MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 3 Deadly violet

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I looked at it, Tang Ye left the station and hired a car for rent into the city. When Tianming went to a clothing store and bought two sets of clothes, he found a telephone booth and dialed a phone number.

"Lisa, is Anthony in?" Tang Yan asked immediately after the call was connected.

"I'm Susan, I don't have Anthony here, only Pierre, are you looking for him?" Said a woman on the phone.

Tang Tang quickly said:

"I'm in Santa Barbara and let him bring my clothes. I'll wait for him in Central Park. The weather in Washington is bad and I'm going to travel to Egypt."

Tong Tang's phone contact was his special contact in the United States. His clothes were his equipment. As for the bad weather in Washington, it offended the US government. As for tourism, he was ready to run.

When he was a mercenary for four or five years, Tang Yan had his own method and hung up the phone. He quickly looked at the money in his hand and went to a computer store to buy a notebook and mobile phone. When he changed the new card, he put on a peaked cap. Camera angles go to the corner of Central Park;

Turn on the computer and connect to the Internet, check his account, there are still 650,000 US dollars, but this is his possessions, confirm that he has not washed white, put the notebook in a backpack, he sat for more than an hour A woman in her thirties walked with a bag and sat next to him.

Putting down the bag, the woman looked at the front and said:

"Our people are getting information. You are being tracked by the CIA and FBI. They have begun to look for your news in Santa Barbara. I have to go. Everything is inside. You can only leave by yourself;

I can't give you any news. A San Francisco-bound freighter Nishiyama Maru left two days later. Their first mate, Inoue Huai, is a greedy man who can take someone away if he gives him money. He usually gambles at the dock bar.

Well, you take care, I have informed your Thor's mercenary team, they have no time to support you in the task in Africa. "

"Thank you ..."

The woman got up and quickly left with sunglasses. Tang Yan opened the bag and took a look. There were two pistols and ten magazines, plus a micro punch and eight grenades. There were a dozen C4s and some equipment for making bombs. There is an additional combat suit.

Tang Yan pulled up his handbag and walked outside the park. As soon as he walked halfway, he saw a group of soldiers checking their identities. He hurried backwards and walked towards the door. There were also a few soldiers there. His eyes flickered to the park crowd, but where? There are also many police officers taking photos to compare.

Tang Yan walked around, and Central Park was full of inspectors. He quickly turned to a large statue in the middle of the park, took out two c4s in secret and quickly put them together under the statue. He lowered his head and walked to the gate no more than two. Sit on a chair in the shade of ten meters away.

"DaDa ..."

A burst of gunfire came from the side, but that was just the sound of a cell phone. A 16-year-old boy next to the chair was holding the cell phone to watch the movie. At this moment, a soldier came over and Tang Yue hurriedly detected The boy pretended to watch a movie with him.

In the picture of the mobile phone, a woman with pink glasses is avoiding bullets on a platform. More than 30 men beside her are falling down like cannibalism, watching one of the people in the picture being hit by the opposite bullet. In the middle of the eyebrows, when the sunglasses broke and flew, Tang Yan sighed. If he had such a powerful violet, he could kill all the police and soldiers here.

I was thinking in my heart, but Tang Yi felt a jerking frown. He felt like he was in the source code with his mouth open, and disappeared as soon as he fell apart and became a block.

No one around saw Tang Huan disappear, because at the same time he disappeared, he had appeared in front of a building, which was different from the building he knew, like a black sewing needle stuck in the ground Hundreds of floors are far higher than the real world building. Although I have never seen Tang Yue firsthand, I am very familiar with it. That is the building in the movie he just saw in the boy ’s mobile phone.

"Needle Tower ... Deadly Violet."

Tang Ye looked up at this high-rise building and whispered, yes, this is the world where the deadly violet movie is located. Tang Ye's eyes flickered and looked forward. He knew that this must have an impact after he got involved in the source code world. Why? Appeared here in a way that had no theory or explanation, but he knew that he had indeed crossed again.

"Boom boom boom ..."

There was a sound of explosion from the distance. Tang Yuan looked back. A helicopter was crashing near a building a kilometer away, while a motorcycle rushed into the other building from mid-air.

"Violet, just started? What should I do?"

Tang Tang asked himself, the story of the deadly violet was simple but dangerous, and the whole story was a main line to the end. Violet was a vampire infected with the HGV virus and was ordered to seize the so-called super weapon ~ ~ but found it was a child;

Originally thought that the antigen in the child's body was to destroy the vampire, but unexpectedly this antigen was developed by the president of the pharmaceutical company to deal with humans, hunting and fighting all the way, violet and vampire and pharmaceutical company continued to fight, and eventually killed the pharmaceutical company to rescue the infected virus Reborn child.

The development of the plot is simple, but the degree of danger makes even Tang Yi, a mercenary elite, feel scared. After being infected with the virus, the speed power and reaction height of the vampire are increased. Various advanced weapons can compress the space compression device of the object and can change the gravity. Instruments, and those quirky tech products.

There are good things here, but how to get it, how to find it, he can't meet the violet who is rushing to the needle tower, otherwise the vampire forces and other forces inside will definitely kill him, compared to the police in Central Park. The soldier is much more dangerous, where he still has a way to leave, how to avoid the crisis if he breaks into the needle tower?

As Tang Yan thought about it, a long-haired woman walked past him with a strange suitcase, and the faint fragrance made her head clear. He waited for the woman to disappear inside, and his eyes were pleased. I thought of a place.

At the graveyard, Tang Yan turned and walked to a nearby street sign. He looked at the map on the street sign. The graveyard is south of the city, but the needle tower is the center of the city. He also paid attention to the location of the laboratory of the pharmaceutical company.

Credit is needed here. Tang Yan has nothing to do with it. He carried a small backpack and carried a bag and headed towards the cemetery. Near the cemetery, Tang Yuan groaned a few times before he remembered that he was waking up. I haven't eaten anything till now.

In the source code laboratory, he relied on infusions to support his life, and he was empty when he woke up. If it wasn't for the idea of ​​escape, he would have eaten to fight hunger.