MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 274 Elephant Lord

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A country that is determined to forge ahead will naturally conquer the world after it is strong to a certain extent. There is nothing wrong with this logic. When they are invincible all over the world, they will also attack outer space.

However, the Kingdom of Gruid has not yet reached that level. Judging from the current world structure, the rather powerful country of that year has obviously fallen into the streets.

The tribute of the mermaid princess was clearly the beginning of it all, although no one realised it at the time.

"Then the question is, if the mermaid princess has the ability to control the sea kings again, why doesn't she use this ability to get rid of the kingdom's rule?" Qiubai looked back at the rock painting and said after looking back.

There are three answers. The first is that the mermaid princess was sick at that time and did not realize that this miraculous power was lurking in her body, or that her abilities had not been fully awakened.

As for the second possibility... Just look at Bai Xing, it is different to be able to do it and to do it. Assuming that the mermaid princess at that time also had such a character, the way she liberated the clan and got rid of the rule of the Kingdom of Gruid It must be similar to what Otohime does - she will adopt a mode of action that avoids bloodshed as much as possible, whether it is merman blood or human blood.

Third, what mermen and fish people need cannot be fully achieved by force. They need the "approval" of human beings. Everyone is equal intelligent creatures, not different. For example, fish people need equal treatment and access to sea and land. the power to act.

The mermaid princess seems to have presented a strange and precious seed to the kingdom, and she seems to have made some statement about the rarity of this thing, in an attempt to exchange this precious thing for the freedom of the people and the activities in the sun power.

But unfortunately, this transaction has not been successful for the time being. The king made a new request to her - the kingdom has to carry out two important projects, which are hidden and under certain considerations, one of which is the fish-man island 10,000 meters below the water. carried out, so humans need the cooperation of murlocs.

Unsurprisingly, the mermaid princess agreed to this request. After all, the fish people will get more things after it is repeated.

In the next rock painting is the description of the kingdom's scientific experiments, and there is finally the trace of Ralph Drew here.

Thousands of giant elephants, just like the sea kings before them, opened up wind paths with their tall and strong bodies and flocking effects. They came from the sea with slow steps and long noses. A large number of humans and implements came to the island.

Qiubai stroked the giant elephant on the rock painting, and then said, "What do you think? I think I know the name of one of the elephants in the pile. It's called...'Zou', right?"

"..." Peibo was completely stunned there.

"Does it feel absurd and real? It turns out that the truth is so close to us."

Zou has a lifespan of thousands of years and is undoubtedly an ancient creature that has survived from that era, but no one thought of it as a means of transportation for the kingdom to enter and leave the "final island" before.

And for Peibo, how close is it? That being said, the fur tribes have been eating and drinking on living fossils and historical relics. If some historians see this, they might have the intention of stewing all the fur tribes.

Regardless of how Ralph Drew at the end of the world was discovered, if so many giant elephants were tamed, this country does have the ability to break through the harsh external environment and enter here at will.

In this absolutely secret place, the Kingdom of Gruid established a city and began top-secret research.

On the Fishman Island, on the other hand, the kingdom set out to build two of the most powerful weapons in history.

"This should be the ancient weapons 'Pluto Pluto' and 'Uranus' as we call them now?"

A large number of murlocs assisted in the construction of these two weapons, and one of them was undoubtedly the appearance of a ship, which should be the ancient weapon Pluto.

So in the end, Tom the boatman will keep the blueprints of Hades? The three ancient weapons are inseparably related to the murlocs.

As for the Heavenly King, who is more powerful than Hades... After seeing its appearance, Qiubai understood why the Kingdom of Gruid needed the help of the mermaids.

Year after year, the giant elephants sent supplies and experimental materials to Ralph Drew again and again. After experiencing many difficulties, both experiments went on smoothly. The seeds grew and sprouted, and were cultivated into a lush forest. The woods, and finally bear fruit one by one.

The construction of the two ancient weapons also came to an end.

The word "secret" always implies the possibility of leaking secrets. The kingdom's experiments were known to other small countries, and when these experiments were successful, they were collectively destroyed, so for their own survival, they moved towards a union. .

However, even if they were brought together, they could not pose any threat to this huge kingdom, so they turned their attention to the most crucial character - the mermaid princess, who was an opportunity for a comeback.

They sent a young man to the mermaid princess.

"Joey Boy." Monet read the name of the man who really changed everything - the mermaid princess who can change everything, and he convinced the mermaid princess.

He is the hope of the Commonwealth of Kingdoms.

"Oh, is this Joey Poy? The protagonist of Haizhi Forest's historical text of apology? That is to say, what did he promise the princess, but it didn't come true in the end?" Qiu Bai said.

Crossing rivers and demolishing bridges is a consistent practice of human The promises made in advance are worthless, and the confession after the fact...what's the point?

Joey presented the Mermaid Princess with an order to steal from the Kingdom of Gruid. Once the two ancient weapons are completed, the Mermaid, Murloc, and Murloc Island will be the first to be destroyed... Perhaps in the construction of ancient weapons In the process, the kingdom has discovered the power of the princess and regarded her as a threat.

Murlocs can give birth to mermaid princesses, similar to the Saiyans that can give birth to super Saiyans, so there is only one way to never have future troubles, it is very simple, just blow up the entire planet Vegeta.

The union of the human kingdoms promised to the Mermaid Princess that they would fulfill all the requirements of the murlocs after success. Joyboy presented the princess with the design of a huge boat - Noah, the Promised Boat. In the future, the murlocs could take this boat The ship goes to the "land under the sun" that they long for freedom and equality.

The princess recalled the countless kin who died in the process of completing the ancient weapons. Sadness, anger, and betrayal made her shed tears. At this time, she could only turn to the United Kingdom of Humanity.

This was the one time and the last time he believed in humans.