MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 5 Super purchase

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The large-scale shopping malls are all-encompassing. Tang Ye watched for a while and was full of curiosity. What kind of roll-type light film display, wrist-type personal terminal, and even anti-gravity personal aircraft, Tang Ye swiped one credit card and bought one Heaped the world's technology products. When he walked to an independent mall and saw a cylindrical object on display, he touched his finger and then a three-dimensional projection projected a beautiful woman softly explained:

"Welcome to visit the seventh-generation quantum computer group. After seven generations of improvement, the current quantum computer group has become smaller and more powerful. One set of the first-generation quantum computer group is equivalent to one million sets of computing power of the original supercomputer group. However, the current seventh-generation quantum computer group is equivalent to half a million times of the sixth generation, and its volume has been reduced by a hundred times. If the combination is calculated, the effect is better. "


Tang Yan calculated for a while, that is to say, this quantum computer group is now several billion billion times more powerful than all real-world computers in its computing power. Such powerful computing power has not let Earth people leave the earth for extra galaxy exploration. It's too wasteful.

It is said that with the anti-gravity system, there is no gravity problem on the spacecraft or any space base, and it will not be possible to cause high-speed death of human brain cells and bone problems in interstellar travel;

The computing power of the computer can also allow the spacecraft to evade and automatically navigate, and he has seen the current special energy devices. The anti-gravity system and the space compression device both use helium three energy blocks. Since they can be mined on the moon, Energy, but can't make a large spacecraft seems unreasonable.

"10 billion credit points ... the price is a bit expensive."

Tang Yan looked at the price of the seventh-generation quantum computer group. He opened all the credit cards and looked at them. The credit card in the hands of the rebel leader was only more than three billion, which was more than other people. Tens of thousands of times.

I thought for a moment, Tang Yan's eyes flashed and said:

"I only have 3.3 billion on my credit card. Can I pay in installments?"

Projection commentator said:

"Yes, three billion yuan in advance can be divided into ten months and ten installments. If it is delayed, the technology company will locate the location of the system and retrieve it."

I can't afford to pay in installments. Of course, Tang Yan has to buy it. Although I do n’t know if it ’s useless for the time being, but if he gets it back to the earth, he promises to make a fortune.

Swipe the card and mention it, Tang Yan directly collected the computer group and auxiliary system equipment in the compressor. These things use helium three energy blocks to provide energy. He hurried to the energy company to make installments to buy the value of forty. Billion of various energy blocks.

Tang Tang has the courage to make instalments. Of course, it is not that he can afford it, but that he can be sure that he cannot stay in the world for a month. At that time, these companies must have the ability to cross the plane to collect debts.

I spent most of my credit cards, and when Tang bought an automated RV, I ran out of money. He drove the car to the parking lot and spent the night studying various new things.

I tested three projectors, and the projection of this thing could hardly see any difference. Tang Yi bought at least 30 of these gadgets. He also bought two wrist-type personal terminals, and he almost bought other new gadgets. Seeing what to buy, anyway, the money is not his spending a little unhappy.

At dawn, Tang Yan drove his motorhome to the fork in front of the experimental base. From yesterday's infection to the present, he has not only improved his physical fitness and perception ability, but he doesn't feel the danger of the virus. No different from before.

However, the HGV virus would be exhausted in 12 years and the shadow of his host died together, otherwise he would not risk the experimental base. From early morning to the afternoon, a large dark red container truck rushed to the experimental base, Tang Yan quickly Driving behind, a few minutes later the container truck stopped at a fork in the road, and Tang Yong also hurried to another fork to put away the RV.

Violet appeared, and she rushed along the trail to the experimental base. With the sound of gunfire, the violet rushed to the base of the base like a wind.

Tang Tang was also infected with the HGV virus, but he was not familiar with the ability to control the improvement, so he hid all the way behind and had been delayed for several minutes.

Entering the lobby of the experimental base, Tang Yan looked at the corpse on the ground and looked at the base map. A spherical area straight into the path was the experimental area, the right was the drug production area, and the left was the storage area. He hurried to the left. The storage area ran, and when he rushed to the gate of the storage area, more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers raised their guns and began shooting at him.

Under the keen perception and strong reaction force, after Tang Yan's body dodged behind a pillar ~ ~, he popped two high explosive grenades with his hands, pulled the ring and threw it into the crowd.

"Boom ..."

In the strong explosion, hundreds of small steel pills popped out of the high-explosive grenade. In a burst of screams, Tang Yan appeared from behind the pillar, and his two pistols moved in a snap. Kill the screaming soldiers one by one.

After solving these soldiers blocking the road, Tang Ye quickly rushed to the door. This door requires identity verification and genetic verification. Forcibly opening it will sound an alarm. At this time, Tang Ye will take care of so much. After pressing the remote control after running to the column, the door was blown up directly with a powerful explosion, and a harsh alarm sound over the base could be heard even ten miles away.

After opening the door, Tang Ye rushed into the storage area. This pharmaceutical company developed a lot of drugs. Tang Ye kept searching along the name on the shelf. After waiting for a few minutes, he saw the electronic display of HGV in a refrigerator. Slow release and detoxifying serum identification.

There are at least thousands of slow-release agents and hundreds of detoxifying serum in the refrigerator. Tang Ye took away the entire refrigerator together, and then put away hundreds of injection guns on a shelf and ran out.

When he ran to the lobby, a roar came from the experimental area, he shook his head secretly. This state must be the scream of the pharmaceutical company's boss being burned to death. Just took a serum and put it on the injection gun and aimed at the arm.

Looking at the serum that can completely solve the HGV virus, Tang Ye hesitated. This virus can improve the combat effectiveness. Even if it is dead, it will be twelve years later. His eyes flashed and said in a low voice:

"Twelve years, then I will not clear the virus for a while, I will consider these things when I get out of hunting."