the city, right?

Qiubai has never had the intention of attacking ordinary people. Although the furry principality of the fur tribe can be said to be "all people are soldiers" and its combat effectiveness is extremely high, the combat effectiveness is the combat effectiveness. In terms of identity, most of the people are ordinary citizens. Generally speaking, this part of the people is Still peace-loving.

But people like the Knights Group are different. As long as they step into the range of the Beluga Forest, they will launch indiscriminate attacks. Qiubai and the others went straight to this "forbidden place".

The city is a civil Whale Forest is a purely military unit, so don't be too polite.

Although this giant elephant is very big, how big is the space on the back of the elephant? Coupled with Qiu Bai's straight-line walking method - even if there is no road in front of him, he will have a road when he walks over, so when the sky darkens, they have already approached the crooked-neck tree.

"Captain, it's not good for us to be close to the enemy at this time?" Monet said. Although she didn't know what happened to the Knights, but from the attitude of Qiu Bai before, it seemed that the other party was not simple. Compare with Peibo's words, It can be determined that the fur tribe is obviously more dominant in the night, so if there is a conflict with the opponent, it is not the right time.

"This... it doesn't matter, we also have players who are good at night activities."

Qiubai tilted his head slightly, Monet looked over there, and found that Cavendish, who was with him, had disappeared... It is a characteristic of Cavendish to lose control from time to time. Got cured.

Going a few steps further, the sound of battle has already been heard. Don't ask, this is "Rommel's Weasel" who has already met "The Furry Principality's Knights."