MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 514 Hongmeng 1 Tang slang

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With his palm spread out, Tang Yan drew his keys and looked at the passage in front. He whispered:

"It ’s okay to look at it. Now that I have reached the peak of the seventh turn, the world in Dantian has also reached the Hongmeng world category, and I have almost broken all the big cell worlds into chaos. As long as I reach one step, I can reach Have realm

Yes, all the laws of the world, the cycle of time and space are in my eyes. Perhaps I can rely on this power to solve the biggest mystery in me. "

The biggest mystery of Tang Yan is the source code. The power that can travel through any space and time is so powerful that he can only feel in himself, but he can't know what this power is without a breakthrough.

Into the eternal space, Tang Yan went straight to the stone monument and looked at the obscured text. Tang Yan gritted his teeth and stretched his hand directly on it. Suddenly his eyes lighted up, his hand was on it, and the obscured light completely disappeared. The glory of all the obscuration that he had obliterated disappeared, but his eyes became incomparable.

"Hongmeng's Tang slang, everything turns three times ..."

The fourteen words above are simple and straightforward. Tang Xun refers to himself. Tang Xun walked in front of the stone tablet for a while. When he saw the bottom of the text, it was a palm print. Tang Xuan put his hand In this palm win, suddenly a huge and incomparable energy burst into Tang Wei's body.

In Tang Juan's body, all the cellular world is turned into chaos, but the energy released in this stele has not been one billionth of it. Tang Juan is constantly absorbing energy. When the entire body energy has completely reached its peak, Tang He began to compress his eight-turn power.

The eight-strength force requires immense energy, but the stele still fully supports his absorption. In the eternal space, Tang Qi ’s momentum continues to expand. If the entire world has been alarmed by the real world, it will have no effect here.


The stele finally stopped delivering energy and collapsed. In the center of the collapsed stele, a stone sculpture exactly the same size as a human appeared in Tang Yan's eyes. Looking at the stone carving, Tang Yan opened his mouth for a while and whispered:

"Everything is clear after the robbery. You have to wait for the robbery to know what it is."

Tang Yan didn't swear, because the stone sculpture in front of him is exactly the same as him, and he is not interested in scolding himself, but the stele gives him powerful energy but it is real. He waved his hand to collect all the rubble, and then looked at his own At the statue, he couldn't help but open his mouth and said:


Out of the eternal space, narcissistically, Tang Yue's bunch of women are there. Although there are only seven, it seems to many people that Tang Yue's wife is already many, especially those who can't find his wife, and will definitely express his dislike for him. Moreover, there is an additional posthumous existence that has not yet been transformed into an adult. It is estimated that countless people will envy.

"How's the situation?" Xiu Weiwu, the highest one, asked Tang Yan when he saw it.

"Slayering is indeed about to begin. Wait for me to go to the Nether Temple.

Tang Yan's eyes flashed for a while and said:


Tang Yan didn't think about it that much, but in fact the killing was because of his word. The killing was initiated by him, not for him to shoot. The ship he built was Hongmeng killing.

Positioning the Nether Temple, Tang Xuan appeared directly in this legendary place. It is not that ordinary people dare not occupy this floating continent, because everyone will use them as enemies.

There used to be a temple of vanity, the biggest force that dominated Hongmeng. After being inexplicably destroyed, it remained barren until the first Hongmeng robbery, three powerful Taoists were killed, two Taoist nuns disappeared, and the holy mountain city Hundreds of avenues were killed by a powerful mech. In the **** rain of Hongmeng for three days and three nights, everyone knew that the robbery had come.

The subsequent killing did not begin, but the two female nuns ordered the dissolution of all major forces, and everything returned to peace.

The floating continent of the Nether Temple was deserted again, but billions of years ago, two powerful Taoists occupied the floating continent and formed the Holy Road Gate. Hundreds of avenues and thousands of days in the middle and late days guarded the floating island. At the same time, control of the holy mountain city that has been chaotic.

At this time Tang Yan was standing in front of the highest peak of the floating continent, and Xiao Longlin was still lazy on his shoulder, but now whoever writes this Scorpion West will definitely be killed by scourge.

Xiao Longlin also ate the Hongmeng Wujing. The purity of blood is the same as that of Tang Yuan. Longlin, who has always been difficult to break through the heavens, broke through the heavens at the moment of Wujing's integration. In the following three billion years, it has already relied on its powerful capabilities. To the top of the avenue;

With the ability that Dragon Lin can resist any energy attack and the ability to achieve teleportation speed, whoever wants to trouble Dragon Lin is asking for trouble.

"Uh ..."

Tang Yan appeared on the highest peak of the floating island, and the disciples in charge of the surrounding area who found him were watching him ~ ~ With a burst of warning, four figures appeared in front of Tang Yue.

Two masters in the state in black robes with golden masks, and the resurrection of Lord Otani of the Demon Valley and Lord Otani of Nigani, the four of them looked at the dragon Lin's eyes on Tang Yan's shoulders, and a resurrection suddenly occurred. Laughed:

"Being able to come out of eternal space is worthy of being robbed."

Tang Yan captured Long Lin and laughed:

"The elders and two elders who can control the already accomplished state can build the gates for you, and the two valley owners are indeed rare."

The two great masters of the Holy Door are masters of the Magic Devil Valley. Tang Yuan is not surprised. Resurrection and death are the strongest in the later stages of the state, of course, they can not only be reflected in the news of the Magic Devil Valley.

Fusheng still smiled, but desperately said coldly:

"I should have killed you in the first place, and staying here really turned into a poster child."

Tang Yan laughed:

"Do you regret the medicine? You don't have it. Your magical valley is devoted to controlling Hongmeng and it has nothing to do with me, but why do you have nothing to do for a slang of a stele?

When I got here, I knew one or two. You Phantom Valley already has four masters of the state, and they have been hidden from the public. If you want to establish prestige, you must use my so-called robbery responder, right? "

Fusheng said cheerfully:

"Yes, if you want to be Hongmeng's true overlord, if you ca n’t even control the robber, how can you dominate Hongmeng. Today you are here, we have informed the entire Hongmeng, and now almost all the people of the great power are rushing to the Holy Mountain city

By the way, their purpose is to destroy the spaceship when you appeared. Do n’t think that we have no news at all. So many people in the gravity death zone see the big spacecraft ignore the strongest gravity. I guess you will be here. With you, the whole Hongmeng robbery is over. "

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